jonathantwatson · 5 years
Why You Should Avoid Nightshade Vegetables in Your Diet
Among nature's many delicious and amazing fruits and vegetables, there are a few types that have been known to cause mild to severe discomfort in the people who ingest them. For most people plants in the variety of nightshade are relatively harmless, and make for great additions to meals, but for those who suffer from […]
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
How Moringa Will Improve Your Health and Vitality
When you’re looking at that massive range of new and tempting foods that are available as they compete for the title of absolute “superfood for health,” it’s important to consider the content of the nutrients that the food contains. Many will boast of nutritional content, but few will match the might of the moringa. If […]
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
What is the ketogenic diet and why should I care
The Keto diet isn't going anywhere. It has been around for years and it is still continuing to gain traction as more people give it the attention it deserves. If you don't know what it is already, the ketogenic (“keto”) diet is a lifestyle that many people choose in order to burn fat. The ketogenic …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
What ketosis is and what ketosis is not
Your body loves redundancy. In fact, that's one of the major reasons why there are so many different approaches that can be taken to fat loss. But, one of the major diets of today relies on one state of fat burning that is worth analysis. This diet is the ketogenic diet, which promotes fat loss …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
Is being Keto Safe and Healthy or Not
The ketogenic diet is just one of many to make it into the health and fitness spotlight in recent years. The diet asks participants to do just two simple things: lower your carb intake and up your fat intake. This effectively forces the body into a state of ketosis, which is the body's way to …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
What Can You Eat and Drink on a Keto Diet?
If you have spent any amount of time looking into weight loss diets, the ketogenic diet has most certainly come up. But, what does the keto diet entail? A few minutes of reading will reveal to you that the ketogenic diet is based mainly around consuming as few carbs as possible. But, there's a little …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
This is How Keto Will Accelerate Fat Loss
Millions of people struggle with weight loss each and every year. If you're one of them, you have probably searched high and low looking for a diet that can support you on your weight loss journey. While there is no “quick fix” there are different diets out there, and many of them are effective. That …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
All You Need to Know About Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting does not describe a specific form of typical fasting. The intermittent fasting (also called interval fasting), however, denotes a certain eating rhythm. Compared to actual fasting you do eat during intermittent fasting, but only eat at certain times and especially only at certain intervals. You switch between periods of eating and periods of …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
The What, When and How to Manage Autoimmune Diseases Naturally
Autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s, Hashimoto’s, lupus, and Celiac disease can have a large impact on your life. When you suffer from one of these inflammatory diseases, it causes chronic pain, fatigue, constant flare-ups, diet restrictions, and mental issues in many cases as well. Any time you are dealing with chronic pain, it is important …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
The Not-So-Good Truth about Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes are often lauded as a way to (almost literally!) have your cake and eat it too, when it comes to sweet treats. But that doesn’t mean that they’re all pros with no cons. In fact, artificial sweeteners can have some very notable downsides, as we’ll explain in this comprehensive guide …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
We place ads in front of prospects who best match the exact demographic and psychographic of your perfect prospectgiving you the highest profitable and long-term clients for life.
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
STRATEGIC-TARGETING We place ads in front of prospects who best match the exact demographic and psychographic of your perfect prospectgiving you the highest profitable and long-term clients for life. REAL-TIME LEAD UPDATES When inquiries are generated you will receive a real-time email and text to let you know within moments of it happening. You’ll be …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
5 Quick and Simple Tips for Exercising When You Are Super Busy
For some people, the 24 hours in a day is still not enough to fit in a workout schedule. Between struggling to balance a busy career with family life and possibly studies, it may seem like there is hardly any time left to exercise regularly. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to give …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
5 Simple Reasons Why Juicing is Great for your Health
Juicing and its health benefits have received a huge amount of publicity in recent years with celebrities, fitness gurus, personal trainers and more praising the positive effects of juicing. In this article I’m going to be taking a deeper look at the buzz behind juicing and listing all its health benefits. 5 Amazing Benefits for …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
How to Overcome the Habit of Emotional Eating
Many of us are familiar with the concept of emotional eating. We've heard it somewhere, though that doesn't apply to me, and moved on. But we are left thinking to ourselves one question over and over, what is Comfort Eating (really)? For many, food is closely associated with emotion. It's used to celebrate, to mourn, …
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jonathantwatson · 5 years
The Best Whole Foods to Get Your Probiotics Naturally
I'm often asked, “Are probiotics good for you?” Short answer, based on my experiences living with a chronic autoimmune disease — HECK YES!! To do your own due diligence, check out some of the amazing research by Dr. Perlmutter in his book, Brain Maker (click here for free chapter). There are many foods that contain probiotics. …
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