jphothisane-blog1 · 5 years
What’s Done In The Dark, Always Come To Light.
When you think that you know someone, but you really don’t. How could you be with someone for so many years, and in turn say that you are no longer in love with that person? When does this happen in a marriage or relationship? When it does happen, how come you dont come and speak on it? Why would you want to seek advice from another woman?
How could you break up a happy home because you wanted to be selfish and do you? Did you now think about the lives that it would affect? Did you now think about the kids? Yes, they may be grown, but that still doesn’t mean that it wont hurt. How are you suppose to be a role model for them, when you were okay with doing what you did? And then you wanted to take it back like it would be easy to forget.
When this all happened, did you now think about me? Your wife? Your partner for over 26 years? Your ride or die? The mother of your boys?
As a friend to all of this, I am in disbelief. I really thought highly of you and had so much respect for you. You even broke my heart. When I looked at you, I thought to myself wow, he loves her so much and i love the way they are best friends, as well as husband and wife. You really fooled me. Had me thinking you guys were forever.
I hope you find your way and what you are looking for. I hope you know that you really hurt a lot people. Not just her, the kids, but family and friends. I hope whatever it is was worth losing your entire world.
-from a sad friend.
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jphothisane-blog1 · 5 years
I Remember...
I remember how things use to be and how good they were. Not that things aren’t great now, but I remember when we use to do a lot of things just for us, and our get-aways would be about us.
I know that we said when we had kids things would not change, but that is impossible to believe. Everything we do we think about our son first, and soon it will be our son and daughter that will come first before our needs and want.
Nevertheless, we are going to have to find time for us and find us again. I see you each day and I miss you tremendously. How is that possible? Do other couples/marriages do through this? Am I crazy for feeling this way? How could you live with someone, but still feel lonely?
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jphothisane-blog1 · 5 years
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Our family portrait with our baby girl. We love you sweet girl and your father, and brother cannot wait to meet you, hold you, kiss you, smell you, and love on you. We cannot wait to meet you <3. You are apart of a great family and we are so thrilled that you picked us to be your parents.
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jphothisane-blog1 · 5 years
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My greatest gift that has ever entered this world. He makes me heart melt every single day. He is the reason I wake up and do what I do each day. He is the reason that I am alive. When he calls me “mama, or mom” I cannot get enough of that. I love this little boy more than he will ever know. He is the reason I am a mother. <333
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jphothisane-blog1 · 5 years
When Do You Realize That You Need To Grow Up?
When will someone grow up? How do you know when someone is growing up and learning that he or she is now married, with a family of their own? At what age does this hit a person? When do you learn to not be selfish and put your family first? I know at times we want to be selfish and that is okay, but when will you learn that when you have kids involved, they should and need to be first always.
I get that we all need “me” time, but when you have children involved, that will be very hard until they get to a certain age and can do things on their own. Until then, no matter what is going on in this world, the child comes first.
My son has given me life and a new way at looking at life. He has made be grow up a lot and real fast. I also have another child on the way, and I know she will change my world as well. I know that raising a girl will be different from raising a boy. It has been such a great joy having my son.
My husband and I have been married for 14 years and it took us 13 years to have our first child. Our son has truly been the biggest blessing in our life and I love him so much. He is the best part of my day. I love waking up to him and i love all of his hugs and kisses. Our son truly amazes me every single day. He is a fast learner and he is so smart.
With his baby sister on the way, I hope he loves her as much as we do already. I hope that he will always have her back and always be there for her.
Nevertheless, the moment i knew that I was pregnant with my son, i knew already the kind of mother I wanted to be and was going to be. For as long as it took me to have him, I will give him and his sister the world. The Lord blessed me with not one, but two children that I can call mine and whom I will love unconditionally until I am out of this world.
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jphothisane-blog1 · 5 years
Today is the day...
Today is the day I walk across this stage to recieve my diploma for MHA!! I’ve worked hard to get this and at first i didn’t want to even come and accept this.
At the end of the day, I did this do this for my family, but especially for myself. Congrats to me!!
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jphothisane-blog1 · 5 years
This weekend my family and I flew into Chicago to celebrate my commencement. I also got a little surprise from my husband. My cousin/sister from HI flew to the mainland to visit her family, but she also took time out to come up and see me on my big day. I truly appreciate it. I’ve missed her so much and she’s my bestest friend ever. I love that girl. Rosa, I can’t thank you enough for showing up and supporting me.
I am also happy that you and sterling finally got to meet Nesta. Thank you for the gifts, but you really didn’t have too. Showing up this weekend meant the world to me.
Family means a lot to me and when I say you are family, i mean it.
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jphothisane-blog1 · 6 years
The love of my life <3
Hubby and I found out in Novemeber that we are expecting our first child!  We have been together for 16 years and this was such amazing news for us.  This all happen because I had the gastric bypass and lost 100 pounds.  I never thought that weight was my issue, but come to find out it was.
I am thankful for the gastric bypass because with this surgery I was able to get pregnent and I have waiting for so long to get pregnant.  Nesta is the love of my life and I love him so much already.
When we found out I was already 6.5 months along and now I am 8 months along.  We have 6 weeks to go and still have a lot to do and get for the baby.  We still need a co-sleeper and a mamaroo.  We already have a stroller and a carseat so we are good there.  I also need to pick up baby detergent to wash his clothes.  
Hubby loves his son already.  He cannot get enough of rubbing on my belly and he is already spoiling him.  He is very loved by so many who have been waiting for him.  We love you Nesta King!
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jphothisane-blog1 · 7 years
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On this night we went to see Dustin Lynch and other artists in concert.  It was such a great night for all of us.  We sang our hearts out and danced the night away.  Hubby loves Dustin Lynch’s music and we had some really great seats.  Thanks to the military for our free tickets (:  
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jphothisane-blog1 · 7 years
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Hubby took our niece out for a fun night at Kart Ranch and as you can tell by this picture, she is really enjoying herself.  I wish I could be there with them.  She has grown up so much since the last time we saw her.  She is now talking, running, potty trained, and so much more.  I just hope she didn’t forget me.  We FaceTime each week, but it is not the same as being there in person with her.  
None the less, i love this picture of her and it says a lot.  
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jphothisane-blog1 · 7 years
It’s been a while...
It’s been a while since I’ve got on. I need to start blogging more often, but i get lazy and I forget too.  So much has happened in the last months.  I am back in school.  Going back and getting my masters.  Right now I am in my second class and it’s going alright.  Not really interested in marketing but I have to take it in order to get this degree.  
Our niece Maddyn is so big now.  She is talking, and is so smart. I hate living so far from her because i feel she has forgotten who we are.  We aren’t around as much and don’t go home that often.  However, we will be heading home soon and I cannot wait to see her and spoil her.
I will be going to my #Saints home game and i cannot wait (: I am also attending my first LSU home game with hubby and Maddyn. 
Tonight is a big night for LSU.  We are playing bama so lets hope we get this WIN!  Please lord!!  Geaux Tigers beat Bama!
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jphothisane-blog1 · 7 years
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My baby girl is not a baby anymore. We have a toddler on our hands. She is so smart and I love her so much. She is our hearts ❤️❤️❤️
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jphothisane-blog1 · 7 years
Good morning.  So for this year I have set aside some goals that I need to accomplish. 
First goal:  Lose 100 pounds by March 7.
Second goal:  Keep up with three planners.  On the go planner, memory planner, and ECLP.
Third goal:  Continue to work out.  Push yourself harder.  Take muscle and zumba classes. 
Fourth goal:  Eat healthier, make more visits to the doctors, and follow up.
Fifth goal:  Get back on medications and take better care of self.
In the end, I know I can do this.  I have a huge support group that will always have my back and support my goals.  I just have to believe in myself and push  myself harder.  I have to stop being lazy and I really need to find a gym buddy.  Having a gym buddy will help motivate me even more and push  me to go every single day to the gym.  Other than that, I have also been thinking about getting back into school to earn my Master’s.  The only thing holding me back is the student loans, ugh! 
Have a good day!
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jphothisane-blog1 · 7 years
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jphothisane-blog1 · 7 years
New Year 2017
It has been such a very long time since I have been on here to blog.  The last time was probably around my birthday time.  Since then I have lost 85 pounds and I am out of the 200's.  Finally!  I was almost at 300 pounds and I am so happy that I did this surgery.  This was the best choice of my life.  It really saved me. 
Hubby and I are doing well.  We are hanging in there and getting use to his new position.  Well, at least I am.  We have been enjoying ourselves but I honestly do not like Fort Bragg area.  I would rather move back to VA and live there. 
Haven't really made friends out here in the area besides the people my husband and I work with and of course our old friends from where we moved from.  Honestly, there isn't much to follow up on.  Things are great, family and friends are doing well, and our niece Maddyn is growing up way too fast. 
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jphothisane-blog1 · 8 years
iPhone 7
Have you all seen the new iPhone 7?  What do you guys think about it?  I am in love with the black one.  I also cannot wait until the iOS comes out on the 13th!! I am so thrilled and can't wait for it to come out.  I want this new iPhone 7 but I will wait to watch the reviews from everyone else.  
Today my brother turned 21 and i cannot wait to see him and my parents tmr.  I cannot wait to celebrate with him.  Happy Birthday Andrew.  I love you forever and always.
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jphothisane-blog1 · 8 years
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This was my 33rd birthday gift from hubby <3  I love it!  I am able to workout and enjoy riding my bike.  It has been years since I rode a bike but now we do it often.  Hubby also got himself a road bike, so in the evening and weekends we will go bike riding around the neighborhood.  Loving this country lifestyle.  It is really relaxing (:
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