jules-x-adventure · 9 years
((So I have some news.
After much talk and discussion with others, I’ve decided I’m making Jules indie. I first off want to emphasize that it has nothing to do with anyone in PAC, and that I’m actually very sad to leave. PAC was basically my life for a year, and I loved every minute of it.
However, whenever I try to revive Jules, I fall flat. I’ve limited her with her story, and because of that I can’t even have her travel outside of Kalos, which makes it hard to interact with others. Plus I see a lot of PAC AUs that I can’t really join in, not because anyone is excluding me, but because I don’t really know much about them. So I just think having her as an indie blog and rebooting her will provide her with so many more opportunities. 
I’ll still be around if anyone wants to interact-I have no issue threading with PAC blogs. Jules’ new, WIP blog is here, and I hope to get it running in the near future.
Thank you all for the wonderful memories and fun times. This blog and the PAC folder on my computer will never be deleted. I wish you all the best and so much more.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I love you all very much.))
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
((Hey guys (or whoever is still following). I’m still here I swear.
I just really don’t know what I’m doing anymore with Jules. Not a lot, I guess. And I’m not sure how to get her active again. I’m tempted to make a new blog and reboot her, like others have been doing, but...I really don’t know. If anyone has any suggestions or advice I’d really appreciate it.))
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
¥ Go mudding (it would be funny if she actually encountered quickmud in the process)
So many requests on her HoloCaster today! What could it be now?! She’d just taken a seat again.
Except once she read it, Jules’ expression soured. Mud. Not her favorite thing in the world. Plus it wasn’t like she could get up and do that now, in the middle of work. Very quickly, she sent a message back to the mysterious sender.
[text]After work, okay?[/text]
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
¥ Shake yo groove thang :o
Send me a ¥ and a command and my muse has to obey.
Oh, like she would complain to that. Besides, things were too quite in the office!
Pushing herself out of her seat, Jules hurried over to Alexa’s desk, turning up the radio as she passed by it. The noise was enough to catch the attention of the other reporters, who gave the girl curious looks as she grabbed her friend by the hand and guide her into the open space in front of the windows.
“Jules! What on earth are you doing?!” The redhead laughed, but Jules only answered by leaning her into a dance, twirling the older woman around as best she could.
Yes, they needed a little break like this.
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
If you could go back and redo your journey through Kalos, assuming you remembered how everything went the 'first' time, how do you think you would change things?
All in the name of character development, send my muse prying asks about anything and everything.
“Hm...That’s a good question, anon.” Pursing her lips, Jules propped her head up on her hands and glanced out the window.
“There’s the obvious things, of course, like pushing the other button. But there’s not a whole lot I would change. I loved every minute of it, you know? I guess maybe I would have complained a little less about things like the swamp and the cold, and maybe packed better-to be fair I was still unpacking at the new house and it was kind of a sudden thing-but overall I made good friends and had the adventure of a lifetime. And who wouldn’t want that?
So I guess I would just go back and do it again for the fun of it. I kinda miss traveling like I did.”
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
i won’t lie
i am in fact an “attention whore”
i need to feel like i actually matter to people
i need to feel like i’m not a totally horrible person
i need to feel like there are people who love me
because i’m certainly not gonna do it myself
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
¥ drink a whole gallon of chocolate milk!
Send me a ¥ and a command and my muse has to obey.
When she returned to her desk, having make extra sure there was no charcoal stuck in her teeth, Jules found the jug of milk and a message on her HoloCaster, sent my an unknown number. She eyed the milk warily. They expected her to drink the whole gallon?
Oh well, worse had clearly happened today. Plus it wasn’t as if they were asking her to chug it; she would sip it at her leisure throughout the day.
So, sitting back down, she pour her first glass into an unused coffee mug and returned to her work, every so often taking a sip.
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
¥ Snack on a piece of charcoal.
Send me a ¥ and a command and my muse has to obey.
She actually barely noticed she’d done it. So engrossed in typing up her latest article, Jules didn’t even glance up when someone dropped a cup of coffee and a snack off at her desk. Reaching over, the writer picked up the stick, stirred it in her drink, and brought it to her mouth.
It was only after she’d bitten it that she realized it wasn’t a biscotti. 
Her free hand flew up to her mouth, her eyes fixated on the object in her hand. As she rushed to the bathroom to rinse out her mouth, she dropped the charcoal stick into the trash.
Great. What a waste of good coffee.
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
On a scale of cuddles to rough sex i need everything on the fucking scale.
- Anonymous  (via thefelixkot)
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
Send me a ¥ and a command and my muse has to obey.
Take advantage of this…….
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
strip tease
Guess my muse’s turn-ons
“What’s not to like? Especially if I’m the one giving the strip tease~”
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
Guess my muse’s turn-ons
“I don’t mind a little nipping here and there-in fact it’s kind of exciting-but I’m not one who likes to be covered in bite marks the next day. Apparently it’s distracting in the work place.”
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
Guess my muse’s turn-ons
“What ever gave you that idea, anon? I mean, I suppose you could say I like someone in a sexy little something…”
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
Guess my muse's turn-ons
Send me one guess and I’ll rate it:
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
Tumblr media
((Quick sketch of Jules' new hairstyle. I'll try to do a better, colored version later. In the meantime, any Pokémon anyone wants to see me draw? ))
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jules-x-adventure · 9 years
((I’m at that point where there’s so much that I want to breed, but I’m running out of room in my boxes. Maybe it’s time to do some clean-up!
So I’m one of those people that doesn’t trade off any 5 IV babies I get, and as a result, I have a lot of them. And I want to offer them up to you guys. You don’t have to give me anything good in return, unless you want to (I’m currently really in need of a HA Tyrunt); I’ll take whatever is filling up your own PC. So I have (and please keep in mind that the IVs are all random, but you are promised 5 IVs for your own breeding):
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