julethiefs · 2 years
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[ID: a digital drawing of carmen and julia from carmen sandiego. it is done with a pixel brush, and it is of carmen giving julia a kiss on the cheek, while julia smiles widely. there are hearts in the background framing them. the background is a mix of purples. End ID.]
”and i’m only me when i’m with you” || gift for peaches @caruliaa !!! i made this to go along with this very very lovely carulia art by them, so pls pls check it out >:33!!
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julethiefs · 2 years
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[Image description: a digital drawing of julia argent from carmen sandiego holding two cats in her arms and with one laying on her shoulder. Her eyes are closed and she is smiling. There are red hearts around her. /End description]
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julethiefs · 2 years
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[image description: a digital drawing of carmen and julia from the 2019 carmen sandiego reboot. carmen is kissing julia on the cheek with her eyes closed happily, and julia is laughing also with her eyes closed happily. carmen is notable wearing red lipstick and julia has many lipstick kissie marks all over her face and both of them are blushing. the background is purple and they have many red hearts around them. /End description]
kissie !!! :> (wanted 2 post smth carulia 4 tht tsonts anniversary even tho its not tsonts themed so i hope u enjoy !! :])
rbs are greatly appreciated <3
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julethiefs · 2 years
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[Image description: a digital drawing of julia argent from carmen sandiego holding two cats in her arms and with one laying on her shoulder. Her eyes are closed and she is smiling. There are red hearts around her. /End description]
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julethiefs · 2 years
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❣ only love, only love, will save us now !!! ❣
[image description: digital fanart of carmen sandiego from the 2019 reboot. she is wearing her classic outfit or a red coat and hat while in a pose and tipping her hat. she is winking and blushing and there are lots of red hearts around her that take up most of the drawing. /End description]
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julethiefs · 2 years
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:> !!!!! 💖💖💖
[image description: digital fanart of carmen sandiego and julia argent holding each other. both of them are smiling and blushing and carmen has her eyes closed. there are lots of red hearts around them and the background is light purple. /End description]
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julethiefs · 2 years
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happy halloween >:3 !! 🥀🦇🔮🎃💜✨
[image description: a digital drawing featuring carmen and julia from carmen sandiego. Carmen is in her witch outfit from the halloween episode and julia dressed as a vampire. they are holding hand with each other and both of them are blushing. Carmen is smiling and looking at julia who is grinning and has her eyes closed. there are purple hearts all around them and the background is orange. /End description]
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julethiefs · 2 years
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❣🌹 burning red !!! 🌹❣
[image description: a digital drawing featuring carmen sandiego and julia argent kissing each other. they are both blushing and there are red hearts surrounding them and red roses as a border at the bottom. there is dark red text above and underneath them that reads “‘cause loving her was / RED!” with the dot of the exclamation point is a heart and the background is also a slightly lighter red and there is a red overlay and filter over the top. /End description
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julethiefs · 2 years
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📷🌹❣️didnt read the note on the polaroid picture, they dont know how much i miss you !!! ❣️🌹📷
(reblogs r appreciated !! 💞)
[image description: two images. the first is a digital drawing of a polaroid of carmen sandiego and julia argent next to each other. julia is grinning with her eyes closed and carmen is smiling and looking at her fondly and both of them are blushing. the second image is the same as the first but with red hearts drawn over the picture and a note at the bottom the reads “i had so much fun!! missing you already ❤❤ - carmen xoxo”. /End description]
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julethiefs · 2 years
okay so. julia and carmen are both horrible at sleeping, right. like this is practically canon from how julia stays up for nights on ends working (see: VILE history caper) and carmen’s entire job is travelling the world and experiencing permanent jet lag. they can both fall asleep very quickly when they choose to do so, but the thing is that they don’t.
so then when they start living together, it starts getting a little concerning. one night, carmen will head down to the kitchen at 3 AM for a glass of water, and sitting smack dab in the middle of the dining table is julia with her eyes peeled, an empty mug of coffee nearby, staring at her laptop screen and her fingers speed typing up reports. carmen jumps a foot in the air and drops the glass of water. they have both broken several glasses and mugs this way.
and then there’s julia who will be sleeping and she’ll roll over to cuddle her girlfriend and?? she’s not there?? so she gets really panicked because carmen always lets her know when she’s leaving and going somewhere. she rushes down the stairs and nearly trips seeing carmen parked on the couch eating chips and checking over mission plans in the dark.
obviously, both of them start scolding each other. like:
basically, carmen and julia are two very stubborn individuals with no regards for their own health. eventually, team red has to get involved.
at one point, zack and ivy shove them both in their shared bedroom at 10 PM and they stand outside of it with pillows like: we’re both going to sleep here and keep guard. if you two leave through the windows we will know and we will kill you.
anyway they do that for a week and it’s very successful! everyone thank zack and ivy for fixing julethief’s sleep schedules! <3
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julethiefs · 2 years
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[ID: a carmen sandiego gifset. there are 6 gifs, with 2scenes running in parallel. the first scene is on the train from the chasing paper caper. it starts with julia telling camren, “feel free to use it, until my partner gets back.” carmen asks, “partner?” and julia clarifies, “travel partner.”
the second scene is in julia’s university office. carmen points at her schedule, which has devineaux’s name written on one day, and asks, “catching up with another old friend?” julia replies, “oh, it’s just lunch. agent devineaux wishes to pick my brain about a project he’s working on.” carmen smiles and says, “that makes two of us.” /end ID.]
carulia + “oh do NOT worry about chase”
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julethiefs · 2 years
wait ok im kindaa on the fence abt this so like. no promises but ik the old carulia server (the oone ppl still use, not the old, old carulia server) is now a genral sapphic ship server which is fine nd good ofc esp if a lot of the memebers dont rly ship carulia anymore but !! ik ppl still might want a server j for carulia ? so im thinking maybe i cld start one bc while i dont rly talk in the sapphic ships server (j bc its so big now that it intimdates me lol) i still miss haivng like a place 2 talk abt carulia so i think it wld b nice :> !!! so like. if u want a carulia specific discord server then like/reply 2 this post nd mayb ill make one !! again no promisies i j wanna see if itll b smth ppl r interested in !!
(also like. this isnt in anyway meant as shade 2 the sapphic ships server tht place is great im sure j a bit busy 4 me nd ofc if i make my own server ppl from that server can join nd infact u r invited 2 do so !!! ^_^)
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julethiefs · 2 years
its juling absolute thief
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julethiefs · 2 years
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(commission) a night full of stars
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julethiefs · 2 years
Carmen Sandiego Wallpaper
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I loved the look of Paris from the first episode, so I made a little wallpaper out of it! Unfortunately im not techy enough to make the backgrounds part of it, but i like it nonetheless
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julethiefs · 2 years
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rb this if you think carmen nd julia kissie <3
[image description: a screenshot from the 2019 carmen sandiego of carmen and julia. julia is sitting in a chair looking up at carmen and smiling and carmen is leaning on the chair julia is sitting on and looking at her /End description]
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julethiefs · 2 years
my reputations never been worse so (you must like me for me)
characters: carmen nd julia
ship: carulia <3 !!
summary: carmen and julia find themselves sharing a room for the night after the events of season two, leading to soft moments and close conversations.
wordcount: nearly 3k
notes: this is actuallie the first chapt of an old carulia fic i wrote quitee a while back, i never finished it nd tbh i feel like the other chapts r quite bad LOL but this one is rly good imo nd kinda ? (hopefully lmao i dont rly know) works as itse own oneshot so i edited it a bit to fix some bits i didnt like (tho i wasnt abe 2 get rid of all of them so. rip <//3) nd im psoting it now so ya !!! :3 hope u enjoy nd like it <3 title is from delicate by tswift !!
rb r rly rly apreccited !! <3
Julia set down her bag as she sat on the edge of the bed. Where she was spending the night wouldn’t have been anyone’s first choice, given that the small dusty room was the only one in an abandoned hotel that seemed safe to stay in. it would have to do, seeing as ACME had sent her out before the rest of the team of agents to lead a mission investigating a warehouse they suspected VILE owned and, due to it being in a secluded area and what seemed suspiciously seemed like they simply didn’t care about this particular mission, had no way of providing her with somewhere to stay. 
Julia sighed. Their inability to provide her with somewhere proper to stay on her current mission was the least of Julia’s issues with ACME recently, the main one being chief dedicating the agency to taking down Carmen Sandiego. Even with all the evidence she kept pointing to that proved that Carmen was a thief who only stole from other thieves, she still seemed intent on stopping her. Despite their efforts ACME had yet to run into the super thief and had no way of pinning her down, and even though she was an agent of ACME, Julia found herself  glad that they had no way of catching her. She knew Carmen’s work was in preventing others from stealing rather than stealing for personal gain, and that combined with the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach and the warmth she felt in her chest each time she saw the super thief meant she found herself less and less on ACME’s side . Especially after  Chief broke their agreement in Sweden and it led to Carmen getting hurt. She hoped desperately that Carmen was alright after that, that she hadn’t been too badly injured  and that she would believe that she had never meant any harm to ever come to her, that she hadnt meant to set her up, though she wouldn’t have blamed her if she did, seeing as how much it looked like she had. More than anything she just wanted to apologise for what happened. 
Keep reading
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