june-daphnie-blog · 4 years
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june-daphnie-blog · 5 years
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10/10 - Last post for today! Still needs to finish my Final Report and remaining days working at WestJet. I still needs 12 hours which needs to be done this weekend 0600-1200 for both days then school starts on Monday! Mixed emotion is what I’m feeling right now, I will miss the airport environment and I’m not really going to miss waking up early in the morning every of my shifts although it was nice helping as many guests as possible in the morning. I will definitely miss the friends I made with other WestJetter and still hoping to work with them when I hear back from my interview. I only learned how to check-in in the kiosk during my times here at WestJet so I will surely not have any trouble in the future when I fly with WestJet and process of checking-in! 
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june-daphnie-blog · 5 years
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January 1, 2018 - Shift for today is 0600-1300, did not get holiday pay to my other job but we had free breakfast platter at Wendy’s. It only runs from 0500 to 1030, I actually did not get the paper not until when other WestJetter came by and saw the line at Wendy’s, it was long. She told me that I can have it because she just wants to go home and did not want to get in the line. So me and Tanecia went to Wendy’s line around 1015 and we got our order around 1035, that’s how crazy the line was. Other WestJetter in the line jokingly said, “Well this line is better than the line at the Check-In Assistance this morning.” Although on the New Year’s Day, it was not that busy unlike the other day. A couple of mid-60′s gave me a 5 dollar tip for helping them, I was hesitating to accept it because I don’t think we’re allowed to accept money from the guests. The couple kept insisting for me to accept it and they just put it in my pocket, when all I did was to help them check-in. Even way back the first day of my shift at WestJet, I’ve always loved helping guests especially mid-60′s guests. They are always afraid of touching the kiosk which is why I love helping them through the process! My placement is coming to an end soon and I found out that some other Seneca students was today’s last shift. 
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june-daphnie-blog · 5 years
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December 16, 2018 - I saw my professor at the airport who works at Air Transat and she’s flying today! First time I saw my professor at the airport, Grace Miyasaki, one of my favourite professors! I was helping a guest when I heard someone calling my name then I saw Grace, I got this picture from her phone and asked her if I can post it to my blog and she said okay. She was rushing though after we took the picture so she had to leave with her co-Flight Attendant! Grace is one of the professor who shares her Flight Attendant experience stories in the class to push us to pursue our goal to become Flight Attendant! Her stories made me a goal-driven person to be in the airline industry, at first I was having second thoughts because maybe this was just not for me. The stories she tells us were very interesting, and made me think “I want to experience that too!” On the other note, I got an email that I have interview for GSA position at WestJet on December 21st. I was nervous because it was a video interview, I didn’t know how it works. So I asked other WestJetters how it works and they said it was pretty easy because you just read the question and you basically talk to yourself while it is recording. As of now, I am still waiting for their response and hopefully I get in! I really want to be part of WestJet team and to finally work in the airline industry if ever.
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june-daphnie-blog · 5 years
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November 25, 2018 - It was an unbelievable day that day! Early in the morning, I was helping a guy travelling to Kingston and his boarding time is 0950 so basically cut off time to drop-off the baggage is at 0905. I helped to check him in around 0800 asking me if his carry-on bag is okay to fit in the plane, I noticed that his bag is too big and needs to be check-in. The process was; reservation code, scan his Jamaican passport, scan the Permanent Resident Card since Canada is his country of residence and so the picture above is where the scanner is. When I scanned the PR Card, it fell through that tiny slit where that straight arrow is pointing. I was panicking because I didn’t know what to do and so I asked other WestJetters and told them what happened. They called someone who can open the kiosk, after 30 minutes of waiting still no one has came. I can see the worried eyes of the guest and I surely am in trouble. I saw one of the OL and I told her what happened and so she made a call and after few minutes someone came to check the kiosk but I was busy helping other guest during that time, good thing I remembered his face and had to run! I told him the situation and he said he needs more tool to get the PR Card because it was in the far end. So long story short, we got the PR Card and the guest was very understanding and he was still so nice at me although I kept apologizing! It was an unforgettable experience! 
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june-daphnie-blog · 5 years
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From top left to right: Professor Jennifer Kirkland, Me, Gina, Yael
From bottom left to right: Minka, Melanie
November 23, 2018 - Today is our Progress Check with Chris and my professor! I was nervous, I wasn’t sure what my progress is and I did my SMART Objective the same day it needs to be done. I didn’t think that WestJetters were recommending outstanding students and I found out that I was one of it. I was excited because finally it gave me courage to apply for the job position. I was also recognized as an outstanding student on December 15th with my co-early bird Seneca students; Minka, Yael and Melanie. It really was nice working with them every morning, the teamwork when one of us needs help was incredible and I would love to work with them in the airline industry in the future!
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june-daphnie-blog · 5 years
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November 18, 2018 - Just typical me in the morning. Woke up at 0400, took a bath and did my makeup. I left around 0520, my brother dropped me off and it really was nice to live near the airport especially having shifts in the morning. I had 0600-1300 shift that day and I took 30 minutes break. I helped most guests travelling to Montego Bay Jamaica (MBJ), it was really hard because they haven’t paid for their checked baggage(s) yet and most of them does not have credit/debit card to pay with. So I always sent them to Currency Exchange to get prepaid card, it’s just that they get annoyed when were half through the process of checking-in and they have to do it all over again because they are always being sent to Currency Exchange. There’s this WestJetter who advised me that I should always ask the guests this (especially guests travelling to Montego Bay), “Are you checking bags? Did you pay for your bags when you booked your flight? If not, this kiosk only accepts credit card and WestJet counter accepts debit card.”. This advice was really helpful because at least 70% of guests travelling to Montego Bay has not paid their checked bags yet! 
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june-daphnie-blog · 6 years
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November 2, 2018 - Today was my very first shift at WestJet. I was waiting in the team room, thinking that I would be with other Seneca students. I double-checked the schedule, then saw how I was the only Seneca student that will start at 0600. I was nervous because I thought I would be with others so I just went straight to the WestJet’s kiosk by myself. Good thing, there are some GSA’s the helped me. I also met some Filipino workers at WestJet, I even met some of my friends who works as CSA. On my break time, I badly needed coffee because I was really drained. I didn’t think that it would be crazy busy from 0600 to around 0900. I took my break when I saw Donna and I asked her when was the good time to take a break. She said, I don’t need to tell anyone and I should just go for my break when it is not busy. When I got back after my break, other Seneca student has also started their shift. 
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june-daphnie-blog · 6 years
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Daphnie(Me), Nicole, Janelle and Brigette (from left to right)
October 29, 2018 - First day of Training! I almost came in late because I wasn’t familiar where the location of our training. Thankfully I wasn’t late because I didn’t want to show up late on the first day of training because it does not look good for the employer. We started our day with in-class preparation for the kiosk and some important things that needs to be remember. The airport was really close to the Training Centre, we walked it going to the airport and we had an hour lunch break so we have the energy to practice on assisting guests to the kiosk. It was pretty easy, I helped at least three guests that day and it went well!
October 30, 2018 - The day where we’re still in training and had to shadow other GSA’s. On this day, I was sent to the trans-border because we were too many at the Domestic and Int’l. I was able to try being a Line Ambassador at trans-border and truly you can only stay on the doormat. I feel like I can do well being a Line Ambassador in the future. 
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june-daphnie-blog · 6 years
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October 26, 2018 - I have received my updated schedule. I didn’t think that I will be scheduled 6am for all of my shifts. I organized everything, such as giving my entire availability to my other work and writing down on the calendar when I work for WestJet just so I could remember. I felt nervous and excited at the same time because the training hasn’t started yet and I wouldn’t know if I will enjoy waking up for 6am shifts. I knew that mornings at the airport is crazy busy but the time goes really fast so I was really excited. I also have the advantage of morning shifts because I’ll have more time to relax and be productive for the rest of a day. Hopefully everything goes well and really praying not to be late in any of these shifts! 
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june-daphnie-blog · 6 years
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September 21, 2018 - I received an email saying I got accepted from my interview the same day they emailed me. I was excited to work for WestJet because the job is related to my program! I am really looking forward to experience working at WestJet and apply what I’ve learned from Seneca and learn more from this work placement. 
September 27, 2018 - My professor sent me the approval form from WestJet. This is it! Some of my friends got accepted as well and I am happy to be able to work with them and also meet my other colleagues. 
September 28, 2018 - I have received the dates and link for my training requirements. I also saw the grooming policy, it really is strict just what my other professor told me. This is just the beginning of my journey of becoming GSA at WestJet!
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