New year, new you
Because my post on sustainable living tips was popular (by the standards of someone that has 200 followers and only posts once a year) I decided to do one of tips for healthy living. I suspect its a sad fact that a lot more people are concerned for losing weight this new years than the fact our environment is probably in more need of a life style change. Despite this there is still a positive here, a healthy you is more capable of dealing with the problems the world faces.
As someone that has been cooking nearly every night for years. i have been working on this idea of what i call good for bad, and bad for good. What this means, besides the fact I need to work on that title, is the following. There is good (healthy food) and then there is unhealthy food. The easiest way to cut out the bad, is to not make it not as bad. It sounds a little unoriginal but there is more to it. I will explain this using examples.
- I love fried food, who doesn’t. But its amazing that we fry the worst possible things. Fried broccoli is delicious, blanched then covered in tempura batter and friend. Rather than using nasty potatoes that have little nutritional value, try frying something healthy. Then cover it in parmesan because you only live once.
- I am lucky i enjoy fruit, but a lot of other people don’t. The best way to get it in your diet is to mix it with something healthy, like yogurt. You can make pineapple curry and stir fry. As much as i enjoy it on pizza, the hatred of it is because pizza is already bad for you, a bit of pineapple isn’t going to change that. Though my food philosophy does work in that direction also. But if you make something healthy like a stir fry, and make it easier to eat with fruit, then you are on the right track.
- Chinese food is based on the concepts of yin and yang. The idea is that anything bad has to be balanced out, to make a complete meal. You can see this in a lot of dishes. This is probably another example of good for bad, and bad for good. If you have to eat confectionery, buy the really good stuff (usually hidden in the health food section), the type of sweetner can make a big difference.
- Kitchen sink salads are the new norm. If you have a bunch of ingredients, just make them in to a salad. More often than not it works because greens are pretty neutral flavor wise. Left overs work will in this, which brings me to my next point:
- Make really big side dishes. Roasted vegetables, grilled eggplant, etc. These are great for a salad the next day. So you should always make more of them, so its easier than skipping a meal all together.
- Some people will say, intermittent fasting is also good. This can work well also provided that you are eating enough in general. Google about this if you are interested in the benefits of skipping meals every now and again. I won’t cover it here.
- Whatever works for some people, may not work for you. I have seen the Atkins diet fade away, only to come back as the keto or paleo diet. Which are the same thing. Infact keto means ketosis, which is the process your body goes through when you don’t eat enough carbohydrates, you smell terrible, that is the point. But what needs to be said here, is the inventor of this diet, Mr Atkins actually died of a heart attack. So while some people without a history of heart problems can cope well with eating large amounts of animal products, it doesn’t work for everyone. (This is the same with my diet tips!)
- Be scientific. Just because you read something in a book, as i just said it won’t work for everyone. So see what works best. These are all tips that worked for me, but not everyone will be the same.
- Drink fresh vegetable juice before you go to bed. This is the problem with western diets we eat too much and then sleep it off. What i found works best is actually drinking fresh vegetable juice. Your body performs all kinds of necessary functions while sleeping. It turns out that if given the proper energy, it can also burn fat pretty well. But if you fill up your body with fat before you sleep, it doesn’t do this so well.
- Mediterranean lifestyles. Based on that previous point, having live in Europe, i can not speak highly enough of big lunches and small sandwich based dinners. The countries that practice this are winning on the life expectancy scale. They are also going to have the oldest people alive very soon. Its just healthier even if our routines don’t allow it, to eat a lot during the day, that way you have time to work it off. Our western life styles don’t allow for this, as most people probably need a rest after eating a 3 course meal. But i really do miss the many restaurants that would offer a lunch menu, you could choose from a first and second plate, dessert and coffee for a fixed price. It was cheap, and convenient, and my sleeping routines were much better. Because then i would eat a sandwich at night which made me tired. Its also a lot easier to wake up on an empty stomach.
- The modern diet. While i could say many things about what is wrong with a modern diet, one of the things that has changed the most over the past 200 years is what people do with their time. Previously, everything we did involved physical activity. Now we are actually paid money, to sit at a desk and use our heads without moving. This requires energy, but it doesn’t burn it in the way that we have spent our entire evolutionary history doing. I believe this is actually contributing to the number of obese people. Its not just the diets, its what we do all day to. Sitting at a computer requires a lot of energy, more than moving. But its a very artificial life style. Our bodies are struggling to catch up with this trend.
- Avoid grains, this includes sugar. This is probably a very broad statement, but the more processed a grain is, the more you should avoid it. Don’t eat any flour for a week. Then eat the worst white bread you can find. See what it does to your energy? Its because most of the grains we eat these days aren’t anything like what we used to eat. Gluten free is a big thing now, because it gets people to eat healthier less manufactured grains, and this agrees with everyone, not just people who have an intolerance. Obviously if you are allergic to gluten its one thing, but for most people they feel like they have an allergy to gluten because our bodies are struggling to process this stuff, it becoming more like poison than food. I am sort of allergic to it. But i find eating healthy, organic, grains makes a big difference. Again its just as much to do with the strains we grow, the chemicals and pesticides we use, and finally the processes in which it is converted in to the products we eat that make it so bad rather than people being allergic to it.
- Preservatives. There is starting to be research now that suggests that preservatives in bread are what makes it so difficult for some people to digest. Not only does it not agree with our bodies, it turns out those preservatives get in to our fat stores. In there they preserve our fat also, making it much harder to burn. Some people are more predisposed to this than others. But i suspect this is the same with so many on the shelf products, such as condiments, confectionery, packaged foods. They all contain these same products which make it so hard to digest. I had suspected this theory since the days of trans fat, which is now banned in so many places. It was just caused by corporate greed, because it made products last longer. The catch was, that the fat, once in your system, would never leave or break down. It is part of the very growing body of evidence of what is so bad out our supermarket based diets.
- Eat seasonally. This was in my last posts, but its cheaper. The problem is supermarkets sell the same products all year round. You have to go to a farmers market or a good green grocer to have access to different seasonal goods. Honestly you save a lot of money, and you are exposed to many things you wouldn’t even see elsewhere. you will see that what is in season is usually cheaper at a supermarket, but trust me you are missing out on so much.
- Organic is better, in all cases, its not cheaper, but even just on taste alone it is worth it. The catch is, that i suspect if everyone on this planet was to eat organic, there wouldn’t be enough space on this planet to do so. So if you are lucky enough to be able to buy organic, enjoy it, its a privilege. And by organic when it matters. So if an ingredient is the center of a meal, then buy it organic. If its not, and its going to be mixed with other foods, its not worth it.
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but not the easiest for some.Regardless, eat something, even if its coco pops, eventually you will get used to it, and you can start moving on to healthier things. I was a big fan of smoothies,  and i would find ways to make them fun, even if it meant a little bit of ice cream. I am also of the belief that protein is best enjoyed in the morning, as it wakes up your metabolism for the rest of the day. So if you really want to, bacon and eggs are actually better enjoyed in the morning.
- Go vegan, even if you lift bro. Surprisingly, up until recently the idea of a vegan body builder was unheard of, now its actually a thing. There is a benefit because, they actually have more energy, and suffer less from muscle pain the following day. This benefit actually outweighs any negatives provided that you do it the right way. Which is more the problem and why it has such a bad reputation, its possible, just so many people don’t do it the right way.
- Variety is healthy. We are always exposed to the same foods, but i really enjoy finding new varieties. Recently i bought a bunch of organic carrots from a farmers market. They were in so many colours and types. They were delicious. 100 years ago, there were almost 1000 types of potatoes farmed. Now there is about 1% of that. Its sad, because the health benefits are lost when you eat the same thing over and over again. But the different varieties, help to give you what you need while keeping it a new experience for your digestive system. This is the same for everything, breads, meats, it doesn’t matter what it is, even a good thing can be bad if you expose yourself to it for long enough.
- Its worth remembering, that we don’t eat vitamins, or anything else. If you paid attention in high school you will remember, the food we eat, actually is used as energy for bacteria in our digestive tract that creates the necessary nutrition for our bodies. So eating protein, doesn’t actually mean that protein will go in to our bodies. After all its protein from a cow for example. We still need to convert that in to a protein that our body uses. Which also requires energy. So while i’m pretty sure it can’t create vitamin c without fresh fruit or vegetables, and vitamin c tables are better than no vitamin c, its more complicated then just that.
- Building on my first point, it takes energy to eat and digest. Part of the reason fast food feels good, is because it triggers a chain reaction between our taste receptors and our brain. It actually gives us pleasure, its sort of like drinking a glass of wine. So in that sense, it is good for you, chocolate is the same, there is lots of things that fall under this category. But the food itself, gives you no energy, in fact in a lot of cases it requires more energy to process than it gives you. However, if you are to drink a green smoothie after a cheeseburger. The negative effects are almost gone, because you give your body the ability to digest this food properly. It also balances out the salt, and the sugar which is so common in fast food. If you don’t, it runs out of energy and just starts storing the fat because its to complicated. This is an over simplification, but the idea is justified.
- This same chain reaction of feel good chemicals, is part of the reason we become addicted to unhealthy foods. In terms of how your brain stores such information. Water is really healthy, but if you drink soft drink, the taste is designed to really go to work on your taste buds. So your mind will remember a bottle of coke better than it will remember water. This is how people become addicted to food, because pretty soon thirsty = coke. Because its been influenced by a product that you would have no craving for otherwise (as it will actually make you more thirsty due to the large amount of sugar). So much of the globalized food products we eat do this. The salt in chips. The sugar in sweets. The booze in beer (which when you think about it, taste wise alcohol is anything but a tasty experience) obviously there is more going on there than taste alone.
- Balance. Not just in every aspect of your life, but what we eat needs to be balanced. If you have indigestion, poor bowl movements, just about anything that causes you discomfort. We all seem to be aware that this is caused by bad eating habits. But there is probably something missing in your diet. If you get indigestion, eat a lot more greens. All of our bodily functions have these “compensators”. If you experience something, don’t just accept it as a passing thing. Actually google what can be done to compensate it. Because i am convinced these things happen for a reason. Its the start of what will eventually become a sickness, a cold or a short life expectancy, etc. If we ignore this, then eventually it will be a problem.
- Antioxidants. building on that previous point. When you are sick, i don’t believe chicken soup helps. Fresh vegetable juice, sauteed kale, this actually works. Since i started being a little more scientific about my diet, i just don’t get sick, even when sick people are around me. Your body needs energy, the right kind of energy. Plants is our biggest alley in the struggle to be healthy.
- Green is better. We can see more shades of green than any other colour. This is due to our evolutionary history, as we needed to differentiate between shades of greens to spot predators in every part of nature (trees, grass, etc). But it also an example of why greens are an importance part of our diet, because it where we spent most of evolutionary history, around plants. But colour is also important. Not in food coloring, but in the plants we eat. Different colours mean different things. So more colours the better. Eating apples is good. But eating apples in every colour is better because they all have their own benefits. While one may be better for your weight (low GI red ones), another may be better for aging slower (green granny smiths for example).
- Exercise isn’t always good for you. The stereo types of jocks being stupid are exaggerated, but there is evidence to suggest that it does deprive your mind of vital blood. Like wise a lazy life style can affect your blood flow and have the same consequence. I have been of the mind set that if you don’t enjoy exercise, you may actually fall in to this category, but there is a reason for it, so you should actually address that reason. It has a lot of health benefits, and the right exercise can release endorphins. I’m sure you've heard this all before. At the same time, it can make things like depression and social anxiety worse. In fact it can cause mental illness problems, it can destroy the effects of some medications, it can make you more aggressive, overly confident. It also has long term health problems such as bone and joint problems, permanent damage caused by injuries and other complications. So its not essential to go to the gym, but that doesn’t mean you get off that easy.
- See everything as exercise. Its that simple, especially if you fall in the category of the reward doesn’t make it worth while. Park your car further away so that you have to walk. Carry as many of the groceries as you can. Turn everything that you do in to a way to stay fit which is part of what i do. There are so many opportunities to do this. Walk faster. Don’t use a trolley. Run with your dog instead of throwing a ball. Stand while you are working on something. Do easy exercise when you have a free moment. Use the stairs. Just about anything. All sports have a so called honey moon moment. This si when you notice the most gains. However one you past this period, gains can be pretty slow. If you do it this way, you never leave the honey moon period as its always new, its always a challenge. The only catch is you won’t get the same results as going to the gym, but i would wager you are actually healthier.
- Bigger isn’t always better. You will find a lot of really big gym people would struggle with repetitive tasks. People who are big, can actually be more healthy than you are because they have to carry a lot of extra weight. There are people I know who weigh more than me, but swim a lot faster than me. There is no universal rule to what is healthy, so don’t buy in to what the media sells you.
- The best way to stay fit, for me any way, is water aerobics. Annoying that it involves getting yourself to a pool. But you can do so many types of exerciser that you can’t do any other way. You have 360 degrees of movement, so you can exercise muscles in ways you can’t out of the water. I just find its the best way to grow mass on all sides, rather than in the most common places which is what happens at the gym.
- Doctors that work in this field will tell you, your bowl movements give you all the information you need for your health. while this is a public social media post i will spare you all the details. But our society during the victorian years made anything associated with being human as “gross”. Its still not very different unless you are talking about toilet humor, which is childish but it makes an interesting point that its “ok” to ridicule something we all do. This need to see our selves as anything but animals, that human is godly when compared to animals. It has pushed us away from vital functions that actually serve the very important purpose of keeping us alive. That doesn’t mean you should shout about it from the roof tops. But remember our bodily functions keep us alive, don’t be ashamed of them. We all have them. Because this shame has actually probably done more to hurt us than to make us healthy. Don’t let society do that to you.
- This doesn’t just apply to your bodily functions, but your body as a whole. While diversity is good, it sort of makes our differences in to a commodity (the current diversity trend resembles that more than anything else). Don’t let our society do that to you either, making you become an unhealthy stereo type, because you feel your difference has no benefit to society. Accept your differences and accept others to. Its healthy, just like everything else in this post is, based on current information that is subject to change of course.
I hope 2020 brings you closer to the you that you believe yourself to be.
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Do more
There is a tendency in our society to blame other for problems and to not contribute at all to fixing the problem. In the case of climate change, we actually could do more, even if the government doesn’t want to. Complaining is only going to get you so far. So here is a list of ways to help create a better future, rather than running in to problems and trying to fix them. At that point its already too late.
If everyone did at least one of these things, it wouldn’t matter what the government does or doesn’t do.
- Plant trees, and flowers for our bees. The means that there will be even more plants in the long term as bees and butterflies are responsible for propagating plants..There is a lot to be said about what to plant. Things like spider plants take up little space but can photosynthesize a lot more than plants that are much bigger. Australian native plants have high levels of pollen and require little water.
- Use high octane fuel every once in a while to clean you engine to ensure it runs as efficiently as possible. Car maintenance is important for the environment also. A car that isn’t well looked after is much less efficient then the same car that has been looked after. A car is a privilege and it should be seen as such.
- Take public transport more, use your car only when necessary. If you are going to take an Uber, use the option to share your ride when possible. Otherwise everything from electric scooters to bikes are convenient ways of traveling.I like parking a fair distance from where i have to go and walking. It doesn’t make much of a difference but it is healthier for you.
- Recycle, make sure what goes in to the bin is recycled. You don’t have to worry about cleaning it. Its more efficient to let the people in charge of recycling clean it (obviously don’t be lazy and leave a whole pizza in a box). But this only works if they get only materials that can be recycled. So always be sure to not put trash in your recycling.
- Make compost, its so easy, even if you give it to someone else that has a garden. Biodegradable waste won’t return to nature if it ends up in landfill. It will probably be buried in an airtight container to prevent any leaking of hazardous materials. Because people put too much dangerous stuff in their trash.
- Travel less, its good for the economy to take holidays in your own country, your money won’t go as far as in other countries, but it may make your own country a nicer place to be.
- Write letters to companies, governments, or any one that will listen about their irresponsible practices. I think in the case of the plastic bag ban, which has made Coles and Woolworths some $71 million in profit. It shows you that even if there is more money in doing good. Unless we push companies to do it, they won’t.
- Dim your TV, computer screens and everything else. Its amazing how much difference to your energy bill this will make over a year.
- Unplug appliances at the power board. Most people don’t realize those plug packs like that on your phone uses, are always on and using energy even when they aren’t charging your phone. The general rule is, if it has a light, it is also using energy.
- Use less air-conditioning, especially when in the car. It is amazing how much energy it uses. You are better off not having anything connected to the cigarette lighters also unless you are actually charging a device. This won’t make as much difference as the air con though. Even in the most efficient of cars (actually especially in efficient cars) it can double your fuel consumption. Sweating is healthy for you, just not practical in every situation. The same goes for stereos and other electronics connected to your car.
- Turn off your phone when you aren’t using it, so many people leave their phones on at night, if you need it to wake up its one thing. but even then you could put it in to airplane mode (or buy a really efficient alarm clock). Some phones will actually turn on for alarms, which should give you an idea of the fact that nothing is really off these days.
- Always make sure your washing machine is full, never do a small load, the older your washing machine is the more true this is. Few washing machines regulate the power going to the motor, so the consumption is the same for a small load as much as a large one.
- Sponsor animals before they become endangered. This ensures that in an emergency, they will be looked after when it matters. Rather than when its too late. Visit wild life parks that help animals, learn about them. Having a connection to the world around you makes it easier to remember why to care about it.
- Avoid anything smart. When you think about it, smart light bulbs are a light, that is connected to a mini computer running an always on server. While convenient, at times this extra functionality uses more electricity than it will ever save.
- Prepare your shopping in advanced, eat before you do it. That way you will be able to make as few trips to the supermarket as possible. While you are there, avoid anything packaged where possible, buy more veggies and less meat.
- If you can afford to, collect rainwater. Its always handy and its not expensive to set up. In fact concessions should be given to people who do collect their own rain water. Otherwise it just gets wasted. Councils should probably sell rain water collection tanks at pumps at cost. More people would have them if they did this. This would reduce the burden on our water system.
- While there has been a big push for solar, consider wind. Modern wind turbines for homes aren’t that bad looking. Efforts are still being made to make them look like works of futurist art. This will continue. If you live in the bottom half of Australia, you will generate more electricity this way than with solar.
- Avoid streaming where possible, any thing cloud related is also bad. This requires ridiculous amounts of energy, and grows every year. The past few years has seen more data stored than all the other years that came before it combined. This is a waste, in any way you can, avoid using these types of services. Peer 2 peer networks are probably more efficient, because they don’t require the peak demand capacity that cloud services do. An example would be to download your favorite Spotify tracks rather than always streaming them. Watch free to air TV first. Store everything on local hard drives.
- Limit how many pets you have. Where possible source sustainable food for them. Kangaroo meat has to be one of the most sustainable meats in the world. Its very healthy and from my experience all pets love it. You can buy it in bulk and in some cases without packaging.
- There is so much inefficiency in our materialist world. For example horizontal fridges are much more efficient than vertical ones. While it may not be practical for everyone, there is always a more efficient alternative if you can afford it and it suits your needs.
- Avoid upgrading technology as much as possible. Buy a product that has a long life to begin with. I usually spend a little extra on my computers, not for performance reasons, they are actually pretty slow (aka efficient) computers. But they are made of quality components that last. I use my computers professionally, they are both 6 years old. An upgrade would be me spoiling myself, but the truth is they still give me everything I need. This is a relatively new thing, which is why so many people believe that technology has a shorter lifespan than it does. Chances are if you have a slow computer, it needs to be serviced, such as putting new thermal compound on the fan, removing the dust, or clean installing the operating system. Speed advancements in technology haven’t been happening as much as they used to, in most cases  its smaller and more efficient, but not faster.
- A recent MIT study found that buying online is more efficient. When you think about the amount of energy that goes in to the climate control systems of large stores. Then the driving to and from these places. Where possible, buy online, have it shipped using standard (non express shipping). The amount of times i have paid for express and not needed that quickly is ridiculous.
- Use nature to its best advantage. I always have a lot of plants around where i live to help reduce the strain the weather causes on the internal house temperatures. Its annoying that its not a widely accepted concept, but some councils will issue grants for plants on roofs or walls. They are a really good form of insulation from both hot and cold.
- Old heating and cooking systems are pretty efficient, as they served the purpose of both heat and cooking. you can still buy these systems, they have been modernized a bit. Though if more companies made combined heating and cooking appliances, combined washing and toilet facilities, etc. These save a lot of money over time. Even just in commercial premises where this would be more practical.
- Fuck grass. Seriously, that low level turf is an outdated sign of status. The whole point of it was that you had so much space, you could devote it to nothing, that’s how privileged you are. But its so common here. If you were to replace it with big lush native grasses. It would not only look better (because some of them grow up to two meters and look amazing), but it would make an enormous difference to the environment, both in terms of reducing pollution and in the amount of water it uses.
- If you are terrible with plants, a brown thumb as they call it. Plant succulents. All you have to do, is find someone that has one, ask for them to break you off a piece, and stick it in the ground, preferably where it won’t get sunlight all day if you don’t want to have to water them. That’s it, they will grow, if you water them once a week they will grow faster. Its better than nothing and some of the colours and flowers they grow makes them an attractive alternative.
- I don’t have undercover parking, so i throw a cheap tarp over the car. It looks like i am hiding in the jungle from air raids, but the reality is it keeps the car cool so i don’t need to crank up the air-con when i leave. A tarp is much easier than those annoying reflector thing on your windshield. Though if you have the 150$ spare, its worth getting at least 50% window tinting on your car. It usually comes with a life time warranty. It will pay itself off in terms of the car looking new for longer and all by using less air condition.
- Plan your garden beds. Put a water proof material underneath them, then stones above this material. What this does is create a natural reservoir that stores rain water underneath the roots. You will water more than 50% less which is a great productivity gain. There are also ways to create impressive gardens that need to be watered 3 times a year. This is worth researching.
- Start a harvest collective. If you can grow one vegetable better than others, don’t wast your time growing other plants. Just grow that, then encourage your friends to grow something else. You can then share your harvests rather than having to plant lots of different things. Growing at home is good for so many reasons. Also use organic seaweed fertilizers, they are amazing.
- Its amazing how much energy a Sunday roast uses to cook. Then there is the whole thing that the air quality in your home actually hits toxic levels, because fat is essentially a fuel that is burning while your roast cooks. So even if you eat meat, there is ways to do this in a more sustainable fashion.
- This is why i recommend convection ovens, aka air “fryers”. They are just much smaller and efficient electric ovens. They require no time to heat up, and will usually cook items in less time. In probably 80% of cases, if i need to heat up something or cook it from frozen, i can do it in an air “fryer”.
- Natural pools are the best. This is where you use plants and nature to clean your pool rather than using chemicals. Yes its a little more like swimming in a lake, but if its done the right way its actually healthier than swimming in chlorine. Its also good for the environment. Great advancements have been made in this field, you should google it if you are considering a pool, or would like to stop using chemicals on an existing one.
- Eat seasonally. Its not that hard to look for what is cheap. Supermarkets aren’t great at this but green grocers will have more variety. Its important for biodiversity to grow as many different species as possible. So buying different varieties of your favorites is not only healthy for you, but its good for the environment.
- Its sad that due to the industrialization of our agriculture system, fruit and vegetables are grown to look good and last in storage. What they aren’t grown to be is tasty any more, because there is no way you can fake that. This is why i recommend farmers markets and organic, its a lot easier to finish your vegetables when they taste the way nature intended them to. Trust me on this one, we hate fruit and vegetables so much, we see them as a chore, because over the last 100 years we have systematically killed their taste.
- Then of course there is the whole, plants aren’t going to taste as nice as something made in a lab that is designed to maximize the reaction by your taste receptors.This is why you should avoid process foods because their alter your taste buds, and make it harder to enjoy nature. Just like our phones do to our bodies. Just like air condition does to going outside.
I’m sure there are plenty more, please feel free to add any ideas in to the comments section.
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2019, looking back
Here is a list of all things cool, not so cool, and honorable mentions of 2019. If i forget anything, it isn’t personal, it was a big year.
Elon Musk and the team at tesla for their augmented reality mars lander (aka the cyber truck).
The FAA for proving why they have the highest standards in aviation safety.
Google being cubit thugs. (boooo)
I should say trump for beating all odds and making it to the next election year, but im going to do a time and give it to the resistance for realizing we don’t live in a democracy.
The EU for their breast cancer fighting collaboration network.
China for removing mandatory sentencing of people caught working as prostitutes, or those that use their services. (China probably deserves more recognition, but this was the most recent).
Huawei for being a world player with class, very interested to see what they do next.
The alternative to the swift payment system for the middle east (iran).
Wikileaks for debunking the Syrian gas narrative (syrians have suffered enough).
Chelsea Manning for having incredibly high standards as an activist, you will never be forgotten.
Hillary Clinton for making the most of life despite not making it to the white house (again).
Tulsi Gabbard for proving that it isn’t easy to be both a minority and a woman in politics, showing that unless you are willing to compromise your values no one is willing to treat you fairly. Not only does she prove how hard it is, she doesn’t make it about all of these things. She just gets up and fights again rather than being a victim.
Best game developer of the year, ubisoft, they don’t always make great masterpieces, but they do make quality games that are good value for money. They were also proud to be ahead of everyone when it comes to diversity and inclusion.
Best game was probably Metro Exodus, there are probably better ones, but in the end i guess i did enjoy exploring the world a little more. I didn’t have much time for games (what that even this year?)
My favorite film was Midsommer, well worth a re-watch for all of the hidden details in it, i’m still all a bit what did i just watch. It was clever.
Nightingale kind of deserves a mention also. I wont deny that was disturbing. But i guess in terms of a graphic reproduction of my experience set in colonial Australia, it was fair.
I didn’t have a favorite tv show, but mini series by far would have been Chernobyl.
Despite some differences, RT really did well creating their own narrative that actually did challenge the MSM.
The online version of The Age for being fair and seeing the positives, this does not include the printed version of their age, and their sections that deal with culture, food, art, entertainment, etc. Sorry.
Best song was Timlapse by Mr Moon Feat Mey. This was a good sound, takes me back to the baleric days, but it still has a mainland european chill out compilation feel to it.
Best new talent, not entirely new but Matt Fax is looking promising. Its funny his greece 2000 remix made him in to a meme. If you combine his meme, and the cover of the release, you will see what i am talking about.
Taylor Swift deserves a mention for trying to set a good example. I never said fame and religion mixed well, but you try. (Which not many do)
Cardi B for her sanders interview this was cool. I don’t want to make a big issue out of this, but Sanders for having a heart attack and attending a debate a few days later. I was sorry to hear about that.
The freeing of those pesky Reuters journalists.
Madrid (spain) for pulling the climate conference that no one else could host off. Well done for making that happen. I still personally disagree with the harsh sentences of the Catalonians, when compared to the less harsh sentences of the infamous wolf pack. But this is why the next one:
To the Catalonians for going to the EU and making a fair case, doing their independence the right way and not throwing everything in to chaos.
The many Indian nationals that are fighting for women's rights, i find it embarrassing that the other issue that won’t even get a mention is of more concern to the government while as this one, which has been an issue for some time, doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
The independent for its articles on the need to improve medicine and treatments for women. I think i got this one right its in my twitter from around about then.
Also a mention to the women that sued the makers of those pelvic mesh abominations. I hope that the medical community takes this seriously and a better solution is found.
VW for admitting a mistake and trying to do better.
All of those new vegan meat alternatives, if you are in to that kind of thing, but it may one day be our only option.
My cat pascal, sorry that guy deserves to be in here to.
Cassandra for buying the LOL unboxing set instead of the LOL Chalet though im sure she was tempted.
The dad of Ms thunburg, for admitting that her daughter was happy, most likely because she realized that she was smart and not someone on the autistic spectrum (yes of course and for being my hero and finding a way to skip school while doing something that contributes to our society). I will say false or incorrect diagnoses can have a profound affect on someones life.
The many people who are bringing peace in this world, i’m sorry i don’t remember all of your names. Maybe i will do more to focus on these people in the new year.
To our Australian firefighters for being left with the unfortunate job of being caught up in all of this.
To all activists even if we don’t agree.
To tim minchin for his 70k donation to help refugees. you know tim, to be accurate with what you should have done, it should have been 7 million (6 zeros not 4) given the whole point of stalking me is to keep this accurate because if you don’t the world will collapse, isn’t it? Yeah i still think you deserve credit for the 70k.
The theys that came back in to my life. And the theys that are still in my life the legal way.
Thats all i can think of for now. Maybe more later. God Bless. Happy new year. I hope the year of 2020, which represents the 2020 year we are mourning for jesus’s passing, is a good example of why we want to avoid doing this. Amen.
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Something smells fishy
Thinking about its use at home. Seaweed has got to be one of the best organic fertilizers in the world. So here is a quick tip on how to fight climate change and make money doing it. Seaweed can actually process 35x the amount of CO2 than normal on land plants. If at least one major industrial agriculture company was to start making its fertilizer by commercially farming seaweed. Not only would it be an incredibly healthy and toxic free product. Which actually gives plants the energy and nutrients necessary to naturally fight pests. Then you would also be offsetting a lot of CO2 which could be done for a profit by selling credits for this to companies that can’t reduce the amount of CO2 they create. It would actually be one of the most realistic solutions to our problem. Granted on a massive scale, maybe this wouldn’t work. But it would be worth investing in small scale operations and building up on this idea. Converting all coastal areas in to natural reserves and actually going to an effort to help nature balance itself again would also make a big difference to our environment in the long term. Because the idea is to grow more seaweed. Not to rip it out of the ocean. But to even create artificial lakes filled with seaweed for the use in fertilizer. The more you start to think about this idea, the more you see that there is a lot of options to make a big difference to our environment. Especially when you take in to account issues such as Ocean acidification which would really benefit from increased seaweed and wildlife in general.
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Quadruple standards
Heaven forbid you stand up to an American, for infringing on your human rights. Actually even as an American, heaven forbid that you stand up to your own country for infringing on other peoples human rights, like Snowden did. But be the wife of a US intelligence officer, run over an innocent man because you're too incompetent to tell the difference between a right hand drive and a left hand drive car (to which it doesn’t matter where you are or what car you are driving, you are always the closest to the center of the road). Don’t be surprised if that person never sees justice, in fact runs away from it and of course the land of the hypocrites rushes to her defense. From someone that has driven on both sides of the road, it is not hard at all to tell the difference. I even used to drive on a motorbike which some would say is harder to tell the difference of which side you should be driving on. Regardless, as the company (i mean country, easy to confuse it with them) that also said China wanting extradition with a country that is mostly under its rule any way. Was an abuse of human rights, would not be surprised if this intelligence officer was somehow connected to extraordinary rendition, as a lot of them seem to end up in England as a reward for their abuses on human rights. I guess this is my way of saying, i am in awe of Americas globalization dictatorship, so much to learn from them, so little time.
I’m disappointed to because I’m wondering if maybe I should do more stuff because i can, not because its the right thing to do. As a dictator, I always have the state department telling me i should do the right thing, not that i can do whatever I want and they are ok with that. Its strange that this conversation about doing the right thing, always started by them, conveniently always seems to be followed about a conversation involving my natural resources and how they want access to them. Maybe if want to do the right thing, you can give me access to some of your natural resources instead.
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I lied
Okay, I lied, im not a real dictator. I wasn’t educated at reputable educational institution. This seems to be a prerequisite for most dictators, usually they have really good schooling. It takes a certain level of intellect to be a sociopath. Let alone a psychopath. You have to understand how society works in order to exploit it. Sadly i have an associate degree, which is a level below an undergraduate degree. It was sort of a way to deal with my boredom and focus myself.
Though technically i never finished high school, dropped out twice. First was because the teachers really hated me. Can’t even say the reason why as they were always polite when i would run in to them. But there was this insane conspiracy to fail me that i stopped trying. They would only ever check my homework and that of another girl in my class, who they also failed. They would never say i did work right, and they would fail my exams on the most insane things, such as describing historic events in my own words and not memorizing the exact words in the text book. Obviously no one else was expected to do this, but it was just the case. Towards the end i just sort of would get out of bed, go lie down in my cupboard and sleep there until the day was over. Eventually my parents caught on to this but still.
They succeeded in failing me, leaving me no choice but to try my luck in Australia. I did much better here, obviously the fact the teachers hadn’t conspired to fail me (i have a feeling some kind of xenophobic feelings may have influenced this, though the other person they failed was a local, it could have just been a quota thing). But it was seriously boring for me, and my home situation was terrible. So all the money of a private education couldn’t make up for that. Insane amounts of insomnia, going for 10 days while only sleeping 8 hours, obviously i wasn’t well enough to finish. So I left, and never finished, using professional experience to get past that hurdle.
I guess the irony though, is those two bad educational experiences prepared me well for life. They prepared me for teachers who would not give a fuck how much you accomplished in life, they would refuse to see past who you were. That any illness i had would probably also hold me back in life, but that shouldn’t define me. And so here i am.
Here is a list of 55 world leaders that were in power in 2015 and received higher education in England:
Compare the pair, a life time of great opportunities, the best possible education, its not really much on that list to be proud of, nearly all of them have blood on their hands just by doing a simple google. Others probably do, but are better at hiding it.
Though credit where it is due, Seth McFarland, the creator of Family Guy, also had a principle that conspired to fail him, for no real reason, and at least i didn’t turn out like that guy either. 
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Photo albums
i remember a few years ago, the realse of those damaging photos from syria. The irony being that the code name of the person brining those photos to the west was “Ceaser”. Not only is this the name of the leader responsible for crucifying Jesus, it is also the original “keto”salad.
I didn’t see the photos in the media of course, I had already seen them on my dictators social media site called dicbook. There was an album with some of my dictator friends taking selfies with the many tortured bodies. The problem is, are these photos real?
While it would be easy to fake something like that by collecting a bunch of bodies that had died in bombings and other horrible events. The question of the doctored report on the gas attack raises more questions on this.
In the US’s bloated military budget, there was a measures which is to put sanctions on Syria for these photos. Well the human rights abuses which lead to these photos existing in the first place. I don’t really doubt their authenticity. But its also just as easy to question the motives of the sanctions.
Wouldn’t it be wise to use more of a carrot than a stick approach in a situation like this. Sanctions seem like they will only lead to more treatment like this. Where as trying to establish better relationships with a country, providing investment in return for verifiable assurances.
This seems like a wise way to go about dealing with a problem. Its just that since it became obvious that the gas attack was a false flag attack. This brings in to question everything that has happened in that country. Such as how much did the ousting of Gaddafi, a good former friend of mine, result in violence spilling over to Syria.
Its a good example of how one bad action, one lie, can poison the well and make it impossible to awarded anything that is done as a good deed. Quite the opposite, these sanctions will be seen as a continuation of a persistent attack on innocent people.
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The stuff of nightmares
When us dictators have nightmares, sometimes they resemble op eds in the Washington post by Bernie Sanders against insane military budgets:
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Assad is not our dictator
Its what i keep on saying, some people rebel by staying in a watching Christmas movies, an amazing testament to their courage. Others actually stand up for what they believe in. But Assad, this guy is no longer worthy of the term dictator. Sorry but next he will be asking for investment in his country to give people jobs. Can you imagine.
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My favorite case of censorship
My censorship works so well, that even my attempt at taking credit for my censorship was erased in front of my very eyes. So here it is again: To put it short watch the netflix film 6 underground, which is based on on a song by sneaker pimps which is about prostitution. Now imagine the plot of this film, only reversed, so the billionaires aren’t saving people from chemical attacks, they are actually causing the chemical attacks as some kind of pretense to invade a country, create instability, and lower the price of oil. That’s what really happened. And the evidence points to corruption at the OPWC for covering this up. Read it for yourself, all it does is prove that Assad should be stripped of his honorable title of dictator. This is what a real dictator looks like.
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You want us to play a children's game in the midst of this scandal??
The Christmas Prince - The Royal Baby
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Happy facts
All happy facts such as the ones censored below have been replaced with alternate facts, this is because we don’t want the population to catch on to the fact that it is in fact all of these happy good things that are making the world better. Not because people are required to answer everything the leader says in a suitable time frame using a special code that was devised by him. If people found this out, the MAY actually STOP talking to him as they will no longer believe the world will break in to pieces if they do.
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All music is prohibited in my kingdom, except for the Mandalorian theme song, which is played at military parades, weddings and birthdays.
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Like most oil rich shakes, I to have a super car for every day of the week. This is my car for every day ending in day. It is special because slaves worked on this tirelessly for the better part of 2 years. Not only does it run on the bodies of dead dinosaurs, it is also powered by a fresh and never ending supply of engine sensors. The petrol is just a cover for the fact that the engine sensors are what really powers this thing.
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During a dictator workshop on, Famine: Why food shortages are the best preventative health measures for your people, I was told of the importance of censoring the media. Here is a collection of facts that my media was able to successfully censor to create a feeling of absolute doom in people.
These include such events such as:
Holland converted bus stops to mini roof top gardens to increase safe spaces for bees
Seven white rhinos eggs have successfully be fertilized, this means there may be white rhinos on earth again soon
Peru has agreed to end deforestation for palm oil by 2021
90 Million people are in the process of been connected to electricity by solar panels in Africa
A village in India has planted 111 trees every time a woman is born, so far they have planted 350000 trees.
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The king has prohibited watching christmas films until one week after his birthday. He is very upset that his birthday is so close to christmas, therefor he ensures that no one can celebrate christmas until after they celebrate his birthday.
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“A Christmas Prince” Is So Bad It’s Good 
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In the kingdom we also punish different that we can exploit, the thinking is that its much cheaper to exploit if you punish it for no reason.
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