kangaroocare · 6 months
Unveiling Solutions: Common Treatment Options For PCOS
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects individuals during their reproductive years. While it presents challenges, various treatment options can help manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. In this blog, we'll explore some common treatment options for PCOS , offering insights and tips for those navigating this condition.
Lifestyle Modifications:
Tip: Adopt a Balanced Diet - Focus on whole foods, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. Limit processed foods and sugar intake to help manage insulin levels..
Tip: Regular Exercise - Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine, aiming for at least 150 minutes per week. Exercise can improve insulin sensitivity and aid in weight management.
Oral Contraceptives - Birth control pills regulate menstrual cycles and reduce androgen levels, addressing common PCOS symptoms.
Anti-Androgen Medications - Medications like spironolactone can help control symptoms related to excess male hormones (androgens), such as acne and hirsutism.
Fertility Treatments:
Ovulation Induction - Medications like clomiphene can stimulate ovulation, improving fertility.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - For individuals struggling with infertility, IVF may enhance the chances of conception.
Management of Insulin Resistance:
Metformin - This medication helps manage insulin resistance and is often prescribed with lifestyle modifications.
Tip: Monitor Carbohydrate Intake - Choose complex carbohydrates and distribute them evenly throughout the day to prevent spikes in blood sugar.
Weight Management:
Tip: Set Realistic Goals - Aim for gradual and sustainable weight loss. Even a modest weight reduction can have significant positive effects on PCOS symptoms.
Tip: Seek Support - Consider consulting with a registered dietitian or a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on weight management.
Surgical Options:
Ovarian Drilling - In some cases, a minimally invasive surgical procedure called ovarian drilling may be recommended to improve ovulation.
Psychological Support:
Tip: Prioritize Mental Health - PCOS can have emotional and psychological effects. Seeking support from therapists or joining support groups can be beneficial.
While PCOS presents unique challenges, there is a range of treatment options available to address its symptoms and improve quality of life. A comprehensive approach involving lifestyle modifications, medications, fertility treatments, insulin management, weight control, surgical interventions, and psychological support can contribute to effective PCOS management. Working closely with healthcare professionals to develop an individualized treatment plan that addresses specific needs and concerns and fostering a holistic and personalized approach to PCOS care is essential. For a step-by-step guide for treating PCOS, visit the Kangaroo Care hospitals. Kangaroo Care hospitals offer the best PCOS treatment to ensure your menstrual health.
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kangaroocare · 6 months
Nurturing Life: Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an adorable journey when you must be extra conscious about your lifestyle. A healthy diet plays a crucial role in following a healthy lifestyle. Also, it nurtures you and your growing baby. It would be best to be mindful of certain foods that pose risks. Continue reading the blog to explore what to avoid during pregnancy.
High-Mercury Fish:
Avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish.
Tip: Opt for low-mercury alternatives like salmon, shrimp, and trout for essential omega-3 fatty acids.
Raw or Undercooked Seafood:
Avoid sushi, raw oysters, and undercooked fish or shellfish.
Tip: Choose fully cooked seafood to eliminate the risk of harmful bacteria or parasites.
Raw or Undercooked Eggs:
Avoid raw cookie dough, homemade eggnog, and undercooked eggs.
Tip: Opt for pasteurized eggs in recipes that call for raw or undercooked eggs.
Soft Cheeses:
Avoid brie, feta, blue cheese, and unpasteurized cheeses.
Tip: Opt for hard cheeses like cheddar or Swiss, which are generally safe.
Deli Meats:
Avoid deli meats and hot dogs unless heated until steaming.
Tip: Heat deli meats thoroughly to reduce the risk of listeria.
Limit: High-caffeine beverages.
Tip: Opt for decaffeinated coffee or herbal teas for a caffeine-free alternative.
Avoid alcoholic and carbonated beverages.
Tip: Choose non-alcoholic alternatives for celebrations, and seek support if needed.
High-Sugar and Processed Foods:
Limit: Sugary snacks and processed foods.
Tip: Prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods for optimal maternal and fetal health.
Unwashed fruits and vegetables:
Avoid Consuming unwashed fruits and vegetables.
Tip: Thoroughly wash and peel fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.
Tobacco & Smoking:
Avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke.
Tip: Create a smoke-free environment for you and your growing baby.
Over-the-Counter Medications:
Avoid taking medications without consulting your gynecologist.
Following a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy can help make informed decisions to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Always be mindful of your lifestyle, avoid harmful foods, and adjust your lifestyle.
Visit Kangaroo Care Hospitals:
To receive personalized care and guidance throughout your pregnancy journey, consider visiting Kangaroo Care Hospitals. With a team of dedicated healthcare professionals, Kangaroo Care Hospitals provide comprehensive maternity services, ensuring you and your baby receive the utmost care and support.
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kangaroocare · 6 months
Self-Care Ideas for Pregnant Moms
Self-Care Ideas for Pregnant Moms
As an expectant mother, caring for yourself is vital for a healthy pregnancy and overall well-being. At Kangaroo Care, we understand the importance ofself-care during pregnancy and want to provide you with valuable insights and ideas to support your journey. This article shares ten self-care thoughts specifically designed for pregnant moms. By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can nurture your body, mind, and spirit while preparing for the arrival of your little one.
Maintain Good Hydration:
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Sufficient hydration supports healthy digestion, circulation, and overall bodily functions.
Prioritize Rest and Sleep:
Rest and sleep are essential for your overall well-being during pregnancy. Make it a priority to get enough sleep each night and take short breaks during the day to rest and recharge. Consider establishing a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation, such as taking a warm bath or practising deep breathing exercises.
Maintain a Balanced Diet:
Nourishing your body with a well-balanced diet is crucial during pregnancy. Focus on consuming various fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. In addition, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized dietary recommendations.
Engage in Gentle Exercise:
Doing gentle exercise can have numerous benefits during pregnancy, such as reducing pregnancy discomfort, boosting mood, and improving overall fitness. Consider activities like prenatal yoga, swimming, walking, or low-impact aerobics. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise routine.
Practice Relaxation Techniques:
Daily practice relaxation techniques that help alleviate stress and promote inner calm. For example, deep breathing exercises, meditation, prenatal massage, or soothing music can effectively unwind and connect with your body and baby.
Seek Emotional Support:
Pregnancy can bring about a range of emotions, and it's essential to acknowledge and address them. Seek emotional support from your partner, family, and friends. Consider joining a prenatal support group or talking to a counselor or therapist specialising in prenatal mental health.
Indulge in Pampering Activities:
Treat yourself to some well-deserved pampering during pregnancy. Take warm baths with aromatic oils, indulge in a prenatal spa treatment, or dedicate time to activities that bring you joy, such as reading a book, listening to music, or practising a hobby you love.
Pamper Yourself with Prenatal Massages:
Treat yourself to prenatal massages to relieve muscle tension, reduce swelling, and promote relaxation. Ensure the massage therapist is trained in prenatal techniques.
Connect with Supportive Friends and Family:
Maintain a strong support network of loved ones who can provide emotional support and understanding throughout your pregnancy journey.
Practice Mindfulness and Meditation:
Engage in mindfulness exercises and meditation to alleviate stress, promote mental well-being, and enhance your connection with your baby.
Enjoy Gentle Hobbies:
Indulge in activities that bring you joy and help you relax, such as reading, listening to music, journaling, or engaging in gentle crafts.
Take Warm Baths:
Relax in warm baths infused with soothing bath salts or oils to alleviate muscle tension and promote a sense of calmness.
Delegate and Seek Support:
Don't hesitate to ask for help and delegate tasks to family members, friends, or professionals when needed. Prioritizing your well-being means recognizing your limitations and seeking support when necessary.
Connect with Other Moms:
Join pregnancy support groups or attend prenatal classes to connect with other expectant mothers. Sharing experiences, concerns, and joys with like-minded individuals can provide a sense of community and reassurance.
Capture the Journey:
Document your pregnancy journey through photos, journaling, or creating a scrapbook. These memories will serve as a cherished keepsakes and allow you to reflect on the incredible journey you've embarked on.
Educate Yourself:
Stay informed about pregnancy-related topics, attend childbirth education classes, and read reputable resources. Educating yourself empowers you to make informed decisions and feel more confident about the journey ahead.
At Kangaroo Care, we understand the unique needs of expectant mothers. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals is here to support you throughout your pregnancy journey. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our experts and learn more about prenatal care and self-care practices.
Take the first step towards a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy. Contact Kangaroo Care Maternity Hospital at Toll Free 1800-425-4500 or click the button below to book an appointment online.
Let us be your trusted partner in providing compassionate care and guidance as you embark on this beautiful journey of motherhood.
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kangaroocare · 6 months
Pregnancy Guidelines For Women With Pre-eclampsia
Pregnancy is a beautiful and life-changing experience, but the other side can be full of difficulties and complications. Pre-eclampsia is one such pregnancy complication, a complex condition that affects about 5-8% of all pregnancies. High blood pressure and protein in the urine are symptoms of pre-eclampsia, which can occur after 20 weeks of pregnancy. If left untreated, it can be a life-threatening condition for both the mother and baby.
If you have been diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, you must understand how to manage the condition to ensure your and your baby's health and safety. To keep track of your health condition - the first and foremost step is to attend all your prenatal appointments and work closely with your healthcare provider. These prenatal appointments may include regular blood pressure checks, urine protein tests, and ultrasound scans to monitor your baby's growth and development.
Your healthcare provider may prescribe medication, such as beta blockers or calcium channel blockers, to help control your blood pressure. These drugs can help you lower your blood pressure and lower your risk of serious complications. You must take your medication as directed and notify your healthcare provider if you experience any side effects.
Your doctor may also advise you to take a good amount of bed rest to relieve the strain on your blood vessels. It means staying in the hospital or home from other work activities for complete bed rest may be necessary. It is advisable to follow - your healthcare provider's guidelines because rest can help prevent the condition from worsening.
If you're experiencing severe pre-eclampsia or your baby is not growing normally, your doctor may recommend early delivery. The early delivery may involve a planned c-section or induction of labor. Early delivery is usually the best option to protect the mother and the baby from serious complications.
Being aware of pre-eclampsia symptoms such as severe headaches, blurred vision, or abdominal pain is very important to save both lives. Consult your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any of these symptoms. These symptoms may indicate that the condition is worsening and that early delivery is required.
It is also vital to comprehend the long-term consequences of pre-eclampsia. Most women with pre-eclampsia during pregnancy are more likely to develop high blood pressure, kidney problems, and other health problems later in life. Your healthcare provider can assist you in understanding these risks and managing them.
Few guidelines by the World health organization (WHO) and ACOG:
Pregnant women with calcium deficiency or a low calcium intake should take 1.5 to 2.0 g of elemental calcium per day to reduce their risk of pre-eclampsia
Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin 75mg) is advisable for pregnant women with high-risk conditions (pre-eclampsia, diabetes, chronic hypertension, renal disease, autoimmune diseases, and multiple pregnancies)
To prevent eclampsia in pregnant women with a high risk of pre-eclampsia - magnesium sulfate is recommended
Diuretics are not advisable to treat pre-eclampsia and its complications
Pregnant women should follow the below factors to reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia, which can lead to cardiovascular disease later in life.
Maintain healthy body weight
Regular aerobic exercise is a must
Consume low-fat, high-in-fiber vegetables and fruits
Strictly avoid tobacco
In summary, managing pre-eclampsia during pregnancy requires close monitoring, medication, and rest. It is necessary to collaborate closely with your healthcare provider to avoid complications in your pregnancy. Be aware of pre-eclampsia symptoms and contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of them. Remember that early detection and diagnosis help prevent severe complications and play a prominent role in saving lives!
You can rely on Kangaroo Care for accurate advice regarding your health concerns and the health concerns of your premature baby. We provide you with the best facilities, including the Child Development Clinic and the Paediatric HDU, to help you and your child. Our proficient team will offer you the best possible service. Contact us for further queries!
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kangaroocare · 1 year
Best maternity hospital in Bangalore
Antenatal care and counsellingAntenatal care is essential for all pregnant women and their partners, first-timers and others alike. Kangaroo Caring ensures that we deliver the greatest information based on evidence, coupled with a lot of care. We know you're carrying your dream in your womb, expectant mothers. We're here to make your idea a reality.Our antenatal programme covers the following and more:At the time of booking / applying:
Lifestyle advice, food hygiene, safe pregnancy eating etc.
Advice on avoiding alcohol and all other drugs.
Medication advice which includes the study of the safety of any current medication and avoiding any and all types of over-the-counter/unprescribed medication.
Information during the first stages of the pregnancy:
Baby’s development.
The importance of antenatal classes, new section on antenatal classes, lactation advise, remove antenatal depression
Written data about antenatal care in the form of books, booklets, etc.
Workout advice
Information regarding the options of delivery methods and the choice of place
Understanding that there may be possibilities of antenatal depression and dealing with it correctly if symptoms are present.
Information regarding breastfeeding
Just before 36 weeks, we offer:
Preparing for labor and delivery
Information about baby care
Reiterating information regarding breastfeeding
Information regarding routine postnatal procedures like infant screening, etc.
Information on postnatal self-care and postnatal depression
At 38 weeks, we offer:
Information about prolonged pregnancy
What is high-risk pregnancy ?If you or your baby has a health concern or the prospect of having one, your pregnancy is high risk. Many variables contribute to a
high-risk pregnancy
, although the word does not always imply that it is frightening. It's how doctors ensure you pay attention to it. According to the information provided below, there is a greater likelihood of difficulties such as sluggish baby growth, preterm labour, placental abnormalities, and preeclampsia. It is important to realise, however, that a high-risk pregnancy does not guarantee that you or your baby will have problems. It could perhaps be nothing at all.On that note, generally, your pregnancy may be a high-risk one if you have:
High blood pressure
Kidney problems
Heart problems
Sickle cell disease
Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis
A high risk pregnancy can also be because you are/had:
Under 17 or over 35 years old
Pregnant with more than one baby
3 or more previous miscarriages
Infected with HIV, hepatitis C, cytomegalovirus, chickenpox, etc.
Using lithium, phenytoin, valproic acid, carbamazepine, etc. as medication
Some other issues can be:
Developmental Defect in the heart, lung, or kidney of the baby
You had a previous pregnancy issue such as preterm labor, preeclampsia or seizures, and previously had a baby with a genetic problem.
Best Maternity Care Hospital in Bangalore
Kangaroo Care believes in providing world-class comprehensive
maternity care services
to make your pregnancy experience enjoyable and memorable from conception to delivery. Our goal is to provide the mother-to-be with a comfortable and stress-free
Your baby has a genetic condition such as Down syndromechildbirth experience, which distinguishes us as the leading maternity hospital in Vijayanagar, Bangalore.
Why Choose Kangaroo Care for Maternity Care in Bangalore?
With the support of our best maternity physicians in Bangalore, we offer tailored treatment to make your journey to motherhood a happy one. Under the expert's supervision, we promise a hassle-free and safe delivery. Kangaroo Care tries to deliver the finest and safest birthing experience possible.
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kangaroocare · 1 year
Best fertility specialist in bangalore
Fertility Treatment in Bangalore
Overview of Fertility Treatment offered at Kangaroo Care
Kangaroo Care Hospital provides a comprehensive range of fertility services to couples in need. The services include:
Simple Ovulation Induction
This involves giving women medications to promote ovulation, followed by FOLLICULAR IMAGING, which is scan-based monitoring of follicle growth, and finally TIMED INTERCOURSE, in which advise is offered on the optimal time to try for pregnancy.
IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
The need for this procedure is based on certain factors such as:
Age of the couple
Age of the couple
Years of marriage
Associated factors such as fibroids, endometriosis, and
Polycystic ovaries, we should separate when to seek help, what facilities we offer and patient info leaflets
This method entails administering ovulation medications to stimulate egg release, followed by follicular imaging to check for ovulation and then doing IUI. This essentially implies that the husband's sperm sample is centrifuged before being injected into the uterus via a tube-like structure coupled to a syringe. This ensures that the most active sperm are available for fertilisation, increasing the chances of conception over simple ovulation induction and timed intercourse.
IVF ( In Vitro Fertilization)
The need for IVF which means in vitro fertilization or commonly called as test tube baby, is based on certain parameter
Age of the couple
Number of years of marriage
Previous failed IUI (more than 6 cycles)
Underlying complications such as fibroids,previously treated poor ovarian responders.
Tubal block (both tubes blocked but normal uterus and ovaries)
Starting follicular scans on day 2 of menstruation is part of this protocol. This is referred to as ANTRAL FOLLICULAR COUNT. Regular blood tests to monitor the cycle, such as FSH, LH, prolactin, AMH, and estradiol, indicate the requirement for harmonal injections to stimulate the ovaries to create good quality follicles, which are then evaluated by alternate day scans to choose the best follicle for OPU (Ovum Pick-Up). Under anaesthesia, OPU is collecting eggs via vaginal channel. Under a microscope, the egg and sperm are fertilised together and cultivated to the BLASTOCYST stage. The top quality embryos are chosen, and the best one is used for single embryo transfer. We are the top IVF facility in Vijayanagar.
List of Fertility Treatment and Procedures
We are one of the best fertility centers in Vijayanagar, Bangalore. Our fertility department has well-equipped, advanced laboratories and experienced fertility specialists to provide comprehensive care and treatment. We offer a wide range of fertility treatments and procedures from the very simple to the more complex.
Follicular imaging and guided intercourse.
IUI (intrauterine insemination)
IVF (Invitro fertilization)
Facilities and Services
Follicular imaging
Laboratory based fertility hormonal assay
Why Choose Kangaroo Care for IVF Treatment in Bangalore?
Kangaroo Care is one of the best IVF fertility centers in Vijayanagar, Bangalore to provide a wide range of fertility services like Simple Ovulation Induction, IUI, IVF, which makes us unique from other hospitals. We aim to provide the best IVF treatment in Bangalore that improves your chance of having a healthy baby.
Our Doctors
Fetal Medicine
Infant Care & Paediatrics
Neonatal ICU
Paediatric HDU
Child Development Clinic
Other Facilities
Book An Appointment: https://kangaroocareindia.com/specialities/fertility-ivf-hospital-bangalore/1
Book An Appointment: https://kangaroocareindia.com/specialities/fertility-ivf-hospital-bangalore/1
Book An Appointment: https://kangaroocareindia.com/specialities/fertility-ivf-hospital-bangalore/1
Best fertility center in Bangalore
Kangaroo Care offers innovative fertility therapy in Bangalore by combining contemporary reproductive technologies with your own beliefs. As the top women and child care hospital in Bangalore, we also offer services in various specialisations and sub-specialties such as gynaecology, infant care and paediatrics, neonatal intensive care unit, foetal medicine, maternity, child development, and paediatric intensive care unit.
Best IVF treatment center in Vijayanagar, Bangalore
Kangaroo Care uses innovative technology to cure infertility for couples in need, offering a variety of facilities and services. Kangaroo care fertility is in Vijayanagar and is accessible to people in Nandini Layout, Mahalakshmi Layout, Rajajinagar, west of chord, and Basaveshwaranagar.
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kangaroocare · 1 year
Best Maternity hospital in Bangalore
Top Maternity Hospital in Bangalore
Antenatal care and counselling
Antenatal care is very critical for all pregnant women and their partners, first-timers and others alike. At Kangaroo Care, we ensure to provide the best of information based on evidence bundled with lots of care. Mums-to-be, we know you’re carrying your dream in your womb. We’re here to make your dream come true.
Our antenatal programme covers the following and more:
At the time of booking/applying:
Lifestyle advise, food hygiene, safe pregnancy eating etc.
Advice on avoiding alcohol and all other drugs.
Medication advise which includes the study of the safety of any current medication and avoiding any and all types of over-the-counter/unprescribed medication.
Information during the first stages of the pregnancy:
Baby’s development.
The importance of antenatal classes, new section on antenatal classes, lactation advise, remove antenatal depression
Written data about antenatal care in the form of books, booklets, etc.
Workout advice
Information regarding the options of delivery methods and the choice of place
Understanding that there may be possibilities of antenatal depression and dealing with it correctly if symptoms are present.
Information regarding breastfeeding
Just before 36 weeks, we offer:
Preparing for labor and delivery
Information about baby care
Reiterating information regarding breastfeeding
Information regarding routine postnatal procedures like infant screening, etc.
Information on postnatal self-care and postnatal depression
At 38 weeks, we offer:
Information about prolonged pregnancy
What is high-risk pregnancy ?
Your pregnancy is a high risk one if you or your baby has a health problem or even a possibility of it. Many factors contribute to a high-risk pregnancy, but the term doesn’t necessarily mean that it is scary. It's how doctors ensure that you give it special attention. The points mentioned below state that there may be a higher possibility for problems like slow growth of your baby, preterm labor, issues with the placenta, and preeclampsia. However, it is elementary to remember that a high-risk pregnancy doesn't mean that you and/or your baby will certainly have problems. It may be nothing at all too.
On that note, generally, your pregnancy may be a high-risk one if you have:
High blood pressure
Kidney problems
Heart problems
Sickle cell disease
Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis
A high risk pregnancy can also be because you are/had:
Under 17 or over 35 years old
Pregnant with more than one baby
3 or more previous miscarriages
Infected with HIV, hepatitis C, cytomegalovirus, chickenpox, etc.
Using lithium, phenytoin, valproic acid, carbamazepine, etc. as medication
Some other issues can be:
Your baby has a genetic condition such as Down syndrome
Developmental Defect in the heart, lung, or kidney of the baby
You had a previous pregnancy issue such as preterm labor, preeclampsia or seizures, and previously had a baby with a genetic problem.
Best Maternity Care Hospital in Bangalore
At Kangaroo Care, we believe in providing world-class comprehensive maternity care services to make your pregnancy journey pleasant, and memorable right from conception to delivery. Our aim is to offer a comfortable and stress-free birthing experience to the mother-to-be which makes us stand out as the leading maternity hospital in Vijayanagar, Bangalore.
Why Choose Kangaroo Care for Maternity Care in Bangalore?
At Kangaroo Care, we offer personalized care to make your journey towards motherhood a pleasant one with the help of our best maternity doctors in Bangalore. We ensure hassle & safe delivery under the expert’s supervision. Kangaroo Care strives to provide the best & safest birthing experience.
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kangaroocare · 2 years
best gynecologist clinic in bangalore
Best Gynaecology Clinic in Bangalore
Pregnancy is the happiest moment in a woman’s life hence she won’t compromise with her health during pregnancy as she knows her little one is breathing only because of her. Being the best woman care hospital in Bangalore, Kangaroo Care Hospital understands mother’s responsibility towards her baby and offers comprehensive infant and mother care. We understand that mothers need more guidance, support, and care than usual in their pregnancy days. This is why we have chosen the best gynecologists to employ at our hospital. If you’re looking for the best gynecologist hospital in Bangalore that can deliver a complete set of treatments, here is the list of services that we offer with the help of the best gynecologist doctor in Bangalore. 
Treatments That Kangaroo Care Hospital Offers
At kangaroo Care, we provide the best services for women of all ages. We are known as the center of excellence for serving the best treatment during pregnancy and other women-related problems. To be the best gynecology hospital for pregnancy in Bangalore made us put in lots of effort. Because we know pregnancy is the most critical situation and it includes various treatment surgeries to have control over the risks associated with it. What makes us stand as the best hospital for obstetrics and gynecology in Bangalore is -
Gynaecological surgery
Advanced laparoscopic surgery
Endometriosis specialists
Pelvic/vaginal reconstruction surgery for prolapse
Subspecialist care for managing cancer
And many other treatments that a mother or child would require.
What Kangaroo Care Hospital Offers To Its Patients?
When certain medical conditions affect the health of the mother and baby, the pregnancy is considered a high-risk. Our best gynecologist in Vijayanagar knows how to deal with such conditions and that is what makes us one of the best gynecology clinics in Vijayanagar, Bangalore. We are equipped with every required high-end tool and equipment that a gynecologist hospital should have to provide complete treatment. 
Why is Kangaroo Care the best Pregnancy care Hospital in Bangalore?
Kangaroo Care has a team of expertise to support and take special care for women who go through pregnancy related challenges. Being the best pregnancy care hospital in bangalore, we aim to overcome high-risk pregnancy and provide safe delivery.
Best Women Care Hospital in Bangalore
We provide treatments for endometriosis, uterine prolapse, fibroid, urinary incontinence, gynaecological conditions, and other comprehensive diagnostic screening tools for a women’s overall health check-up at Kangaroo Care, the best women care hospital in Bangalore. We also specialise in 
Neonatal ICU
Infant Care and Paediatric
Fetal Medicine
Child Development
Pediatric HDU
Best Gynecology Hospital in Vijayanagar Bangalore
We are equipped with every required high-end tools and equipment that a gynecology hospital should have to provide complete treatment. Kangaroo Care is considered to be the best women health care center in Vijayanagar and women from nearby locations like Rajajinagar, Basaveshwaranagar, Kengeri, Nandini Layout consult Kangaroo Care for Gynecological services. We also provide treatment for Infertility and have the 
best fertility specialist in Vijayanagar bangalore
0 notes
kangaroocare · 2 years
Pediatric hospital in Bangalore
Infant Care & Paediatrics Hospital in Bangalore
Overview of Infant Care & PaediatricBefore your little one arrives, lots of preparations need to be done in regard to his/her care, and choosing the right pediatric care is the one step that parents can take. Kangaroo Care Hospital would be the best choice for the people looking for the best child care hospital in Bangalore. We have a team of certified medical professionals having expertise in taking care of the physical, and psychological needs of children right from birth till the age of 16.
Being the best infant care and pediatrics hospital in Bangalore & Mysore, we understand the significance of child health care thus, we have trained and well-qualified pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists to diagnose and treat a broad range of childhood-related diseases.
We at Kangaroo Care Hospital take pride in our ability to manage any childhood related condition with the help of state of the art equipment and extremely well trained doctors. We also have the support of allied health professionals like dieticians, physiotherapists etc to ensure your child gets the holistic care they deserve.List of Treatment at Kangaroo Care HospitalTo provide the utmost care to the children, we leave no stone unturned. From each necessary treatment to every required service, we are 24*7 ready to serve our dedicated services to the children.
We arrange preventive health treatment programs with the help of some esteemed pediatricians twice a week on Tuesdays & Saturdays.We have all the vaccines required for childhood immunisation available at our 24*7 pharmacy.We also arrange evaluation and counseling programs for behavioral and developmental problems in children. Our panel of doctors includes:Child development pediatricianChild PsychologistSpeech therapistPhysiotherapistOccupational therapistWe also have dedicated pediatric subspecialty clinics every day of the week that can be pre booked for consultation.Facilities We Offer at Kangaroo Care HospitalThe services that make us the best pediatric hospital in Bangalore are as follows
24*7 emergency services to handle children with conditions like seizures, asthma, injuries, trauma, infections, and many more.Every possible medical facility including ambulance (equipped with all medical facilities) services.Neonatal Intensive care Units (Level 3B NICU) and Pediatric HDU (High dependency Unit).Wide variety of pediatric subspecialists under one roof.Attractive play area for children to keep them occupied and entertained.For the top child care services, book your appointment now at Kangaroo Care Hospital, the best pediatric hospital near Rajajinagar, West Bangalore. Why choose Kangaroo for child care treatment in Bangalore?We have a team of certified child specialists who have expertise in child care treatment in Bangalore. We take care of the physical, and psychological needs of children right from birth till the age of 16.
Best Pediatric Hospital in BangaloreWe understand the significance of child health, thus we have well trained and qualified pediatricians to diagnose and treat a broad range of child-related diseases, which makes us one of the best pediatric hospitals in bangalore. We also treat other specialities and sub-specialties like Gynecology, Fertility, Neonatal ICU, Fetal Medicine, Maternity, Child Development, Pediatric HDU.Infant Care and Pediatric hospital in Vijayanagar Bangalore Kangaroo Care is the best choice for parents looking for best pediatric hospital in Vijayanagar Bangalore. We have a team of experienced pediatricians who are well trained in managing childhood-related problems. When it comes to child care services, parents from locations like Rajajinagar, Basaveshwaranagar, Nandini Layout, Mahalakshmi Layout, West Chord Road consult Kangaroo Care. Kangaroo Care has very well equipped and best in-class neonatal intensive care unit in Vijayanagar Bangalore
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kangaroocare · 2 years
The Four Most Common Pregnancy Complications
The Four Most Common Pregnancy Complications
Pregnancy equals a roller coaster of emotions, and feeling anxious about complications is just a part of it. Though it is common, overthinking and anxiety are unhealthy during pregnancy.In most cases, women do not face any health risks and deliver a healthy baby. However, some women experience common complications like high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, digestive issues, etc. Moreover, when you are aware of all aspects of pregnancy, it helps in the early detection of any health issue and reduces the risk factor for the mother and baby. We have listed four difficulties that are most common during pregnancy.What are the most prevailing complications in pregnant women?Don't worry; we are not here to scare you by any means. We only intend to share pertinent information regarding complications that affect a woman, so you can reduce any risk factor involved. Most talked about pregnancy complications are-High blood pressureHigh blood pressure results when the arteries that deliver blood from the heart to the organs and placenta are narrowed. Many other issues, like preeclampsia, are linked to high blood pressure and are, therefore, more likely to occur. You are at a higher risk of facing such issues while pregnant or giving birth. During pregnancy, it's crucial to keep your blood pressure under control with medication.Gestational diabetesThe inability of your body to properly metabolise glucose might result in gestational diabetes, which causes blood sugar levels to get higher than usual. Some women must change their eating patterns to control their blood sugar levels. At the same time, others may need to take insulin to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Typically Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is healed after pregnancy.MiscarriageDuring the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, there can be a higher chance of miscarriage. In some cases, it may occur even before the lady is aware of her pregnancy. In most cases, miscarriage can not be prevented. A stillbirth or miscarriage is a pregnancy loss that occurs after week 20 and has been linked to a number of problems, including:
Complications with the placenta
Mother's ongoing health difficulties
AnaemiaAnaemia is a condition in which your body's red blood cell count is below average. You can be fatigued and weaker than usual if you have anaemia, and your skin might appear pale. Your doctor will need to address the underlying cause of your anaemia because it can be a result of various causes. Since most occurrences of anaemia are caused by a deficiency, taking iron and folic acid supplements during pregnancy may be beneficial.If you are pregnant and worried about the adverse consequences of pregnancy, do not hesitate to connect with
Kangaroo Care
. We have a team of expert
. We would assist you right from the beginning of your pregnancy and after the child’s birth. Our doctors interact with the patients and run a proper diagnosis to find any underlying disease that could affect the baby's or mother's health. Moreover, our emergency services are easily accessible, and you can book an appointment or consultation service immediately.
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kangaroocare · 2 years
best pregnancy hospital in Bangalore
best pregnancy hospital in bangalore What is high-risk pregnancy ?
Your pregnancy is a high risk one if you or your baby has a health problem or even a possibility of it. Many factors contribute to a high-risk pregnancy, but the term doesn’t necessarily mean that it is scary. It's how doctors ensure that you give it special attention. The points mentioned below state that there may be a higher possibility for problems like slow growth of your baby, preterm labor, issues with the placenta, and preeclampsia. However, it is elementary to remember that a high-risk pregnancy doesn't mean that you and/or your baby will certainly have problems. It may be nothing at all too.
On that note, generally, your pregnancy may be a high-risk one if you have
High blood pressure
Kidney problems
Heart problems
Sickle cell disease
Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis
A high risk pregnancy can also be because you are/had:
Under 17 or over 35 years old
Pregnant with more than one baby
3 or more previous miscarriages
Infected with HIV, hepatitis C, cytomegalovirus, chickenpox, etc.
Using lithium, phenytoin, valproic acid, carbamazepine, etc. as medication
Some other issues can be:
Your baby has a genetic condition such as Down syndrome
Developmental Defect in the heart, lung, or kidney of the baby
You had a previous pregnancy issue such as preterm labor, preeclampsia or seizures, and previously had a baby with a genetic problem.
Best Maternity Care Hospital in Bangalore
At Kangaroo Care, we believe in providing world-class comprehensive maternity care services to make your pregnancy journey pleasant, and memorable right from conception to delivery. Our aim is to offer a comfortable and stress-free birthing experience to the mother-to-be which makes us stand out as the leading maternity hospital in Vijayanagar, Bangalore.
Why Choose Kangaroo Care for Maternity Care in Bangalore?
At Kangaroo Care, we offer personalized care to make your journey towards motherhood a pleasant one with the help of our best maternity doctors in Bangalore. We ensure hassle & safe delivery under the expert’s supervision. Kangaroo Care strives to provide the best & safest birthing experience. 
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kangaroocare · 2 years
IVF treatment in Bangalore
IVF treatment in Bangalore
Overview of Fertility Treatment offered at Kangaroo Care
Kangaroo Care hospital offers a wide range of fertility services to cater to the couples in need of the same. The services range from:
Simple Ovulation Induction
This is giving medicines to induce ovulation to the women followed by FOLLICULAR IMAGING which is scan based monitoring of the follicle growth followed by TIMED INTERCOURSE - advice is given on when is best time to try for pregnancy.IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)The need for this procedure is based on certain factors such as:
Age of the couple
Years of marriage
Associated factors such as fibroids, endometriosis, and
Polycystic ovaries, we should separate when to seek help, what facilities we offer and patient info leaflets
This procedure includes giving ovulation medicines for stimulating egg release followed by follicular imaging to check for ovulation and then doing IUI. This basically means that the husband semen sample is processed by a procedure called centrifugation and then put by a tube like structure attached to a syringe into the uterus. This makes sure that the most active sperm are available for fertilization which improves the chances of pregnancy compared to just simple ovulation induction and timed intercourse.IVF ( In Vitro Fertilization)The need for IVF which means in vitro fertilization or commonly called as test tube baby, is based on certain parameter:
Age of the couple
Number of years of marriage
Previous failed IUI (more than 6 cycles)
Underlying complications such as fibroids,previously treated poor ovarian responders.
Tubal block (both tubes blocked but normal uterus and ovaries)
This procedure includes starting follicular scans from day 2 of menses. This is called ANTRAL FOLLICULAR COUNT. The need for regular blood tests to monitor the cycle such as FSH, LH, prolactin, AMH and estradiol decides the necessity for harmonal injections to stimulate the ovaries to produce good quality follicles which are then monitored by alternate day scans to determine the best follicle so that OPU (Ovum Pick-Up) can be done. OPU is picking up eggs by vaginal route under anaesthesia. The egg and sperm are fertilized together under a microscope and cultured to BLASTOCYST stage. The best quality embryos are picked and the better one out of the lot is used for single embryo transfer. We are the best IVF treatment clinic in Vijayanagar, Bangalore. Our aim of IVF is to have a single healthy baby.For more details visit
Kangaroo Care Fertility
- best fertility hospital in Vijayanagar, BangaloreList of Fertility Treatment and ProceduresWe are one of the best fertility centers in Vijayanagar, Bangalore. Our fertility department has well-equipped, advanced laboratories and experienced fertility specialists to provide comprehensive care and treatment. We offer a wide range of fertility treatments and procedures from the very simple to the more complex.
Follicular imaging and guided intercourse.
IUI (intrauterine insemination)
IVF (Invitro fertilization)
Facilities and Services
Follicular imaging
Laboratory based fertility hormonal assay
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kangaroocare · 2 years
Best gynecologist clinic in Bangalore
Pregnancy is the happiest moment in a woman’s life hence she won’t compromise with her health during pregnancy as she knows her little one is breathing only because of her. Being the best woman care hospital in Bangalore, Kangaroo Care Hospital understands mother’s responsibility towards her baby and offers comprehensive infant and mother care.
We understand that mothers need more guidance, support, and care than usual in their pregnancy days. This is why we have chosen the best gynecologists to employ at our hospital. If you’re looking for the best gynecologist hospital in Bangalore that can deliver a complete set of treatments, here is the list of services that we offer with the help of the best gynecologist doctor in Bangalore.
Treatments That Kangaroo Care Hospital Offers
At kangaroo Care, we provide the best services for women of all ages. We are known as the center of excellence for serving the best treatment during pregnancy and other women-related problems. To be the best gynecology hospital for pregnancy in Bangalore made us put in lots of effort. Because we know pregnancy is the most critical situation and it includes various treatment surgeries to have control over the risks associated with it. What makes us stand as the best hospital for obstetrics and gynecology in Bangalore is -
Gynaecological surgery
Advanced laparoscopic surgery
Endometriosis specialists
Pelvic/vaginal reconstruction surgery for prolapse
Subspecialist care for managing cancer
And many other treatments that a mother or child would require.
What Kangaroo Care Hospital Offers To Its Patients?
When certain medical conditions affect the health of the mother and baby, the pregnancy is considered a high-risk. Our best gynecologist in Vijayanagar knows how to deal with such conditions and that is what makes us one of the best gynecology clinics in Vijayanagar, Bangalore.
We are equipped with every required high-end tool and equipment that a gynecologist hospital should have to provide complete treatment.
Why is Kangaroo Care the best Pregnancy care Hospital in Bangalore?
Kangaroo Care has a team of expertise to support and take special care for women who go through pregnancy related challenges. Being the best pregnancy care hospital in bangalore, we aim to overcome high-risk pregnancy and provide safe delivery.
Best Women Care Hospital in Bangalore
We provide treatments for endometriosis, uterine prolapse, fibroid, urinary incontinence, gynaecological conditions, and other comprehensive diagnostic screening tools for a women’s overall health check-up at Kangaroo Care, the best women care hospital in Bangalore. We also specialise in Fertility, Neonatal ICU, Infant Care and Paediatric, Fetal Medicine, Maternity, Child Development, Pediatric HDU.
Best Gynecology Hospital in Vijayanagar Bangalore
We are equipped with every required high-end tools and equipment that a gynecology hospital should have to provide complete treatment. Kangaroo Care is considered to be the best women health care center in Vijayanagar and women from nearby locations like Rajajinagar, Basaveshwaranagar, Kengeri, Nandini Layout consult Kangaroo Care for Gynecological services. We also best gynecology hospital in Vijayanagar bangalore.
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kangaroocare · 2 years
Best fertility hospital in Bangalore
Fertility Treatment in Bangalore
Overview of Fertility Treatment offered at Kangaroo Care
The Kangaroo Care facility provides a variety of fertility services to help couples in need. The services comprise:
Simple Ovulation Induction
The women are then given medications to help them ovulate, followed by FOLLICULAR IMAGING, which is scan-based monitoring of the follicle growth, and then TIMED INTERCOURSE, in which the optimal time to try for pregnancy is advised.
IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
The requirement for this surgery is determined by a number of factors, including:
the couple's age
time spent married
When it comes to associated conditions like fibroids, endometriosis, and polycystic ovaries, we should differentiate between when to seek care, the services we provide, and patient information leaflets.
This treatment entails the administration of ovulation medications to encourage the release of eggs, followed by follicular imaging to detect ovulation and IUI. This basically implies that a technique called centrifugation is used to process the husband's semen sample before it is injected into the uterus using a tube-like structure attached to a syringe. In comparison to only simple ovulation induction and scheduled sexual activity, this ensures that the most active sperm are available for fertilisation, improving the chances of conception.
IVF ( In Vitro Fertilization)
The need for IVF which means in vitro fertilization or commonly called as test tube baby, is based on certain parameter:
Age of the couple
Number of years of marriage
Previous failed IUI (more than 6 cycles)
Underlying complications such as fibroids,previously treated poor ovarian responders.
Tubal block (both tubes blocked but normal uterus and ovaries)
Follicular scans are one step in this treatment, beginning on day 2 of menstruation. The term for this is ANTRAL FOLLICULAR COUNT. Regular blood tests to track the cycle, such as those for FSH, LH, prolactin, AMH, and estradiol, determine the need for hormonal injections to encourage the ovaries to produce high-quality follicles. The best follicle is then identified by alternate-day scans so that OPU (Ovum Pick-Up) can be performed. OPU is extracting eggs through the vaginal canal while under anaesthesia. Under a microscope, the egg and sperm are fertilised together, and the cell is then cultivated to the BLASTOCYST stage. The best embryo out of the batch is chosen, and it is transferred as a single embryo. We are Vijayanagar's top IVF treatment facility.
For more details visit Kangaroo Care Fertility - best fertility hospital in Vijayanagar, Bangalore
List of Fertility Treatment and Procedures
We are one of Vijayanagar, Bangalore's top fertility clinics. Our reproductive section offers modern, well-equipped labs and qualified fertility doctors to offer complete care and treatment. From the most straightforward to the most sophisticated fertility treatments and procedures, we provide a wide range of options.
Follicular imaging and guided intercourse.
IUI (intrauterine insemination)
IVF (Invitro fertilization)
Facilities and Services
Follicular imaging
Laboratory based fertility hormonal assay
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kangaroocare · 2 years
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kangaroocare · 2 years
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