kanrojj · 7 months
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Cillian Murphy in Oppenheimer (2023) dir. Christopher Nolan
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kanrojj · 8 months
i don’t see a difference
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kanrojj · 9 months
Cillian Murphy’s forearm appreciation post ❤️
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kanrojj · 11 months
What do you think yandare Hannibal would do if reader snuck out the window and went into the woods just to chill by the lake/creek and find shiny rocks
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i see you’ve asked for nbc hannibal in ur other message so i’ll do just him<3 thank u for specifying:)
TW: yandere behavior, toxic relationship, false imprisonment, reader is GN, implied kidnapping, barely proof read tbf
if any of this triggers u pls scroll past and stay safe🤍
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NBC Hannibal x His GN!Reader who sneaks out🌷💗
Haha. You’re bold if you think you can make it out for over an hour at best.
Ever since Hannibal took you, both the front and back door have had multiple locks installed, which are checked by him every morning, noon, before he goes to work, and night before you both go to bed.
Even the windows have been sealed shut and there are cameras in each corner of the house. Face it, you’re stuck like a mouse in a trap.
Especially since you now know of his eating habits
Still, somehow you’ve managed to jimmy open a window after weeks of slyly breaking apart the sealing on it (you sneaky fuck), and successfully snuck out at night making minimal noise, avoiding waking Hannibal in his slumber.
Still, somehow you’ve managed to jimmy open a window after weeks of slyly breaking apart the sealing on it (you sneaky fuck), and successfully snuck out at night making minimal noise, avoiding waking Hannibal in his slumber.
You’re given an hour head start this time, since Hannibal is sound asleep and you didn’t knock anything over when half hazardously jumping out the house
When he wakes up, though?
Oh, hes pissed.
Angry, worried, confused. All these emotions stir around inside him as he checks the cameras in hopes you’ve simply left bed momentarily for a glass of water or something.
Which is when he spies the open window. And the timeframe of you leaving.
An entire hour ago.
He sighs heavily, rubbing the bridge of his nose out of stress. Disappointment for both you and himself circling around him
Hannibal doesn’t waste any time getting changed, instead heading in the direction you left in, in his sleepwear and black dressing gown
Meanwhile, you’ve already seated yourself on a bench facing a peaceful, serene lake, which spreads greatly throughout a large portion of the area, lit brightly by the moon which sits comfortably above the distant edge of the water
Life is great
Life is peaceful
Life is quiet and stress free, away from Hannibal’s animalistic, obsessive clutches.
Until he finds you. 15 minutes later. The crunch of leaves under his feet startles you away from your tranquil meditation session, turning to face him with a look of horror
Your apologies and please go straight through him, ignoring your explanation for whatever the Hell you thought you were pulling tonight by leaving like that.
Hannibal grabs your arm and lifts you straight up, putting you in front of him and firmly pushing you back in the direction of the house
“Back home. Now.”
The minute you’re inside his home again he sits you down and lectures you for what feels like hours. Expressing his anger, disappointment, and worry, in the most collected way he’s able to given his current emotions
And congratulations! Unfortunately this little stunt has stripped you of all freedom entirely, almost every second of the day is spent besides Hannibal (apart from when he has to leave for work, then it’s spent locked in a single room)
Let’s hope that hour and 15 minutes were worth it
(at least you got to keep the little rocks)
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kanrojj · 1 year
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kanrojj · 1 year
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I want to be his controversially young girlfriend
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kanrojj · 1 year
If Negan had a soft spot for you
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Over time, Negan developed a soft spot for you, impressed by your intelligence, resourcefulness, and fearlessness.
Your influence on Negan has been profound but subtle, forcing him to confront his own moral code and rethink his worldview.
Negan is fiercely protective of you, though he would never admit it to anyone, not even himself.
It's only to you that Negan shows his vulnerable side, trusting you in a way he never has anyone else.
While he may never admit it outright, Negan often seeks your advice.
You are one of the few people who can make Negan genuinely laugh.
Even though he would never admit it, Negan has a habit of bringing you small gifts like candy or magazines.
Negan finds himself thinking about you often, even when you're not around, which annoys him to no end.
You have a calming effect on Negan, the only person who can prevent him from losing his temper.
Negan struggles with admitting that he likes you, fearing it may make him look weak.
You often help Negan see situations from different angles, preventing him from making rash decisions.
Negan is secretly proud of your accomplishments and loves to boast about them to others.
You are the only person that Negan is willing to make compromises for.
Negan will drop everything to help you, regardless of the situation.
Convincing Negan to show mercy is a rare occurrence, and only you have the power to do it.
Negan's soft spot for you is something he'd never reveal to anyone, not even his most trusted lieutenants.
Negan is fiercely jealous of anyone who tries to get close to you, though he would never admit it.
You provide a sounding board for Negan, allowing him to talk through his problems without fear of judgment.
Negan struggles with his soft spot for you, viewing it as a weakness, but he can't help how he feels.
Even though he may act tough and intimidating, you know that Negan is a big softie at heart, and that's part of what makes him special to you.
Negan might start to consider more ethical and moral decisions, recognizing that there is more to life than just power and control.
Ultimately, Negan's soft spot for you would make him a more complex and nuanced person, with a greater capacity for empathy and compassion.
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kanrojj · 1 year
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anyone still looking for cherik content in gods good year of 2023?
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kanrojj · 1 year
tbh shoutout to whoever pitched the idea for xmen first class and was like yeah bald dude in a wheelchair needs to be a SLUT and magnet guy needs to be a dramatic, stylish diva and they also need to have more chemistry than any other onscreen pairing in marvel ever and sexual tension that you could cut with a knife
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kanrojj · 1 year
no because why was every x-men movie just Erik trying to wipe out all humans and Charles chasing after him basically saying "Erik babe this isn't you" 😫🥹
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kanrojj · 1 year
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Some sketches because I love him.
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kanrojj · 1 year
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The plot of the X-men prequels
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kanrojj · 1 year
gay rep be like “kyaaaaaah!!! i like a boy but… im a boy >////<?!?!” meanwhile queerbait will be like “There is so much more to you than you know. Not just pain and anger. There is good, too. I felt it.” and “I want you by my side. All of us together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.” and “You abandoned me! You took her, and you abandoned me!” and
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kanrojj · 1 year
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kanrojj · 1 year
ya sali de vacaciones ! olvide postearlo lolol
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kanrojj · 2 years
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kanrojj · 2 years
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