karen-mp · 4 years
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Some long overdue Reylo fluff
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karen-mp · 4 years
Reylo wallpapers
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karen-mp · 4 years
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The OG Reylo Stan ~ Oscar
I still remember how in a TFA Ellen interview, everyone else said there's no romance but our boy Oscar said, "Wellll you have to watch it 3-4 times to see it but it's definitely there." 👀👀
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karen-mp · 4 years
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Let’s see how quickly tumblr will get triggered by this.
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karen-mp · 4 years
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„Ben.“ 🦋
I‘m still not over tros & I still get angry when I think too much about it 🤬😤😪💔
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karen-mp · 4 years
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“A brief sigh of helplessness escaped from Ben’s lips when he pulled Rey against him and settled her in his lap. Tears gathered behind his eyes when he realized the Force no longer lives in that body. He called her: “Rey … Rey …” But as an answer, just the silence in his heart. Now he wept under the weight of his overwhelming guilt. It had all happened because of him.”
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karen-mp · 4 years
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The sweater stays on
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karen-mp · 4 years
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Good boy’s sweater <3
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karen-mp · 4 years
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Warsaw - Łazienki Palace
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karen-mp · 4 years
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“Thank you, Katara.” “I think I’m the one who should be thanking you.”
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karen-mp · 4 years
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A magickal circle is an energetic construct that you build or envision around yourself before working magick, doing a ritual, some like to cast a circle before meditating or reading tarots. For a solitary practitioner the circle is typically 5-6 ft in diameter, but the size expands based on the size of the group. It can be defined physically, energetically, or both.
Circles provide protection and serves as a container for your personal energy as well as the energy you conjure.
Please remember that this is just what i personally like to do when casting a circle, but that there are many methods.
Preparation for circle casting
1. Determine how much space you will need.
2. Cleanse your area. Vacuum, sweep, throw away any trash in the area.
3.Make sure you have everything you need for your ritual! Theres nothing more frustrating than having your circle casted and realizing you’ve forgotten an herb or any supplies you need for the work you’re about to do.
4. Purify your area. Light purifying incense, sage, sprinkle salt and holy 💧. Most importantly, Visualize the negative energy dispersing. If you don’t focus & visualize, your physical actions will have little effect. Visualization is hands down one of the most important things in any and all magickal workings!
5. Now its time to cast your circle!
Visualize protective energy coming from within you and direct it towards your casting arm. Focus it through a casting tool (Athame, wand, or ✋)  and visualize a beam of energy coming from it and settling on the ground. Trace your circle with this energy, 3 times in a clockwise direction. Once for protection, once for focus, and once for power.
Call the 4 quarters
Face North and say “I call to the North, to the element of Earth. Grant me (us if not practicing alone) your endurance, your strength.”                                  Sprinkle salt onto your altar or crumble soil into a bowl on your altar.
Face East and say “I call to the East, to the element of Air. Grant me your creativity and your intuition.”                                                                             Light incense, wave a fan,or drop feathers onto your altar.
Face south and say “I call to the South, to the element of Fire. Grant me your passion and your energy.”                                                                                 Light candles.
Face west and say “I call to the West, to the element of Water. Grant me your empathy and your emotion.”                                                                              Pour blessed/storm/moon/natural water into a bowl or into your chalice.
Now would be the time to call on any deities you’d wish to work with. You can call any Goddess or Angel by personalizing this to them. I typically do not personally work with deities, but if you were to want to, Call to them similar to how the Elements are called. Ex. “I call to Gaia, Mother Goddess, Spirit of Earth.” and then place an offering symbolizing them, so for Gaia you might place  grain on your altar as an offering.
If not solitary, now would be the time to invite others to the circle. The group leader typically invites others in by a series of phrases, although i know every coven has their own method fine tuned for themselves, This is just the method i’ve seen used and am familiar with.                                                                    Group leader:”Children of the Goddess, I now invite you to enter our circle.” Each member will be asked “How do you enter this circle?” The response should be “In perfect love and perfect trust.”
Now its time to raise energy. This is the most important part of this process. It is so important because when you open your circle at the end of spellwork, You release all of your energy you have filled with intent out into the universe to go manifest whatever it may be you have called to. You want as much energy as possible to be released carrying your intent!
Here are a few ways! There is no wrong way to do this part, and there are SO MANY ways. You can fine tune this all to you. Remember that this is your ritual, and you want your energy fully behind everything you are doing. This is all customizable, most of all the energy raising.
-Witches Rune Chant
“Darksome night and shining Moon,
East, then South, then West, then North,
Hearken to the witches’ rune;
Here i come to call thee forth.
Earth and Water, Air and Fire.
Wand and pentacle and sword,
Work ye unto my desire,
Hearken ye into my word.
Cords and censer, scourge and knife,
Power of the witches blade waken all ye unto life,
Come ye as the charm is made.
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell, Lend your power unto my spell,
and work my will by magic rite.
By all the power of Land and Sea, By all the might of Moon and Sun,
As I do will, So mote it be;
Chant the spell, and be it done.
Eko, Eko Azarak
Eko, Eko Zamilak
Eko, Eko Karnayna
Eko, Eko Aradia”
-Meditating to raise energy. Visualize energy building and building by visualizing warm, yellow light fill your body until its expanding out of your body and filling the dome above your circle. visualize it filling with energy until you are content.
-Music or Drumming, Dancing and Chanting.
Once you reach your desired energy level, it is time to get into whatever spellwork or ritual you desire to preform!
After your spellwork, its time for Cakes and Ale. I like to make little spirit cakes and have some red wine after a ritual. Expelling all of that energy from your body is draining, and you should take your time to enjoy this part of the ritual. Set a cake and some wine aside for the entities who have lent you their energy as thanks. Cakes can be anything, from saltine crackers to cupcakes. Ale can be water. Anything that works for you is ok. For my cakes, i bake a shortbread and mix whatever ingredients i want into the dough. This way, I can craft them with the intent for whatever ritual i may be doing.
-Farewell to Goddess. ex. “I thank you, Gaia, for gracing me with your glory. Farewell and Merry met.”
-Farewell to Quarters (Counterclockwise). 
“My thanks to the element of Water, Your compassion was a gift. Farewell & Blessed be.” Now cover your dish of water or pour it out, Physically say goodbye as well.
“My thanks to the element of Fire, Your fierceness was a gift. Farewell & Blessed be.” Douse your candle. 
“My thanks to the element of Air, Your wisdom was a gift. Farewell & Blessed be.” Douse incense/flip fan/turn over feather.
“My thanks to the element of Earth, Your protection was a gift. Farewell & Blessed be.” Cover earth with a cloth, or return it to ground.
I like to walk the circle the opposite way of its casting three times, and voila!
Keep in mind that this is just my method! There are many methods and this is just one of them.
I hope this is helpful to you! 
-Love and light, @lapiscat
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karen-mp · 4 years
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Once Upon a Time, 3x22 - "There’s No Place Like Home”
You traded your ship for me?
requested by anon
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karen-mp · 4 years
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I thought it may be a good idea to keep a list of my researches, and my progress adding it to my grimoire also here on my witchblr.
Tarot cards (different kinds of decks, card meanings and how to cleanse/charge your deck)
Tarot spreads
Runes and spreadings
Hair binding & veiling
Protection spells & amulets
The elements
Moon phases
How to cleanse (different kinds of cleansing)
Crystals (my favorite crystals, their properties and if they can be in the water or under the sun)
Candle magic
Miasma & Lyma
Sigils (how to make them and use them)
Pendulums (how to use and cleanse your pendulum)
Herbs (the most common ones and their uses in medicine and witchcraft)
Nordic Pantheon
Celtic Pantheon
Festivities/Sabbats/Solstices & Equinox
My main dieties (Hades, Thor & Tyr)
The zodiac signs (and their traits)
Remember this list will be constantly be growing and changing with time,  be kind and don’t be shy to share ideas, concepts or information with me via ask. 
Blessed be! 🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔
*if you see a theme crossed that means i have already added it to my physical grimoire
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karen-mp · 4 years
Birthday Magick
It has just turned midnight, and the day has rolled over into 6th May meaning that it is now my birthday! I thought I would share my thoughts and plans regarding methods of incorporating witchcraft into the festivities.
Birthday Candles
I love candles, I think I have a candle lit at one point almost every day. Birthday candles, however, are special. Modern traditions dictate you make a wish as you blow out the candles, which dates back to Ancient Greece and using candles to honour gods/goddesses and beliefs regarding how smoke carries your prayers to the heavens. The biggest and most important thing about any magick is your intention, simply focus on that and be sure you’re channelling your craft as you make a wish. It’s pretty much already witchcraft, so just acknowledge that! If you’re able to get your birthday candles before they’re used you’re also able to enchant them with intentions! Make sure to save them after they’re used, too, though and check out later in this post to see my spell that makes use of them.
Birthday Cards
Birthday cards are a wonderful tool for future spells and witchcraft, and I generally use them in two ways. They’re written with love and good wishes, which makes them great for using in spells of abundance, happiness, confidence etc. Alternatively, they’re written by friends and family- which makes them a tool you can use in your spells to represent said people. Creating a spell for a family members good fortune? Use a bit of the card in it! (You can also use wrapping paper from gifts given by people if you’d rather not destroy cards!)
Birthday Tarot Spread
Birthdays are a great time, similarly to the new year, to reflect. How has the last year been, how do you want the next year to go, etc.I created my own simple birthday spread a couple years ago which I’ve used since. You’re more than welcome to use it!
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Tarot Birth Cards
The birthday tarot fun doesn’t stop there, though! You also have tarot birth cards! These are meant to reveal our innermost self and give us information regarding our entire lifetime and are meant to help us work with and understand our key personality traits and characteristics.
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While the maths involved is pretty simple, it can be somewhat confusing to work out, so here’s a little guide on how to determine what your birth card pair is! There is some debate on whether the fool is counted as 0 or 21. Personally I count it as 0 and exclude it from the birth card option, but do some research and decide what you want to do!
Birthday Spell
There are lots of birthday spells out there for you to use, but here’s my own in case anyone wants to use it! Rather than being a spell for something, this spell is more of a blank template for manifesting your own wish/intention.
1. Your Birthday 2. Used Birthday Candle 3. Pen/Pencil/Writing Instrument 4. A strip of paper. 5. String
1. Write down your birthday wish on the paper (while you can do a different wish to what you wished for when blowing out the candle, I’d advise keeping it the same. Magick works best when you its focused and your intention is strong, wishing for different things means your intentions are less focused on one thing.)
2. Wrap the paper around the candle and tie it securely with the string. If wanted, you can use colour string to match the theme of your wish/intention to strengthen the spell.
3. All done! As you’ve already lit and blown the candle earlier, there’s no need to do as such now. Keep the candle in a safe place and remember that magick cannot do everything, manifest your wishes by working hard too!
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karen-mp · 4 years
(Without getting complicated)
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☉The Sun☉
sign: leo
day: sunday
what it rules: the self, ego, individuality and identity, creative ability, meeting challenges,  masculinity, leadership, royalty, vitality, success, strength
some crystals: citrine, tigers eye, sunstone, pyrite, ruby, garnet, topaz, amber
Element: fire
signs: gemini and virgo
day: wednesday
what it rules: communication, intellect, awareness, logic and reasoning, expressing thoughts, restlessness, energy, short trips, speaking and writing
some crystals: aventurine, emerald, peridot, citrine, blue topaz, blue kyanite, blue lace agate
Elements: air and water
signs: taurus and libra 
day: friday
what it rules: love, money, unions and partnerships, happiness, tenderness, attractiveness, social life, beauty, the arts, aesthetic, culture, charm, sensuality
some crystals: jade, rose quartz, malachite, rhodochrosite, carnelian, amazonite, emerald 
Elements: earth and water
☽The Moon☽
sign: cancer
day: monday
what it rules: emotions, tides, instinct, feelings, mood swings, how our feelings affect others, soul, motherhood, fertility, childbirth and pregnancy, mother-daughter relationships, femininity, memories, the process of understanding what we want, nurturing, dealing with emotions
some crystals: moonstone, selenite, labradorite, opal, clear quartz 
Element: water
signs: aries (and scorpio)
day: tuesday
what it rules: passion, action, energy, drive, military, power and confidence, ambition, competition, achievement, violence, weapon, sexuality, masculinity 
some crystals: carnelian, tigers eye, ruby, garnet, red jasper, coral, 
Element: fire
sign: sagittarius 
day: thursday
what it rules: luck, exploring intellectual and spiritual learning, long distance travel, optimism, prosperity, leisure time, the abstract mind, searching hard for answers, values, benevolence, good fortune, growth, sports, games, animals, wealth (material and non material)
some crystals: spirit quartz, moldavite, amethyst, yellow topaz and sapphire, malachite, citrine, 
Elements: air and fire
sign: capricorn
day: saturday
what it rules: karma, hard work, discipline, managing limitations and restrictions, old age, life lessons, perseverance, authority, teaching, time
some crystals: hematite, shungite, obsidian, onyx, azurite, blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, iolite, chalcedony, 
Elements: earth, water
sign: aquarius
what it rules: rebellion, new outlooks and perspectives, expanded consciousness, originality, inventions, technology, future events, breaking tradition and the status quo, erratic and strange behavior, natural disasters, unexpected and violent things, astrology, freedom, creativity, revolution 
some crystals: azurite, labradorite, angelite, quartz, sodalite, amazonite, datolite, 
Element: water, air, fire
sign: pisces
what it rules: illusion, fluidity, change, oceans, dreams, abstract thought, mystery, spirituality, meditation, awareness, trances, music, dance, glamour, fashion, movies, subversion and theatre, escapism, sleep
some crystals: aquamarine, blue kyanite, celestite, turquoise, apophyllite, lapis lazuli, amethyst, opal
Element: water
sign: scorpio 
what it rules: power, transformation, rebirth, regeneration, death, obsession, coercion, viruses, waste, crime, the underworld, terrorism, secrets, hidden things, intensity, looking inward, going through change and coming out of it stronger
some crystals: jet, obsidian, moldavite, labradorite, meteorite, black onyx, bloodstone, lava rock, smoky quartz 
Element: water
•What the planets rule and their days of the week are good to keep in mind for doing spellwork; for example, a love spell could be more powerful on Friday and a luck spell could be more powerful on Thursday, etc. Everything connects
•mars was originally the ruling planet for scorpio until pluto was discovered and info about what the planets rule is from astrology.com, the crystals were from various sources, and the elements were from this image
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karen-mp · 4 years
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Ben Barnes
Mads Mikkelsen
Tom Hardy
Josh Brolin
Alan Rickman
Ralph Fiennes
Sebastian Stan
Adam Driver
Joaquin Phœnix
Jason Isaacs
( none of this gifs is mine )
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karen-mp · 4 years
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)     
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