Blog 1
Ugh today was great. I made new friends, got caught up with all my classes and I wasn't a loner today. Feeling happy is just oh my gosh!! Fr, the last time I was this happy is when I was a little girl, finding out I was moving from our home town, to a city. I basically grew up here though and tried going back to school there but it didn't work out, anyway not the point. But yeah, I just feel great today. I should wake up watching a movie while getting ready for school more often. Ohh and I started exercising and doing yoga, so that might be it too. I didn't realise how many yoga poses there were. There's like more than 100, and there's so many great exercises too. Anyways I'll just say what I did this morning: So, I thought today was going to be a bad day, because I missed my alarm, but thank goodness my mother woke me up. I, lol, put on mean girls on my phone and doing my make up. Straighten my hair. And left for school. I actually caught the bus this time too. And my friends were at the terminal to meet up, planned. Anyway destiny, shataya, Alicia, vivenia, and lorenda and me, almost missed the bus to go to school, but we made it. Then we went to school and just did normal school-ish stuff. Thats it for now, my Snapchat, and Instagram is; karen_rayne119 ----------------------------------------------------------------
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Me and one of my friends, lorenda. They always make me feel great, pike whenever I'm sad or angry, they won't give up until I answer why I am, life is just great when you're not a total loner. 😜
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Its a night to stay up late, things we have to do can wait. We’ve got catching up to do, there’s a glow about you. This is a perfect night to catch a cold.
Will be forgetting this -Elias Näslin ft. Elbot
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