kasumialice · 3 hours
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✨”Your love put me at the top of the world” ✨
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kasumialice · 4 hours
Why was this the turning point for you?
for context:
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honestly i think it's because i was just NOT expect that to happen at all. for phoenix to carry that much lingering resentment for edgeworth and then to go and say that to his face... it is a VERY good character moment. Like all of the first game is Phoenix being absolutely obsessed with Edgeworth determined to Do Right By Him In The End no matter how unrepentantly awful edgeworth is to him along the way... and it was far bolder character writing than i expected to then switch that up.
like in aa2 phoenix is so clearly miserable about edgeworth's 'death' he won't even let people bring up his NAME around him... he's sad. he's pissed. but phoenix has been presented to be a very forgiving and understanding and compassionate guy up to this point. So, for phoenix to be at his absolutely lowest point in desperate need of help, and then edgeworth shows up back from the dead to offer that help - i was really expecting phoenix to do a pretty quick heel turn and at MOST maybe like. bitterly accept his help and admit he was happy edgeworth was back. but that's not what happened!!! he bitched his ass out and it was SO good
it was really the first instance of me realizing that ace attorneys character writing was a lot more nuanced than i was initially inclined to give it credit for. like i think letting phoenix and edgeworth's relationship develop not just from 'bad' to 'good' in a straight line, but bouncing between different types and severity of tension and resentment balanced out by the fundamental goodwill thats there is just. so good. im rambling and not saying much of anything.
but like basically it would be a much safer decision to have your protagonist treat his friend who has come back from the dead with some compassion despite his hurt. instead they let phoenix have this chance to be outright selfishly cruel to edgeworth - very fairly! and in doing so they INSTANTLY gave this character dynamic a ton of extra depth that a lot of ships which rely on similar character tropes are missing. so tasty.
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kasumialice · 4 hours
hi random aa question that was rattling around in my brain: what do you think edgeworth thinks about the bloody ace? or does phoenix ever even tell him about that at all
unsurprisingly this is something i have a rather Involved opinion about. i don't think phoenix would ever offer this information to edgeworth, because phoenix - especially aa4 phoenix - is not often in the business of freely offering explanations of his behavior. however, i think if edgeworth were to look at the records/transcripts of that case, he'd figure it out pretty easily.
i definitely don't think edgeworth has any problem with this whatsoever, and i think anything that portrays him as having an issue with it really lacks an understanding of his character. edgeworth is his most by-the-book Before his character arc. once phoenix gets involved edgeworth becomes a lot more willing to bend or break the rules in favor of a particular end seen as the morally correct one. see, for example: colluding with phoenix to stall the trial in farewell my turnabout, illegally impersonating a defense attorney in bridge to the turnabout, flagrant disregard for international treaties in aai's turnabout ablaze, and pretty much every single thing he does in aai2.
more importantly, edgeworth has an interesting habit of outsourcing his moral framework. autism. as a child edgeworth fully adopt's the morality his father preaches as a defense attorney, then, he replaces that with the morality MVK imposed on him as a prosecutor. which you could contribute solely to the fact that that was his upbringing, but he continues the same trend with phoenix, supplementing the von karma morality he abandoned for phoenix's moral framework, which is made extremely clear in the investigations games. so while i believe edgeworth is fully capable of seeing when phoenix makes a mistake, i don't think it'd ever occur to edgeworth to judge phoenix on the grounds of morality.
like, i think, edgeworth upon hearing 'phoenix brought forged evidence into a court of law' would never immediately jump to 'did phoenix act in an immoral way?" but instead "what situation was phoenix in where this was the right thing to do?". i feel like just due to the ethical pedestal edgeworth has phoenix on, he'd automatically approach the situation from trying to justify phoenix's actions because i dont think he'd ever see himself as in a position where he Could judge phoenix's morality.
i think phoenix himself is having a far more significant struggle with this the morality of this whereas edgeworth is just like honestly king go off
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kasumialice · 4 hours
phoenix wright opinions from last night
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kasumialice · 4 hours
phoenix has been trying to hit on edgeworth for years but edgeworth is barely out to himself and still would never be so audacious as to assume someone ELSE was gay and his terrible autistically stunted interpersonal skills on top of that mean that he has an approximately zero percent chance of realizing anyone else is coming onto him let alone phoenix so anyway what happens is one day phoenix mentions he’s bisexual and edgeworth is like “i didnt realize you were attracted to men” with complete sincerity and phoenix has to be like [with a burning coolness thats somewhere between despair and rage] “hold on. you’re fucking with me right. this is a joke” and edgeworth is like “no” and phoenix has a slumdog millionaire style series of flashbacks to every time over the past ten years when phoenix has said shit to edgeworth like “i’m always at my happiest when you’re here” and “maybe ill become a lawyer again if it gives me a chance to see more of you” and edgeworth would always reply with some shit where he thanks phoenix for being such a valuable friend and colleague or compares him to his dead dad. of course in edgeworths head these are both the highest possible compliments you can give a person, so. 
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kasumialice · 4 hours
phoenix has been trying to hit on edgeworth for years but edgeworth is barely out to himself and still would never be so audacious as to assume someone ELSE was gay and his terrible autistically stunted interpersonal skills on top of that mean that he has an approximately zero percent chance of realizing anyone else is coming onto him let alone phoenix so anyway what happens is one day phoenix mentions he’s bisexual and edgeworth is like “i didnt realize you were attracted to men” with complete sincerity and phoenix has to be like [with a burning coolness thats somewhere between despair and rage] “hold on. you’re fucking with me right. this is a joke” and edgeworth is like “no” and phoenix has a slumdog millionaire style series of flashbacks to every time over the past ten years when phoenix has said shit to edgeworth like “i’m always at my happiest when you’re here” and “maybe ill become a lawyer again if it gives me a chance to see more of you” and edgeworth would always reply with some shit where he thanks phoenix for being such a valuable friend and colleague or compares him to his dead dad. of course in edgeworths head these are both the highest possible compliments you can give a person, so. 
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kasumialice · 4 hours
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additional thoughts from today
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kasumialice · 8 hours
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Almost Christmas thoughs
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kasumialice · 9 hours
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old screenshots bob found today
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kasumialice · 9 hours
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kasumialice · 9 hours
phoenix and edgeworth are truly soooo funny with each other in bridge to the turnabout because edgeworth flies all the way out there to see phoenix but then you try to show him a piece of paper he doesnt have dialogue about and he’s like ‘its in appropriate for us to be discussing thing so intimately’ as if they didnt just have a Weird Moment in the hospital that was too private for the narrative to show us, like, yesterday. and then all that earthquake shit happens and phoenix is like ughhhhh im so worried about edgeworth. lets go hug it out and then when phoenix tries to go be nice to edgeworth hes like I SEE YOUVE COME TO LAUGH AT ME and its like dude. dude. read the room. can either of you read the room? no? youre both just gonna keep doing this?
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kasumialice · 9 hours
What I actually think happens is that once they’re like together together edgeworth picks up on calling phoenix “nick” because maya and pearl and Larry do and like. Who ever just calls him “phoenix”? Mostly just the text boxes and Mia. This leads to a situation where half of the rookie prosecutors in the district are fully convinced that edgeworth is cheating on his poor long-suffering husband nick who enjoys art and baking with notorious law harlot phoenix wright, esq
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kasumialice · 9 hours
When theyre dating edgeworth also refuses to call phoenix his boyfriend because he’s like “im not a fourteen year old girl I don’t have a BOYFRIEND” and sticks to calling phoenix his partner instead. But then in conversation one day he introduced phoenix as such to a colleague who has to be like “I thought you were partnered with the detective in the green coat” and edgeworth has just the most horrible clarity in the fact that he’s been using the same word for The Guy He Is In Love With And Fucking and also gumshoe and he’s like 30 seconds away from walking into the sea and never coming back. A good 10-15% of his reason for proposing when he does is because fiancee as a term is both classy and unambiguous and phoenix tries to call him on this but he will never ever admit it. Phoenix doesn’t mind though, whatever gets the thing done.
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kasumialice · 9 hours
phoenix is ABSOLUTELY a Boyfriend Guy though like after they start dating phoenix convinces himself he is going to be SO mature and chill about everything and super normal and this gets him through a week max before he is absolutely smitten and terrible. trucy enables him because she’s also terrible. his phone will ring during the day and trucy will be like “oh my gosh daddy is your BOYFRIEND calling you” and he’ll be like 😳 maaaaybe…. 😊💙 and it’s literally only the fact that he gets paid better these days that stops apollo from wanting phoenix to go back to being depressed and reclusive again 
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kasumialice · 9 hours
the thing about narumitsu is that like they arent a ship to me theyre just these gay guys i know. theyre real. they got married. 
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kasumialice · 9 hours
replaying aa and i cant tstop abt ur phoenix has horrible untreated bipolar but doesnt realise it because hes surrounded exclusively by other insane people tweet. because yeah he really does . i dont think any ace attorney character is any measure of normal. some of the pretend to be normal unconsciously and some of them as a game but like theyre all. mostly just unhinged people
phoenix gets diagnosed with ADHD in college after his RA finds out he's been buying adderall off of another kid on campus but he asks phoenix to describe how he feels after taking it and when phoenix does he says "ok hear me out. i wont report you for abusing a controlled substance if you just... like.... talk to a psychiatrist dude' and so phoenix gets his own prescription and after that he just assumes he's normal because the fact that you can have more than one thing wrong with your brain literally just never occurred to him so its not until like somewhere after aa4 when he's talking to edgeworth and telling a Super Relatable Story about staying up for three straight days to work on something for the jurist system stuff and then immediately falling into a week long pit of despair where he did nothing but binge how it's made reruns once he ran out of tasks he could immediately accomplish but he got over it once they started getting a bunch of customers in at the borscht bowl club again because there really is nothing quite as invigorating as gambling and edgeworth has to very gently be like 'i think you have some sort of severe illness'
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kasumialice · 13 hours
miles edgeworth is a functional and respectable boss in that he is incredibly up to date and organized in everything but he is a terrible boss in that he is also a raging hypocrite who openly plays favorites. glass half full kind of thing.
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