kendoji · 4 years
The Kingdom. Part 3.
“You’ll never catch me!” The shadow called to Marcy and fled behind a building.
“You no good son of a bitch! I’ll catch you one way or another!” She flew after the shadow, into the darkness. “When I find you, I’ll rip out your heart and stomp on it!”
“I’d like to see you try.” The shadow ran in front of her.
Marcy chased it. She was determined to catch the thief. She chased it all the way through town and cornered it.
“Oh. Please don’t hurt me. I’m sorry. Please take it back.” The shadow held the box out.
“Wow…You expect me to fall for that?” She walked up the the shadow, knowing what was going to happen. 
The figure pulled out a dagger and hid away the box. “Eat it!” The figure shoved the dagger into Marcy’s stomach.
Marcy wasn’t sure if she should scream or kill the thief. She shuttered and as she fell, she managed to grab the coat that the thief was wearing. “P-Penny?” She fell to the ground as the girl stood over her.
“You stupid ,bitch.” She laughed and kicked Marcy in the side. The banana guards were on their way. She tucked the box away and screamed.
The guards spun around the corner to see her crying. “What happened?” One asked.
Penny sniffled and wiped her eyes. “S-Someone stabbed her. I think it was whoever stole the ring." 
The other guard called Doctor Princess to come and examine Marceline.
Bonni had woken up a few moments later in a daze. Someone had told her what happened. She smiled and then noticed sirens and flashing lights. "M-Marcy?” She ran towards the lights. “No no no no no!” She ran faster determined to find her.
The paramedics put Marcy on a stretcher and lifted her into the ambulance. Bonni finally made it to the truck. “MARCY!” She jumped into the back of the truck. “Marcy. It’s gonna be okay Marcy.” She held her hand tight and never let go.
Marcy gave her a weak smile. “I may have just gotten stabbed by a little brat, but I’ll never leave you behind. Besides, I’m already dead. Remember? Can’t die.” She smiled and chuckled.
Tears were rolling down Bonni’s cheeks. She nodded and smiled. Still knowing that Marcy was badly wounded. “I love you…” She said after a long period of silence.
Marcy looked at her and didn’t say anything. She’d realized that Penny still had the ring. She sighed and pulled Bonni’s hand closer. “She took the ring…” She whispered.
Bonni looked up at her. “What? What ring?”
She looked at the ceiling and shook her head. “Did no one tell you?”
“Tell me what?” She moved closer and gripped tighter on Marcy’s hand.
Marcy closed her eyes and sighed. “I…I asked you something very important and…”
“What did you ask me?”
“I…I asked you to marry me.” She looked away from Bonni. Not wanting her to see her tears.
Bonni’s heart stopped for a moment as she processed what had  happened. Her heart began to beat faster and faster. She lit up and smiled. “You…You did?”
Marcy wiped her tears away and scoffed. “Y-Yeah.”
Bonni stood up and startled Marcy. “I’m gonna kill that bitch.” She kissed Marcy on the cheek and threw the doors open. The truck was still in motion. She looked at Marcy and gave her a big grin. She jumped out of the back of the ambulance. The doors slammed behind her as she ran after Penny.
“Wow. That was easy.” Penny chuckled maniacally as she stared at the ring she’d stolen.
Bonni found her way and stormed in. “You’re Penny?”
“Yeah. Who wants to know?” She stood and crossed her arms.
She smirked. “The girl’s girlfriend that you stabbed!”
“Oh…So you’re the lesbian princess of the Candy Kingdom who let her girlfriend get killed and let her ring get stolen?” She laughed. “Wow. That is pathetic.” She was too busy laughing to notice that Bonni had taken a knife and stabbed her in the back.
“How does it feel? To be stabbed!” She yanked the knife out and threw it aside. While penny was bleeding from the mouth, she took the ring and tucked it back in the box where it belonged. “I got what I came for. I hope you did too.” She smiled and walked out.
Marcy arrived at the hospital and was surrounded by doctors. Bonni threw the door open. She walked through the doctors that were everywhere. They stared at the blood on her hands. “Don’t say anything.” She hissed without looking at anyone.
“B-Bonni?” Marcy groaned as she tried to sit up.
“Don’t.” Bonni smiled and made her lay back down. “Now…I have something that I would like to ask you…” She swayed back and forth, shifting her wait from one foot to the other.
“What?” Marcy tilted her head.
“Since you can’t do it…” She smiled at the floor. “I will.”
“Huh?” Marcy’s face, more confused than ever, was also flushed.
Bonni knelt down on one knee and opened the box. “Will you marry me?” Her smile more beautiful than ever.
Marceline just smiled. “Yes.” She nodded. “Hell yes I will!”
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kendoji · 4 years
The kingdom. Part 2.
“He can kiss my ass!” Marceline yelled.
“Hey! Calm down and that’s my job! He can stay away from your ass.” She grabbed Marcy’s waist. “It’s mine!” She stuck her tongue out.
Marcy laughed. Bonni let her go and they held hands as they walked out onto the balcony. It was night time. Marcy’s grip tightened. “I’m gonna rip his head off.”
“Whoa! Marcy!” She grabbed her before she flew off. “Don’t. Just leave it. He’s not worth it.”
She sighed and planted her feet on the balcony. “Well, can we at least go somewhere?”
Bonni smiled. “Sure.”
Marcy put her arms around her. “Let’s go!” She flew off the balcony and flew over the kingdom.
Bonni put her arms out like wings. “I feel like a bird.” She laughed and flapped her arms.
“Look down.” Marcy held her closer and pointed to the Gumball Guardians.
“Wow…That’s amazing.” She stared in amazement. 
“Yeah.” She slowed to a stop and Bonni stood on Marcy’s feet. “Just like you.”
They kissed and flew to the ground. They landed and laughed"Let’s go over to the fountain!“ Bonni jumped in excitement.
"Okay okay.” She noticed that she was being dragged.
Finn heard them and quickly turned. He saw them run towards the fountain. “I bet they’re going to wish that I was never born.” He frowned and walked away.
Jake sighed and followed. They didn’t speak a word until they got to the tree house.
“Make a wish, Marcy.” Bonni closed her eyes as if to make a wish.
She leaned over and opened them again. “All my wishes have already come true.” She leaned in and kissed her. 
The candy people gathered around. They chattered and applauded. The girls looked up in shock.
“Candy people!” Bonni announced. “Please return to your doings!”
Marcy jumped up. “Wait wait wait!” She waved her hands to capture everyone’s attention. “Bonni?” She pulled a small pink box out of her pocket. “I-I want to ask you something…”
“What is it?” She smiled and waited for her to reply.
She took a deep breath. She knelt down on one knee and opened the box. “Princess Bubblegum… Bonnibel… Will you marry me?”
Gasps came from the crowd. Slow claps and chatter.
Bonni’s face was flushed. Her eyes were wide. She lost her balance and consciousness. She passed out and Marcy dropped the box that contained the ring to catch her. “Bonni?” Marcy patted her face. “Bonni?” She shook her. “Bonnibel?” She looked around and noticed the ring was gone.
Someone has snatched it and ran away with it.
“Someone has it!” Someone from the crowd screamed and pointed at a dark shadow moving away.
“Not on my watch!” Marcy lied Bonni down on the rim of the fountain for the doctors to tend to her. She flew after the shadow. “GET BACK HERE! OR I’LL RIP YOU APART!" 
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kendoji · 4 years
The Kingdom. Part 1.
Marcy and Bonni had gone to the Kingdom after all. They wallked close to each other under Marcy’s umbrella. 
“It’s nice out here today.” Bonni stuck her hand out in the sun and smiled. “It feels nice.”
“I bet it does.” Marcy looked at the ground.
Bonni pulled her close. “Don’t be like that. There must be other things that make you feel good.”
Marcy smiled. “Yeah. You.” She kissed her on the cheek and they carried on.
“There it is.” Bonni pointed to the castel. “That’s where I live.”
Marcy picked her up while Bonni held the umbrella. She flew to the balcony and set her down. They went inside and closed the umbrella.
“Come on in.” She spun and fell onto her bed. She patted the space next to her.
Marcy smiled and shut the balcony door. She walked to the edge of the bed and laughed.
“What?” Bonni asked and sat up.
“Nothing…I just…” She sighed. “I don’t know.” She smirked and jumped on Bonni.
“Wha-!” Bonni was attacked and they rolled off the bed. “Marcy!” She laughed. “I love you.”
Marcy snickered. “I know.” She smiled and kissed her. They’d rolled over and Bonni was now on Marcy. They were kissing when Marcy stopped.
“What’s wrong?” She slid to the floor next to her and waited for an answer.
Marcy didn’t say anything. She turned to Bonni and put her hand on her face. A smile came across her face. “I just love you that’s all.”
They smiled at each other and carried on. They lied in the floor and somehow made their way to Bonni’s closet. Bonni looked up. “What the-” She looked to where they started. “What the hell?”
“Bonni!” Marcy laughed. “Holy shit! I can’t believe you said that!” She laughed some more and sighed. “Wow…”
“What? It’s surprising to you?” She laid on top of Marcy and kicked her feet.
“Well yeah. You don’t say stuff like that a lot. You only did when we were in high school.” She laughed.
“Pfft. So?” Bonni scoffed.
“So?” She chuckled. “You’re a princess.”
“So that means I can’t cuss?” She raised and eye brow and leaned closer to Marceline. “Well that’s where you’re wrong, bitch”
Marcy gasped and laughed. “I can’t believe you!” She playfully punched Bonni’s arm and they laughed. They laughed until their sides hurt as thoughts sujrrounded them.
“What do you think Finn’s problem is?” Bonni asked slumped over Marceline’s legs.
She sighed and looked out the window, wondering where he might be. “I don’t know, Bon bon. I don’t know.”
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kendoji · 4 years
Reunited. Part 3.
“What’s wrong Finn?” Fionna asked gently as she put her hand on his shoulder.
Finn sighed and looked to the ground. “I'ts PB and Marcy. Mostly PB.”
Fionna tilted her head and smiled. “Wanna talk about it?”
Finn looked at her and told her what had happened. “The princess likes Marcy but I like her. I just don’t like it that much.”
Marceline and Bonni were getting ready to go for a walk to the Candy Kingdom. Bonni had been ready before Marcy had even started. She was waiting at the door with Marcy’s umbrella when she heard indistinct voices coming from the other side.
When Marceline had come down the stairs, she saw Bonni with her ear next to the door. “Bonni? What the hell are you doing?”
“Shh. I’m listening. I think it’s Finn and Fionna.” She tried to make out what was being said and finally managed to figure it out. She frowned and then started to cry.
“Bon Bon?” Marcy floated to her and tried to comfort her. “What is it?”
She sniffled and coughed. “He doesn’t like us being together.” She cried harder and ran up the stairs.
“What?” Marcy said to herself. “That’s not happening.” She stomped to the door, grabbed her umbrella and threw the door open. She angled her umbrella towards the sun to keep it off of her.
Finn looked up at her with a confused face. “Marcy?" 
"Yeah. Hey, dork. I don’t like the way you’ve been acting since you found out about Bonni and I. I honestly could care less about what you think. If you were my friend, you would be happy for me. Obviously you aren’t. Bonni heard what you said and now she’s upstairs crying her eyes out. I thought you were my friend, Finn.” She shook her head and drifted back into the cave where her house lied. She thundered inside and slammed the door.
Bonni emerged from the top of the stairs. Her eyes were red and her pink face was streaked with tears. She looked at the stairs as she slowly walked down them.
“Bonni…” Marcy said quietly as they met at the middle of the stairs. She hugged her.
Bonni sobbed into Marcy’s shoulder. They stood together on the steps. Not believing what had happened.
Finn sighed and stood. He walked away from Fionna and Jake. He walked away from everything. Also not believing what had happened. He felt guilty. He wished he could undo that moment. He wished he had never said anything. He upset two of his best friends who didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. He played the scene over and over again. 
“I love you Bonni. That’s all that matters. He’s not a good friend if he doesn’t accept it. He isn’t worth it. He doesn’t deserve you anyway. He’s an ass and always will be.” Marcy tilted Bonni’s head up and smiled at her. “You’ll always be my princess.” She wiped away Bonni’s tears and kissed her lips.
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kendoji · 4 years
Reunited. Part 2.
“Hey, Jake?” Finn asked his dog as he climbed into his bed.
Jake yawned. “Yeah man?”
Finn looked out of his window. “You think PB’s happy?”
“What do you mean?”
Finn sighed and leaned on his hand. “I saw her and Marcy…” He blushed.
“What did you see man?” Jake sat next to Finn and patted his arm.
“Erm…I saw…I saw them kissing…” He looked out the window again and sighed.
“Whoa man. How come you never told me this? Never mind. I bet she is happy. Did they seem like it?”
“Uh…Yeah. They did seem pretty happy.” He sighed and covered his head.
“Hey. It’s okay. It’s time to let her go, man.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He mumbled under his blanket.
Jake smiled and and patted Finn’s back. “Go to sleep man. We’ll go see them tomorrow.”
“Hmmmm…” He mumbled and curled up under the blanket.
“Go to sleep, Finn.” Jake curled up in his drawer and feel asleep.
Finn eventually fell asleep as well. The next morning they went down to Marceline’s house.
Marcy had fallen asleep in the floor next to Bonni. They were holding hand and were surrounded by candy wrappers and grey strawberries.
“Marcy?” Finn knocked on the door which startled Bonni. 
She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at Marcy and smiled. She then noticed the mess. “Wow…” She stood up and stretched. Finn knocked again.
“Mar Mar? Marceline?” He knocked once more.
Bonni went to the door and opened it. Blinded by the sunlight, she shielded her  eyes. “Hello, Finn.”
“Oh, Hey PB.” Finn smiled. “Is Marcy home?”
She yawned and nodded. “Come on in.” She moved aside and let them in. Shutting the door, walking over to Marcy who still lay asleep in the floor. “Marcy.” She shook her until she woke.“
She yawned and sat up. "Hey, Bon Bon. How are you today?” She kissed her on the cheek and smiled.
“I’m fine, Hon.” She hugged Marcy and gestured to Finn and Jake who stood in front of them, expressionless. 
“Hey guys.” She stood up and stretched. Her fangs poking out over her lip. She smiled. “Supp?”
“Uh…” Finn looked at Jake for help.
“We just had a question for you two.” He stepped up to Marcy.
“Really? What is it?” Bonni walked up next to her and handed her an apple. “Thanks, babe.” Bonni put her arm around Marcy’s shoulders.
“Uh…Finn’ll tell you.” He pushed Finn to them and he stuttered.
“Uh…I-I uh..” He couldn’t speak and couldn’t move. He froze there and Jake eventually asked them.
“Finn said he uh… saw you two kissing. Were you?” He braced himself for whatever was about to happen.
The girls just laughed. Marcy drained the red from the apple and tossed it to Jake. “Yeah. What’s your point.” She chuckled and nudged Bonni. Bonni smiled and couldn’t help but giggle.
Jake stared at the apple. Finn’s faced was flushed.
“Wow, Finn. You’re face is so red I could drink it.” She laughed and he looked to the floor.
“But we…thought you two didn’t-” Jake started.
“Didn’t like each other?” Bonni finished. Giggling and covering her mouth.
“Uh…yeah.” Finn forced out.
“Well-” Marcy started before Bonni had kissed her.
“Uh we have to go bye girls see ya later come on Jake.” He spoke all together and grabbed Jake. “Let’s go.” He drug Jake out the door and sat down.
“Whoa dude. Chill. You have to let her go.”
Finn teared up. “I know but…I don’t wanna!” He burst into tears.
“Finn?” A strange voice called him. “Hey." 
Finn looked up and she knelt down next to him. It was Fionna.
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kendoji · 4 years
Reunited. Part 1.
Finn wasn’t sure what to make of what was happening. “Uh…Okay…” He shut the door and slowly walked away.
“I love you Marcy.” Bonni said with a smile.
Marcy chucked and kissed her cheek. “Love you too, gummy.”
They both laughed and laughed. They did that until they cried. They watched movies in total silence. Like they had that night. That first kiss. The last thing Bonni had done with Marcy before her mind was wiped.
Bonni sighed and smiled. “I love spending time with you.”
Marcy looked at her as thoughts raced through her head. She finally laughed. “I love spending time with me too.”
“You jerk!” She playfully pushed Marcy and jumped on top of her. “I…feel like this has happened before.”
Marcy smiled. “It has, babe.” She kissed Bonni on the nose. “Mmm. You taste like bubblegum." 
"That’s because I’m made of it!” They giggled in the dark. The movie playing over and over again. While they sat there staring at each other.
Marcy looked out the window. “Wanna go outside? Have a walk in the moonlight?”
“Yeah. Let’s go!” Bonni jumped up and pulled Marceline to the door. She threw it open and ran out. “It feels so nice out here!” She laughed and spun in circles until she fell over.
Marcy lay down next to her. “See? It’s nice to get out of a bright castle and away from everyone sometimes. Better to come and see me.”
“Yeah. You’re right.” She rolled over and started to braid their hair together. “I think I love you more than candy.”
“Really?” Marcy was surprised by those words.
Bonni looked around. “Nah. I love candy more.” She laughed.
“Can candy do this?” Marcy kissed her and she smiled. “Well? Can it?”
Bonni giggled. “No. You’re the only one. She kissed her back and she flopped over on her back. They looked at the stars for hours and never said a word. They’d fallen asleep and luckily, Bonni had woken up just before the sun rose.
"Marcy! Wake up! The sun! It’s coming up!” She shook Marcy as hard as she could, in hopes that she would wake up. “MARCY!”
She finally opened her eyes and noticed what was happening. “Oh shit! Come on.” She floated up and grabbed Bonni’s arm. They ran inside and slammed the door just in time for the sun to come up.
“Oh glob…” Marcy panted. “That was close.” She slid down the door and leaned against it.
Bonni was coughing and gasping for breath. She’d collapsed to her knees with her arms around her sides.
“Bonni!” Marcy ran into the kitchen and grabbed an inhaler. She came back and put it to her lips.
Bonni grasped it and took deep puffs. She took deep breaths and coughed a few more times. “I’m fine.”
“Thank glob. I thought I was gonna have to do C.P.R. on you. Not like that’s a bad thing…” She rubbed Bonni’s back.
“Thank you.” She panted and Marcy put her arms around her.
“I don’t want anything to happen to you. I’m not loosing you again.” She hugged her as they sat in the floor. The sun slowly rising. Marcy pulled Bonnies hair behind her ear. “I love you.” She whispered and gently kissed her cheek.
Bonni smiled and put her head on Marceline’s shoulder. “I love you more. She whispered back. The sun was slowly rising and they watched it through sheer black curtains in Marcy’s window.
"It’s almost as beautiful as you.” Marcy put her hand on the back of Bonni’s neck. They rubbed their noses together and smiled. “You’re the most beautiful thing on the planet. And I will never let you go.”
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kendoji · 4 years
The Queen and the Princess. Part 3.
Marcy looked at Bonni and smiled.
Bonni’s eyes had grown wide. She had no words. She couldn’t speak as if the words stuck in her throat. “I-I…I…”
“Don’t. It’s okay.” The smile left her face. “I get it. You don’t remember.” She stood at the door with her back to Bonni. “You don’t remember that night.”
“W-What?” She managed to get it out.
Marcy chucked. “That night…All we did was watch movies. Total silence. Not one sound. One movie after another. At the end of the last movie we watched…We just… Looked at each other and.” She laughed. “We…”
“We kissed?” Bonni said in a choked voice.
Marcy blushed. “Uh… Yeah.” She smiled. “That was the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
“So… You like me?” Bonni walked a little closer.
“Erm…Y-Yeah."She sighed. "I got to enjoy it while it lasted.” She smiled and looked up. “I wish it could last forever.”
Bonni’s face turned red with embarrassment. “Well…Why can’t it?”
Marcy turned around and scoffed. “You’re a princess now. Why would you give a damn about me?” She turned and walked down the stairs.
Bonni was in shock and wanted to follow Marcy but her feet wouldn’t allow her to. She stared at the floor. There was nothing she wanted more than to tell Marcy how much she loves her.She wasn’t able to talk or move. Her body didn’t want her to.
Marcy went to the couch and looked at it. She sighed and she began to tear up. Memories of Bonni lying on the couch came to her. Memories of her feeding her soup when she was sick.
“In a few seconds you’re going to feel awesome.” She picked up the spoon and put it in Bonni’s mouth. “Do you feel awesome?”
“So awesome.”
Marcy then found herself on the floor in tears. She wasn’t sure what had happened.
Bonni had eventually made it down the stairs. She peered around the corner and watched Marceline cry. Her heart sank. She couldn’t stand it. She ran to Marcy and hugged her. “I love you! I do remember! I’ll never forget you ever again! I’ll never leave your side! I’ll always love you and I’ll never do anything stupid like leaving! I’ll never love anyone but you!” She had started sobbing.
Marcy was in shock. This startled her. The only thing she knew to do now was something that started everything. She wasn’t sure if she should kiss her or slap her.
Bonni made the decision for her. “I love you!” Bonni threw her arms around Marcy’s neck and kissed her. The impact threw her on top of Marceline. She looked at Marcy with big purple eyes filled with tears.
Marcy smiled and wiped them away. “I love you more.” Bonni smiled and they kissed again.
Finn knocked on the door. “Marcy? You home?” He finally opened the door and saw them with locked lips. “What…the…fuck?”
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kendoji · 4 years
The Queen and the Princess. Part 2.
Once they arrived at Marceline’s, Marcy set the Princess down at the door step.“Come on in.” She opened the door and gestured to her. “Princesses first.” She laughed and gave a big grin.
“Thank you.” Princess Bubblegum smiled and curtsied. She walked in as Marcy closed the door.
“Okay.” Marcy grabbed a book off of her bookshelf and flipped it open. “There.” She pointed at a picture. “That’s us when we went to the park one time.”
“That’s me?” She pointed at the girl with pink hair and braces.
“Yep. And that’s me.” Marcy moved PB’s finger onto the other girl with freckles and shaggy hair.
“Aw. We’re so cute.” She smiled and laughed.
Marcy smiled. “Yeah. We are.” She sighed and closed the book. “Do you believe me now?”
“Not as much as I should.” She frowned and stared at the ground.
“Well, I have something that'll prove it.” She grabbed the Princess’s arm and ran up the stairs. She led her into a room with pink walls and a purple carpet. There was a big bed with pink, purple and red pillows. There was a pink blanket spread out on the bed with a white teddy bear on top.
“Wow. This is beautiful.” She said gazing around the room.
“It was yours.” Marcy leaned on the wall and watched her friend.
“Mine?” She ran her hand across the bed and the table next to it. She looked at the desk on the other end of the room. “What’s that?” She walked up to it and looked through the papers.
“That’s what you’d do most of the time. When I’d write songs and play my bass.” There were gum wrappers and others from all kinds of candy. “You loved to draw. I’d bring you whole bags of candy and you’d eat it all in ten minutes. Bubblegum was your favorite.” She looked to the picture on the wall and sighed.
“So…You’re serious?” She stood in the center of the room.
“Hell yeah I’m serious.” She crossed her arms and sighed.
“What happened then? Why were we split up? How come I don’t remember?” She stared at the floor.
Marcy sighed. “Oh you don’t remember that…You left that night.”
“What night? Why did I leave?” She went closer to Marcy and held her arm.
Marcy looked to the side. “That night was the best night of my life until you left. The banana guards came to get you. They asked for you to be the new ruler of Candy Kingdom. When Lemon Grab went insane they locked him up. Asked you to be the princess. You said yes and they took you away. Erased you memory.”
PB’s eyes grew wide. “That’s horrible. I can’t believe I’d said that. I can’t believe I’d left you.” She threw her arms around Marcy and cried on her shoulder. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
Marcy was shocked and put her arms around her. “It’s not your fault. It’s Allie’s fault.” Marcy hugged her tighter. “It’s not your fault.”
The Princess finally stopped crying. Marcy wiped her tears away.
“So…My name’s Bonni?” She sniffed.
“Yeah. It is.” Marcy smiled.
“I…I’m s-” Marcy put her finger on Bonni’s lips.
“Don’t.” She pulled her closer and kissed her gently on her lips.
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kendoji · 4 years
The Queen and the Princess. Part 1.
“Hey, Marcy.” Finn walked up to her with a smile. 
“Oh hey Finn.” She was playing her bass under a tree.
“I’m about to go to the Candy Kingdom. Wanna come?” He asked holding the straps of his backpack.
Marcy sighed. “Yeah sure. I guess I can mess with Bonni for a while.” She smiled.
“Well let’s go then.” Finn turned and started to walk. Marcy swooped down and picked him up. She flew to Princess Bubblegum’s balcony.
Marceline turned invisible and waited for the princess to walk out. Finn knocked on the door.
“Princess? You in there?” He knocked again.
The doors opened and Princess Bubblegum stood in the light.
“Hello Finn. How did you get up here?” She tilted her head in confusion.
“Oh. M-” Finn turned to see Marcy but she wasn’t there. “Hm. She was here a second ago.”
Her smile left her pink face and she didn’t seem amused. “You brought Marceline, didn’t you?” She looked around as to find her.
“Yeah.” Finn hoped and poked his cheeks. “She was here a second ago." 
Marceline appeared behind the princess, floating next to her. "Boo.”
The princess screamed and stomped her foot. “Marceline!”
Marcy laughed. “Chill out, Bonni. I was only kidding.”
“My name is not Bonni. I’m the princess.” She gestured to herself and put her hands on her hips. “I’d appreciate it if you’d address me that way.”
Marceline had a disgusted look on her face. “So now you’re better than me?”
“I never said that!” The princess crossed her arms.
“Well it sounded like it.”
“I only told you what my name is!”
“I know what your name is!”
Princess Bubblegum tapped her foot. “Obviously you don’t. My name is not Bonni.”
Finn stood outside. “Uhh…I’ll leave you two alone.” He shut the doors and climbed down the ivy walls to meet his dog, Jake.
“Let’s go, dude.” Jake stretched and Finn climbed on. They went home to their tree house.
Marceline and Princess Bubblegum, on the other hand, were still fighting.
“I’m the Candy Kingdom’s Princess!” PB yelled.
“So? I’m the Vampire Queen!” Marcy planted her feet on the floor.
“So…My name isn’t Bonni!” The Princess threw her arms out.
Marcy scoffed. “Really? How do you know that?”
“Wow. You must be one of the stupidest people I’ve ever met.” She crossed her arms again and smirked.
“UGH! That’s it!” Marcy spun the Princess around and pushed her out her balcony door. She fell over the rail, screaming.
Marcy turned invisible and caught her. “How was that?” She laughed turning visible again.
“Marceline! That could have killed me!” She screamed in Marcy’s arms.
She laughed. “I caught you, right?”
“I can’t believe you!” She threw her arms up and yelled.
“I still can’t believe you don’t remember.” Marcy sighed and put PB on the ground.
“Wait!” She ran after her. “What do you mean?”
Marcy shook her head. “Not like a princess like you would care about what I have to say.” She floated higher.
“I do care! If it involves me then yes! I do."She grabbed Marcy’s leg and pulled her down to eye level. "I want to know. What are you talking about.”
“A long time ago, you and I used to live together. We were best friends. Everyday we’d walk to school together. We were 15 when you went out with Allie and-” PB interrupted her.
“Wait. Who?” She stopped and put her hands up to her face in confusion.
“Allie. Aliases?” Marcy tried to convince her that she knew. She put her palm to her face. “LSP. It was LSP.”
“What?!” Princess Bubblegum winced at the words.
Marcy rolled her head back and let out a loud sigh. “Are you kidding me?!” She looked down and crossed her arms. “Whatever. You don’t believe me do you?”
“Not at all. Are you really expecting me to? She scoffed.
"Do you want proof that I’m not lying?” She looked at her and shrugged. “Because I have it!”
“Yes. I’d very much love to see it.” She put her hands on her hips and smiled.
“Well you’re gonna see it then!” Marcy grabbed her from under her arms as she had long ago to help her friend into the house. She flew higher.
“Oh my glob!” The Princess screamed grasping Marceline’s arms.
“Calm down I won’t drop you.” She smiled and flew to her house.
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kendoji · 4 years
Before the Kingdom. Part 3.
Marcy was awake before Bonni that morning. She was sitting on the couch playing her base. She was ready for school before Bonni even woke up.
“Wow. You’re up early.” Bonni walked in , rubbing her eyes.
“Who says I ever slept?” Marcy asked, not looking at her.
Bonni shrugged. “Just asking, grumpy pants.” She went back to her room and changed into a pink dress, a purple coat, and black flats. Marcy on the ,other hand, wore a black, knee length skirt with fishnet stockings and combat boots, as usual. She had a black, band T-shirt with fishnet gloves. 
Bonni collected her things for school and met Marcy at the door. “Let’s go.”
“Okay.” Marcy was a little bit more cheery today than she was yesterday. They walked to school and of course, Bonni went to Allie without telling Marcy goodbye. Marcy sighed and slummed to class. Instead of hearts with a B in them, she drew broken ones with stitches.
Bonni was in science class, writing notes to Allie. She then received one from her. It was a break up note. “I found a guy that’s so much cooler than you. Sorry. He’s hot.” Bonni tried to hold in her tears. Some ended up coming out though. She hoped no one saw them and wiped them away.
Marcy watched the clock and a few minutes later, it was time to go. She didn’t want to see Bonni that much right now. She went home alone again. Bonni arrived a few minutes after Marcy.
“I thought you wanted to be with your girlfriend?” She mocked and suddenly Bonni burst into tears. “Whoa whoa. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” She knelt down next to Bonni and patted her back.
“No…It’s not you.” She was struggling to get words out. They stuck in her throat as she tried to speak between sobs. Eventually she stopped crying long enough to explain what happened.
“I’m gonna kill her!” Marcy screamed. She’d stood up and stomped her foot.
“No! It’s okay. She found someone better anyway. It doesn’t matter now.” She pulled Marcy’s arm and she slumped back onto the couch.
“Fine. But the next person who hurts you is dead!” She crossed her arms and pouted.
Bonni sighed. “I think I want to be alone for a while." 
Marcy smiled. "That’s fine. Go ahead. I’ll be in my room if you need me. She went up the stairs to her room. She picked up her guitar and began to play it. The base was her favorite instrument. 
A while later Bonni walked in and smiled. "I feel a lot better now.”
“Good.” Marcy stood up and hugged her.
She looked to the side. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell her or not. Bonni’s thoughts raced through her head. She’d decided it’s best to wait. They both went and sat on the couch and watched movies together. 
“I love spending time with you.” Bonni said and looked at Marcy with a smile.
Marcy laughed. “I love spending time with me too.”
“You jerk!” They laughed and laughed until their sides hurt.
They stayed silent for a while, the movie made small lights around them. Shadows danced on the walls. The only sounds were coming from the television. They watched without speaking to each other. Their own thoughts racing through their heads. Each with the same feeling for the other.
The movie ended and they watched a new one. Still not one word spoken. When that movie went off, they watched a new one. When that one went off, they watched another. That was the only thing they did. No words and no movement.
A long while into the next movie, they looked at one another, and sealed the end of the movie with a kiss. A kiss that they will both remember. Remembering the whole night in silence. Not one word spoken for hours. The last thing that they would remember of that night, will be that kiss.
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kendoji · 4 years
Before the Kingdom. Part 2.
Bonni woke up in her bed. She rubbed her eyes and stretched. “Hm? I thought I was on the couch…”
“Good you’re awake.” Marcy walked in with a plate. “Here. I made you breakfast.” She handed the plate to her. “Eat up! I hope you feel better today.”
Bonni smiled. “Yeah. Me too. I feel better already." 
"Good. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” Marcy ran down the stairs leaving Bonni to her breakfast.
Bonni smiled and looked at the plate. There were scrambled eggs and two strips of bacon. She quickly ate her food and crawled out of bed. She put on a pink T-shirt and a pair of jeans. She threw on some purple tennis shoes and scrambled down the stairs.
Meanwhile, Marcy was playing with her hair. Pulling it up in all kinds of ways and laughing at herself. She shook it down into her face and brushed it behind her ears. She then realized she was still in her pajamas. “Oh crap.” She ran up the stairs as Bonni came down.
“Marcy?” She stopped and called to her.
“Hang on!” She replied and ran to her closet. She put on a  black T-shirt and a white and black striped jacket. She put on some black jeans and her combat boots.
“Marcy! Come on, We’ll be late!” Bonni waited at the door.
“Coming!” Marcy grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs. “Ready.”
“Let’s go!” They ran to school and made it just in time.
They had to go to separate classes so they departed.
“Bye, Bonni.” Marcy hugged her.
“Bye. See you later.” She hugged her back.
They went to their classes. Marcy to math and Bonni to science. Science was Bonni’s favorite subject. She loved labs and working with chemicals. Aliases, a girl she has all of her classes with, Usually never goes to any of her classes. She only went sometimes to see Bonni. She liked her. She was a great friend. Her class mates call her Allie some times. She prefers it. 
Marcy usually sits in class and doodles. She sat in class and drew hearts on her paper and put a B in each of them. She secretly liked Bonni. They were great friends. They lived together and spent all of their time together.
The bell rang and they all went to the halls to socialize. Marcy was looking for Bonni when she saw her holding hands with Allie. Her heart sank and she just walked away.
Allie was very dramatic at most times and loved gossip. She’d talk about boys a lot, which made Bonni uncomfortable. She dealt with it anyway because she didn’t want to upset her girlfriend. 
Soon enough, school let out. Everyone started to leave and Marcy decided to go home alone this time. Bonni didn’t come home until 9:00 that night. Marcy spent her time sitting in the dark alone. 
“Marcy? I’m home.” Bonni walked in and went up the stairs. “Marcy?”
Marcy sat in the closet. It was dark and she wanted it to stay that way. Bonni eventually found her.
“There you are. I was looking for you.” Bonni got onto her knees next to Marcy. “What’s wrong? You look sad.”
Marcy looked away, trying to hide her tears. “N-Nothing. I’m fine.” She got up and went downstairs.
Bonni followed. “Are you sure? You don’t look very happy.”
She sighed and plopped on the couch. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t seem like it.” She sat next to Marcy and looked at her.
“Fine. I saw you holding hands with Allie.” She turned away and crossed her arms.
Bonni laughed. Which startled Marcy and caused her to turn around. “So that’s what’s wrong? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I know I should'v come straight home but she wanted me to come over and spend some time with her.”
“Yeah. Whatever.” She went upstairs and picked up her guitar. She sighed and strummed it. Bonni eventually came in and sat next to her.
“Come on, Marcy, You aren’t really mad at me are you?” She stared at her and waited for a reply.
Marcy stared at her guitar. “It’s not that I’m mad at you… It’s just…Ugh. Forget it.” She stood up and went back downstairs. Of course, Bonni followed.
“What’s wrong then? Is it because I stayed out late?” She put her hand on Marcy’s shoulder.
Marcy looked at her and shook it off. “No. It’s something else.” She started to walk away when Bonni grabbed her shoulder.
“What is it?” She was determined to get an answer one way or another.
Marcy spun around. “I can’t tell you!” She ran up the stair as fast as she could. 
Bonni sighed and went to bed. It was late. She would try tomorrow.
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kendoji · 4 years
Before the Kingdom. Part 1.
“Hey! Bonni!” Marceline ran to her as fast as she could.
“Marcy?” She waved at her in disbelief.
“I’m back! I missed you so much!” When Marcy reached her, she was engulfed in an enormous hug.
Bonni laughed and hugged her back. “I’ve missed you too. I can’t believe it."Tears of joy rolled down her rosy cheeks. She sniffed, wiped them away and laughed."So how was it?”
“Oh, It was…hot…full of fire and stuff."She laughed once more.
"Well…Let’s go.” Bonni said and started to run. “Race you home!”
“Is that a challenge?” Marcy started running after her, picking up speed and gaining distance away from her.
A few minutes later they arrived at Marceline’s house.
“I won!” Marcy was cheering and dancing when Bonni finally got there. Panting and gasping for breath, she collapsed on the ground.
“Bonni?” Marcy looked at her and ran into the house to get her inhaler. She burst out the door and held it to Bonni’s lips. She stoked her hair as she took deep puffs.
She managed to cough out a few words. “Thank you. I thought I was going to pass out.” Her face was red and her forehead was warm.
“Oh Bonni, You have a fever. We need to get you inside.” Marcy picked her up from under her arms and drug her into the house. She managed to get her onto the couch. “I’ll get you a blanket and some soup, okay?”
She nodded and pulled her knees to her chest.. She took deep breaths and kept her inhaler close to her mouth. Marcy walked in a few minutes later and put a soft pink blanket around her shoulders. “ I’ll be back in a second with your soup.” Marcy ran into the kitchen and dug through the cabinets.
Meanwhile, Bonni was drawing hearts on her arms. She sighed and rubbed them off. Marcy ran in and smiled. “I found some! I heated it up and put some carrots in it for you.” She handed the bowl to Bonni and sat next to her on the couch. “Eat up! Before it gets cold.” She picked up the spoon. “In a few seconds, you’re going to feel so awesome.” She put the spoon in Bonni’s mouth.
She smiled at Marcy. “Thanks.”
“No problem!” She laughed. “Do you feel awesome?”
“So awesome.” Marcy fed her the rest of the soup. Then Bonni yawned. “I should go clean the kitchen.” She stood up and started to cough.
“Oh no! You sit down and rest” Marcy put her back on the couch and patted her head. “I’ll do it. You stay here and rest.” She walked out of the room and into the kitchen.
Bonni sat on the couch and sighed. She lied down on the couch and slowly drifted into sleep.
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kendoji · 4 years
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kendoji · 4 years
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kendoji · 4 years
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Murdoc in “Momentary Bliss” | 1.30.20
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kendoji · 4 years
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I don’t know if someone did it before, I’m sure someone did, since I arrived 14 years late to this but I had to bring back this gem
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kendoji · 4 years
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