khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
to confirm: i am still mad at game of thrones
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
did you see what the taylor swift said about got’s finale???? "WHAT WAS INTERESTING ABOUT THE GAME OF THRONES FINALE WAS THAT IT WAS A REALLY ACCURATE REPRESENTATION OF HOW SOCIETY TREATS SUCCESSFUL WOMEN LIKE DAENERYS. WE WANT TO SEE WOMEN GAIN POWER BUT NEVER LET THEM MAINTAIN IT FOR LONG" the fan said taylor was on vocal rest but she couldnt stop ranting about how bad got was 😂
Fuck I guess I’m a Swiftie now.
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
I can’t believe they really included the line “she is too strong for him” like what. The. FUCK. so what Jon should be with a weak woman?? Honestly HBO should refer to Emilia’s response when she was asked what it’s like to play a strong woman. Google it bc it’s epic, she destroyed all the sexists. She basically says there are no strong or weak women- they are all just women. Asking Emilia what it’s like to play strong is implying that weak is the default for women and that’s what she points out
“If it’s not strong, what is it? Are you telling me there’s another option, that there’s a weak option? You think a lead in a movie is going to be a weak woman? It just doesn’t even bear having the conversation, so enough already with the strong women, please… I get very frustrated with that in particular because you don’t get strong men, unless you are like physically strong.”—Emilia Clarke
Yep, as if Jon hasn’t already established strong women are his type. We all know the quote, but hey, why not?:
A warrior princess, he decided, not some willowy creature who sits up in a tower, brushing her hair and waiting for some knight to rescue her.
And again, Dany “not sharing her power” even though she fucking gifts her man a whole-ass dragon:
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Spare me. 🙄
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
Otp Prompt #10/??
Dany: What are you doing?
Jon, standing on a chair: I live here, you know. I can stand wherever I want, thank you very much.
Dany: …
Dany: Where’s the spider?
Jon: It’s under the table. Please get it for me, please-
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
I hate how d&d made arya into this ‘not like other girls i hate women’ thing when literally book!Arya LOVES HER FELLOW WOMEN. She makes friends with all sorts of girls, the prostitutes at Happy Port, the daughters of sailors, she respects and loves all sorts of different women, she loves and looks up to her mother and wishes she could be more like them. 
She respects their skills and beauty and goodness, she just acknowledges that she cannot be like that due to her own inabilities to conform. She wants to be good at sewing, she wants to be able to sing, she wants to be beautiful like her sister and mother, but she also feels completely inadequate and awful in comparison to all the women in her life. So what does a 9 year old do?
A 9 year old calls it stupid because calling it stupid hurts a lot less than admitting that what people criticize about you the most are correct. Like lmao if your skillset lies in horseback riding, sword fighting, and other non-traditional activities for women, are you supposed to silently suffer ridicule and a life of non fulfillment? 
People who treat Arya like a crappy cliche literally have 0 understanding of her character. 
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
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Kristen Stewart as Sabina Wilson in the Charlie’s Angels Official Trailer
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
Learning that Benioff’s father was a chairman of Goldman Sachs and a director of several of George W. Bush’s economic councils/programs really made me understand a lot about how the show fails the books.
The frankly bizarre glorification and hero worship of house Lannister, the softening and legitimization of Tywin and his world view (Benioff has said that out of all the characters he’d be Tywin and has also argued that Tywin was right and valid in the Red Wedding, basically playing the “stern but fair” bullcrap), the fact that the show has always been weird about and, at the end outright repulsed by, Dany’s fight against slavery and oppression. And finally the fact that the show almost completely ignored A Feast For Crows; the book that really looks you in the eyes and tells you that the lowly poor are the real victims in all this, the book that’s all about poverty, the disinfranchised and the marginalized, the book that digs into why the down trodden of the world are drawn to radical movements, the book that really makes readers realize that this is an anti war, anti capitalism series. Hmmm I wonder why a titan of industry’s son might not be interested in that particular story.
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
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Aegon the Unworthy was an awful king but I’d like to know more about him and his reign. And of course about his women and their tragic fates. Here are portraits of lady Falena Stokeworth, Megette and lady Cassella Vaith. I hope to paint the others soon )
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
Rhaegal didn’t survive his zombie brother’s attack only to be impaled by the horny fucker Euron fucking Greyjoy just when he was starting to enjoy his flight again!!!
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
Rotten Tomatoes’ final Critic Consensus on S8 is literally this:
“A mad dash to the finish line, Game of Thrones’ final season shortchanges the women of Westeros, sacrificing satisfying character arcs for spectacular set-pieces.”
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
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Maybe she can tell us about the long-term psychological effects of being strapped to a baby seat… next to a bomb! Pokemon Detective Pikachu (2019) dir. Rob Letterman
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
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emilia clarke appreciation 2/?:  uncontrollable case of the giggles 
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
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D&D: “Dany kind of forgot her whole moral code.”
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
got: daenerys is dead
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fans: but what if drogon took her to volantis and she got resurrected by kinvara?
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khaleesirulesmf · 5 years
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Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington’s first and last table read 😭
How the years have flown, it’s heartbreaking to see this come to an end the way it did.
Thank you to these two smol beans, Jonerys was the ship of dreams thanks to you both !
🔥 Fire & Ice ❄️ Now and Always 🥺
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