khan10a-blog · 10 years
How has your opinion of social media changed from doing this project? Some people look at social media negatively – how would you argue with them that it can be useful and educating?
After doing this project, my view on social media has not changed however has developed my way of understanding of this valuable resource. I still am convinced of my opinion that social media is a great tool for communication.  
I would accept the fact that social media has many negative effects but like many other tools it has pros and cons. I would argue that though social media has many negative effects, it can be used in an effective and useful way if not misused. Social media enables the world to meet at a common place to share their ideas and their culture. This could be seen eminent after doing this project. I was able to see the different opinions and ideas of students on the themes of justice and reputation which helped me deepen my understanding on them. Social media also allows quicker and faster communication enabling us to share things in a second. 
In conclusion, I think that social media is a great resource in implementing in education. It allows students quicker and faster sharing of ideas eventually enhancing their thinking. It also enables students to communicate with each other quickly and efficiently. Finally, Social media allows you to share ideas from different mediums like videos, photos and articles.
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khan10a-blog · 10 years
Imagine waking up one morning to the sound of gunshots. You walk outside and you see scores of dead bodies lying on the road. Women crying, children orphaned & left alone to suffer because of crimes of other people. On the other side of the city you find that a home has just been robbed, its residents kicked out brutally by the thieves. You may think this is just illusion or fantasy, however this is happening in the world, now and every minute. The reason is justice is no longer implemented in this world, you may find people who are in utmost luxury while others are suffering homeless just like in the description above. You may find people with gold and silver while others without a single penny. This is the situation in this world. Justice commands mankind to behave in a fair and just manner. Justice includes equality, equity and Freedom. We can not have peace in this world if we don’t have justice.
My view on Justice has still not changed, i still think that for peace to prevail, justice is a necessity.
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khan10a-blog · 10 years
I agree with farasat on his view of justice and its representation in the picture. Justice REQUIRES that both the sides be listened and well assessed. It is unfair that a judge only listens to one side and straightaway gives the judgement.  
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This picture show my understanding of justice. I think that justice is only served when both sides of a conflict are listen to. If just one side is listened to and a decision is made this is unjust. It us unjust because the judge must listen to both sides before ruling. This ties into the picture. when both eyes are covered it represents that the judge will not rule before he has listened to both sides. Some versions of the picture have one eye open and that shows injustice as it implies that the judge listens to one person and rules before listening to the other side!
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khan10a-blog · 10 years
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Without Justice the world will be a place of misery and cruelty. For Peace to prevail Justice is a necessity. Injustice leads to riots and protests therefore disrupting world peace. If there is Justice there are no reasons for uprisings and protests. This can be seen very clearly in the picture as it shows the close relation between peace and justice.
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khan10a-blog · 10 years
I totally agree with mms10b as in the crucible, Abigail accuses many people without any sound proof evidence. The picture shows how a man is being accused of something he doesn't seem to be aware of. For a person to be blamed we need to have proper evidence and witnesses.
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I would choose this picture to represent Justice in the book because people are being accused without any evidensse and witnesses , so ican say that you stole and youll go to jail, just like that.
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khan10a-blog · 10 years
I think this music is perfect for the scene when abigail has created this havoc blaming mary for witchcraft. The intense scene creates suspense and climax which is best suitable to the music. We dont know what is going to happen as this chaos takes place.
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khan10a-blog · 10 years
Two Mediums
The Crucible is represented in two mediums, the movie and the book. The themes in each medium are the same but represented differently. In the Book, it is represented mainly through dialogue; while in the movie, it is represented manly through drama and actions of the characters. In Each Medium, you have a different perspective of understanding the story but relating to the same theme. The varying mediums impacts you as you understand the same story from different perspectives.
I had read a famous book “The Hunger Games” which was later turned into a blockbuster movie. Both the books portrayed the theme of injustice. However, each medium portrayed the theme in a different perspective. In the book, the portrayal of the theme is limited to imagination but in the movie you actually see it in reality. Therefore, a medium place an important role in understanding a story. 
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
I totally agree with tribalshaman10a how social media has helped us connect with people.The world has become very small. Social media has enabled faster communication so that we can send a message with a click in a second. 'Distance Education' has brought schools in our homes as he said that people can learn education from the comforts of their home. It also enables to create a 'co-operative community' on multiplayer games like fifa and League of Legends bringing together like minded minds. 
1) Through Media’s like FB, Skype etc. we can chat through people from anywhere around the world, which sends the message in less than a second.
2) Social Media can be used for “DISTANCE EDUCATION”, which all the Universities use now to earn money from the people who would like to study from...
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
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I think justice is portrayed in a very negative sense in the Crucible. First of all, Abigail, the real culprit, flees salem and gets free of punishment while all the other innocent are hanged. Secondly as it seems that even though Judge Danforth secretly knows the real culprit but because of his ego he sentences all the other innocent to death. Also Justice in my opinion is something which favors both sides. In the scene we read in class, Mary doesn't even have a chance to speak properly as Danforth believes she is lying and thinks Abigail is saying the truth. 
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
Anthony Hopkins-Judge Danforth
I think Anthony Hopkins is the most suitable actor to play the role of Judge Danforth. Anthony Hopkins is a veteran actor and has acted in many diversified roles. He played the role of Hanibal Lecter in ‘the Silence of the Lambs’ with such aplomb that he was labeled as the no. 1 film villain by the American Film Institute. Judge Danforth is also a selfish, evil judge. And I think Anthony Hopkins can really bring out the evil character of Judge Danforth.
Dustin Hoffman- Reverand Parris
Dustin Hoffman is known for his versatile portrayals of Anti-Heroes and Vulnerable characters. And hence I feel he is the best actor to play the role of Reverand Samuel Parris, a paranoid power hungry yet oddly self-pitying figure. Dustin Hoffman plays such type of roles with ease and can get fully into the character of Reverand Parris.  
Lindsay Lohan- Abigail
I think Lindsay Lohan is the perfect choice to play the role of Abigail. Lindsay is famous in playing shrewd, manipulative and cunning roles which are all the characteristics of Abigail. Her real life also follows her bad girl image.
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
Equal Rights by Peter Tosh
Everyone is crying out for peace, yes
None is crying out for justice Everyone is crying out for peace, yes None is crying out for justice
I don't want no peace I need equal rights and justice I need equal rights and justice I need equal rights and justice Got to get it, equal rights and justice
Everybody want to go to heaven But nobody want to die, Father of the Jesus Everybody want to go up to heaven But none of them, none of them want to die
I don't want no peace I man need equal rights and justice I got to get it, equal rights and justice I really need it, equal rights and justice Just give me my share, equal rights and justice
What is due to Caesar You better give it all to Caesar, yeah, yeah, yeah And what belong to I and I You better, you better give it up to I
'Cause I don't want no peace I need equal rights and justice I need equal rights and justice I have got to get it, equal rights and justice I'm a fighting for it, equal rights and justice
Everyone is heading for the top But tell me how far is it from the bottom Nobody knows but everyone fighting for the top How far is it from the bottom
I don't want no peace I need equal rights and justice I need equal rights and justice I have got to get it, equal rights and justice I really need it, equal rights and justice
Everyone is talking about crime Tell me who are the criminals I said everyone is talking about crime, crime Tell me who, who are the criminals I really don't see them
I don't want no peace I need equal rights and justice We got to get equal rights and justice And there will be no crime, equal rights and justice There will be no criminals, equal rights and justice
Everyone is fighting for equal rights and justice Palestinians are fighting for equal rights and justice Down in Angola, equal rights and justice Down in Botswana, equal rights and justice Down in Zimbabwe, equal rights and justice Down in Rhodesia, equal rights and justice
I chose this song as it is very true and eye opening. Nowadays everyone is telling that they want 'peace' They forgot something that the thing that brings peace is justice and equal rights. 'IF THERE IS NO JUSTICE, THERE IS NO PEACE'. 
If we have justice there would no longer be many criminals as they would face stricter punishments. Also there would no longer be protests demanding equality or justice  as they will already have that. Implementing Justice and equality will also prevent wars therefore preventing bloodshed. Justice and Equality as it says in the song is the only solution to peace for mankind.
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
I agree with royalpotatoes10a as the quote is very true and logical. I agree with his point of view that children are born innocent and as justice lovers while adults seek to stray away from justice and instead want mercy. His opinion is supported by an example which makes it sound very credible.
“For children are innocent and love justice, while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.” ― G.K. Chesterton
I chose this quote because it shows that children are born justice lovers. For example whenever a child gets a toy and their brother finds out the brother will pester the...
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
Social Networking enables the world to meet at a common platform. We could now share our moments and thoughts within seconds in a single click with people around the world. Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Google Plus are some of the many social networking sites that help us better connect with the world around us in a quick, secure and efficient manner.
Firstly, Many social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook make it easy to organize an event and invite your friends. With a single click we are able to publicize an event at an international level. 
Secondly, social networking is a great place where you could promote your skills or talents at a wider scale. Suppose you are an author who has written a book, Social Networking would be an excellent opportunity to promote and publicize your work.
Thirdly, Social networking enables you to find old-forgotten friendships. It gives you an opportunity to renew your long lost friendships.
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
"At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst" Aristotle
I chose this quote since it explains the importance of Justice in humans. Justice is necessary and part of mankind's nature. Without Justice we would no longer be humans and will become worst than animals
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
I chose this article since it shows justice. The four men who were convicted of gang-rape and murder of a 23 year old women have finally received their punishment and have been sentenced to death. The case had shocked the world and led to many protests. Even-though rape has become very common and many a times the culprit goes scott free, however this sentence has proved that justice still prevails and nobody is above the law.
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
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khan10a-blog · 11 years
Social Media
Social media has completely changed our lives and has greatly affected written communication. In the olden times there used to be letters as the primary form of written communication. There are many disadvantages of letters, firstly they were slow and secondly they were less private. Nowadays social media has revolutionized the way of communication, with a single click we are able to communicate with anyone.
Social media has enabled us in acquiring information in seconds instead of looking through books as in olden times. It has opened the gateway to much more effective learning than before. We can now communicate securely , quickly and much more effectively.
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