khesshue-blog · 5 years
The Evolution of Media to Media Saturated Society
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    The beginning of human communication dates back to ancient caves paintings, drawn maps and writing.However, today we associate word “mass media” to computers, internet. newspapers, magazines, mobile phones. Overtime, the mass media has evolved and the reaction of society and accessibility to them.
    In recent times, the internet become the latest and most popular mass medium. Information has become readily available through the websites, and easily accessible through the search engine. At the beginning of the century, the media consisted mainly of newspapers and various periodicals. Newspapers and magazines dominated the media in the second decade of the 20th century. Radio and print media was to compete with television that seemed to give the best of both media: pictures and sound.Cable news and subscription cable television also rose in popularity, competing with network television. With the Internet electronic publishing and chat rooms sprang up, allowing individuals to express their opinions freely to a large global audience.
    The emergence of Internet as a networked communication and other technological advancements provided a new paradigm to mass media. The evolution of media, from old media to new media, has transformed the way we understand the world around us.It is important to embrace this evolution as it makes livelihood more interesting and informative.
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
Media Information Literacy Historical Timeline
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There are declarations that were significant in the development of Media and Information Literacy. The first declaration was the 1982 Grunwald Declaration on Media Education which took the lead in the advancement of MIL. Aside from the 1982 Declaration, 2003 Prague Declaration Towards an Information Literate Society, 2005 Alexandria Proclamation on Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning, 2007 Paris Agenda or 12 Recommendations for Media Education, 2011 Fez Declaration on Media and Information Literacy, 2012 Moscow Declaration on Media and Information Literacy, 2013 Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL) Framework and Action Plan, 2013 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Media and Information Literacy Recommendations, 2014 Paris Declaration on Media and Information Literacy in the Digital Era, 2016 The Khanty-Mansiysk Declaration Media and Information Literacy for Building a Culture of Open Government, 2016 Riga Recommendations on MIL in a Shifting Media and Information Landscape, and lastly 2018 The Need to Boost UNESCO's MIL Programme and Proclamation of a Global Media and Information Literacy Week, were also significant in the development of media and information literacy. 
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
“The Early  Social Media to Media Saturated Society”
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There are so many famous social media platform that exist in today’s generation where people can now easily connect with other people anytime and anywhere through social media.The first social media site was Six Degrees, made by Andrew Weinreich in 1997.Sixdegrees is the first of social media platforms launched in 1997.The first social media site was Six Degrees, made by Andrew Weinreich in 1997.Billions of people have been using social media when it is invented.In terms of modern social media, Friendster was the very first proper social network and it was founded in 2002.It allows posting and interacting through private messaging.But in the year 2004 the facebook is being launched and become the most famous social media platform and it still continues to grow rapidly.Youtube launched its website in 2005 and is the one first major sharing sites and video hosting platforms. And in the year 2010 Instagram uses visual communication and social interaction to connect people around the world. It allows users to upload and share photos and video stories.Social media is often described as being more addictive than cigarettes and alcohol, with the worst social media apps being Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok when it comes to addiction. As the year goes by there are so many social media sites are being launched where people nowadays loves to use different them everyday. Children, youth and adults are better able to understand the complex use of these social media platforms. As with everything else, social media brings both good and bad things into our lives. At the end of the day, you’re the one who decides whether there’s more help or harm in it for you.
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
We are individuals who needed respect. We have life to live, dreams to achieve and a world to enjoy. There are some individuals that doesn’t know whats the meaning of living and some knows how. What would a world be like without jugdemental beings? In our generation today internet and mobile phones systems are the two biggest systems of communication which play a crucial role in our daily activities and development of identities.
Cyberbullying is a form of bully through digital devices like cell phones, computers and many more. Cyberbullying can be done with the help of social media.People who has low in confidence is much more affected. Cyberbullying also includes photos, messages, or pages that don’t get taken down, even after the person has been asked to do so. In other words, it’s anything that gets posted online and is meant to hurt, harass, or upset someone else. 
Therefore we are all humans and we must learn to give respect inorder for us to be respected too. We must think twice if the post we are posting in social media can give a good outcome and if it cannot affect the life of an individual. Always remember that at the end of the day all the things we have done cant be change anymore.
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
Waste Management
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Humans have already abused Nature so much even just throwing a garbage in a garbage can they can't at least do that, I want to adress this issue because our mother nature already suffered too much damage because of us.
We can do so much more other than abusing mother nature, throwing garbage in a proper disposal is a big thing for our nature , nit just for our nature but also for us, because like what Prince EA said " We are not apart from nature, We are part if nature" if we destroy our nature then we are also destroyed if we save our nature then we are also saved.
Help us rebuild our Mother earth let us unite to save us, and lets join force to give chance our future generation to see how beautiful our world is. Throw your garbage properly small thing to do but big thing can offer.
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
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A lot of children has now been using internet now a days. They have been using it for their homework and entertainment. They also have been using some social media sites. They have been using that to connect to their families and friends. But then some of then is not using them properly.
Cyber bullying is a thing where you threaten a person in a use of social media. The cause of this is that some person may want to have more money through humiliating other persons. They may also just want to embarrass other persons. Their are a lot of bad effects of this. The effect of this is that the person may now be depressed or traumatized. Through their depression it may lead them to their death.
In my conclusion cyber bullying must be stopped. It must be stopped because it may damage a persons life. Lastly we should stop this so that we can all have a good life.
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
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we chose the social issue, racism. We have thought about it that it is rampant nowadays. The issue racism means the poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race. Discrimination is included in racism.
We want to address this issue by giving awareness that discriminating is bad. To have more meaning that we are all equal. We are all born free and equal and we are all the same humans in the eye of our God. Racism is such a toxic personality to the humanity. We should stop racism and mind our own business. Because of racism, others are led to depression effects of bullying and some attempts suicide.
We should not discriminate and be a racist to the world. God has made us all equal therefore we should treat all as equal also.We are all made to be there to eachother not to down eachother. No to Racism, Yes to Peace.
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
No Homework Bill
The issue about no homework bill is that students spend more time on their homework and not for themselves and for the family. The bill is for every sutdent to be more self aware and more diligent about what is happening in their surroundings and so that they would be relaxed not stressed very much. The late night work for a certain assignment of a subject.
The bill strict about every child being heavly burdend by school activities, Assignments, Exams, Preformance tasks and more. Which every one sees at home some students or pupil are very stressed worried about grades and they are pressured of their school.
Homework should not be rempved but lessen the activities in school that makes every student stress and pressured. Its bot really about the grades but on how you contribute to make the world a better palce
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
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DISCRIMINATION Have you ever compared yourself to the others? Do you ever felt like you're not one of them or having a hard time socializing with them? because you know that you're different and you're afraid that one day they will start to avoid you because you're not one of them and can't accept your flaws. Discrimination can be anytime and anywhere. It remains a fundamental issue in our society. In this generation, people nowadays are kin observer and by seeing things wrongly, in just a snap you're being criticized base on what they saw with or without knowing the story. Discrimination throughout the world today occurs to many extremes. People sometimes thought that it is not a serious case, but the way they discriminate someone because of his or her differences or anything that can make someone hurt mentally or emotionally and can make them feel that their different or any action that can cause harm towards someone is promoting the case of discrimination. Discrimination existed for a long time. I think it's time to put an end to this issue so that we can live in this world peacefully. We should not only prevent discrimination but IT MUST STOP. Discriminating someone must be stopped immediately and we should always remember that we are not perfect and we all have flaws and that flaws must embrace by everyone. And always remember that we are all unique in our own way.
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
What is success?
Each of us wants to have a successful life in the future. As a student, I dream of a being a successful woman someday but before that I have to face first many trials before achieving that success. For me a true success is not having a better life in the future but a trur success is the happiness you will feel while living your life, by that you will become successful in life.
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
Success is what you achieve when you work hard to things you want. Success is our goal in life. We all want to be successful in life, we want succes to feel satisfied. Being successful is what matters in this world. People are obsessed to being succesful and forgetting their real happiness. 
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khesshue-blog · 5 years
What  is Success?
We all have different opinions about success, but what does success really mean?  Success is very personal. But first, you need to think about what that means. Some people says or defines their self as a successful one without thinking too much about what does it really means. In some instances there are some we thought that they really are successful and are considered very successful because they have achieved their purpose in life.And for me, I define success by doing anything well through struggling and trying.To attain success you have to suffer first or experience failure.Success is a simple word but have a broad meaning when we go deeper to that word and it may also have a profound effect on our lives if we achieve it.
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