kidnova · 2 years
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“At least it’s going well for someone.” 
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“–– tender...subject?”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“Does reality shifting have anything to do with that?”
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“with things actually going well for me for once? honestly, you’re probably right.”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“I could change that, if you wanted.”
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“why... would i want that? i mean, come on.”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“That makes you one of the few.” Which was unfortunate, really. “We have to mark down how many are unchanged just like those who are.”
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“i uh - i heard about what happened. that’s some pretty wild stuff, er - for lack of a better term.”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“Do you usually break your day down for people who want to rob you?”
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“do you usually tell people you’re going to rob that you’re going to rob them? isn’t that counterintuitive - ?”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“Which things are we considering here?”
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“i - i don’t know?” sam shrugged, “everything?”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“How about the Nova Corps? How’s that going?”
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“you know, not bad actually. i’m mostly kinda... doing my own thing. i think nova adsit is finally gonna leave me alone. so - that’s nice. the champions are together again, now that c.r.a.d.l.e. has been taken care of. so things are okay. one might even say - good.”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“Good. That’s good.” Yelena was leaning back in her chair. “Why are you telling me this?”
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“i don’t know. my therapist said i needed to share more? but talking to you is like talking to a brick wall, so maybe i’m better off just staring at the ceiling.”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“Your helmet is functioning properly, then?”
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“for the most part, yeah. but i’m sure you’ll find something to fix if i let you,” sam let out a slight exhale in amusement, “that is also not an invitation to totally dismantle my helmet, ok?”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“Like.. actually? Or are you just saying that.. Cause you can talk to me, man.”
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“no, no i’m serious, miles. does it sound like i’m not? how convincing do i need to be, because if everyone thinks i’m lying then - ” sam threw up his hands in defeat, “ - then i don’t know what i’ll do.” a pause. “i’m not making a better case for myself by rambling, am i...”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“That’s gotta count for something, right? Sorry that the universe seems to be against you guys just wanting to do the right thing. I’m Morgan, by the way. Morgan Stark.”
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“such is the life, i guess,” sam paused, eyes widening a bit at the girl’s introduction, “morgan. you’re iron man’s kid. wow. i mean – hi, yes - sorry, i’m sam. sam alexander. my dad’s much less cool.”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“That wasn’t a very convincing answer, you know.”
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“yeahhhh –– that’s what i’ve been hearing.”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“Is it Nadia?” Cassie asked hesitantly, feeling a little anxious at the possibility as she let herself be a little nosey. “You guys are okay, right?”
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“what? no! we’re fine! great, even. at least i think? god, now i don’t know what to think.”
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kidnova · 2 years
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“This C.R.A.D.L.E. stuff is tough. I heard Nadia got sucked into one of the Detention Centers. Were you?”
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“no, thank god,” brow furrowed in frustration, sam frowned, “although i can’t help but feel guilty for being one of the lucky ones, you know?” glancing up at daisy, he shook his head, dismissing the topic, “but you know, it’s over. everyone’s okay. it’s in the past.”
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kidnova · 2 years
He understood. He cared. That itself was something that helped. Nadia didn’t tell him that. She just slowly rested her head in the crook of his shoulder, one hand finding his own and squeezing it.
“I love you, Sam Alexander. I did before all this and I still do.”
Even if he hurt her. Love was work. Nadia knew that. She had a lot of it in her heart but it had never come easily to her. She had to work for every relationship she had and fight for the ability to be near to others.
“They’re closing up soon.” She reluctantly pointed out. “Do you think they’ll kick us out? I don’t want to leave our new friends. Have you ever noticed that it looks like manta’s have smiley faces? I love them.” Another slid past. “Just mantas and fish here. No C.R.A.D.L.E. Mantas and fish and you.”
“i love you too, nadia van dyne.”
his voice was soft, even though they were the only ones around, but the moment felt too intimate for anything louder than a whisper and a contented sigh.
everything was going to be okay. they were going to be okay.
this time would always be part of their relationship history, the scar it left a brutal reminder of how fragile they both were - but with time, and care - scars healed.
nadia’s comment about the manta rays elicited an audible chuckle from sam. she wasn’t wrong.
“would you believe me if i told you i bribed the security guard?” sam grinned, gently resting his head against nadia’s as well, “ if not, they’ll find us eventually.”
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kidnova · 2 years
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There was a long pause, Emma staring at Sam with an indiscernible look on her face. “You’re right.” She finally said. “And I do hate telling other people they’re right. What I did was cruel, even if it had justifications. It was wrong. We were… I was being influenced by the Phoenix Force. I can’t explain to you what that’s like.” It’s hot breath on her neck still woke her up from a dead slumber occasionally. During those times, she rolled over to face Scott and took solace in the fact that he had suffered just as much – if not more. Their domestic dispute and his violence against her was another thing entirely. “But even if my actions were not my own, they hurt you and that must be acknowledged. I’m sorry, Sam. To you and your friend. Truly.” Her lips quirked to the side. “Don’t worry about forgiving me. I’ll survive. I just want you to know.”
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sam remained silent for a moment, a bit embarrassed by his outburst a minute ago. it went against every cell in his body to forgive someone like emma frost - but he couldn’t help the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that this was genuine. that she seriously meant it.
“you know people are afraid of you, right?” he chose a different approach, “ - of what you can do. is that seriously what you want? because if so, frankly - that’s sad. and i’m sorry.”
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kidnova · 2 years
“i mean, i’ve been - okay. you know, all things considered.”
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