kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
The Conclusion
Process: I would say that these past 6 weeks have flown by. With my plan being to edit and add to my magazine as well as work on my branding book that I have done my best to complete these projects.
Complete the documentation for your process.
Final Solution: I have completed both my branding book and my magazine.  My magazine edits included all type edits and adding additional Back of book material. I took some articles out and I updated or remade ads that would fit better in the overall feeling of the magazine. 
Next steps: My next steps consist of printing my magazine and adding it to my portfolio. Additionally, I have made a fun gif to place on my portfolio of the brand book.  The completion of these projects feels like a success to have done in only 6 weeks alongside all of the other work given this quarter.
What would you do differently or what changes would you make if you were to move forward? With revisiting my magazine and working on a branding book I kept wanting to ask for feedback. I learned through these projects that it is important to start listening to my own voice as a designer. Trust the work I have done and trust that may very well already  I know the answer or solution.
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
Research & Discovery
Describe salient points of your research as it relates to your project.
What have you learned & discovered?
I have been putting my magazine in front of other designers and asking for feedback. As creating the magazine was an assignment from the first quarter, it has been fun and interesting to revisit. Interestingly enough the distance of 2 quarters has made me appreciate the initial research more than ever and I feel happy to show it to others to get feedback. I would say that the feedback I've been given is that it feels like the magazine is overall cohesive between articles. The subject matter is heavy but the magazine has a “sweet levity” that makes the heavy subject seem parsable and approachable.
Process: So far I have gone through my magazine and made the first pass at fixing edits given by Jill and Ian from Q1. 
I have researched new BOB spreads to add. So far I am working on a book suggestion list from Caroline Gleich, and Opt Ed piece and a page of quoted from badass women. 
I met with a former student for feedback on what could be helped and changed. From this meeting, I came away empowered to keep the current color scheme as it “has a warmth and a starkness” that works well for the subject matter. Additionally, I was encouraged to look at a few new adds to replace some “bummer” adds that were lurking in the first round magazine.
Last night I showed my magazine for feedback from two alumni. One I met with during the first quarter when I was starting to build the magazine. I was nice to have had the feedback from the first quarter and now when it is getting closer to finalization.
This feels like a slow process. I want to commit to getting the micro type perfect, working through suggested article edits and work in adding two additional spreads. I put the magazine aside last week to work on starting my branding book so I feel behind on the things that I wanted to accomplish with my magazine. I think I am mostly on track but this might not look too much different from the original magazine as the focus has been to edit the original without reworking spreads too much.
Next steps: Commit. Sit down and do the work.ask for feedback and finalize.  
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
Blog 1- Project Set Up/Things to think about
This Quarter I am going to do more work on the Drift Magazine
I am planning to go through my magazine and finish cleaning up edits as well as adding some additional layouts while bulking up the front and back of book articles. I also need to change from blue based branding that I continue to use in projects. It really is a color I am drawn to and I just can't help it.
The tool and skills I plan to use are Indesign, Illustrator, Procreate, randomizing layouts, and brainstorming. This project showcases project management skills, branding for users, layout, typography, color, and ability to work long term on a project.
Collaborators: I will be working solo on this. I will utilize my network to get critical feedback while designing. I plan to reach out to other designers in this process.
Research Set Up: looking more closely at the structure of a magazine. knowing when to kill an idea or topic. I’d like to talk with Jill for feedback. I will also reach out to my internship mentor and a student from last year that I trust.
Demographics: The target audience is women in their late 20's-50′s who value perspective and real talk. The proposed timeline will be 6 weeks to get the magazine into a good printing state.
Potential problems: I really enjoy working in InDesign and seeing a long term project come together. While I am happy with what I have now I do think that I could switch somethings up and make it a little bit more interesting. Working with a grid does not feel natural to me so I look forward to diving a bit more in-depth with this aspect of design. 
Week 1- define the problems and do all edits suggested to the current magazine- rebrand (colors and name)and experiment with new layouts.
Week 2 - Define the additional elements and add
Week 3- Feedback
Week 4- Edits
Week 5 Feedback
Week 6- Presentation
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
After filming our vignettes within the set we took out our scissors and went to town to demolish the set we so carefully worked on. Although it was our plan the whole time, It was sad to see all of our work get cut down. The goal was to playback this scene backward to show the scene Growing to form nothing. There were a few camera issues but the overall result is beautiful. Looking forward to sharing these final edits soon.
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
The real star of the show
We couldn't have done it without you.....Rubber Cement.
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
The Shoot
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
Studio Setup
I used to work in a Photography studio and was elated to bring a design project into the studio. Although I do love design, photography has always been a my main form of creativity so bringing these two skills together was exciting and rewarding to me. Here is a behind the scenes look at our set up and build process as we finished working on the build and started setting the scene We were super fortunate to have the help of fellow visual media students and teachers to help us and suggest ideas as we worked on lighting and setting up the shoot.
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
Building The Scene
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
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Over the last week, our set is starting to take shape and come together. We now have a variety of trees, grasses and have started to build another big picture set up. The building process has been the most rewarding piece so far. With each step in the building process, we come across issues or problems we might not have expected. It has been fun and interesting to navigate the structural issues and come up with solutions that will work for building and filming. With 2 weeks left, I am getting more excited about the filming and lighting process. More to come soon. 
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
Paper cutting
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
Setting the stage
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
What is Mohawk Paper?
About Mohawk
Mohawk is North America’s largest privately-owned manufacturer of fine papers and envelopes which are preferred for commercial and digital printing, photo specialties and high-end direct mail.  With a culture of innovation reaching back to its beginning in 1931, Mohawk is committed to providing materials that help make every printed project more beautiful,  effective and memorable. Mohawk is a fourth-generation, family-owned and operated business based in Cohoes, New York, with global sales and operations located throughout North America, Europe, and Asia.
Every good product starts at the source.
And paper is no exception. In our case, all of our papers begin with fiber, water, and energy; critical natural resources that we have never taken for granted. And because we care about the environment and are committed to a sustainable future, we source pulp from sustainable forests, we use recycled fiber, we conserve water, and we harness wind power for our mills’ electrical energy. Our customers might not know all this when they touch our paper, but they are witnessing the culmination of careful material sourcing and time-perfected techniques.
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kimberlymwhite-blog · 5 years
A team effort
This quarter I am working with two talented teammates and I couldn't be more excited about the project and to work with these two rad people. As a team, we are planning to build and film a paper cut animation for the purpose of advertising the eco-conscious side of the Mohawk paper company. This marketing spotlight will shed light on the environment where paper comes from while showing the creative ways paper can be used in motion. This project will include: Storytelling, Advertising,  Motion, Video editing, Studio Lighting, illustration, storyboarding, planning, as well as project management skills. 
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