kindleyfirmapc · 4 years
Defective Products That Lead to Lawsuits
People buy products every day in San Diego. Some of these products malfunction. But how do you know when a defective product qualifies for a legal claim versus heading to the store for a refund? If a defective product injured you, then you should file a lawsuit instead of getting your money back. Not only do you deserve justice, but the product that injured you could also injure others.
At The Kindley Law Firm, we understand product liability law in California. Product manufacturers have a responsibility to test their products thoroughly before putting them on the market. If a product injures a consumer, the manufacturer can be held liable for any damages. To file a claim for your defective product accident, reach out to a San Diego personal injury lawyer from our team.
Electronics are a common cause of products liability lawsuits. Even when manufacturers test their electronic products before putting them on the market, there’s a risk that they can malfunction and injure people. Electronics that may malfunction and cause injuries include kitchen appliances, computers and cellphones, and office equipment.
Car Parts
Car parts are another common product that result in products liability lawsuits. Each car part put into a vehicle must work perfectly to make a car run the way it’s supposed to. If the car part doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to, it can cause the entire vehicle to malfunction. When a vehicle malfunctions, people’s lives are put at risk.
Pharmaceuticals are considered products. Drug manufacturers take on a lot of risk when creating prescription drugs for the public. If a drug doesn’t work properly and causes harm to a patient, the drug company can face significant consequences. Because drugs are ingested, the risk for life-threatening illness, painful symptoms, or death are common in these defective product claims.
Consult a San Diego Personal Injury Attorney
If you’ve suffered injuries because of a defective product, you deserve more than a refund. A San Diego personal injury lawyer from The Kindley Firm, APC can guide you through the legal process and help you recover a settlement. To schedule a free consultation with our team, call 619-550-1313 or visit our website for more information.
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kindleyfirmapc · 5 years
The Importance of Keeping Good Records After an Injury
When you get injured in an accident, keeping track of every record may not be the first thing on your mind. You’ve just suffered from a traumatic experience and you’re probably more focused on your physical and emotional well-being. However, as the months go on and you begin to recover, your expenses will begin to pile up. This is when you’ll start thinking about filing a personal injury claim.
When filing a personal injury claim, it’s going to be very helpful if you’ve kept good records since the day your injury took place. This includes any police reports, video footage, photographic evidence, medical bills, or receipts you may have. Keeping good records after an injury will ensure that you receive the full compensation you deserve for the damages you’ve suffered.
Determining Fault
When determining fault in a personal injury claim, your attorney will need to investigate your case and gather all of the evidence to present in court. This tangible evidence will be the key to proving negligence and showing the judge and jury that you deserve compensation for your injury. If you’ve kept records all along, your case will be much easier.
Medical bills, police reports, and any other documentation you’ve kept since your accident will serve as proof of negligence. It’ll also show that the negligence of the liable party contributed to your injuries.
Recovering Damages
Once you’ve determined fault, your lawyer can begin assessing the overall value of your claim. Using medical bills and any other receipts you’ve kept can maximize your settlement amount. You can prove other damages through documentation as well, such as loss of earning ability and property damages.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
If you need help gathering evidence for your claim, contact a California personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. At The Kindley Firm, APC, our experienced attorneys can handle the legalities of your case and help assemble any records you may have missed.
To schedule a no-obligation consultation and discuss the details of your claim, call us at 619-550-1313 or visit our website.
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kindleyfirmapc · 5 years
Things You'll Need for Your Car Accident Lawsuit
Proof of FaultMedical Proof of Your InjuriesDocumentation of Your Damages
Have you been injured in a vehicle collision and you’re trying to put together a case? Then you’re likely looking for information regarding gathering everything you’ll need to get going on your claim. For starters, you will want to collect all the information that pertains to your case.
What You’ll Need When Putting Together a Car Crash Claim or Lawsuit
The following are some of the main things you’ll need to win your case:
The first (very important) thing you’ll need is proof of fault. What can you use as proof? It will depend on your case, of course, but some things that can be used to prove fault include witness statements, photos of the accident scene, police reports, car crash expert statements, and physical evidence.
Collecting this evidence can be a challenge, especially when you’ve been seriously hurt, so it’s sometimes necessary to get help gathering evidence. A lawyer can assist you.
One of the most important pieces of evidence in a vehicle crash case is proof of your medical injuries. Your doctor can provide reports, and you can provide receipts that show how much money you’ve been forced to pay for related medical expenses.
In order to win the money you need, you must provide proof of all your losses. Some examples of proof are lost income statements, property damage evidence, and other receipts and proof of losses that pertain to your vehicle accident and injuries.
Help with Filing Your Claim
Finally, you might need some legal help with your car accident claim or lawsuit. You want to hire a lawyer experienced in handling vehicle accident claims and in dealing with insurance companies.
Reach out to The Kindley Firm, APC, to obtain the services of an experienced California car crash lawyer. A free case assessment is yours when you call 619-550-1313. You can also head over to our website to learn more about the car accident claims process.
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kindleyfirmapc · 5 years
Tips for Maximizing an Auto Insurance Settlement
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Are you worried about getting the most out of your auto insurance settlement? Make sure to check out the tips listed below to ensure that you get the money you deserve for an auto wreck caused by someone else’s negligence.
Document Your Injuries and Doctor Visits
One of the damages most often associated with auto wrecks are the medical expenses your injury will cause. To make sure you are paid for all your medical costs, you must keep detailed records. You can be paid for every penny that you were forced to fork out because of an accident you didn’t cause.
This can include medication expenses, co-pays, hospital bills, and physical therapy. Keep in mind that you won’t be paid for medical bills unless you have evidence of those losses.
Keep Careful Records of All Your Financial Losses
You can be paid for more than just medical expenses. You can also be compensated for your property damage, time away from work, cost of services that you couldn’t handle yourself due to your injury, and the cost of mental health treatment. The better your records are, the more likely it will be for all your expenses to be compensated.
Don’t Forget About Your Non-Financial Losses
Although securing recompense for those financial losses is important, you also have non-financial losses to consider. Make sure you keep careful records of those. as well.
For instance, keep a journal of how you are suffering mentally and emotionally because of your accident. Did this accident require you to seek mental health treatment? If you have evidence of treatment, that can help maximize your claim.
Work with a California Auto Wreck Lawyer Today
The last tip is to work with an attorney. A California car accident lawyer will likely get you a much higher settlement than you could get yourself. Contact The Kindley Firm, APC, to claim a free claim review. Call 619-550-1313 or check us out online for more information.
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kindleyfirmapc · 5 years
Most Common Causes of Construction Injuries
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The construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries for workers. Every day on the job is full of hazards. For instance, construction sites are often filled with heavy moving equipment; one false move, and you could become seriously injured.
The very nature of construction makes it dangerous, and not all accidents can be avoided, but it could be made a little safer if all employers create safety plans and rules to protect their workers. If an employer is negligent and careless with workers’ safety, then that employer can be held liable for the injuries workers have suffered.
Most Common Injuries in Construction
Here are some of the most common causes of construction injuries:
Falls from a great height
Equipment malfunctions
Being caught between two hazards
Impacts from falling objects
Vehicle accidents
Tripping hazards
Hazardous substance exposure
Filing a Claim for Your Construction Injury
Construction-related injuries are known to be pretty serious. You could have suffered broken bones, head trauma, or spinal damage or even lost a limb. These kinds of construction injuries will lead to your suffering great financial losses, not to mention the physical pain and mental anguish you’ll also be dealing with.
Filing an injury claim can help you to obtain monetary recompense to pay you back for all that you’ve endured because of a negligent employer or other responsible party.
You can be compensated for missed work wages, all related medical expenses, loss of your life enjoyment, pain and suffering, and more.
Call a California Construction Accident Attorney
In some cases, your construction accident may qualify you to file a personal injury claim, especially if you can show that your accident could have been prevented if proper care had been taken and rules had been followed. If you believe that you have a personal injury claim, talk to a personal injury lawyer about where to go from here.
The Kindley Firm, APC is available to discuss your accident claim with you during a free case assessment. Call 619-550-1313, or fill out the case information form on our website.
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kindleyfirmapc · 7 years
Personal Injury Attorney in San Diego, California The Kindley Firm, APC, will be fully dedicated to your case, fight for your rights, and keep you informed every step of the way. We are dedicated to our clients, their families, and our communities.
The Kindley Firm, APC
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