kings-court-system · 9 months
Bitches be like ‘I’m so tired and sleepy’ and then stay up doing hyperfixtation shit for the next 5 hours
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kings-court-system · 9 months
not to advertise that i've been neglected but if anyone pays attention to me I am going to be freaking out about it for the rest of the week, then come up with various daydreams about getting more which I will then abandon in shame because I will go back to believing I don't deserve attention
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kings-court-system · 9 months
the only bad part about going to the zoo is hearing adult men confidently tell their kids or gfs objectively incorrect information about the animals we’re looking at and having to remain silent. do u know the restraint it takes to say nothing when a grown adult man tells someone “falcons are in the same family as eagles” next to me? no babygirl. no.
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kings-court-system · 9 months
"DNI: freaks" do you realize how conservative you look
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kings-court-system · 9 months
what if it all worked out
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kings-court-system · 9 months
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kings-court-system · 9 months
Not many people talk about how deep emotional neglect hurts you.
I’m afraid to want things. I’m afraid to ask for help. I’m afraid to tell someone something if they seem in a bad mood. I can’t process when someone is nice to me. I can’t handle rejection, but my brain literally short circuits if someone gives me a compliment to the point where sometimes the rejection is better.
There are lots of overlap with emotional abuse, but emotional neglect hurts just as much. And it’s even worse that it usually goes undetected, so a lot of people can’t tell they’re being neglected until it’s too late.
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kings-court-system · 9 months
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kings-court-system · 9 months
big fan of marriages of convenience. marry your best friend for tax benefits. marry your roommate for college tuition breaks. "marry" your love interest for plot-contrived reasons at a fake wedding, then accidentally fall in love & get married for real in the epilogue. so many possibilities!
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kings-court-system · 9 months
I love sending this to my friends when they're self deprecating
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kings-court-system · 9 months
there should be an alternative to marriage where you just ritualistically vow to have an on-again-off-again relationship for as long as you two shall live
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kings-court-system · 9 months
oh sure barbie has a thousand different professional qualifications, but when was the last time she was allowed to kill a man? the patriarchy must end
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kings-court-system · 9 months
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kings-court-system · 9 months
reading the receipts on how bethesda resorted to fucking extortion in a pathetic attempt to force Leona (a trans woman) to resign without pursuing a discrimination lawsuit by holding her fucking surgeries hostage & holy fuck
her experience at bethesda was a harrowing but depressingly familliar one filled with a sudden loss of respect by her superiors, public outing by her manager, falsified reports on her yearly review to convince corporate that she was a liability...
i struggle to find the words to descrive how i felt going through it all.
fuck this fucking industry. you cannot fix this. it is beyond saving
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kings-court-system · 9 months
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guardian angel <33
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kings-court-system · 9 months
Hey I'm trans what do I do now?
You must journey through the western gates into the great unknown, past the black ridge, through the mires betwixt towering mountains, past the empty fields of gold that stretch on for miles, unto horizons anew.
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kings-court-system · 10 months
I’m not used to the silence but oh go on then
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