knife-red · 4 hours
"cinema is dying how can we save it" if you have eddie and the symbiote fuck NASTY in venom 3 you will make 10 billion dollars
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knife-red · 4 hours
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He better hold up his end of the deal
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knife-red · 4 hours
Have you seen the new show? It's on Tubu. It's literally on Heebee. It's on Poodee with ads. It's literally on Dippy. You can probably find it on Weeno. Dude it's on Gumpy. It's a Pheebo original. It's on Poob. You can watch it on Poob. You can go to Poob and watch it. Log onto Poob right now. Go to Poob. Dive into Poob. You can Poob it. It's on Poob. Poob has it for you. Poob has it for you.
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knife-red · 4 hours
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what the fuck is this thing.
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knife-red · 4 hours
Every time I read the word "blorbo" I picture some kind of baby Digimon
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knife-red · 4 hours
one thing that bothered me about prehistoric planet was how the quetzalcoatlus were scavenging a sauropod carcass. like aren't their beaks not built for that? they have stork like beaks designed for catching small bite size prey, not tearing meat from bigger carcasses since they'd need a hooked beak like an eagle or vulture for that
eh, there's a popular theory that big azhdarchids like quetzalcoatlus could use their soaring-long-distances powers to basically hotspot from one large dino carcass to the next, since they could go literally thousands of miles while expending very little energy.
even in the dino days, large carcasses just lying around would have been relatively rare, so it WOULD take a massive soaring-style flyer to even make use of this feeding strategy! if the dead dinos are hundreds of miles apart, you need to have an energy-efficient mode of long distance travel to make the math work out.
for sure these animals didn't ONLY eat carcasses, but it's an interesting theory and it was cool to see it actually brought to life like that
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knife-red · 4 hours
It's Friday. Can you guess what I'm in?
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knife-red · 4 hours
So basically if you make most creatures a size they're usually not it is wrong in some way. A kobold or maybe even a funny doggy the size a building is just too much. Sure there are instances of it happening but it's rare and a source of much wonder confusion for how that happened. Now a dragon. You can basically make a dragon any size you want and it still makes sense. Is it 1 building big? That's normal. Bigger than a small moon? That's nature baby. A mere 3 grapes tall? Well that little critter makes an awful lot of sense now doesn't it? This is because basically dragons are like fish. you wouldn't dare tell a fish what it can and cant do,that would be absurd. the fish woudlnt even hear you because it is too busy chowing down on an delectable detritus it found. and dont even think of saying that to the dragon cause baby, the dragon is the fish's diner buddy and it's chewing louder than a lawn mower caught over a rock! you really should join in you know,its rude to stare
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knife-red · 17 hours
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knife-red · 17 hours
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making a compilation of text posts that knocked sense straight into me
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knife-red · 17 hours
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knife-red · 17 hours
15 years ago youtube videos were like two or three freshly graduated guys making mildly homophobic but also somewhat homoerotic comedy skits filmed in 480p on a digital camera gifted to them by god and now its all like 25 minute long videos that are like "THE DARK SIDE OF TINY TOONS"
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knife-red · 18 hours
personally i think you should be able to afford a place to live with a part-time job
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knife-red · 18 hours
you ever listen to a song 47 times in a row and every time you’re like wow what a good song. I’m gonna play it again.
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knife-red · 18 hours
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knife-red · 18 hours
enough coffee shop aus. time for ‘the thing’ aus. they are trapped together at a research station in antarctica. everyone stands around tensely while getting a blood test. somebody’s head turns into a spider.
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knife-red · 18 hours
i can’t believe the fuckers in washington want to deprive me if this
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