koanpsy-blog · 6 years
Here’s What to Expect from Your First Counselling Session
So, you have done your background check, spoke to family and friends, taken references, met a few therapists, and have decided which therapist you want to carry on your sessions with. 50 percent of the problematic part of counseling is done. And the next 500 could leave you nervous.
If you are going for the first session of your counseling, you might have 100’s of things on your mind about how it is going to go and what questions the therapist is going to ask. These questions are indeed essential and in some case, frightening. Read on to find out a little bit about how your first session is going to go.
In your first session, the therapist is typically going to ask you very generic and fundamental questions, for the apparent reason of getting to knowing you better. And that will help them find the root of your problem and help you overcome it.
The Reason for taking Therapy: You apparently have done your paperwork and told the therapist why you need treatment, but asking this question in the first sitting has a different agenda. The therapist will want to go to the root of your problem and understand why you are facing that issue.
Your History and the Present: The next set of questions is going to be about your life in general, the present and the past. Many times, things happened in the past lead to the problems in the present. So knowing everything about your current life will prove to be beneficial to both of you.
Symptoms: Facing a problem in life that led you to this therapy sessions could also be affecting other aspects of your life, like your concentration at work, your family life, your peace of mind and short tempers, it could be anything. Understanding this will help the therapist understand your triggers.
These are a few things that will be initiated by your therapist. But if you aren’t taking an active part in your sessions, they might not prove to be of help.
So to be able to get the best out of your therapy sessions, try to be open and make sure you do not manipulate or hide the truth. This might hinder the therapist from helping you out. Ask questions just like the therapist, so you also know answers to things that keep you stuck.
Private Counselling in London:
If you are yet to finalise your counsellor and if you reside in London or anywhere close and looking for
Counselling service in London
, then all you have to do is resort to Google and search for ‘
Counsellors in London
’ and the searches will help you find out a few good options, with testimonials and user reviews, so you know which ones to approach, to seek help.
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koanpsy-blog · 6 years
Types of Counselling: Who Can Get Benefit Out Of It
Stress and anxiety is a part of our lives now, and coping with them can be a severe challenge. While there are so many different ways to deal with it, Therapy or as it is more commonly called, Counselling can be of great help. Also, to get the best out of your counseling sessions, it is essential to understand the types of counseling available out there and what exactly is your need. Counsellors in London provide all kinds of therapy sessions.
Here are a Few Types of Them:
·         Individual or Personal Counselling
Personal counseling is for anyone requiring a one-to-one session between their therapist and them. This service provides for highly confidential and safe environment to interact with your therapist and get the best out your sessions. Here, you will be able to freely express yourself, without any fear of judgment and share incidents that might have caused discomfort or trauma in your life.
So many therapists offer Private Counselling In London, and you can approach one today to help them change your life for good.
·         Relationship Counselling
Healthy relationships with family, friends, partners, colleagues, etc. contribute towards healthy psychology well-being and also help lower the levels of stress and anxiety. Also, any disturbances in these relationships can cause havoc in one’s life. That’s Relationship Counselling comes in picture. Be it a conflict in your marriage, a relationship breakdown, dealing with infidelity, or a difficult situation with any other types of relation, relationship counselors are always there to help with such issues.
·         Children and Adolescent Counselling
If your child or a younger member is going through tough times, counseling can help them. Children and teens have a lot of different things happening in their lives, and depression is becoming common now, more than ever. Some therapists can help these young ones deal with those stressful situations be it depression, anxiety, bullying, or child abuse.
·         Educational Counselling
Educational Counselling is of great importance for kids, at every stage of their academics and career. Children get to seek assistance and advice as to how they can move forward in their careers and make the best of it. Counselling service in London also offers Educational or Children counselling that can significantly help kids.
Not opening up or not facing a situation upfront can prove to be perilous. If someone has been through or is going through a rough patch in their lives, therapy sessions can be of great help. Seek your counselors help today, and lead a stress-free life.
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koanpsy-blog · 6 years
5 Ways Counseling Can Prove Helpful In Changing Your Life
While humans are blessed with the ability to think and act, and not rely on instinct alone, we almost always end over-thinking every situation. We over-think almost everything that happens to us and make it a problem. This is where Therapies or Counselling can prove helpful. The ability to talk it all out, in front of a complete stranger without being judged can help anyone dealing with a difficult situation, and Counselling service in London is great so that you can get started with your sessions soon.
Here Are Some Ways In Which Counseling Can Help:
Being Able To Talk It Out:
Several things run in our minds, and we cannot open up about them with anyone, be it a close family member or a friend. A therapy session, in this case, can prove to be of great help. Confidentiality is of utmost importance, and you will be able to talk about everything that worries you without the fear of being judged.
·         Self-Awareness:
Whether you notice it or not, talking about a situation or incident helps you realize its importance and effect on you and in your life. When you speak it out, you want to make sense and thus keep a note of everything you think and say. This brings in the sense of self-awareness and helps change a lot of things.
·         Living In The Moment:
A lot of our time goes by in either worrying about the future or regretting the things that happened in the past. Both of these situations are out of control, yet we fail to prioritize and live in the moment. Therapy sessions can help you overcome this, and help you in enjoying the life you are currently living.
·         Making A Relationship Meaningful:
Some relationships are part of our lives or as we may feel so, and still can prove to be toxic. While taking counseling sessions, relationships will start making sense to you. You would want to invest in ones that are important and move away from ones that are toxic.
·         Loving Yourself And Others:
Most often we are not happy with ourselves and the way our lives are heading. As you begin to talk about yourself with your counsellor, you will realize that the life you live is worth loving and that the people that are there in it are to be valued and loved.
These are just a few ways in which counseling can prove helpful. Also, many therapists offer Private
Counselling In London
that you can reach out to.
Counsellors in London
can help you deal with your problems and live a peaceful life.
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koanpsy-blog · 6 years
5 Important Things To Consider When Hiring A Counsellor
It is no easy task to hire a therapist and start your sessions of opening up about your life to a total stranger. Think of it like buying a car, it is a financial investment to make, you don’t want to go wrong with it, and it has to be super comfortable. You have to do your research and the better the research; the better will be the outcome of your therapy sessions with the counselor.
If you are looking to hire Counsellors In Central London or any other place, here are a few key things to remember when starting your search.
·         Type Of Counselors: The first and most important thing to determine is the type of counseling you are looking for like Personal interactive sessions, couple counseling, counseling for a teen or child, etc. Your search for a counselor is primarily based on the type you require, and this will help you narrow down your search a little.
·         Look For A Connection: The best way to go about looking for a therapist is through references, friends, family, colleagues, or anyone you can think of. However, if you are not able to find any recommendations, a good old Google search comes to your rescue. You could probably search for ‘Private Counselling In Central London,’ and you might come across a few familiar names, or at least someone in the nearby area.
·         Getting In Touch: Now that you have done a little bit of your research and shortlisted a few therapists do not immediately finalize any one of them. You will have to go and speak to them personally, one by one, and see how well you two are gelling, how they react to your situation and how comfortable they make you feel.
·         Fee Structure: Sure thing therapy is expensive, and there is no way around that. But, make sure fees and price are among the first few things you discuss with your shortlisted therapist. While some of them might accept insurance, most counselors are private fee-based. So talk it out and choose what fits your budget.
·         Using Technology: If you are looking for a budget-friendly option, therapy sessions over the internet can b an excellent choice. Many platforms allow you to speak to, video call or send unlimited text messages, and these sessions are cheaper than the traditional methods and are also very convenient for both the therapist and the patient.
Counselling service in London
are plenty, and you will be easily able to pick the right one for you, provided you keep these points in mind.
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