laaitiie-blog · 7 years
             ❝ Sounds like a plan, then. ❞ Puck smiles as they walk. Rubs Anil’s hand with his thumb almost as a reflex. The pressure is a comfort he seldom affords himself, one he does his best not to focus on. How quickly it might fade then.
             ❝ My day was alright enough. Just got back from a mission. Pretty boring on the whole. ❞ The nickname makes heat creep marginally to his face but none that shows outright. ❝ Yours? ❞
              When they got there the cliffs already had a blanket and basket set out. Anticipating that whatever he’d said Anil would have gone with it. He tries to play off the gesture with a quick squeeze to the pilot’s palm and pulls away again to take a seat on the blanket. Starts pulling out sandwiches, a few bottles, other small snacks. Never the chef and the embarrassment shows in the slope of his shoulders but he fixes grin on face when he looks back to Anil.
              ❝ Well, dinner, a rún. ❞
     he notices the gesture, feels his heart kick a little with it. the true soft moments with puck can sometimes be few and far in between. he dances around intimacy like a fire, as if it will burn him forever. maybe it has. maybe he is twice shy, and anil is underestimating him now. 
     ❝ aren’t they all? ❞ the blonde rolls his eyes. puck’s just like him- no mission is dangerous enough. ❝ ah, mine was fine. still workin on the truck but there’s not much i can do until i go into civilization and get those parts i need. so i just fine tuned the fuel injectors. ❞ despite himself, anil swings their hands. 
     and good god, puck’s already got them set up for dinner. blanket, baset and everything. anil turns, and he’s got a hundred little comments to say about how cheesy romantic it is, but they fall dead on his tongue. because he remembers how long puck takes. how afraid he is. it took him weeks to hold hands, months to share a bed, longer to start sharing their room. he thinks about every day he’s lucky enough to have puck come seek him out, to actually want to be a little romantic with him. his mouth stays shut. 
     ❝ gourmet grilled cheese? ❞ a little jab, as anil sits cross-legged beside the other. ❝ oh! royan says next time we go home we’re gonna have a grill out. you’re gonna fuckin’ love it. we’ll make brisket and ribs and steaks, porkchops, veggies too. ❞
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
Asthenophobia c:
your muse passes out in my muses arms 
          they drink pretty regularly, being two shithead young men with no sense of self preservation. beers are always stocked in the fridge. a cheap wine every now and then, a few bottles of mixers and vodka in the pantry. when they’re not home to drink any of it, royan samples. but this was one of those true and rare times where they were drinking until they were drunk. like, really drunk. like cant walk and gonna throw up drunk. it’s usually not a feeling anil really likes since he’s lived on the run most of his life, but surrounded by friends at overwatch and fresh from a successful raid, he figures a little fun wont hurt. after all, they were drinking under the watchful eye of the doctor that perfected resurrection.
          so, three rounds of shots and two gins later, anil’s really starting to feel the alcohol in his system. he’s not a light drinker by any means but he’s also not a very big guy, so there’s a limit to how much his body can actually hold. puck isn’t much bigger than him, but he definitely has a lot less restraint. while anil was happy to sip and sample, puck had taken mcree on at a game of crushing beers as fast as humanly possible. one, two, three- the two just didn’t stop. not until aluminum cans littered the grass around them and puck was leaning heavy on the fold-up table in front of them. jesse, who anil assumed drank straight gasoline, seemed perfectly fine. 
          the blonde had taken to sitting in a lawn chair by the baby, hana. she’s nineteen, so they sat her with a sugary mixer and she’s been content, only a little red in the cheeks. just as he’s about to get up and go to bed, puck himself falls into his lap. laughter erupts- bunny boy’s had enough. the blonde wipes the sweat from his brow and kisses his cheek. poor thing is limp as a doll in his arms. 
          “ okay, you’re comin’ with me. ” and so the pilot lifts puck just enough to get him back inside. god- he’s so warm. they take a pause at the bathroom, where the ginger awakens and promptly vomits down the shower drain. 
                                                               well, easy clean. 
          then it’s into puck’s bunk. anil’s far less intoxicated, so he takes the time to pull his shoes off his feet as well as his ripped jeans, then shove him under the covers. but, by then, he’s beat. the blonde joins him under the worn cloth and cheap fleece with a pillow he keeps there regularly. in hindsight, cuddled up to puck’s back with his arms fitted around him, they’ve come far. from pushy-shove-y nights ripping the sheets into pieces to kissing and holding hands on missions. their sexual advances and lewd humor had evolved into mush, into goo. into ‘ you’re so beautiful ‘ and ‘ come have lunch with me ‘ . anil nuzzles into the fluff of unruly hair at the back of puck’s head. he can’t remember the last time someone wanted to do such domestic things with him. had anyone ever? 
          a long sigh leave his body, his eyes tug at themselves for sleep. whatever, goodnight.
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
     Now on his stomach, Anil was at a disadvantage. There was no easy way to reach back and touch Puck, no comfortable position to turn and kiss like he wanted to. But god damn, he knew he looked good. So there’s a plus. After a second he stretches his arms out in front of him, shoving them underneath a pillow in a relaxed gesture, then pulling it under his chin to get comfortable. 
     “Mm, I know.” He tosses Puck a playful grin, wedging the sheets under his hips to become more aligned to the other’s touches. Two fingers isn’t much, not for Anil when his lover’s fingers aren’t particularly thick to begin with. But it’s still a sensation to savor, and he relishes in the satisfaction of finally being rewarded for all his sweet begging. His lips part in a soft breath, lashes fluttering once more, and he reaches back to set his hand on Puck’s hips. He’s free of wounds- more of an inflictor than a receiver. But that’s going to change pretty soon. No night doesn’t end in both of them sore the next morning and searching for bandaids. 
     Anil grips his hand tighter, and tighter, and digs his nails into the freckled flesh. He’s going to leave fingerprint bruises all over Puck. “Come on, Puck. I can take more than that.” 
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
your muse has forgotten mine
          “ hana- it’s me. “ a tremor flutters through his hands, spurring them to clasp ever tighter to the form of slender shoulders. who are you? that fall must have been far further down than he thought. banged her head pretty hard on the way down, too. “ anil. you okay? “ 
who are you? 
          the pilot freezes up for a split second, and his heart squeezes, and his blood rushes loud in his ears. “ baby, it’s me. “ but only confused, glazed over eyes meet his own. “ anil? do you- not remember? “ and her voice is sweet, and soft, and her eyes fall down to his chest. 
          he swallows. “ sure you do. “ there is no confidence in his voice. his hands now tremble as they cup her cheeks. “ i’m your guy, your pilot. we- we spend every day together. you come with me to my apartment- in south africa, remember? “ she has to- she has to! she must. “ and we have a dog, yeah? all the tabloids keep asking if we’re an item. you know me, you know me. “ blood suddenly drags down the front of her face and nose. it shocks his heart again, and his attempt to wipe it away leaves a terrifying smudge across her brow. he then lifts her to his chest and fits her arms around his neck, holding her by her thighs. 
                                                          “ it’s okay baby, i’ve got you. “
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
this encounter seems very intimate and magical, like a moment in a dream
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
This has been on my mind for long but I’m gonna do this — please reblog this if you’re comfortable with pre-establishing relationships. I do not mean “met at the grocery store two weeks ago” or “have a common friend”, but rather stuff like “have been best friends since kindergrden”, “go for a beer every friday”, “friends with benefits”, “dated in highschool”, “hate each other’s guts because -insert reason-”  etc. Something meaningful (but not necessarily shippy) and I mean with muns/characters you have not interacted with, because I cannot believe I am the only one who prefers jumping right into the heart of the human interaction.
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
TAGGED BY: @goodfellowed (no ur gay) TAGGING: @burysong @pistolslang @mykcnos
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Your godly parent is ARES, the god of War, Violence, Battlelust and Rage.
     Children of Ares can have tendencies that are cruel, proud, impetuous and violent, where they let out all their emotions with no care for the consequences. They tend to be brash and a bit sadistic, with a large appetite for violence. While brute strength is favored by you, you might lack the strategic wisdom required to win wars that Athena possesses, and your most useful talents would be to spread fear, terror and discord among your enemies. When there is no war however, these emotions can get the better of you and alienate you from others. You are drawn to pure emotion, and will generously give your heart to those who will reciprocate the favor, and you are a firm believer of letting people learn from their own mistakes. When your temper flares, this can cloud your judgement, leading you to become arrogant and underestimate your task. Despite being rash, children of Ares abide by a moral code, much like soldiers, and breaking it results in a relinquishment of strength that is usually unacceptable.
Rashness, violence, arrogance, passion, enthusiasm, pride, strength, stubbornness
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
send me questions you have about my character!
anything and everything. favorites. thoughts on people, on events. what they would do in a certain situation. how things would be different if something had/hadn’t happened. simple questions, complex questions. have at it!
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
anyways… reblog + tag what you smell like according to what does a hero smell like 🍃
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
Phobia Drabble Prompts
Agateophobia: Your muse thinks they're going crazy, and mine is trying to talk them down.
Agliophobia: My muse nurses yours after an injury.
Agrizoophobia: Our muses encounter a wild animal.
Amnesiphobia: Your muse has forgotten mine, and mine is trying to make yours remember.
Angrophobia: My muse is furious at your muse.
Anthrophobia: My muse brings yours flowers.
Arsonphobia: Our muses are trapped in a burning building.
Asthenophobia: Your muse passes out in my muse's arms.
Atychiphobia: My muse comforts yours after a (real or perceived) failure.
Brontophobia: Our muses are caught in a storm together.
Catagelophobia: Your muse catches mine doing something embarrassing.
Chionophobia: Fluffy drabble about our muses playing in the snow.
Chorophobia: Our muses dance together.
Chrometophobia: My muse helps yours out of a financial crisis, or vice-versa.
Chronophobia: AU drabble about our muses in a different time era.
Cibophobia: My muse cooks a meal for yours.
Cleptophobia: Your muse steals something from mine.
Coimetrophobia: My muse visits your muse's grave.
Coitophobia: A smutty drabble about our muses.
Cyberphobia: Our muses talk in a chat room, but don't realize their chat partners are each other.
Dikephobia: My muse is pressing criminal charges against yours.
Dipsophobia: Our muses drinking together.
Ergophobia: My muse hires yours to work for them.
Gamophobia: Our muses get married.
Gerascophobia: Our muses meet each other forty years from now.
Gymnophobia: My muses accidentally sees yours naked.
Iatrophobia: My muse accompanies yours to a doctor's appointment.
Limnophobia: Your muse saves mine from drowning.
Lockiophobia: Our muses have a baby together.
Macrophobia: Our muses are waiting for something bad, and trying to distract each other from the thought.
Mastigophoiba: My muse punishes yours for something (either smutty or angsty, specify).
Melophobia: My muse performs a song for yours.
Merinthophobia: My muse finds yours tied or chained up.
Metrophobia: My muse writes a poem for yours.
Necrophobia: My muse just found out that yours has died.
Nosemaphobia: Your muse is ill, and mine is taking care of them.
Oneirophobia: My muse has a dream about yours.
Phasmophobia: Your muse is visited by my muse's ghost.
Soceraphobia: Your muse meets my muse's parents.
Zelophobia: My muse is feeling jealous of yours.
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
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Storms are my kind of weather // Brisbane, Australia. // Instagram
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
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Wild Wolf Leatherwork (on Etsy) || Photos by Mikey McMichaels
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
shaking legs 。◕‿◕。
breathless moaning (◡‿◡✿)
little body twitches (◕‿◕✿)
curled toes (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
whimpering (✿ ♥‿♥)
quivering lips and glossed over eyes ♥(ノ´∀`)
cuties having squirmy little orgasms  ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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laaitiie-blog · 7 years
Nurse me, Bokkie
drabble meme // accepting
back to health
❝It’s falling, a rún. Happens to us all.❞
            Puck had insisted that he take care of Anil after the battle, when they’d returned to base. Told the pretty doctor just where she could shove her concern and her bandages and herded the pilot to his room. All that was repeating in his mind was the sight of the plane going down. The wreckage and his own panic constricting his throat until they’d found him. Relatively unscathed, hanging upside down. Alive.
           ❝ Though I suppose it wasn’t fun all the same. ❞ He keeps talking as he takes antiseptic to the scrapes and cuts on Anil’s freckled skin. It’s as close as he can get to sympathy and hazel eyes stare up at the blonde. 
           He’s quiet the rest of the time he’s tending to the wounds. Hums an old ballad under his breath to distract Anil from whatever nightmare echoes in his mind. His hands are soft as they wrap, bandage, clean. At last he’s done. There’s still no words and silence isn’t something he’s ever been equipped to handle. So he pulls Anil into a tight hug. Presses his lips to his cheek.
         ❝ I’m glad you’re safe. ❞
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