ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
I feared for my daughter's safety. And it would have looked bad if neither of the heads of House Arryn attended. I intend to leave as soon as possible though.
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What caused you to leave it now, then?
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
With everything that's been going on at the capital, it's no surprise why I never leave the Eyrie.
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
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grrr typo!!!
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
During the summer months, when we are in the Eyrie, we don't get as many guests in our home as when we are at our winter castle. There have been even less people as of late with my my lord's condition. My Lord husband is... unwell. He still mourns the death of his sister, and the death of his eldest son did nothing but make the situation worse. He hardly ever comes out his chambers, and sometimes he even turns me away when I go to visit him. 
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By gods
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
Yes, I agree, the Eyrie is my favorite place. I know that Xander will almost miss his love Seraphine, but eventually he will have to move on and marry another woman, and although he may never love her, he needs heirs. I feel your need though, if I could bear more sons for my husband I would, but I know my body would protest greatly. Yes, you look very much like his late sister, and he still mourns her, but you are his daughter and that does not mean that he does not care for you. He is just unwell.
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Was I go so long?
No place is as wonderful as the Eyrie though. I miss the sound of the wind at night. Thank you, mother. I know that Xander may never marry after what happened to Lady Lannister. I want to help our family continue. He - I remind him of his sister. I know it’s hard for him and that’s why he doesn’t look at me. I understand it. I find it best to just keep away from him for now. 
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
Well that is very kind of Lord Stark. I could never have the courage to bring in someone I did not know to be a squire. And I'm doing fairly well, I suppose. It's been hard adjusting to the changes around the Vale, but I think I'm doing well with my husband... indisposed.
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By gods
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
It takes a long time to feel at home in a new place. Sometimes I still feel the pull of my childhood home. I shall try to talk to him again, then, since you care so much about it, dear daughter. I'm sure he is just as proud of you as I am, he just... doesn't show his feelings like I do.
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Was I go so long?
I definitely miss it. Home is always comforting. Thank you, mother. I’m sometimes afraid that you will be the only one who thinks that about me. You would have the best chance, I know he would listen to you. It’s me - he does not like to see me. Perhaps I am just destined to stay unmarried. I would not mind who I married, I just want to make father proud.
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
Everywhere is different then home. Oh well they have no idea what they're missing then, you are a wonderful young woman. And if I could get your father to come our of his office or more then just a moment, I would be more then happy to have him pick you a husband. I should come down there myself and find someone for you, but someone has to watch over the Vale.
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Was I go so long?
Perhaps not but it’s not so bad. It’s just so different to home. Ha, not very likely. Men normally think I’m dull or stupid. We should just let father pick someone and be done with it.
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
Oh, well, I suppose that is very kind of your lord to take on one of his wards' sons, but I'm sure he would be distressed to know that his wife is unhappy.
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By gods
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
Perhaps King's Landing is just not a good fit for you. Although, I'm sure there are plenty of men around more then happy to escort you around.
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Was I go so long?
That is very true, mother. I had hoped I would remember my way. It is embarrassing that I have to keep asking where I am going.
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
Perhaps it is time for a new squire then, my lady?
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By gods
That has to be the slowest squire in the seven kingdoms.
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
King's Landing is much different then home. It is so surprise that you would find yourself lost within its walls.
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Was I go so long?
I seem to continuously get lost.
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ladybryanne-blog · 11 years
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Bryanne Arryn | 36 | Lady of the Vale | Straight | OPEN | FC: Olivia Wilde
"Nothing and no one can reach us here. We are untouchable.”
Bio -  Since she was fourteen, Bryanne has been Lady of all the Vale. She was a loving child, and was thrilled to have been chosen to be Lady out of all the women in the Vale. It was basically a dream come true. She was happy and carefree, popping out child after child for her husband in rapid succession. However, after Xander was born…something changed. Bryanne became less loving and more…neurotic (she ended up having postpartum depression after Xander was born, which really messed her up. And with no way to help back then, it really changed Bryanne—not for the better) She all but seemed to go insane, really only acting as she was when she is near Robert. However, since Elise died, Robert rarely spends time with anyone but himself. Bryanne is slowly going insane, though no one seems to notice it. But they will…and it won’t be a good thing.
Personality - Bryanne is very kind, and has always been so. She has always had a loving heart, something she clearly passed on to her youngest son. However, because of her depression going unchecked, ever since Xander was born Bryanne has slowly been going insane. Once a kind, sweet woman, she has become neurotic, insecure, obsessive, and highly unpredictable. She is very unstable, and is becoming more and more so by each and every day. She feels safe within her walls, feeling untouchable in the Eyrie, and so she never leaves if she can help it. She would rather stay and pretend to be ruler of the Realm while her husband hides away than attempt to go anywhere else. The Eyrie is hers, she is untouchable—or is she?
Relationships - Because of her husband’s reclusiveness, she does not know where she stands with Robert. She loves him more than anything, and visits him whenever possible. Whenever they are together, they slowly become the two beings they once were, until they seperate and revert back into the people they grew to be. Bryanne is close to all her children, if slightly overbearing and overprotective. She is most overbearing on her daughter, being the only girl, and that has obviously affected Lilly’s behavior, but Bryanne is too far into her own mind to notice she is molding her daughter to be as crazy as she is…even without the depression.
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