ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
Send one of the following for your muse to...
❤  - kiss my muse on the (specify area)
✂ - backhand my muse across the face
✉ - confess a secret to my muse (specify secret!)
Δ  - point a weapon at my muse
☮ - interact with my muse’s pet
♔ - tell my muse to (sit/kneel/lie down/etc)
★ - praise my muse for a recent accomplishment or action
☀ - ask my muse to stay the night
☂ - pull my muse indoors, out of the rain/snow/storm
Add ‘reverse’ for my muse to do it to yours instead!
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
Do you ever think about your OTP having muffled, rough sex against a wall
Because I do
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
Send “Hey, kid“ for a starter where my Muse is a child
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
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fma meme: character you grew to love
“We cannot let our faith and history vanish. If our culture dies, our race dies with it. Your hands will save our people from death.”
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
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Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a snake biting its tail. The origin of this symbol is unknown, as it appears in history of almost every nation and is a symbol of many things. Ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and infinity, darkness and light, as well as the infinite cycle of nature’s endless creation and destruction, life and death.
According to Norse mythology, the serpent Jörmungandr grew so long that it encircles the world and grasped its tail in its teeth. When the end of the world comes, Jörmungandr will fight against all gods. But the cycle of life and death will never end. There will be new gods, new people and new monsters. A never-ending battle. 
The symbol was also used by many famous psychiatrists. For example, Carl Jung created a system of archetypes in which Ouroboros represented dualism. There is a constant battle inside of us between creation and destruction. And this battle keeps a balance in our mind. This state guarantees mental health. 
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
Reblog if your muse is Panromantic/-sexual
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Other pride-flag bubbles for your muses: [LGTBQA+] [Ace] [Aro] [Bisexual] [Grey-Asexual] [Demi-Asexual] [Gay] [Lesbian] [Transgender] [Intersex] [Agender] [Genderfluid] [Nonbinary]
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
Send me   “👊”   for your muse to just PUNCH mine in the face!
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon.
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
rpmemes-galore :
If we are mutuals, you are welcome to: 
tag me in starters 
answer my open starters
spam my inbox with memes
ask me to spam you with memes
scream at me in ims at all ungodly hours
randomly drop a plot idea on me whenever you want 
never be scared that you’re bothering me in any way bc, if i followed you, i love your blog and I am always down for interacting with you!  <3  <3  <3
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
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                                                  “ IT’S A LIE, I’M NOT A GHOST! “
                                                indie danny fenton - written by kiri
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
protector / protectee starters
“no. you can’t go, it’s too dangerous.”
“it’s not dangerous. i’ll be fine.”
“i’m not going to let anything happen to you.” 
“you can’t keep me safe from everything.”
“just be careful.” 
“i’m always careful.”
“you’re going to get yourself hurt.”
“i won’t get hurt, i promise.”
“i won’t let them hurt you.”
“you can’t save me from this.”
“please try and stay out of trouble.”
“if anything happened to you…” 
“i’m not sure how to keep you safe.”
“i’m not going to let you out of my sight.”
“this is the only way to keep you safe.”
“you can’t keep an eye on me twenty four seven.”
“everywhere you go, i go.”
“it’s not your job to protect me.”
“it’s my job to protect you.”
“don’t worry, i’ve got you.”
“no one will hurt you as long as i’m breathing.”
“you don’t understand how dangerous this is.”
“please come back in one piece.”
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
Sharing A Bed Starters
“Did you have a nightmare?”
“I had a nightmare.”
“There’s plenty of room for the both of us.”
“There is not enough room here for both of us.”
“It’s cold. We should try to conserve body heat.”
“You’re not even going to notice because you’ll be asleep!”
“We’ve only got the one bed between the two of us.”
“Quit stealing the covers.”
“Quit kicking me.”
“It’s better than sleeping on the floor.”
“It’s either this or you sleep in the tub.”
“Alright. Get up here.”
“We’re sleeping in the same bed, not together!”
“Please go to bed.”
“Sleep is for the weak.”
“Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“Dutch oven!”
“You sleep on top of the sheets.”
“I’ll sleep on top of the sheets.”
“I’m scared. Can I sleep with you?”
“You’re scared? You can come sleep with me, I guess.”
“I have to sleep closer to the door.”
“I can’t sleep this close to the door.”
“Stop getting up so early. You always wake me up.”
“Stop staying up so late. I can never fall asleep.”
“We can cuddle.”
“Just don’t try cuddling me or anything.”
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
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     So big banners are a thing of the past. This is my attempt to make a new “smaller” banner to hopefully get the word out for me. The most important thing to make note of is that this is a SIDEBLOG. Please reblog and/or like this if you are totally okay with roleplaying with a Kyo Sohma sideblog!                                                           **Please only RP blogs interact!!!!**
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
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Attention Adventurers and Wanderers alike!
Greetings; Kit here! I’m a new Finn the Human blog! I’m a primarily mobile rper, but that doesn’t mean I’m a sucky one! If you guys could like/reblog this if you are interested in rping with a mobile finn, that would be like the raddest! I’m very open to crossovers and aus, so don’t be shy!
ONLY INTERACT IF YOU ARE A ROLEPLAYER. PERSONAL/NON-RP BLOGS WILL BE BLOCKED (except if your rp blog is a sideblog, then that’s cool! just let me know ^^)
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ladyxflame-blog · 6 years
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                                        noun  1.a dog kept to guard private property.                                                            synonyms:guard dog                                         “they use watchdogs to ward off trespassers”
🔪 : indie & selective full metal alchemist original character written by mouse. 🔪 : mutuals only 🔪 : multi - ship , multi - verse , oc and crossover friendly 🔪 : mun and muse are 21+
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