lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
Why do I feel so caged I can clearly see how free I am Free stay and go Free to "Fuck you" to the cops I can walk to the edge of campus and light up a cigarette without a care I am just that free Except I'm really not I am not free to hold your hand Kiss your lips or hold you tight It isn't free to journey thousands of miles to be reunited with you We aren't free to marry in the "Land of the free" I am not free to even allow myself to love you yet For I know it's a moment I wish to savor You in all your perfection, My Artist You with your pale complexion and smile that makes the stars dull I am not free to do as I wish Cannot place a kiss upon your brow Unzip my canvas flesh I am not even free to commit suicide It is illegal to destroy government property like that But the price of the pain I'd cause you would out weigh that tenfold Nothing is free Even the air that enters my lungs comes at the cost to the plants hard work Nothing I do is really free I feel trapped in this endless paradox Free to be love who ever I wish but not free to see them Not free to see the face I envision at night in person Lack of freedom drives a person mad Mad enough to over analyze Finding the right descriptive words to turn a sad reality into a form of art Mad enough to let my poet take over I am not free I am a demon and when I am left with my thoughts They make ever so clear how trapped I truly am Assuring me my depression is more than a cloud above my head Telling me that the dismal haze I see surrounding me I cannot break from I am not even free to have a happy thought When I do my inner darkness tears it apart Tears me apart As I am stuck in this mental prison Stuck as government property Stuck being so far from you What I wouldn't give to make that journey To no longer trapped But be free at last....
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
Train vs Bridge
Stand my ground Or cast my feet from it Rumbling of tracks Or clashing water What is the last sight I'll see Ferocious, unforgiving machine? The light barely visible from under the flowing current? How will I go? Fantasizing about either A dark grin shall appear
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
To the Online Stranger
You ask me, "Am I part of your stories?" I wonder what person lies behind the faceless question Quite possibly you are my main character Perhaps you are the monster I slay The man on the street I mindlessly crash into Maybe.. You're the girl I lost.. Or even quite possibly My Muse in disguise My Online Stranger If not before, than now I am carving you into my stories You for this time are the center of attention This tale is for you Right now I see your silhouette Read your question with care Two things come to mind Have I incorporated you into my fables before And if so.. Do you really wish to belong there?
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
I watch in envy as he slowly kills himself Bestowing the cancerous stick in between his lips Igniting one end Using the other as a passage way One for the smoke to creep into his lungs I sit in envy Watching how each drag empties sand from his hourglass He is oblivious to why I am so green My mouth waters at the though Succumbing to the sirens call of nicotine He exhales the smoke and it dances into the breeze Integrating in with the wind With more thought I see It's really not the action of smoking I miss It's how it empties my hourglass Little.. By little
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
Scene Six
As a poet
When my world isn't as I envision
I craft a new one
Etch my image of a better place down
Allow deep thoughts to transcend on parchment 
As a poet
The construction of a new world is effortless
Every detail I visualize 
Even those imaginary speckles of dust 
Ones that drift past her face
And the thin beams of light shining in her eyes
My Muse; My Artist
The world I write about 
It's the perfect balance of fact and fiction
But in the end it all pools to perception
With walls down 
A constant flow of creativity pours from me
As a poet 
Expressing myself in words 
Became more familiar to me than breathing
Looking deeper into my fantasy land
We may watch
Half the sky be abundant with stars
The other with clouds releasing buckets of rain
Earth below is dry to the touch
We see though the raindrops crash down
Splattering the falling water 
She is there with me
On a hill looking across the land
The unnatural pairing of Honeysuckle with antirrhinum
Peeking out from under the rows of Cherry Blossom
With branches intertwined
Crafting the illusion of pink tunnels
Streams prancing along in oxbows 
Only to be united underground 
A place of bliss 
My Artist only adding to perfection of the realm
I look at her to see
That she's painting a story 
On each leaf of an old oak tree
The sun is playing hide and seek with the clouds now
A faint fragrance hugs all sense of smell 
Tulips and rainfall
Even in this world I grab my quill and ink
That's when it happens
She glances at me
Face so gentile and full of thought
Then that smile devolves on her face
A smile meant for me
Placing a new brush in her hands
Returning my own smile full of unconditional joy to her 
I set off to work
In my world with My Muse
The Artist and The Poet are free
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
Scene Five
When The Artist fell ill
The Poet searched the lands
On a quest for a remedy
To cure her love The Artist
Unable to find help
Inspired by grief The Poet wrote
Inscribing runes on paper
The quill drifted along the page
If only if only
Words were the cure
The Poet would write for years 
If only The Artist grew better
If only The Poet could help
If only.. If only
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
Scene Four
The Poet heard every word
And sang along to herself
Every passing song
Brought The Artist to mind It seems music isn't the only thing that's sticking As time passes
The plot keeps thickening
Forbidden as it be
The Poet pressed on
Still standing by
With each verse and each song
Wanting to sing
But unsure how
The Poet turned to pen
To express herself somehow
Presenting now
Her work you see‏
To the Beautiful Artist
That she may only dream‏
                However your perception  
That isn't the path they are meant to be
Remaining hopeful and zealous
When looking into her eyes‏
                The Poet documents the tale
Of their two hearts
Maybe one day for the world to see
The bright tale of The Artist a The Poet
Throughout the scenes
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
Scene Three
So The Artist had her suitor The Poet had her pen And so their paths were set With The Artist in tears And The Poet in thought Neither of them were well off The Artist only drew black The Poet unable to write Thus the death of their creative beauty With a tale like theirs You begin to question Does anyone in this life have it fair?
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
Scene Two
The Poet was a monster The Artist an angel Both with intertwined paths The Poet loved The Artist The Artist loved The Poet Yet forbidden was their curse From a far Each looked to the other as their muse The monster guards the angel Trying to protect her from the other beasts of this world The Artist and The Poet Sat and waited Looking for a way.. Fighting the ailments of the world Hand in hand Each day passes Yet the feelings shall never fade Distance  Like their curse Remains the same
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
I know you don't follow me on here so I can freely say.. I miss you. Feb. 6th just passed meaning it was the 365th day since the last time I ever saw you. I watched from the front of my house as your truck pulled away and drove down to the end of the street. I watched as you turned left and kept going.. I remember so vividly kissing you for the last time that night by my Dad's rig. I remember sorting my belongings into boxes, leaving you with memories. I remember how fast that month flew by after I called and told you I would have to leave.. How distant you became. I knew for fact it was over that day but neither of us could really let go. Until one day you could.. I lost myself in the infatuated bubble created when I was with you. But I am glad you moved on. I am glad you fully healed. I am sorry that I let you down, that I pushed you so far away. Because of you though I know who I am, what I want in life, how to get there, and who I want to do it all with me. So ultimately I must thank you. You are the girl I lost and the heart of my stories of Georgia. I miss you Alissa Faith Pierce, but never would I wish to be around you again.
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
The Artist & The Poet (scene one)
The poet sat and watched
As the artist stroked her bush on canvas
Pen in hand dancing along the lines of paper
As the artist worked the poet wrote
As the poet wrote the artist smiled
The two created
Both acting as the others muse
The world only sees the visual and literary art produced
Together the two were perfect
The realm around them become more and more beautiful
Every stroke of the brush
Every motion of the pen
The two forms of art collide
As did the poet and the artist
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
Lakes poem 1/3/14
Sharing a body with two prominent minds The Person and the Poet Normally an easy task to juggle Unless they share a muse Indulge in the same well of joy The body is really what suffers My mind never stops Waking all through the night Lake demanding a pen Only after I chain smoke a few The one real thing we both have control of Arranging runes on paper Spinning a tale seeping through my pores Clogging our mind A tale where the poet lost the muse Where the Knight lost the princess that was not even theirs When dealing with the insane Things are no longer seen as black and white Thoughts are viewed in a vivid array of colour Each flower is symbolic Every star has a name and story Individual trees all bestow importance Emotions and thoughts are inevitable Never were you mine Your prince has returned and I'm but a shadow again Will you forget me like I can never forget you? Maybe one day I'll find out As for now I miss you.. All of me Every perfect aspect of you I'll hold a pen for now Wish you and your prince luck With runes on paper There is nothing more I can do
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lakes-inner-demons · 10 years
Neil Hilborn - “Audiobook” "Step 7: You’ve been in love with two people for a while now. Tell them about each other! Whichever one stays is the winner!" Performing at the December 2013 Soap Boxing Poetry Slam #thebeardiscomingback
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lakes-inner-demons · 11 years
When it came to you The wait was nonexistent When it comes to others Even three months seems too soon
With you Your hand was perfect in mine With others since It's never right; Too big, to small, just not they way it's supposed to be
Happiness was introduced by you Everyone else is just meaningless distractions
Your body rests with mine as if it were created to be next to mine Others make my skin crawl if they sit too close
I told you I'm yours and no one else's Others claim me but even now.. We know the truth
Your dating other's I'm doing drugs
Your trying to be happy I'm torn up by thoughts
You fake the smile all too well My eyes hide my true self without flaw
Maybe one day it'll be you and I In the meantime Hello drugs Goodbye emotions
You're the key Unlock me when you please Until then I'm the lockbox Waiting to be opened
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lakes-inner-demons · 11 years
What is more entrancing than smoking? What part do you divulge in the most? Are you hooked to the natural substance soldering with each inhale or the feeling of it rushing through your body? Quite possibly, you're like me and it's the movement of the smoke you desire most. Getting to watch the thick light gray air expunge from my lungs in a slow calculated exhale. Manipulating the outcome of it's appearance by changing the set of a jaw, curve of a lip, speed of release, and location of exit. Shooting some from my mouth with distinct shape and flow and then sending the rest to journey through my nose.. I'm in love with smoke.
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lakes-inner-demons · 11 years
Time is the key, time is the curse..
Lakes inner demons
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lakes-inner-demons · 11 years
Story time:
Everything around you is pitch black. You're standing every still, with feet firmly planted on the board below you. The Earth is slightly rumbling.. You inhale deeply as you ball your fists, and softly placing them to your sides. Your courage is strong; the wind begins to blow. Suddenly, your sounds go from a natural stillness all about only to be disturbed once or twice by a rustling in the leaves or the movement of rocks. To a random gush air flowing by, pushing on the whole side of your body. Everything is still black, so you finally open your eyes.. Just as you do though, it hits and everything is black again.
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