latenightharvhead · 4 years
Rebel in the Night - by Jughead Jones
It was a dark and stormy night, the kind of night that made guys like Karven Tinkle and Forrest Pewter Joanes stay inside and drown it out with the sound of a horror movie playing on an old box T.V.
The two young men were sitting shoulder to shoulder, their matching denim jackets rubbing together every time one would breathe. They didn’t shop together or anything. They just had the same fashion sense. The two just got along well like that, something they found out shortly after getting their first burger together.
After Forrest had heroically saved Karven from certain death, the two had bonded hard and  fast. Harder and faster than the late night imaginings Forrest secretly had of the other boy seated next to him. In fact, his mind kept flashing on those late night imaginings right now, but with Karven next to him, he didn’t let on to them. 
His feelings for the boy had quickly grown into more than just friendship, and he was starting to wonder if Karven felt the same. Sometimes his gaze would linger on him, and of course Forrest knew people liked to look at him, he was in fact, gorgeous. He just hoped Karven wanted to do more than just look.
Karven, the boy in question, was fighting thoughts of his own as he pretended to pay attention to the movie. In reality, he was distracted by Forrest's strong, hot body so close to his own. He imagined the other young man with his muscular arms wrapped around him, holding him tight while the terrifying movie played on.
He subtly moved a little closer, leaning a bit on his arm as his gaze fixated on the screen still. He wanted to be brave enough to close the distance completely; to see if his body felt as good as it looked. Oh how he craved Forrest already, imagining having the courage to press his lips against his beautiful hero’s own.
He cleared his throat audibly, causing Forrest to turn his head towards him curiously.
“Trying to get my attention, Karv?” He reached his arm around his friends shoulders and gave him a squeeze. His attention was now on the beautiful boy beside him and no longer the people getting ripped apart violently on screen. He let his arm rest there, pulling him towards his body casually and watching his face to gauge the reaction.
“What? No - I just… felt something in my throat.” He lied, but the lie caused Forrest’s gaze to drop down to his throat, instantly imagining what he could put in there if it was okay with his sweet-natured friend. Then he would really feel something.  The thought made him smirk and caused him to grow hard in his pants. His fingers drifted along his shoulder blade slowly. “Something in your throat huh? Sounds like fun.” Forrest’s hand drifted from Karven’s shoulder to his neck, pressing two fingers to the column of his throat playfully, tapping him.  Karven swallowed hard, he could imagine that strong hand wrapped around his throat already, pinning him down and showing him just how powerful he was. He cleared his throat and licked his lips before speaking. “W-what do you mean?” Karven stammered nervously, his eyes shifting away from Forrest, so as to not clue him into what he was thinking about. Forrest had a smile that could rival that of the Cheshire cat. He raised one brow quizzically at Karven, making the brown-haired boy wonder if he couldn’t already read his mind. Forrest leaned in closer to Karven’s face, and Karven’s heart stilled in his chest. Suddenly he was holding his breath as he stared back at Forrest. Was he finally going to kiss him? Forrest’s hand reached up to grasp the boy’s chin, making him meet his eyes. Karven could feel his temperature rising, his blood pooling in his cheeks as he stared into the eyes of his modern day Adonis. He was so sure Forrest could hear his heart begin to pound in his chest as his body began to quake in anticipation; his lips softly parting, craving his hero’s own against them. “You know you’re cute when you’re trembling.” Forrest purred, casting a heated glance down at those plush lips that were hungry for his own. His thumb brushed over Karven’s bottom lip, and the boy’s lips parted further. Forrest smirked, eyes focused on his friend’s mouth, and slowly he pushed his thumb past his soft, needy pout.  Instinctively, Karven’s lips wrapped around the invading digit, eyes locking with Forrest’s. His tongue slid against the pad of the appendage, cradling Forrest’s thumb delicately. Karven had never done anything like this before. He was, in fact, a virgin. However, he couldn’t help but begin to suckle softly at Forrest’s skin, communicating his need for his hero’s affections. Forrest, though barely restrained, gave his adorable friend that same catty grin from before as he pulled away, settling back against the couch with his eyes focused once again on the horror flick they had previously been watching.  The dejected look given to Forrest by the boy as he pulled away could have melted even the coldest of hearts, but somehow, Forrest was able to remain strong. He knew Karven wanted him now. That much was painfully obvious, but Forrest’s own desires ran deeper and darker than the boy could ever dream. He’d have to make him wait...for now. Karven was breathless while he watched Forrest act like nothing had happened. What...what was that? Karven couldn’t process what had just happened between them, his mind spiralling out of control. He wanted Forrest. He NEEDED Forrest. But his fear of rejection kept him rooted in his seat, wondering if he could ever break past Forrest’s cold, unfeeling heart.
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latenightharvhead · 4 years
Rebel in the Night - by Jughead Jones
Forrest Pewter Joanes adjusted his leather jacket, the material clinging to his bulging biceps like saran wrap to last Mondays leftovers. The boy pulled out a comb from his back pocket and smoothly ran it through his dark, messy greased up hair. Forrest was up to no good, as usual. The rebellious young man was cruising the town looking for trouble. Because if it didn’t find him first, he was sure as hell about to find it himself.
The charming gang leader didn’t even have the chance to seek it out, because the sound of loud boisterous voices around the corner grabbed his attention. Forrest straightened up immediately and puffed out his strong chest, stalking off to greet the commotion head-on. What he saw was three boys around his age. One of the two boys was quite obviously being beaten down by the others, his floppy brown hair covering his eyes as his head was bowed towards the cement. The two boys were raining their fists down on his body aiming to break him down like mobsters would for their missing money. Forrest would know, since he’s done it himself.
Forrest Pewter Joanes was no one's hero. But maybe today he could be. The young man slid his hand into his pocket, fingers sliding through the cold metal of the brass knuckles he carried with him nearly always. 
“Hey, assholes!” Forrest growled, causing the guys to look up and stop beating the poor fuck on the ground. He pushed the brass knuckles further up on his hand, already craving the fight that was yet to ensue.
“And what the fuck do we have here?” The shorter, stockier one of the two slowly turned as he sized Forrest up and down. He looked a lot like shrek, in the way that he wasn’t green, but just really fucking ugly, but in a young sort of way. The taller man with a weird early 2000’s neon green mohawk turned also, clearly backing his friend up. Forrest would roll his eyes if he thought they were even worth that reaction.
 “Me?” Forrest let out a throaty, masculine laugh as he stood there, waiting for them to make the first move. “I’m your worst fuckin’ nightmare, bitch.”
“Wedgie, are you hearing this guy?” The shorter guy spit through a laugh, taking a few steps towards the extremely handsome and mysterious figure. 
“I’m hearin’ him, Buck, and I don’t know if I like his fuckin’ tone.” The tall one cracked his knuckles obnoxiously, before also walking towards him threateningly. Forrest didn’t even move, not one inch, not one muscle. He stood there like a statue carved from marble, strong and beautiful in the face of his opposition.
The one now known as Wedgie didn’t take too kindly to that, and raised his arm to strike out at the man. Before he could even throw hands, Forrest snatched and ceased his arm with only one hand, squeezing it firmly as a slow smile crossed his features.
“It’s cute you need two guys to beat up on someone so small.” He paused for dramatic effect, as you do. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” 
All the while, the young man laying bleeding and broken on the cold, hard concrete was staring up in nothing short of admiration for the newcomer. He’d lost all hope, before the magnetic stranger showed up and stopped his assailants. He watched as Forrest reached forward with  his free hand, the one not currently crushing Wedgie’s arm and ripped his snakebites right out of his face, causing blood to spurt everywhere.
A puddle landed right by the wounded boy’s leg, he stared in horror and also fascination for the stranger as he rained down hell upon him.
Forrest then slammed his brass knuckles into his already bleeding visage as his friend watched on in absolute horror, frozen to the spot. Forrest didn’t say a single word, but the sound of Wedgie’s tortured screams said it all.
The newfound protector finally let go of Wedgie’s arm, but instead of showing any mercy, lifted his hand up to loop his finger through one of the gauges that decorated his earlobes. “You know--” Forrest said casually as he yanked the gauge violently, ripping out of the guys ear and leaving it completely mangled. “Your mohawk doesn’t look half bad now.” He threw the gauge to the ground, causing it to clang and roll over to the boy still laying on the ground. Forrest did not stop as he raised his hand to card through the mohawk, leaving it bloodied and matted. He gave the hair a rough tug, forcing Wedgie to look at him.
“You had enough yet, asshole?” 
Wedgie groaned in response and spit blood out, unable to speak, but the terror on his face said it all. Forrest shoved Wedgie back with brute force, causing him to topple into his frozen friend Buck. 
“Let’s get the fuck out of here!” Buck finally snapped out of it to grab his friend, who could barely even move now, but when they turned to run they found the boy who they had just beaten down standing on his own two feet. 
Blood was dripping down the side of his face, although now, he wasn’t entirely sure if it was all his own. Something about seeing the stranger fight inspired him to get back up; to fight back. Just moments prior, all hope had been lost --- but now? Something had been awakened in him because of the beautiful hero; something primal. He wanted to fight for himself, but with startling realization, he wanted to fight to impress his beautiful hero. 
The previously mangled boy was now standing tall as he glowered at his two former attackers. “I think I’m the right size for you now.” His voice was raspy due to his previous yelling, and he lifted his shaky hands in front of him. He lifted his eyes to lock gazes with his hero, and suddenly he was imbued with the courage to fight on. With as much force as his bruised arms could muster, he shoved Buck back into Wedgie, causing them both to topple to the ground.
Forrest saw the sight and smirked, walking over to deliver swift kicks to their ribs. Poetic justice. 
“What’s the matter? You guys falling for me?” The strong, beautiful, amazing young man questioned the two, moronic thugs as they scrambled to get away from him. His eyes followed them as he smirked, pleased with his handy work and the surprising cooperation of the previously fallen boy.
Only the two remained, and for the first time, they were able to fully look at each other. Despite his bruises and cuts, Forrest could admire the handsome features of the brown-haired boy. His strong cheekbones and rosy lips were only part of his boyish charm. 
“Who are you?” The bruised man breathed as he stared at him in awe. He was even more beautiful than before, and he couldn’t seem to stop staring. 
Forrest just smirked even bigger, knowing the effect he clearly had on him. “Didn’t you hear? I’m their worst nightmare, but you can call me Forrest. Forrest Pewter Joanes.” He paused again. “You’re going to want to remember that for later.” 
“What happens later?” He asked, smiling at the charm although this was a lot to take in. Watching a handsome man kick the ass of two bullies on his own was impressive. Who was this guy?
“Wouldn’t you like to know. You’re not going to tell me your name?” The delectable young hero asked the boy. 
He cleared his throat gently as he smiled bashfully. “Oh. I’m Karven.” He took note from the other man and paused just briefly. “Karven Tinkle.”
Forrest nodded and rubbed his hands together, though it did nothing to rid the blood on his hands. He’d clean up later. But first --- 
“Well, Karven. Do you like burgers?” 
Karven slowly nodded. He did like burgers. “Yeah?” He said slowly. “I could eat.”
The mysterious hero smiled genuinely at that. “Excellent.”
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