lbdrawingthing-blog · 6 years
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•Kill them• This is older Estelle, so now I'm kinda just a svtfoe au acc sorry :/ but i Freekin love it Q1. The girl in the back is her. the reason is because toffee (I cant draw him sorry) is controlling her telling her what to do, but not like how he did with ludo. He is manipulating her with all the crap that has happened in her life. During the start she was just agreeing doing what she wanted then they started dating and soon got married and then she just listened and obayed, she truly loves toffee and he actually loves her too, but he uses her. Then her mother (star) killed him which led her to become evil, now star, marco, moon, river, tom and tomstar child (havent named her yet) are locked up. And she is queen. That's all I have now k bai TAGS: #au #drawing #sketch #drawingsketch #svtfoe #svtfoefanart #fanart #fanartanime #anime #animegirl #animedrawing #lbdrawingthingoc
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