le-remerciement · 4 months
I am thankful for the flood of orders that came in the past week.
I am grateful for friends who never feel too far away, even though we're not in the same country. They're super sweet to check in on me.
I am thankful for the Universe pushing forward with the changes in my life. We both (the Universe and I) know that if left to my devices, nothing will happen because I have too much worry and fear for the unknown.
I cannot wait to see what the future brings me.
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le-remerciement · 4 months
I'm thankful for my body. I am proud of it.
I am thankful for my mom. She is still the one I look to depend on when things get tough.
I am thankful for the Universe and the property agent that sold our house so quickly. Thanks to that sale, Thomas could breathe a little easier.
Thank you, Universe, for gifting me that conversation on 1st Feb night over DM with Shawn.
I am thankful for Clarisse. She truly has made my life easier. I wish her all the best.
I am thankful for Shen. Meeting her was a blessing. She's been nothing but supportive.
I am super thankful towards Ying and Sheralyn who would care and be with me in every step of the way. It's nice that people care and wonder bout me so much.
I am also very thankful for Naomi. Her existence is a blessing.
I am very thankful for Shawn. In spite of his condition, he read it all. All my ramblings. Repeatedly, too. Until he understands. None of the guys I've dated have done that ever. He is truly special.
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le-remerciement · 4 months
i am so thankful for having Truffle, my loveliest Manja cat. She fills my heart with so much joy and love every day when she sticks to me. It is nice to feel needed.
i am so thankful for thomas. i realized today that he really has been making the effort for us. i will try harder to make it work with him.
i am thankful for eileen. though she is difficult but she is capable, responsible and she holds the fort when thomas and i need a break. we are where we are today because of her work and dedication.
i am thankful for all the lessons i have learnt about myself, about the universe since 2023. i guess i have to thank Shawn for that. and i definitely need to thank the universe for paving this for me. it is all on divine timing. i feel connected with the universe, my spirit guides and guardian angels.
i am very thankful for the angel numbers that keep appearing. they are very comforting to see. i hope to learn more about self-soothing so i can manage my anxiousness.
i am thankful for my mom. who loves me even if i'm an ingrate. she is the only one that loves me and stands by me even when the world walks out on me.
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le-remerciement · 4 months
i'm thankful for this dream body that allow me to live my dreams.
i'm thankful for the Universe for divine timing.
i'm thankful for 1 September 2023.
i am thankful for the lessons i've learned in 2023, they make me stronger and softer.
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le-remerciement · 4 months
I am back on this page to be reminded that there are plenty to be thankful for. There is a lot to hold on to that can fill my cup.
I am thankful for the way I have showed up for myself. I am thankful for the love of my two furry girls. I am thankful for friends that I can count on, regardless of distance.
I am thankful for that little glimpse of what I could have. Though short, but it was the sweetest.
I am thankful for the Universe for gifting me this experience. The Universe does work in mysterious ways. If not for it, I wouldn't have started on this journey of growth.
I am so thankful for friends that wonder and worry about me.
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le-remerciement · 9 years
*/ I am thankful for my dad. For trying so hard at everything. For me. For us. For things and people I cannot understand. */ I am thankful for the things I can't have now. I understand that it isn't the time yet and if I were given something ahead of time, I might not be able to handle it or keep it. So for that, I am thankful for the Universe. The grand design. */ I've had lunch at Aoki thrice and Les Amis once in a span of 1 and a half months. Thomas has just nagged at me over our entertainment expenses for an hour but I regret nothing. I am thankful for being alive and healthy enough to enjoy these. */ I am thankful for Jay Chou. He got married to his beau and to be completely honest, my heart was brimming with happiness looking at his pictures. The man whose songs held me through my toughest times, someone whom I thought could understand me, has finally gotten his happy ending. Not that it matters - but for me, at least I know now that these songs will always have a happy ending. */ There weren't any hiccups today with deliveries. No stupid questions to entertain. It has been a long, long time since I walked around town aimlessly on a week day afternoon. I even found time to have tea alone! I even had time to shop! And my phone died on me!!!! :D I am so fucking thankful for the quiet time today. */ Just when I thought business is becoming quiet, a great flow came in when I got home. I am thankful for the support.
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le-remerciement · 9 years
*/ I am thankful for this life. For being able to do what I love. For the freedom to live by my own rules. For the power and support to run my own business that isn't some lame online shop. */ I am thankful for the people I have met in this lifetime. I must have been an amazing person in my past life to have met all these amazing people now. */ I am thankful for the internet. I spent a great amount of time online when I was young, I didn't know it then but because of my time on Livejournal, it has propelled me to greater things and people. Thank you. */ I am thankful for Thomas. It's been a while since I felt that way because I've been nothing but a terror at work. It's not easy working with me but he's never passed another day not telling me he loves me and misses me very much. I am thankful for his love. I am undeserving. */ I am always thankful for the universe for everything that I have and everything that I will soon come to own.
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le-remerciement · 9 years
It’s been way too long since I’ve updated this. So much has changed since my last update, so here goes nothing: */ I am thankful for my media friends and friends in the industry for their support. I really, really am nothing without them. Zairyo would be nothing without their support. */ I’m extremely thankful for the super kind customers we’ve been getting. Not all are great but I guess I’m lucky that 199 of 200 are great. Most of whom became friends of mine. */ There are no words, no way that I can fully express my gratitude to my dad. Words fail me every time I try. */ I am thankful for the universe, my brains, my gut for the way life has spun out for me. I now have the people I want in my life. I am now happy and whole.
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le-remerciement · 9 years
I have stupidly updated helloinfinite instead. Fuck me.
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le-remerciement · 11 years
*/ I'm thankful for jeslyn. For bringing so much joy to my life. For bringing me so many people into my life and indirectly bringing Thomas to me. */ I'm thankful for viko. For being the psycho friend I never had. She keeps me sane and is insanely precious to me. */ I'm thankful for my mentor. She makes me better. Stronger. And she makes me realize that I could be a better version of myself.
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le-remerciement · 11 years
*/ I'm grateful for Eme. She leaves tomorrow. And I haven't met her. I have always been a bad friend and she has always been great. I don't know what I can do for her but I know I need her to be with me through my success and failures. She needs to be there when I do get proposed to/ at my wedding. Thank you for being with me through all those times. I haven't forgotten them one bit. I remember every single night cept the ones I don't remember at all. I love you and please be safe, don't do what I won't do. */ I'm thankful for Viko. They say all you need is someone who gets you in this life, she is that person. We don't talk to each other for months but every time I have some grievance or something insanely funny (and blasphemous) that people will judge me by, I tell her and vice versa. She gets me and I get her. She makes me feel like this friendship is enough for me this lifetime even if we ever not work out. */ I'm thankful for jeslyn. For being with me for so many years. For always standing up for me. For finishing my sentences and understanding me enough to speak what I didn't have words for. For being comfort.
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le-remerciement · 11 years
*/ I'm thankful for being a part of my boyfriend's loving family. I'm thankful that I can stay here, even without him being around, without any trouble. I'm grateful for how well their parents love me and how his sisters are genuinely nice to me.
*/ I love my dad. With or without the company, I love my dad and I will never find a man less than he is. He is my role model and he will forever be the benchmark for all the men in my life. I want to do him so proud. And I'm thankful for how much he dotes me. He doesn't have to, but he does. Very much so, too.
*/ I'm thankful for the many chances and opportunities in my life. I'm thankful for having the opportunity to meet with and talk so much to a woman who has set up her own F&B business so well (mostly thanks to my dad's introduction) that left me so inspired. I absolutely cannot wait for things to take off and I can't wait to share it with my loved ones.
*/ I'm truly thankful for everything I have in life. I have almost everything that I want and I live a comfortable life. A life that I won't feel bad living, too, because I have my own.
*/ I'm thankful for a boyfriend who is so successful in whatever he does. I'm truly so proud that he is the number one sales in the entire DBS mortgage platform for the first half of the year, not including the numerous awards he got from last year for excellent performance. I'm thankful that he works so hard and is so smart, not everyone is like that and I speak from experience.
*/ I have nothing to complain about this life, so that I'm thankful for.
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le-remerciement · 11 years
*/ Today I'm grateful for my dad. He reminds me that it is okay to fail and that I will never be a failure even if I did. He doesn't say it, but his presence is enough. 
*/ I'm grateful for understanding friends. Friends who understand my job commitments and how it is important to me. I'm grateful for friends who never seem that far away despite months of no contact. I'm grateful that what we have is so strong. 
*/ I'm grateful for the quick and really awesome meal that my mom made today because I had no appetite for anything. Homecooked meals deserve much more credit than we give it for.
*/ I'm grateful for Thomas, though I say it almost every day. For telling me he misses me every day. For telling me how grateful and lucky he is for having me in his life. For FaceTiming me whenever I don't stay over. For texting me "I want to marry you" out of the blue in the midst of work and proceeding to tell me his plans. 
*/ I'm grateful for having a job. For living the life I want. For being comfortable. 
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