In preparation for your final exam, you can watch the video above before this coming Monday, 12/11.  However, you cannot write any notes based on the prompt posted below.  I want you to figure out how you want to respond to the final exam questions in class this coming Monday.
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ENG 68
(SCHEDULED FOR 12/11/17)
           For the in-class final exam, you just need to answer the questions below (one paragraph per question).  In this case, you will be writing about a show called American Conventions, which is produced by Vice.  You will be writing about the first episode from season one called “The Weird Wild World of Skunk Owners.”  Please answer the following questions:
What is your impression of     the Skunk Fest?  Is it interesting,     strange, disgusting…?  Why?  Are the owner/pet skunk relationships     similar to those who love their dogs and/or cats, or are these     relationships somehow different?     Why?  Do you see why skunks     are charming, and do you think they make good pets?  Why or why not?
Why does Deborah Cipriani     love skunks so much?   What     motivates her to run Skunk Haven?     Why?  Do you admire her     dedication to saving and caring for these animals?  Why or why not?
Why do you think this show     decided to film this world of skunk owners?  Are we supposed to admire these people     and their lifestyles, or is the show inviting us to stare at the skunk     owners and their festival as if it is a freak show?  In other words, is this show a     celebration of unique individuals that are a part of America?  Why or why not?
          You do not have to worry about an introduction or conclusion.  I am only interested in how well you analyze.  For this assignment, you have to write at least three paragraphs (at least one paragraph per set of questions) that explain your response to the questions above.  Make sure you defend your response with specific reasons.  There is one more important requirement: you cannot bring anything pre-written (no full sentences or paragraphs).  I want you to write your response during the in-class final.
          In addition, you will be graded on your grammar.  This means that I will be looking for subordinate clauses and transitional terms in your sentences.  Furthermore, I will check your paragraphs for proper comma usage.  You will have the entire class period to complete your paragraphs.  Furthermore, you have to write everything in class.  You can, however, refer to your lecture notes on subordinate clauses, transitional terms, and proper comma usage.  There is one more thing you need to be aware of: you cannot have any fragments or run-ons. Otherwise, I will have to grade you down. 
Since this is an in-class essay, you will need to bring a blue examination book (it might also be white).  You can buy one at the bookstore or the snack shops.  This assignment must be written in pen (black or blue ink only).  You can either print or use cursive, but your assignment must be legible.  Please be aware that this essay must be hand-written.
Please write your name, the date, English 68, and my name on the cover of the blue book.
Please double space as you write your three paragraphs.
I will show the episode at least one or two times on the day of this in-class final.
This assignment is scheduled for Monday, December 11th.  Please note the meeting times for this final exam.
 For the class that meets at 2:15 pm, the final exam is scheduled from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
For the class that meets at 4:30 pm, the final exam is scheduled from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
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Since we are almost at the end of the semester, I just want to give you a rundown of what I will be going over in class.  Here’s the rough outline of what you have to look forward to.
Monday (12/4) & Wednesday (12/6): I will be preparing you for the in-class final exam.  The focus of this exam will be on grammar such as sentence variation (subordinate clauses & transitional terms) and proper comma usage.  I will also review run-ons and fragments and how to avoid them.  I plan to show you a short and entertaining video, and you just have to write three paragraphs based on three questions about the video.  Again, I want emphasize that I will mostly grade your three paragraphs based on your sentence variation and grammar.
Monday (12/11): the in-class final exam is scheduled for this day from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.  I will play the short video again, so you can review it before you write your three paragraphs based on the three questions about the video. 
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ENG 68
(DUE 11/29/17)
           You will be required to revise your introduction, especially your thesis statement.  In addition, you will be required to add two body paragraphs that connect to and support your thesis statement. These body paragraphs should present credible evidence from outside sources and should have strong logical appeal that is built off of the evidence.  You can add two quotes (evidence) per body paragraph. The first quote must be the starting point for the body paragraph’s logical appeal, and the second quote should act as reinforcement of the body paragraph’s logical conclusion.  You can use the sample paper, on the Cuban Embargo as a model.  Please follow all MLA rules.  This coming Wednesday (11/29), we will, as a class, be conducting a peer review exercise, and I will provide a rubric for this homework assignment.
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(DUE 11/2717)
           You will be required to type up your introduction, complete with a thesis statement that presents your argument based on your chosen topic.  In addition, you will be required to attach a “Works Cited” list of at least three outside sources that you plan to use for your body paragraphs.  You can use the sample paper, “The Cuban Miracle: Loosening the Embargo against Cuba” as a model.  Please follow all MLA rules.  This assignment will be due Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday (11/27).
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ENG 68
         Your last essay assignment will be an argumentative paper.  This means that you have to formulate an argument that takes a specific stance on a controversial subject.  This argument should be clearly stated in your thesis statement.  The body of your essay should be devoted defending your thesis statement, so for this assignment, you will be required to research and find outside sources.  The outside sources that you will be using should provide strong evidence that supports and defends your argument or thesis statement.
          Because of time constraints, I will provide a list of topics for you to choose from.  Unfortunately, you cannot choose your own topic. Please choose one from the following list:
 People should become vegetarians because it will save the environment.  For this topic, you will have to convince me to switch to a more plant-based diet, and your argument will be about environmental concerns.  That means you will have to research about Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and their hazardous effects on the environment.
People should stop buying and using vitamins and other supplements because they are useless and contain health hazards.  For this topic, you will have to convince me to stop using vitamins and supplements for the above reasons.  Therefore, you will have to use research and find evidence that proves how and why vitamins and supplements are useless and dangerous.
Hunting is not cruel, and it actually helps with conservation efforts to save certain species.  For this topic, you will take a pro-hunting stance, so you will have to convince me that responsible hunting practices actually helps save certain animals from extinction or over population.  Thus, you will have to research and find evidence that will prove your pro-hunting argument.
Professional Athletes should be allowed to use Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) because if they are already use them, then every athlete should be allowed to use them to level the playing field.  This legalization ensures that the use of PEDs can be regulated to ensure the athlete’s safety as well.  Please convince me that this pragmatic approach to PEDs is the better option than simply trying to ban them and punish those who do use them.
         I want to emphasize that you need to create your own thesis statement.  You cannot use the first sentence from the bullet-pointed list above.  Please keep in mind that a strong thesis statement is one that is concise yet detailed.  You not only have to make an argument but you need to briefly explain why, for instance, hunting can save certain animals.
         Since you have been studying and analyzing different types of rhetoric, you will have to apply these same rhetorical tools to make a convincing argument. When you are writing your essay, you need to incorporate the following rhetorical tools:
Evidence: you should provide a variety of evidence that supports your argument (thesis statement).  Evidence can be: expert testimony, eyewitness testimony, numerical data, and research data.
Appeal: you should employ both logical and ethical appeal.  For example, when you present evidence such as numerical data, you can build a logical argument off of that data.  Perhaps expert testimony can provide weight when you craft an ethical appeal.
          Thus, you must create a combination of credible evidence and strong appeal in each of your body paragraphs.  If you create strong rhetoric in your body paragraphs, you will be able to successfully defend your argument (thesis statement).
           Because you need to use reliable and credible outside sources, you should look for these sources through the Mt. SAC library webpage.  In addition, you will be required to use at least three to four outside sources, and your sources can all be online sources.  There are a number of online databases that you can access. I will show you how to access these databases.  If you pull random websites, blogs, tumblr sites, and other internet sources from surfing the web, you run the risk of using bad and unreliable evidence, and I will have to grade you down. There is one more important part to your essay: you also must follow MLA citation rules (both parenthetical in-text citation and “Works Cited” page).  I will go over these rules later in class.
 This essay must be typed and double-spaced. The font must be no larger than a twelve point font, and “Times New Roman” will be the required font.
This assignment needs to be at least four full pages plus a “Works Cited” page, which means you need four full pages of writing and one “Works Cited” page.  This length requirement will be strictly enforced. If you hand in a draft that is less than four full pages of writing, then I will have to take at least 2% points off of your grade.
Please type your name, my name, English 68, and the due date in the upper left-hand corner of the essay.
You need to title your assignment, and don’t be afraid to be creative. “Essay #5” isn’t very interesting.
Do not pad your essay with large margins or large spaces between the paragraphs. Otherwise, I will have to grade you down.  You must also maintain 3rd POV, so that means no “I”, “you”, or “we”.
The final (and only) draft of this essay is due Monday, December 11th. I will accept late essays, but I will deduct 4% points off of whatever grade the late essay earns.  Please note: I will be turning in final grades for this class on Tuesday, 12/19. If you do not hand in your essay by then, your paper will receive a failing grade (0 %).
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ENG 68
(DUE 11/22/17)
           You will be writing a rhetorical analysis on the essay called “The Siege of Miami” by Elizabeth Kolbert.
           Here’s what I’m looking for in this essay: What is the author arguing about?  What rhetorical strategies does the author use?  How do they work?  Essentially, your thesis statement has to state what the author’s main thesis is, and what types of rhetoric he uses. Please keep in mind that your analysis should be based on:
Evidence: expert testimony and research data
Appeal: logical (logos) and ethical (ethos)
           This essay is a text-based analysis, so you will have to quote from Kolbert’s essay and then explain how the rhetoric works in each quote.  I strongly suggest that you focus on one type of rhetoric per body paragraph. In addition, please do not summarize any of your quotes.  I don’t want to know what happens in the essay. I want to know how Kolbert uses the various types of rhetoric to make a convincing argument.
           Since this is an academic paper, you need to structure your paper accordingly: an introduction, four body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Because you are writing at a college level, do not refer to yourself in your paper (I think, I believe, etc.); you should not use the general “we” or “you” as well.
The essay must be typed and double-spaced. The font should be no larger than a 12pt. Font.
Please type your name, my name, English 68, and the due date in the upper left-hand corner of the essay.
Please title your essay, and don’t be afraid to be creative.  “Essay #4 isn’t very exciting, and please do not use Kolbert’s title as your own title for your essay.
Your essay should have a least four body paragraphs.  Focus on one type of rhetoric (one quote) per body paragraph.
Your essay should be at least three full pages in length.
THE FIRST AND ONLY DRAFT OF THIS ESSAY IS DUE WEDNESDAY, November 22nd. Please note: I accept late papers. However, I will make a 4% deduction on the final grade that the late paper receives.
ENG 68
(DUE 11/20/17)
          You will be required to type up an introduction and two body paragraphs for your draft of Essay #4.  This homework assignment should first have an introduction, which should have a thesis statement placed at the very end. As stated in the prompt for your draft of Essay #4, your thesis statement should explain the main argument being made in “The Siege of Miami” and should identify the four types of rhetoric that the essay uses.  Your two body paragraphs should present and analyze a specific type of rhetoric: expert testimony, research data, logos, or ethos.  Please follow the three-part structure: topic sentence, intro to quote/quote itself, and the explanation of the quote, which should explain how the rhetoric works.  
          Since this homework assignment will eventually become part of your draft of Essay #4 it needs to be typed and double-spaced.  Once again, we will be conducting a peer review exercise this coming Monday, 11/20.
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ENG 68
(DUE 11/15/17)
Please read “The Siege of Miami” by Elizabeth Kolbert. Here’s the link to the article: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/12/21/the-siege-of-miami.
          Please type your answers based on the template below.  Your answers should be in paragraph form.  Moreover, please keep in mind that your answers will have to help me, your teacher who is the dumbest person, figure out Kolbert’s essay.  We will use this homework assignment as the basis for class discussion the following class session.  You can type up the template and your answers yourself.  However, I will email you the template as a MS Word file.
Template That You Need to Fill Out:
Please note: you do not have to write down your response in the sequential order listed below.  You can start with what makes sense to you. For example, if you want to start this assignment by first writing about the information, then jumping to questions, point of view, purpose, assumptions, and concepts, you are free to do so.
The main purpose of “The Siege of Miami” is _________________.(State as accurately as possible the essay’s main purpose. What is the objective you think you were supposed to learn? This can be more than one sentence).
The key questions that the essay is addressing are ________. (Put yourself into the mind of the writer: figure out the key questions in the mind of the author when it was written. These answers should be written as questions. If you have a question or two about the essay, you can write them here, and we can discuss them later).
The most important information I found in the essay is _________.(Please explain what specific information (data, observation, etc.)“is presented in the essay.  Furthermore, you should keep in mind on how the information helps you understand the purpose/concepts/questions
The key concepts I need to understand in this essay are _________.(Figure out the most important appeals--logos, etc.-- you would have to understand in order to understand the argument completely. What are some of these concepts found in the essay?)).
The main point of view in this essay is ________.
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Please read “Why Bother?” by Michael Pollan (pages 312 - 320 in 50 Essays), and answer questions 1, 2, 4, & 5.  We will be discussing this essay this coming Monday (11/13).
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ENG 68
           You can either fill out the template below, or you can type up your own outline. However, you cannot have any fully written sentences or paragraphs.  This outline is only a guideline for you to follow as you write your in-class essay this coming Wednesday, 11/8 (please see the prompt posted below).  The only exceptions I will allow are a fully written thesis statement and full quotes—full statements made by the interviewees in “The Vaccine War.”
          a. Thesis statement:
          a. What you are going to analyze (topic sentence):
           b. The quote you are going to use:
               c. What you will explain in the quote:
          a.  What you are going to analyze (topic sentence):
            b. The quote you are going to use:
               c. What you will explain in the quote:
          a. What you are going to analyze (topic sentence):
           b. The quote you are going to use:
               c. What you will explain in the quote:
          a. What you are going to analyze (topic sentence):
           b. The quote you are going to use:
               c.  What you will explain in the quote:
     VI. CONCLUSION:  please remember that you need to re-state the intro’s thesis statement and then write about a general topic, exploring the ethical/philosophical issues of that topic.
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ENG 68
           You will be writing a rhetorical analysis on Frontline’s episode called “The Vaccine War.”   This is about explaining how an argument is constructed and how it works.  Unlike thematic analysis, the thesis statement for this in-class essay should explain the episode’s argument and should identify the types of rhetoric that it uses to construct its argument.  Essentially, your essay should focus on two types of evidence and two types of appeal, so please keep in mind that your analysis should be based on:
1.    Evidence: expert and eyewitness testimony
2.    Style: logical appeal (logos) and emotional appeal (pathos)
           Since this is an academic paper, you need to structure your paper accordingly: an introduction, at least four body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You should focus on one kind of rhetoric (expert testimony for one body paragraph, logical appeal in another, and so forth) per body paragraph.  You should also focus on specific scenes and specific testimony (what the expert or eyewitness says) when analyzing appeal or testimony.  Please quote the expert or eyewitness.  If your essay is too vague and general with no specific explanation of the specific appeal or evidence in specific parts of the episode, then your essay will suffer. Remember: please do not summarize the episode. There is one more important thing to keep in mind: because you are writing at a college level, do not refer to yourself in your paper (I think, I believe, etc.); you should not use the general “we” or “you” as well.
           Because this is an in-class essay, you must write your essay during the class session.  You will have at least two hours to complete your essay. You can bring notes and/or an outline for your in-class essay.  However, you cannot bring a pre-written essay to class. This restriction also includes any notes, outlines, or homework assignments with full sentences or paragraphs. The only exception to this restriction is that you can bring in a fully developed thesis statement plus fully copied quotes from the show for your in-class essay.   If you do bring in notes and/or outlines, you need to attach them to your essay before turning it in.
Since this is an in-class essay, you will be required to hand-write your essay in class.  Since a blue book is not required, you just need to bring college-ruled paper to write on.  You can either write in cursive or print, just as long as your writing is legible. Please note: you cannot use a laptop to type out your essay.  It must be hand-written.  You must also write in black or blue ink only.
Please write your name, my name, English 68, and the date in the upper left-hand corner of your paper.
Your essay should have an introduction and a least four body paragraphs.  Focus on one type of rhetoric (please quote an expert or eyewitness, quote any logical statements, and please quote and describe a key scene when analyzing emotional appeal) per body paragraph.
Electronic devices such as smart phones, tablets, etc. will not be allowed during the scheduled class session for the in-class essay.
This in-class essay is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, November 8th. You will have the entire class period to complete your in-class essay.  Please note: if you are absent on this day, I will only allow you to write the essay on another date if you can provide an official written excuse such as a doctor’s note.
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Please watch Frontline’s “Vaccine War,” and answer the questions on the study guide posted below.
You can watch the show via this link: http://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-vaccine-war/
ENG 68
Dr. Paull Offit, MD of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: developed the vaccine for the rotavirus
Seth Mnookin: science writer for MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jennifer Margulis, PhD (English): mother living in Ashland, OR who chooses not to fully vaccinate her children
Dr. Donna Bradshaw-Walters, MD: pediatrician in Ashland, OR
Emilio Emini, PhD: Director of Vaccines at Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company
Dr. Anthony Fauci, MD: Director of National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases
Arthur Caplan, PhD: Center for Bioethics at the Univ. of Penn. from 1994-2012
Dr. Cynthia Cristofani: pediatric intensivist
Barbara Loe Fisher: President of National Vaccine Information Center
J.B. Handley: Founder of Generation Rescue
Dr. Eric Fombonne, MD: expert on Autism; worked at McGill Univ. from 2001-2012
Anders Hviid, Dr. Med. Sci. of Statens Serum Institute in Denmark: performed epidemiological studies on the link between vaccines and autism
Myrian and Alvaro Fontan: parents of Vanessa Fontan, who had contracted the Whooping Cough as an infant
 ENG 68
Please answer the questions on another piece of paper as thoroughly as possible, and please keep in mind that I am the dumbest person.  I will most likely not understand short and vague answers.
1.      Why does Jennifer Margulis choose to not fully vaccinate her children?  What is her reasoning?
2.      Dr. Anthony Fauci and Arthur Caplan talk about their childhood experiences with infectious diseases such as polio.  What are their eyewitness accounts of polio and how do they help support the pro-vaccine camp?
3.      Who is Dr. Cynthia Cristofani?  What is her expertise?  What does she say about vaccines?  How does her testimony help prove the pro-vaccine argument?
4.      Who are Barabara Loe Fisher and J.B. Handley? Why are they critics of vaccines?
5.      Who is Eric Fombonne, and what is his expertise?   What does he have to say about any possible link between vaccines and autism?  What is his (and other experts’) logical appeal about the non-causal relationship between vaccines and autism?
6.      Who is Anders Hviid?  What did he research, and what did his research prove?  What does he have to say about people still believing in a link between vaccines and autism?
7.      Who is Vanessa Fontan?  What is her story?  How and why is it emotionally powerful?  How do her story and the images of her in the emergency room create a powerful emotional appeal?  How does her story support the need for herd immunity?
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Please watch Frontline’s “Football High”, and answer the questions on the study guide posted below. 
You can stream the show via this link: http://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-football-high/.
ENG 68
Please re-watch “Football High” and answer the questions below on a separate piece of paper.  Furthermore, please treat your teacher as if she is the dumbest person. In other words, you should explain in detail.
1.      Who is Walt Williams?  What does he have to say about high school football?
2.      Who is Dallas Jackson?  What does he have to say about high school football?
3.      Based on what Willams’s and Jackson’s claim, do you see how high school football players are encouraged to be more physical and risk their minds and bodies?  Why or why not?
4.      Who is Dr. Ann McKee?  What is CTE?  What has her autopsy on deceased players revealed about the connection between football and brain damage?
5.      Who is Chris Nowinski?  What does he say about the dangers of football?
6.      Who is Tom Talavage?  What kind of study is he doing?  What are the results of his research?
7.      Who is B.J. Mack?  What does he have to say about the safety of football helmets?
8.      Who is Tyler Davenport?  What happened to him?  Do you find his story to be tragic?  Why or why not? How did you feel about his death?
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ENG 68
          The paragraphs below are missing some commas.  There also are two commas that should not be there (hint: transitional terms creating comma-splices).  You need to re-write the two paragraphs with the correct commas in their proper places.  You should also replace a comma or two with the proper punctuation because there might be a comma splice or two.
          Even though Spongebob Squarepants is a popular children’s show many adults enjoy the crazy antics of its cartoon characters.  These adult fans furthermore have developed some interesting ideas about Spongebob and his friends under the sea.  These characters may seem like  goofy creatures, however, some people see much more.  Many have discovered that each character represents each of the seven deadly sins.  In addition the symbolism makes sense.
          If Squidward is always blowing up at Spongebob then he must represent the deadly sin of wrath.  While the starfish goes on a lot of adventures with Spongebob Patrick just seems to lie around or simply stand there.  He must be therefore the symbol of sloth.  Mr Krabs’ biggest goal in life is to make sure that his restaurant produces a profit.  Since he cares only about money Mr. Krabs must be the symbol for greed.  The Squirrel named Sandy symbolizes pride because she likes to brag about her talents.  The pet snail named Gary symbolizes gluttony because he eats all the time, in addition, Plankton symbolizes envy because he wants the secret ingredient in the Krabby Patties.  Lastly, there is Spongebob.  Since he loves everyone and wants everyone to love him Spongebob is the representation of lust.  
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ENG 68
           The paragraph below is filled with fragments and run-ons.  You have to be an editor and correct these mistakes.  This means you have to re-write the paragraph with the complete sentences intact.  
           My ninth grade biology teacher had to operate on a rat once one of his students had brought in his pet rat, the poor creature had a tumor the size of a large stone resting on its butt.  The creature to sleep.  He also proceeded to cut off the tumor with a very sharp scalpel, however, the operation was too much for the rat.  It did not survive.  The failed operation happened just before lunch break.  Although he did not save his student’s pet.  Mr. Dowling thought he could put the deceased to good use, so the after-lunch class got a new, improvised lesson plan.  Those students had to watch the teacher dissect the rat. With much enthusiasm, plucking out organs and explaining their anatomical uses to the rat.  Several students lost their lunches that day.
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ENG 68
           For this assignment, you will be analyzing the theme in a short story.  Keep in mind that theme is all about the life lesson in a work of art (in this case, a piece a fiction).  The story that you will be analyzing is “A Brief Encounter with the Enemy” by Said Sayrafiezadeh.
           Here’s what I am looking for: what message or life lesson do you see in the story?  In other words, what does Luke, the narrator, learn in the story?  How do the personality traits, motivations, strengths and flaws of Luke point to the theme?  What is the important key line in the story?  What is the deeper, metaphorical meaning behind the key line and how does it suggest the theme? What specific symbol do you see in the story, and what ideas, concepts, or sentiments does it represent?  Why?  How does the symbol help create the theme in this story?  Why?
           Because this is an academic essay, you will have to write one introduction, at least four body paragraphs, and one conclusion. Regarding the introduction, the thesis statement, must clearly state the theme of Sayrafiezadeh’s story. Everything in the body paragraphs must connect to and support the thesis statement.  You should have four body paragraphs that analyze the different parts that make up the story’s theme.  Two body paragraphs should analyze Luke.  Another body paragraph should analyze a key line quoted from the story, and the fourth body paragraph should analyze a symbol in the story.
           Since this is a text-based analysis, you must incorporate quotes from the story into your essay.  Make sure that your quotes clearly capture some aspect of the character or symbol. With the key line, you just need to quote the key line or sentence.  Do not give me a summary of the story.  You have to break down the story into specific parts and explain what they mean and how they create the theme.  There is one more thing you need to know: you can only use one quote per body paragraph. Furthermore, your quotes cannot be long quotes (nothing longer than three or four lines). If you are stuffing your body paragraphs with lots of quotes or with long quotes that take up too much space, then you are simply padding your paper.  
           As for the conclusion, please follow the “triangular” structure that I have gone over in class, and please make sure that the re-stated thesis statement mirrors the thesis statement in the introduction.
           To help you with your essay, you can use the sample paper, “Sheeple: Analyzing the Theme in ‘Shooting an Elephant,’” as a model.
This essay must be typed and double-spaced. The font must be no larger than twelve points.  I prefer “Times New Roman”.
Please type your name, my name, ENG 68, and the date on the upper left-hand corner of the first page.  This essay must also have a title, and please be creative.  DO NOT use     “A Brief Encounter with the Enemy” as the title of your essay.
The rough draft must be at least three full pages.  I will not accept anything less than three full pages.  DO NOT “pad” the essay with large margins or large spaces between paragraphs.  Otherwise, I will have to grade you down.
Because, this is an academic essay, you should write in the 3RD Person POV (point of view).  That means no “I”, “we”, or “you”.
The final (and only) draft of this essay is due Wednesday, October18th.  Please note: I usually accept late essays.  However, I will deduct 4% points off of whatever grade the late essay earns.
ENG 68
(DUE 10/16/17)
           You will be required to type up an introduction plus two paragraphs that will become part of your rough draft analyzing the theme or life lesson of “A Brief Encounter with the Enemy.”  Please refer to the prompt regarding the instructions for the introduction, and please note: the thesis statement is the most important part of your introduction. One body paragraph should focus on psychoanalyzing Luke, and the other should focus on either a specific symbol or key line.  Please follow the basic three-part structure of the body paragraph: a topic sentence that either introduces Luke, a symbol, or a key line, an introduction to the quote plus quote itself, and the explanation of the quote. The explanation of the quote needs to get into Luke’s head, give details about the deeper, metaphorical meaning behind the key line, or show how the details in the quote (description of the symbol) suggest the idea that the symbol represents.
           We will be conducting a peer-review exercise for this homework assignment this coming Monday, 10/16.  I will provide a rubric that you will fill out when you review one of your fellow student’s paragraphs.  However, I would like you to write notes on whichever paper you are reviewing as well.
           Since these paragraphs will eventually be a part of your rough draft of Essay #2, your paragraphs need to be typed and double-spaced.  In addition, I would like you to use the font called “Times New Roman” because I would like you to start following Modern Language Association (MLA) rules. Furthermore, your font should be no larger than a 12-point font.
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Please bring your textbook to class this coming Wednesday, 10/11.  We will be going over “Shooting an Elephant” one more time.
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