Well considering that it’s a part of their punishment, no.
They’re not allowed to vote because it’s their punishment.
Voting is not just a right, but a responsibility that can be taken away.
They should not vote, they cannot vote, and they will not vote. They do not deserve it. They have had their responsibilities stripped from them, and they simply don’t deserve it
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Prisoners should have the right to vote.
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okay but seriously… is pluto a planet? ⬇️ discuss . . . #USA #debate #GodBlessAmerica #America #maga #conservative #presidenttrump #constitution #merica #donaldtrump #frat #patriot #trump #college #2a #collegelife #draintheswamp #politics #patriotic #trumptrain #freedom #loneconservative #wolfpack #ANewBreedOfConservatism #conservativememe #election #secondamendment #guns — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2Gx1M8v
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The war against women????
The war... against WOMEN?
Do people not realize that this blanant sexism is found on both ends of the political spectrum? It’s not just the right who does this. The left is very sexist towards men.
How dare you say that women are being marginalized by men, when that same discrimination is pushed on men every day? We can look to the copious amounts of Buzzfeed videos just bashing every single man on the planet.
We can look to Cosmopolitan magazine to see how their blatant disregard for men.
How about we vote people into office that fights ALL forms of sexism, hmm?? Or am I asking too much???
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the tea is scalding . . . #USA #debate #GodBlessAmerica #America #maga #conservative #presidenttrump #constitution #merica #donaldtrump #frat #patriot #trump #college #2a #collegelife #draintheswamp #politics #patriotic #trumptrain #freedom #loneconservative #wolfpack #ANewBreedOfConservatism #conservativememe #election #secondamendment #guns — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2IKPgn6
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what do you think about the backpack ban?
Oooo the backpack ban
For context for everyone else: after spring break no backpacks will be allowed in between classes for all middle and high schools in the county AND bags “bigger than your hand” are banned, including lunchboxes (according to rumors, not sure how that’s gonna hold up.) This is because earlier this week some kids at a high school brought loaded pistols in their bag. Lmao long post incoming because I got some fucking TEA about how this is going and why this is just a bandaid for a bullet wound because it does nothing and is just a distraction that there’s no legislation. Pardon the formatting cuz I’m on mobile.
Imma be real, my school already banned backpacks during classes since at least my freshman year now. So the backpack ban itself doesn’t bother me much. BUT that’s because I have two classes, lunch, then two more classes because we’re on a A day, B day schedule AND we have an hour of free roam lunch. We’re fine without backpacks.
But for all the other schools that’s don’t have an A day B day schedule? Oh y’all are fucked for sure. My gf has like two or three textbooks she has to carry in the morning alone and her locker is no where near any of her classes so she has to have a bag. And she has this giant tote lookin thing that cute and convent and doesn’t hurt her back as much. So yea, it’s kinda stupid. I’m lucky my locker isn’t completely outta the way of my classes (so far, I could jinx myself for junior and senior year.) but even kids in my school have some incovient lockers.
What gets me most pissed is the hand bag rule. Because in theory, my pencil pouch is bigger than my hand, but smaller than another’s hand. So where’s the rule there? Is up to teacher discretion to stop stupid with the mere five minutes we have to travel across my campus of a school? To which they probably won’t write a pass for?
Purses that many girls carry for their money/makeup/tampons/whatever will likely be banned. That pisses them off. Because pencil pouches become more of inconvenient thing especially if you have a ton of stuff in there like I do.
The big kicker is the lunchboxes (if they’re actually banned, regardless if it’s only certain times or not.) because no hand size bag can carry a full lunch. That’s just common sense. And one teacher phrased it like “oh just go to your locker to get your lunch and leave in bag in there” first of all, that defeats the fuckin purpose of the lunch box. Second of all, if I’m carrying two (or more!!) classes worth of stuff I don’t have five loose baggies of foodon top of it as well, that will fall. God forbid I bring a soda and it falls and makes a mess. Third of all, a lot of kids have make up stuff/clubs to do as soon as lunch starts, there’s hardly enough, if any at all, time to grab more stuff. It’s a pain that isn’t necessary.
So, is this going to make us safer? Fuck no. What’s the chance of someone bringing a pistol in their lunchbox? Hardly any. One, because it’s not the choice of shooters, and two, if anyone cared to look at the demographic in my area, most people have rifles for hunting instead of pistols. This is southern Maryland. So maybe this band would be useful in a shitty city, but not in southern Maryland. If the Board of Ed actually took more than three minutes to think this through they would realize that. Even though there is the slight off chance, proven by the incident that caused all this, it’s not likely and it’s certainly not as much damage as an AK would do.
Also, something to note here that school shooters seem to HARDLY care about hiding their weapon for long. If they wanna kill some kids they will walk into school with a gun or two out and go out blazing. It was never meant to be a discreet attack, it’s always done to create a show and send a message. If I recall correctly the parkland dude came in with a bag and immediately started, the shitty dude at Great Mills, a county over from me, did it only a little bit into the first class and in the hall.
My point is, if someone’s bringing a gun they already have at home to a school, they don’t give a shit if it’s seen or not. The only thing this does is piss students off and MAYBE stop some drugs from going around school. But even that’s unlikely as there’s a million ways to hide a variety of weapons and drugs on your body. And, because a lot of kids drive to school, they can literally just come late with a bag and start going nuts once they get in because they have that window of time before they get to their locker.
Also, two extra things here, clear bags might be okay despite the size but it’s not clear how clear the back needs to be (like those target backs are semi-transparent cuz they’re thin) and those zip-up binders that you can strap around your shoulder are still fine despite being way larger than a hand and could fit a variety of shit in there.
You wanna be safe from shooters? I do too, we’ve gotten multiple threats at my school and I KNOW if a shooting is gonna happen in my county it’s gonna happen at my school cuz we’re the largest and most diverse and this shooters usually are racist Nazi pieces of shit.
Do something to keep guns from being in the hands of children to begin with. Hold parents accountable for not locking up their weapon and ignoring the warning signs. Actually listen to students when they come to you with issues regarding anything. Follow up on issues with students. MAKE SOME GODDAMN LEGISLATION. BS school policies do nothing if the worse thing it does is expel a kid and turn them over to the police to deal with. And if the police can only charge them with possession of a firearm and they likely get off decently cuz their a minor and there’s no stronger legislation or proof of something else, it means nothing to the kid who clearly didn’t care about the repercussions of bringing a gun to school anyways!
The BoE could’ve do nothing or everything and they’d still get a paycheck and they’d never be blamed for any accident. It comes down to the law, the students, and the parents to make actually progress on this issue. This is just to make students shut up and the adults have an excuse to ignore when we point out flaws. It doesn’t make us any safer.
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The Epic of Beowulf: A Secret Scandanavian?
Beowulf talks a lot about gold rings. It was so important that rings inspired a smash hit Wagner opera in the 1800s which in turn inspired JRR Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings. Many gold neck and arm rings have been found in Scandinavia dating between 300 and 550 BCE. But after that? No rings. Furthermore, no such rings have been found in Anglo-Saxon England during the right time period: from 550 CE till the late Viking period, the last possible dating for Beowulf.
What does this all mean? It is archaeological evidence that Beowulf, the Old English epic, was first told in Scandinavia and somehow made its way to England.
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The revelation was just one of many brought to light Thursday when the Justice Department published a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report detailing his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
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This is so beautiful and powerful.
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*calls thanos* • • • #USA #debate #GodBlessAmerica #America #maga #conservative #presidenttrump #constitution #merica #donaldtrump #frat #patriot #trump #college #2a #collegelife #draintheswamp #politics #patriotic #trumptrain #freedom #loneconservative #wolfpack #ANewBreedOfConservatism #conservativememe #election #secondamendment — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2D9bXh5
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Someone on Quora asked, “As a Republican, if someone in your family was murdered in a mass shooting, would you advocate for any gun-control policies?”
Here’s the most upvoted answer, from L. Toth, Law: 
“I’m not a Republican.
I’m not even an American.
I was nowhere near Parkland Florida.
I was nowhere near Columbine High School in Colorado.
I am a European.
What that means is that we have no “Gun-Control Debate”.
We were disarmed long ago. Our governments decided that we (law-abiding European Union Citizens) don’t have any inherent rights (Natural Rights, or God-given Rights) to self protection, and to protect our families. Our rights derive from a distant (and often unresponsive, sometimes even oppressive government), and not from God or Nature.
What government gives, government can take away. Remember that.
If your government is the source of your rights, then you have no rights.
What that all means is that, for all but the very few, the “government in far off Belgium” has decided that only a very few and select EU Citizens can own a weapon.
So, in reality, the ONLY people who have weapons in the EU are agents of the government, or they are criminals.
There is no debate. End of story. You have no right to self-protection, because the government has said so.
As I said, I was no where near America when the Parkland, FL mass shooting took place.
However, I was very, very near Utoya island, Norway, on 22 July, 2011.
Do you think that I wish that I was armed and trained on that day, ready to engage that piece of shit Anders Breivik as he spent 1 hour, randomly shooting at hundreds, injuring many, and killing 69 unarmed EU Citizens (many of them under age 18 children) on Utoya island?
You bet I do.
Did you catch that? That Anders Breivik spent 1 hour on an island (difficult place to escape, Utoya, without a readily accessible boat), shooting at anything that moved, children and whomever.
Where were the Police?
Where were the other guarantors of our rights to self-preservation, or those other government agents, whom we depend upon for our very lives, for the 1 hour that Anders Breivik was killing innocents with impunity?
Does it matter where the government was, to the 69 murdered? They all, each and every one of those murdered, and the others who were shot by Breivik and survived, were law-abiding citizens of the EU. That means they were not allowed to defend themselves, while they waited for the government to protect them from a CRIMINAL ARMED AND READY TO MURDER THEM.
While they waited for the government, from whom they must ask for their rights to self-preservation, they were murdered.
Waiting for the guarantors of their very lives, they were murdered.
Those murdered had no right to live, to protect themselves, from a murderous mad-man criminal, Hell-bent on murdering them to make a political statement. Our government has said so. You have no right to protect yourself from an armed criminal, Hell-bent on killing you.
So says our government.
If only a few of the hundreds of people on Utoya that day were trained and armed, ready and willing to live, to defend themselves and other innocents, many of those dead children and adults would probably be alive today.
But because our government, our distant, unresponsive, sometimes oppressive government, has said we don’t have the right to protect ourselves, those innocents were all murdered, without a chance in Hell to protect themselves.
Anders Breivik knew he would not have any resistance that fateful day. None whatsoever. And he knew that the government guarantors of the lives of the innocents that he brutally murdered that day were preoccupied with the bomb he had planted elsewhere as a distraction from his real target: An Island full of unarmed and unprotected children. Ready for the slaughter. His slaughter.
As a civilian, a law-abiding Citizen of the EU, I was not allowed to go and defend an island full of innocent children. Because my government has said so. And the very victims themselves were not allowed to protect themselves. All because my government has said so.
Don’t you think the children on Utoya on 22 July, 2011, had wished that someone, anyone at all, was armed and had returned fire at Anders Breivik?
Can anyone, honestly and with a straight face, tell the loved ones of those who were shot and murdered by Anders Breivik on 22 July, 2011, that it is more important that their children had no right to live, and that the rights of the government to grant said favour is more important? Honestly?
Put yourself in the place of the dead.
I’ll bet they wished that they had the God-given right to self-preservation, and that they could have personally shot back when Anders Breivik decided to murder them that day.
The American Forefathers were much wiser than our rulers in the EU. They codified into the US Constitution the truth that all Human Rights are derived from God (or from Nature via Natural Law, for you non-religious folk), and no one, not any person nor any government can take those Human Rights away from the person.
Rights given by people can be taken away by people. Rights derived from God cannot be taken away from the person. Period.
We in the EU must live with the choices and decisions made by people, often distant people, who do not know us. And often, they do not care for the individual. They do not care about me, nor you…
It is up to me, ultimately, as a Human, with God-given Human Rights, to look after myself and my family.
Even if my government says I do not have that right granted to me… I WILL CHOOSE TO LIVE, AND TO PROTECT MY FAMILY, AND ANY INNOCENTS THAT I CAN.
Don’t be a victim. Stand up and fight evil, like the evil of Anders Breivik and that piece of shit in Parkland, FL, or anywhere else, for that matter.
Parkland FL, Columbine, San Bernardino, Utoya… They all waited for the government to protect them from evil.
They all died.
Protecting yourself is the only answer.”
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Tell that to the students in California (Berkeley University) that wouldn’t allow Ben Shapiro to speak, costing more than 100 thousand USD in damages while protesting his event, and requiring 600 thousand USD worth of security at the event. All to shut down freedom of speech, which the university fought so hard for in the 60s. Am I the only one sensing the hypocrisy, or...?
“The Free Speech Movement started at UC Berkeley in 1964 after students protested en masse when administrators tried to restrict their political activities on campus. On a typical day, activists for various causes line Sproul Plaza, the area that serves as a gateway into the university,”
“The university estimated it spent $600,000 on security for Mr. Shapiro’s visit, not a pittance for an institution that has struggled financially in recent years,”
Tell that to the students at the University of Utah. I’ve linked the video below. Someone literally says (AND I QUOTE) “I don’t think that’s a relevant document right now.” This young man was speaking about the United States Constitution. He called it irrelevant. All because he felt offended that a Jewish man with differing beliefs wanted to have a conversation.
Yes, everyone is aware that there is a consequence to each and every action. Everyone knows that saying things that are mean, spiteful, evil, and the likes will have a hard time in the future. People are aware that consequences exsist. Everyone knows that. Same thing to all leftists and liberals. It applies to everyone.
Yes, freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, but when you say this, you stand by the students who say that the constitution is irrelevant, hypocrites, and oppressors of the freedom of speech.
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I always find conservatives and libertarians always use ’freedom of speech’ as a get out of jail card to say all the shit they want and shut down debate. But the thing is freedom of speech applies to everyone which means its in everyones right to critise what u are saying and u have to face the consequences of what u say!
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yah yeet we’re looking at u @berniesanders . . . #USA #debate #GodBlessAmerica #America #maga #conservative #presidenttrump #constitution #merica #donaldtrump #frat #patriot #trump #college #2a #collegelife #draintheswamp #politics #patriotic #trumptrain #freedom #loneconservative #wolfpack #ANewBreedOfConservatism #conservativememe #election #secondamendment #guns — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2XbyNMW
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This is so beautiful and powerful.
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LOL . . . #USA #debate #GodBlessAmerica #America #maga #conservative #presidenttrump #constitution #merica #donaldtrump #frat #patriot #trump #college #2a #collegelife #draintheswamp #politics #patriotic #trumptrain #freedom #loneconservative #wolfpack #ANewBreedOfConservatism #conservativememe #election #secondamendment #guns — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2P9UV7n
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