lieheard-blog · 7 years
🌷 👀👀👀👀👀👀
for every 🌷 my character will kiss yours ✩  still accepting!!
The whimsical twinkle of the holiday lights suspended above them drew Kyou’s attention, and Momoko watched as she tilted her face upward - gentle smile curving her lips. The little bundle of holly suspended perfectly between their heads was almost too small to miss - yet, it couldn’t stop drawing Momo’s eye. She’d seen it when they’d walked up, brushing off her red cheeks as chaffed from the cold when her friend has inquired.
They stood close, peering over the rail in front of them and down at the slick ice of the frozen lake. Momoko tried not to shuffle too close - god, if she scared Kyou she’d feel terrible! Though, she can’t help but intertwine their cold fingers - tugging gently to draw her friends attention to a few ducks waddling across the cold landscape.
Momoko isn’t prepared for Kyou to turn so suddenly, expression soft as she inquires in why she’d been nudged. Momo’s mind goes blank as she gazes into her friend’s hazel eyes, thoughts scrambling as her cheeks grow red. Then Kyou smiles - the sweet one she’s reserved for Momo’s clumsiness and often poorly worded declarations. Before she can think further, Momoko presses her cold lips gently against Kyou’s warm ones, eyes blinking closed as she savored the touch. 
“A-Ah.. You know what they say about kissing under holly…r-right?” 
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
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“ no thanks. ”
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
Kyou is not fond of her quirk and whilst it does have its advantages, sometimes, the costs marginally outweigh the benefits. Her lack of fondness probably stems from early childhood as being able to detect every lie kids told kind of isolated her, especially as children tended to lie together. As a children, humans are very egocentric and because of this, Kyou did what benefited her and told the truth to avoid getting a migraine. This strained her relationship with other children because she couldn’t join in with them whilst playing pretend (big ol lies) and, because her quirk wasn’t flashy, many kids didn’t want to hang out with her. Also, she would often have to have lots of time off school because of the amount of lies she’d hear daily, regardless of counter measures put in; boys liked to steal her earmuffs.
In junior high, Kyou found more devious ways to use her quirk and laid the foundation of her “take no crap” attitude. During breaks and lunch, Kyou would stay in the classroom and listen, hearing every bit of drama and gossip going on, she would then spread the truth round, no matter how damaging it may be. During her first and second year of Junior school, she ended roughly 7 relationships and multiple friendships. Her main excuse was, “If I’m going to get a migraine from you lying, people are going to know the truth.” However, these actions again distanced her from her classmates, especially as she gained a reputation for being a shit talker, despite actually just telling people the truth. At this point, her quirk was useful but, it didn’t really make her a lot of friends.
By her third year of Junior high, Kyou had found a good use for her quirk. She happened to be walking home and saw a police officer ask a thug for their name and address and when the thug lied, Kyou called him out on it and kept on doing so until he told the truth. It was at this point, the officer told her she’d be a great detective and her quirk could help a lot of people. The next day, she did a complete 180 on her attitude and focused on what was important, going to Yuuei. She’d finally found a use for her quirk and would be damned if she’d let the opportunity slip away from her.
Kyou’s main problem with her quirk is that she hears every lie, no matter the intention behind it and because of her attitude, every well meaning lie gets shot out the sky. It makes it very difficult for her to make friends. Not to mention the migraines she gets from too many lies can really mess her up and render her useless--- although she hopes support can do something about that.
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
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                                              If you follow the Japanese Folktales.                                     They will show you foxes can be your protector.                                                           Or they can be your doom.
                           I’m a SHAPESHIFTER.                               A TRICKSTER.
                                       Don’t fall into the fox’s trap.                                                     Don’t mess with the FOX.
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
Send 👐 to catch my muse
They could have tripped, or are falling out of a tree… catch ‘em! 
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
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[name]: kyou matsuda [nickname(s)]: kyou-chan, [age]: 17 y/o [species]: human
[sins]: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath. [virtues]: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice. [primary goals in life]: to become a detective and have her quirk be useful for once [languages known]: japanese, english (her informal english is better than formal) [secrets]: Kyou can’t really keep secrets but, she’s gotten good at avoiding direct answers. For example, the secret she avoids best is the fact that she doesn’t like her quirk, more specifically, she doesn’t like not being able to turn it off. Sometimes there are lies she doesn’t want to know about. [savvies]: studying, answering questions without actually answering the question, sassing people
[height]: 5′3ft. [scars/birthmarks]: Kyou has a birthmark on her left shoulder blade which doesn’t particularly look like anything. She doesn’t have any other scars or birthmarks. [quirk]: lie detection! Kyou can detect any verbal lie with great accuracy! [restrictions]: Kyou can’t turn off her quirk so is constantly detecting all and any lies within earshot. Also, if someone truly believes their lie is fact, e.g. a child believing in Santa, Kyou does not perceive it as a lie.
[drink]: Anything with orange in it but she tends to favour pulpless orange juice. [food]: Kyou loves fish and chips; her mom is British and will occasionally hand batter some fish and fry some chips. Kyou really wants to try proper chip-shop fish and chips. [pizza topping]: She quite likes having chillies on her pizza [color]: Light purples, blues as well as cream colours. [music genre]: Kyou will most likely listen to anything but, she does tend to favour movie soundtracks, especially instrumentals. [book genre]: She hasn’t read for pleasure in a while but she likes High Fantasy books with high, world changing, stakes. [movie genre]: She doesn’t really watch movies because acting is lying but, she loves a good documentary. [season]: Summer because of walking Taiki on the beach. [swear word]: Bullshit [scent]: Sandalwood, clean linen, pomegranate shampoo 
[quote]: she doesn’t really have one but she typically quotes from whatever text book she’s recently been reading for class [sings in the shower]: She’ll only sing if she knows no-one can hear. [likes bad puns]: you can expect the biggest eye roll of the century [morality]: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / gray / evil [build]: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other. [boss theme music]: slap my bitch up by the prodigy because she can’t punch, only slap. [their opinion on the mun]: she’d probably like me? hopefully? but also hate the fact that i hardly studied in high school and still came out with semi-decent grades? but also admire the fact that I got my shit together in sixth form? hopefully???
tagged by: @quiet--boy (ilu cass) tagging: make like a pirate and steal it
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
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kyou now has a wall
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
Kyou, wrapped up in her coat and scarf, was making the most of the last decent weather of the year, sitting on a bench in the schools court yard, highlighting her text book. although, at this point, every word on the last five pages seemed to  be highlighted. everything to do with history is important apparently, especially the part about President Johnson, of the USA, being the tallest president after Lincoln. she could scream but she’s not going to.
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just as she turns the page to start highlighting a new section, her highlighter runs out, “ are you kidding me? ” it was expensive too.
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
Ookami’s grades were slipping, and getting the math revisions were something he was grateful for. Still, he was a proud guy, and didn’t like admitting to his weaknesses. So he was in a rush to get what he needed as well, without anyone finding out. As he walked into the kitchen, he immediately bumped into the woman, clearly the the tutor he had called in for. But he still didn’t want to admit to anything. 
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“H-Hey stranger. I just came to grab somethin’ from the f-fridge is all..” 
Kyou froze, standing perfectly still, her plan crumbling before her. She rejected reality for a moment, considering just walking away as if she didn’t here him but, then again, that just wasn’t her. She simply rolled her eyes at his attempt at pretending not to know who she was, a small smile on her face. “ Please don’t do that--- lie. I can hear them, it’s not pleasant, ” Kyou explained simply, “ I brought the material you wanted. If you want I can stay for a bit and help but, I can also just leave. ”
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
As always, Solange was dozing off, not quite paying attention to the world around her. Things have become… quite tumultuous lately, which caused her head to be swimming with even more thoughts than normal. An unfamiliar voice managed to stir her from her thoughts, causing her to blink as she turned in the direction it came from.
Wait… was this… “K-Kyou-san…?” She was a gen-ed student, wasn’t she? The mention of the group chat caused her to pale slightly. That meant she… probably knew what was going on… even if only somewhat… It made Solange feel… ashamed? Embarrassed? She… wasn’t entirely sure.
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“Kyou-san… um… thank you…” She took the piece of paper and was silent for a moment before sighing and looking down. “I hope… I didn’t concern you or anything. Everything is… fine.”
Kyou saw Solange pale and instantly, she worried. She knew it was a bad idea to approach Sol, she should’ve just sent her a private message and left it at that but, no. Kyou had to give her number directly to her. Kyou was never good with people and their feelings due to her inability to let things slide.
“ It’s no worried really, just, please, let me know if I can help at all. ” Kyou replied in the small moment when Solange was quiet but, as soon as she uttered “fine”, every alarm bell in Kyou’s head started screaming. instantly, Kyou doubled over, her head between her knees as she struggled to breath, the sudden pain in her head knocking the wind out of her. she was not going to vomit. not now. 
With a shaky hand, Kyou grabbed onto Solanges foot, anchoring herself before looking directly at Sol, forcing through any pain. 
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
Jun’s watching the girl with interest - a thought nagging in the back of his head. He’d seen her before, walking around school and showing up to the same boring general assemblies he was forced to attend. Which meant they were probably within the same year…but she must be in some other class. 
“Ah, I’m Jun Hamada.”
He’s startled when she tosses the marble back at him, but plucks it from the air nonetheless - storing it back in the pouch at his right leg. Thankfully, it hadn’t been charged with any kinetic energy. It wouldn’t have hurt coming from Ushio - but it wouldn’t have felt great either. 
“Oh? Are you implying us heroes don’t take actual lessons as well?” 
Well…it’s not like he was exactly passing all his classes, so maybe he wasn’t one to talk.
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she wasn’t expecting him to introduce himself, if anything she was expecting just an apology. It was funny because she knew of him from the sports festivals and through general chit chat with other second year students. “ Kyou Matsuda, from general studies, if you were wondering. ” she introduced herself, filling in any blanks he may be pulling. 
Kyou fought her eyes from rolling but, she utimately lost, her eyes rolling at him. “ you do heroic lessons, you’re setting yourself up for one career: being a hero, ” she started but, she was actually way too tired to argue, “ I’m also salty. And tired. And irritable. And just been hit with a marble. ” 
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“ let’s just put this behind us, OK Hamada-kun? ” she added, adjusting the bag on her shoulder (she’s sure the strap is going to break any day now) which spread the weight out a little but, not a lot.
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
“Aw, geez, I’m not that bad!!” Momoko couldn’t say the statement without breaking into a smile, eyes half-closed as she still tried to catch her breath. Man, those stairs were made for runners, or something.
Hoisting her backpack - hers is a soft grey that matches the color of their school jackets, with a charm attached for good luck - she follows after Kyou as they make their way to the cafeteria.
“Hey, Kyou..” Momo asks, face uncharacteristically serious as they stand in line for muffins, “Do you wanna go somewhere this weekend?”
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it was true that momo wasn’t that bad, there are people who are a lot clumsier but, no one could do it quite like momo could. kyou’s giggles faded as she regained her breath, wiping stray tears that had fallen (she honestly hates that she cries when she laughs), before standing up straight and continuing towards the cafeteria. 
" hmm? ” Kyou murmured letting momo know that she was listening as she quickly turned her phone to loud for lunch, “ this weekend? I don’t think I’m busy but let me check. ” she opened up the calendar on her phone, just to make sure she was actually free. “ I have a written exam next Wednesday but I’m sure I can rearrange my schedule, ” she confirmed, smiling at Momo. She wouldn’t rearrange her revision for just anyone, “ so, what do you wanna do? ”
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
joint character event with @legacyendured​
she’d been hurting since yesterday morning, officially drained of everything she had. kyou would be lying if she said last night wasn’t the best nights sleep she’s had in ages, being in her own bed at home, under a pile of animals just trying to help. but when you’re exhausted, sleep tends to come easier.
she’d spent yesterday with her parents before going to see her cousins in the evening. it’s a rare event to get all of them in one place considering who they are and what they do. Mika, Kyous unofficial favourite cousin, recently graduated from Shiketsu’s support course but, he’s the one who now needed support. Kyou perhaps held onto him the longest, gently patting his back as he sobbed onto her shoulder.
 Yasuo, a pro-hero in Tokyo had raced back home to be with the family, he was perhaps the most drained. Kyou patted him on the shoulder and he just leant against her for just a moment, allowing himself to rest. Ayame, the most beautiful woman Kyou has even known, reduced to but a ghost, her eyes hollow from crying. Kyou held her hand along with Takeru’s, named after their uncle. Takeru was perhaps the kindest out of all of them and there he was reduced to a shaking mess, holding hands with his cousin. Hiyori, the eldest, was with her parents, clearly trying to be the support that kept them all together but, Kyou saw the cracks.
The night ended with the six cousins all crammed onto one sofa, like they did when they were children. Kyou fell asleep with her head on Takeru’s shoulder and Ayame asleep with her head on Kyou’s lap. She wasn’t quite sure how she got home but, she woke up this morning with three balls of fur, Kinsei on her chest, Taiki with his head on her shoulder and Friday at her feet.
Kyou had expertly avoided people on her way to school, simply shutting anyone down who tried to talk to her with a solemn expression and, “ please don’t talk to me, please. ” There was only one person she needed to talk to. She knocked on the staff room door, announced herself and entered, seeing him, FIVE.
as she opened her mouth to speak, his scarred eye cracked open, shining blue. his whole face fell, foreseeing what she was going to say, he barely croaked out a simple word, “ DON’T. ” 
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
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The rival appears…!!
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lieheard-blog · 7 years
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We love hanging out at the lake.. 🐾💦
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