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Opogona omoscopa (Detritus Moth) is a moth.
It is found in western Australia, New Zealand, south-east Asia, in Africa from Ethiopia to South Africa and several islands of the Indian Ocean.
The larvae feed on various types of decaying vegetation including rotting wood, cork, compost, rhubarb, gladioli corms and pineapple roots.
Размах крыльев от 15 до 17 мм. Глубина темно-пурпурно-коричневой окраски переднего крыла и отчетливость бледных торнальных и спинных пятен, кажется, тускнеют с износом.
47/22 Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+J4X Auckland
-36.7183750, 174.7203580
наземные насекомые членистоногие бабочки мотыльки моли
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Aedes notoscriptus
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Tanypodinae is a subfamily of midges in the non-biting midge family (Chironomidae). подсемейство двукрылых семейства комаров-звонцов. Комары-звонцы, или комары-дергуны, или хирономиды (лат. Chironomidae) — семейство из отряда двукрылых. 7046 видов. Свое название комары получили из-за характерного звука, который возникает из-за высокой частоты взмахов крыльев (до 1000 в секунду). Взрослые особи, за редкими исключениями, не питаются, их ротовые органы недоразвиты. Личинки комаров-звонцов, некоторые из которых известны как мотыль, живут в придонном иле. Личинки питаются детритом и микроорганизмами, некоторые являются хищниками. Комары-звонцы безвредны для человека, во взрослом состоянии питаются нектаром и медвяной росой.
The larvae are generally carnivorous and their mouthparts are adapted for predation on small invertebrates (including other chironomid larvae) although 1st and 2nd instar larvae also feed on algae.
The non-biting midge subfamily Tanypodinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) is species-rich, ecologically diverse, and near-globally distributed. Within the subfamily, aspects of generic and species-level taxonomy remain poorly understood, in particular the validity of assignment of Australian and New Zealand taxa to genera erected for northern hemisphere (Holarctic) fauna.
47/22 Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+M48 Auckland
-36.7183440, 174.7203140
наземные насекомые членистоногие беспозвоночные двукрылые мошки
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Aedes notoscriptus is a species of mosquito found in Australia, New Zealand, the southwestern Pacific islands and Southern California.
The striped mosquito has white bands on its legs. It was first collected in Auckland in 1916, and probably arrived from Australia. This silent mosquito is the one most often seen in the North Island. It can bite day or night.
In New Zealand, Ae. notoscriptus s.l. is a ferocious biter and frequently enters houses to feed, but biting behaviors are known to vary. In native forests of New Zealand, Ae. notoscriptus was detected at both ground level and 10m up in the canopy. In Australia, the species is a common urban pest, biting people in shaded areas throughout the day. Its other proven hosts include dogs, brushtail possums, birds, cats, and flying foxes. Viral transmission competency varies geographically.
Ещё мелкое летающее насекомое со стены туалета на первом этаже, где приоткрыто окошко и посетители залетают на свет посидеть на стенах.
47/22 Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+M48 Auckland
-36.7183440, 174.7203140
наземные насекомые членистоногие беспозвоночные комары двукрылые
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Пабааам! 300 определенных видов не очень богатой (если не слишком лазить в море) новозеландской островной природы.
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Exaireta spinigera, known generally as the garden soldier fly or blue soldier fly, (Садовая солдатская муха, австралийская солдатская муха) is a species of soldier fly in the family Stratiomyidae. It is native to Australia; however, it has been introduced to countries and islands such as New Zealand, Belgium and Hawaii.
It can be seen in gardens and sometimes in houses. The adults probably feed on nectar and pollen in flowers Their larvae feed on decaying vegetation, often in compost heaps. A similar species, the Black soldier fly (Inopus rubriceps} is common in northern New Zealand.
47/22 Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+J3P Auckland
-36.7184140, 174.7202110
наземные насекомые членистоногие беспозвоночные двукрылые летающие мухи
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Salvia rosmarinus
Rosemary is a herb with pale flowers and evergreen leaves. It gives off a distinctive scent and is used in cooking as well as in the making of scented perfumes, soaps, and candles. Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region where evidence of its use by humans dates back at least 7000 years.The naming of this plant comes from the combination of rose and Mary in which Mary refers to the flower symbolizing the Virgin Mary. After the mid-nineteenth century when flower names became common, it then also referred to as herb rosemary.
Interesting Facts
The name is derived from the Latin ‘ros marinus’ meaning ‘dew of the sea.’ The plant is originally native to the Mediterranean where it grows best by the sea; its leaves glistening in dewy sea spray on a sunny morning likely inspired its lovely name. Rosemary has many culinary uses and is used in folk medicines.
2/74 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland 1050
4QHJ+64J Auckland
-36.8719250, 174.7802780
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2/74 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland 1050
3J4P+87J Auckland
-36.9441670, 174.6356280
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Plectranthus ciliatus, called Indian borage, speckled spur flower, blue spur flower (a name shared with other members of its genus), and candlestick plant (shared with many other species), is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae. It is native to South Africa and Eswatini, and introduced to Victoria in Australia and the North and South Islands of New Zealand. With its Coleus‑like foliage, its cultivar 'Easy Gold' has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit as an ornamental.
plectranthus: From the Greek plektron (spur) and anthos (flower), referring to the spurred flowers. The specific epithet ciliatus comes from the Latin word cilia , meaning fine hairs, and refers to the characteristic hairs on the leaf margins giving the appearance of eyelashes, hence the vernacular name eyelash spur-flower.
Plectranthus ciliatus is used for personal hygiene, to wash clothing and garments made out of sheepskin or animal skins.
Listed on the NZ National Pest Plant Accord.
Как по мне, отчётливо пахнет коноплёй, хотя никаких упоминаний об этом не встречаю. Надо попробовать покурить.
25 Rimutaka Place, Titirangi, Auckland 0604
3J4P+86P Auckland
-36.9441560, 174.6355810
наземные растения цветы цветковые травы
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Passiflora tarminiana (or banana passionfruit).
The yellow fruits are edible and their resemblance to small, straight bananas has given it the name banana passionfruit in some countries. It is native to the uplands of tropical South America and is now cultivated in many countries. In Hawaii and New Zealand it is now considered an invasive species. In Hawaii, it is called banana poka (in the Hawaiian language the word pōka'a refers to tendrils – "that which is tied up in a ball like rope or twine"). In its Latin American homeland, it is known as curuba, curuba de Castilla, or curuba sabanera blanca (Colombia); taxo, tacso, tagso, tauso (Ecuador); parcha, taxo (Venezuela), tumbo or curuba (Bolivia); tacso, tumbo, tumbo del norte, trompos, tintin, porocsho or purpur (Peru).
The banana passionfruit is native to the Andean valleys from Venezuela to Bolivia.It was domesticated and cultivated since pre-Columbian times by various cultures of western South America before the Spanish Conquest. the most important disperser in Hawaii is the feral pig, which eats the fallen fruit and passes the seeds intact.
Passiflora tarminiana and P. tripartita thrive in the climate of New Zealand. They are invasive species since they can smother forest margins and forest regrowth. It is illegal to sell, cultivate and distribute the plants.
The leaves and roots of some, if not all, members of this genus contain a substance called 'passiflorina' which has similaritiesr to morphine and is an effective tranquilizer. The leaves of many species are also considered to be anthelmintic, antihysteric and diaphoretic. They are used in Brazil to combat intermittent fevers, cutaneous inflammations, and erysipelas.
25 Rimutaka Place, Titirangi, Auckland 0604
3J4P+85X Auckland
-36.9441310, 174.6354780
наземные растения цветковые фрукты лианы травы
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Heliconia subulata "Lobster Claw"
Common names for the genus include lobster-claws, toucan beak, wild plantain, or false bird-of-paradise; the last term refers to their close similarity to the bird-of-paradise flowers in the Strelitzia genus. Collectively, these plants are also simply referred to as "heliconias". Геликониевые, входящего в порядок Имбирецветные.
A hardy heliconia which is a bit more cold tolerant than most of the large heliconias. Flowers during Spring and Summer.
25 Rimutaka Place, Titirangi, Auckland 0604
3J4P+96C Auckland
-36.9440560, 174.6355220
наземные растения цветковые травы
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Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth). this Asian species was introduced into Europe and beyond during the 1840s but can now be seen throughout the British Isles. It is the only known member of its genus Hofmannophila.
Larva: Feeds from silk galleries on stored foods, dried skins, dead insects, dried grass, in wool, carpets, birds' nests, etc. Because of the translucency of the body, it may change colour depending on gut content, in turn dependent on the colour of the fabrics ingested.
Pupa: Pupates in feeding place or elsewhere after wandering.
Adult/Imago: Sometimes found resting indoors by day or flying sluggishly after dark. Attracted to light.
Habitat: Usually inside houses, outhouses, warehouses.
The brown house moth is considered a serious pest in domestic and commercial settings because of the larvae's destructive feeding habits. Larvae feed on various manmade foodstuffs and household materials. These include stored cereals, dried fruit, seeds, clothes and furniture fabric, fur, and wood floor inlays. Other commodities reportedly eaten include book bindings, wine bottle corks and leather. Перерабатывает кератин.
47/22 Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+J4X Auckland
-36.7183750, 174.7203580
наземные насекомые членистоногие бабочки мотыльки
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Села на линзу
Продолжаем описывать мотыльков, залетающих в дом.
Eudonia minualis (Little Orange-Spot Scoparia) is a species of moth endemic to New Zealand.
Found in native forests, shrubland, pastures, grasslands and gardens.
The larvae feed on mosses on the bark of Olearia bullata and Olearia hectorii.
It was described by Francis Walker in 1866.
47/22 Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+J4X Auckland
-36.7183750, 174.7203580
наземные насекомые членистоногие бабочки мотыльки
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Monopis ethelella (Black monopis moth, Dead Sheep Moth) is a moth, It is found in Australia and New Zealand.
Family:Tineidae Настоя‌щие мо‌ли
The caterpillars of this species carry round a case in which they live. The caterpillars have been found feeding on dirty sheep fleeces. Очень похожа на Monopis crocicapitella, как мне объяснили на iNaturalist Monopis crocicapitella has an orange stripe (not cream) and more white speckling in the black area of the forewing. Also usually significantly smaller than M. ethelella.
Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+M45 Auckland
-36.7183580, 174.7203500
наземные насекомые членистоногие бабочки моли
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Anachloris subochraria (also known as Australian yellow or willowherb yellow, Golden Grass Carpet) is a species of moth of the family Geometridae. It is found in New Zealand and the southern half of Australia including Tasmania and from Queensland across to Western Australia. This moth is day flying and can be found in New Zealand on the wing between November and April.
The larvae feed on Hibbertia species. In New Zealand the larvae have been observed feeding on the naturalised weed, ragwort. These Caterpillars are green, with three pairs of prolegs missing. The early instars are inclined to rest with their heads tucked under in an open spiral. Later instars rest stretched out along or between twigs.
Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+J4M Auckland
-36.7184080, 174.7202890
наземные насекомые членистоногие бабочки
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Anachloris subochraria (also known as Australian yellow or willowherb yellow, Golden Grass Carpet) is a species of moth of the family Geometridae. It is found in New Zealand and the southern half of Australia including Tasmania and from Queensland across to Western Australia. This moth is day flying and can be found in New Zealand on the wing between November and April.
The larvae feed on Hibbertia species. In New Zealand the larvae have been observed feeding on the naturalised weed, ragwort. These Caterpillars are green, with three pairs of prolegs missing. The early instars are inclined to rest with their heads tucked under in an open spiral. Later instars rest stretched out along or between twigs.
Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+J4M Auckland
-36.7184080, 174.7202890
наземные насекомые членистоногие бабочки
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Кто-то поел грибок, пока он был свежий
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Ганоде‌рма — род грибов - трутовиков из семейства ганодермовые.
Ganoderma is a genus of polypore fungi in the family Ganodermataceae that includes about 80 species. Ganoderma can be differentiated from other polypores because they have a double-walled basidiospore. They may be called shelf mushrooms or bracket fungi.
Род ганодерма делят на две секции: Ganoderma с блестящей шляпкой (подобно Ganoderma lucidum) и Elfvingia неблестящей поверхностью (подобно Ganoderma applanatum). Ganoderma походить від грецького ganos / γανος «яскравість, блиск», звідси «блискучий» та derma / δερμα «шкіра».
For centuries, Ganoderma species have been used in traditional medicine in many parts of Asia. Ganoderma are used in China and Japan for the treatment and prevention of hepatitis, hypertension, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, hyperglycemia, rheumatism, connective tissue and oesophageal cancer (a dangerous tumor with epithelial cells), arthritis, tuberculosis and many other diseases. Ganoderma species are also used as functional food to prevent and to treat a lot of diseases including anorexia, arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, gastritis, hepatitis, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, insomnia, migraine, nephritis, obesity, and tumorigenesis, amongst others.
Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632 7PJC+M46 Auckland
-36.7183470, 174.7202810
наземные грибы трутовики
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