littlehaura · 7 years
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littlehaura · 7 years
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littlehaura · 7 years
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littlehaura · 7 years
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Netherlands by lonelywolf2
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littlehaura · 8 years
You offer help with your hand on the doorknob and suitcases packed. Why bother to feign compassion when your mind has found it elsewhere? Do not look at me with interest that you have already set aside for someone else.
Noor Shirazie (via aestheticintrovert)
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littlehaura · 8 years
Orang yang memang jenis suka senyum ni memang comel dah. Ni orang yang muka garang ni, sesekali tersenyum; Ya Tuhan.. manisnya. :D
Senyumlah, awak. (via arnamee)
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littlehaura · 8 years
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craving for this すし
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littlehaura · 8 years
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The seeds of good & evil exist in everyone’s hearts. Whichever you choose to nurture & give attention to, is the one that will grow.
–Mufti Ismail Menk
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littlehaura · 9 years
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Wohoooo, kembara si musafir cinta mencari kebenaran 🚶 #fastaqim
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littlehaura · 9 years
From Far Away, I Do Care~
hahaha. bila translate baku cenggitu la jadinya. aku jenis tak suka sibuk tanya updates kengkawan lain dlm grup whatsapp. but it doesnt mean that i dont care about your current updates. i do prefer my self just looking and pray for all my friends from a far. 
others will said that im a good stalker. ahah. im not making my own ‘title’. but as i flashback my memories during matriculation. yes. i admit that im quite a good ‘stalker’. a GOOD stalker eh. dont be misunderstand it. i like to be the silent reader in the whatsapp grup while others are eager to join and sharing their stories n opinions, but for me, i enjoy reading their conversations without interrupting them. but sometimes i do menyampuk jugak la their stories (when hot topic are being discussed). hahaha
best juga baca status dorang. bila perlu tegur kita tegur. atleast when we do gathering i wont be like kinda blur about stories that they want to share. even spend masa berjam jam hangout pn takkan cukup nak abiskan stories yg da kumpul satu semseter, even setahun or more. hahaha
girls with their gossiping hobbies are bestfriend. tp yg aku suka bila kitorang share our stories or others we will take some value that should be reflect to ourself for being a better person in the future. macam sesi muhasabah diri melalui cerita orang lain. 
i wont called my self stalking my friends updates but it’s more to care or amik berat pasal dorang. bila baca sad stories pasal dorang then akan ada la wish yg membina dalam grup. bila terbaca stories kejayaan it also inspired my self to be like them or even better like them. macam the silent spirit booster from far away, padahal dorang tak taw pn kisah dorang tu give effect to others.
aku ada sorang kawan yg sangat high spirit dlm mengejar kejayaan tp still maintain humble. somehow whenever i read her life story it also gave me a booster to be a successful person someday in da future. i salute your hard efforts to achieve your dreams. keep fighting dear.
i love my bestfriends too bcoz they wont judge you whenever you failed. mesti dorang akan cakap, 
its okay, you will do even better next time. 
its not time yet for you.
next time try harder.
God will help you, pray harder.
something good awaits you in da future. keep calm.
how sweet are they?
dear my bestfriends, my closefriends, even aku jarang layan whatsapp korang i still care about uols, aku x clear conversation before i finished read them.
stay strong, i love you ;)
Haura FS
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littlehaura · 9 years
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littlehaura · 9 years
Cliche sangat bila kita kata yg kawan sejati adalah kawan yg selalu ada bila kau senang/susah. Tapi, cliche tu lah yg sangat betul.
Haura FS
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littlehaura · 9 years
Yup. Absolutely true. Keep fighting self, you can do it better 💪
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littlehaura · 9 years
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Yakin. Percaya. Hati tiba-tiba terusik ragu. Astaghfirullah. Ampunkan aku ya Rabb. Sungguh mudah lidah berkata ‘bila mana kita ini membawa Islam, yakin dan percayalah bahawa Allah akan bantu kita. Surah Muhammad ayat 7 buktinya’. Namun, hati manusia ini berbolak balik sifatnya. Tatkala lemah tersungkur dek ujian, sangat mudah hati dijentik bisikan syaitan. Ujian Allah datang dari pelbagai cara. Kadang Dia bagi melalui musibah. Kadang Dia bagi melalui nikmat. Dari kita nak terima 'hadiah’ Allah itu macam mana. Dia bagi kita 2 panduan yg Rasulullah SAW tinggalkn buat pegangan hidup. Berpeganglah dengan Alquran dan Assunnah, nescaya kamu tidak akan sesat dengannya. Allah dah janji, usaha sehabis daya, tawakkal kepadaNya, redha dengan takdirNya. Jadilah hamba yg bersyukur. Hikmah 'hadiah’ dariNya terlalu banyak tersirat dan bila tiba waktu yang sesuai barulah kita akan merasa betapa luas dan tingginya kasih sayang Allah buat hambaNya. Moga aku istiqomah dijalan dakwah ini. Walaupun terkadang jatuh air mata ini kerana rasa lemahnya diri. Baru diuji sedikit dengan ujian akademik, ujian kewangan, ujian sekeliling, sudah melata seperti hamba tidak bertuhan. Belum merasa sengsaranya menjadi pelarian di negeri sendiri, belum merasa kebuluran berminggu-minggu, belum merasa masalah keluarga yang teruk, belum merasa nyawa bagai diburu peluru sesat setiap saat dll. Nampak tak betapa tidak bersyukurnya aku? Astaghfirullah. Aku mohon ampun hanya padaMu ya Allah. Moga ujian-ujian yang Kau hadirkan ini mampu membuatkan aku semakin kembali sebagai fitrah seorang hamba yang sentiasa rindu dan dahagakan kasih sayang dan keampunanMu ya Allah. Amin Lindungi, rahmati dan redhailah keluargaku ya Allah. Amin. Qawiyy dear self. Innallaha ma'ana :) ~Haura FS #BH
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littlehaura · 9 years
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Manusia, Suka memilih dan dipilih, Pilihan hati suka dituruti, Yang sempurna lagi didamba, Namun, Sering kita lupa, Untuk menjadi pilihan Allah. ~Haura FS #kk7
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littlehaura · 9 years
Life goals? Moga aku mati dalam keadaan yang baik. Moga pengakhiran aku dalam keadaan yang baik. Moga aku dikenang sebagai orang yang baik
(via pelangikelipkelip)
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littlehaura · 9 years
Dilema FYP ku~~~ (T^T)
the words ‘STRESS’ coudnt get enough to say. huhu
tension betul bila dah third year ni. how i wish that i can be the freshies again and will not have to face the reality of fyp thing.
but, that’s how life it is. by hook or by crook i have to struggle my self to finish my fyp so that i can graduate. yeahhhhh
first thing first that i think about my fyp after i got my title from my supervisor (sv) is that:
can i do that title???
can i finish it ontime without fail???
can my system later able to run without any mistakes???
and now, dah end of second week of sem 5. next week we have to send the Software Project Management Plan (SPMP) doc, but i just finish until problem statement. it’s far awaaaaaayyyy to finish it before next wednesday!
meet with my sv last week to ask him more details about my title. free2 kena marah. huhuhu
baru je nak up kan motivation tetiba kena sembur. sabar je la. nasib ingat pesanan my senior supaya always be kind and SMILE with your sv even dorang asyik marah and condemn you tiap kali jumpa.
they can decide whether to pass you or to fail you. to pass for your fyp its not 100% based on your genius brain but 50% of it comes from your ATTITUDE!
so, even i felt a bit upset with my sv after he scold me, but i felt a bit grateful for him to do that. better kena sound awal daripada hantar kerja yg salah. kan?
ATLEAST, he see your efforts to go and see him. to ask him whatever that you dont understand even for a silly questions. 
so, keep calm and work harder! biar lah usaha sehabis daya siapkan wlpn rasa macam banyak lagi kena baiki atleast i try mybest before the decision is made. Allah knows my limit and He put me in this course (until i can survive to reach the third year) knowing that i can handle this problem. 
efforts + dua’ + tawakkal. insya Allah, biidznillah. 
its not easy to tawakkal but try. may Allah bless.
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