guy pitching Prezi to investors: it'll be like Powerpoint....but with motion sickness
some rich motherfucker: Kevin you goddamn genius
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18-22 is a confusing age. I got friends getting married, some in prison, and some still have to ask their parents to stay out past curfew.
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Things I hate when Im in a really bad bout of depression
I want attention but I distance myself a lot
I constantly think about deleting all social media accounts
I lack the motivation to do anything
I stay in bed so much that my bones and muscles hurt from basic activity
I eat small amounts of food, so I lack many important vitamins
I get irritated at almost anything
I think about doing things I know I’ll regret later
Ive ruined my sleep schedule to the point that I cannot function unless I’ve slept 12+ hours
I’m home schooled, so the isolation I already feel when my depression is manageable, becomes painful
Most importantly, I hate that these bouts of literal crippling depression last for weeks on end.
Disclaimer:I have been diagnosed by a healthcare professional with major depressive disorder.
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a diagnosis doesn’t change anything, just so you know
if anything i felt MORE like a fraud after getting diagnosed
i have had this ED for literally half of my life and i still felt like i had tricked my therapist when she formally diagnosed my anorexia
it doesn’t make your illness more legitimate. not being diagnosed doesn’t make your illness less legitimate. it doesn’t really change anything.
just thought you should know. you deserve health and happiness and healing whether or not a professional deems you sick.
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I fucking knew it
Ok so for my whole life I’ve always been the larger friend ,sibling, kid etc and people would try to comfort me by saying “oh you’re beautiful no matter what” or “ your size doesn’t determine your beauty/worth and being smaller wouldn’t change how pretty you are” or something along the lines of that and of course me being a self conscious twit I still struggled to like myself bc of my size especially because when I was with my skinny friends they were always complemented and never me so it was like a contradiction to what i was told. But now, I’m loosing weight and getting gradually smaller and literally I’ve gotten more complements this week than I have the whole year last year. People have always said that size doesn’t matter but as soon as I loose some weight that’s when my size defines my beauty and showcases that I’m “pretty” and really I thought that being genuinely complemented by friends, family and even strangers would make me happy but it makes me kinda sad that I’m only “pretty” now because I’m getting smaller… don’t get me wrong I’m not saying I hate complements but more where they come from and what they’re sparked by you know? Like I honestly genuinely love all bodies (not mine tho I don’t count) I don’t care if a person is bigger or smaller or in between I’ll still think you’re gorgeous but society really has just screwed us all up on what the concept of beauty is and it’s sad. Fucking sad. I can eat right and I work out to the point where I almost wanna pass out and it’s all to be skinny and I’m so messed up that I gain a sense of joy from it just because numbers on a scale drop every day or every other day. It’s sad to admit but it’s true and what’s worse is I don’t want to stop it makes me happy but it shouldn’t. I know a lot of people feel that sense of happiness from that too and that destroys me. It’s hypocritical, I know, but i hate to see people destroy them selfs to meet the standars of what beauty is. It’s like so many people suffer from ED or disordered eating all because they don’t think they’re enough. And society is like “no!!!anorexia/ other EDs are bad” but at the same time it’s like “that ED body is what you should have or you’re not good enough” everything is is messed up so to anyone reading this I want you to know this: you’re fucking gorgeous. weather you’re big, small, short tall you’re beautiful. What really defines beauty is your personality, your heart and most importantly your health. Not the size of your waist. Please please please take care of yourself and your body and never let anyone degrade you for your looks and make you think you’re not enough. You. Are. Enough
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Hey you
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Sorry that was too loud
Hey you!
1. Have you eaten today?
If you haven’t eaten something, that is okay! It would be a good idea for you to eat something now. Eat something, anything at all. Eating anything is better than eating nothing. Is the idea of eating something big too scary? Eat something small. Pat yourself on the back when you have done this, eating is taking care of yourself, and it is a good thing!
If you have already eaten today, that is wonderful! Even if you feel like it is too much. Remember food has no moral value. It is simply fuel, and you need it. I am proud of you!
If you have eaten today, but it has been a while, go ahead and eat again! The human body is a machine that needs a lot of energy to run. Go ahead and give it some fuel!
If you “binged” today, that’s okay! It doesn’t make you a bad person, it just may be your body’s way of letting you know you aren’t feeding it consistently enough. It may also be your body’s way of letting you know that something is hurting you emotionally, and it may be a good idea to see what is hurting you. You don’t deserve to suffer. As for the binge- it does not make you a bad person if you binge. You are not disgusting, binges are not shameful. They are simply and indicator that a need of yours is not being met, emotional or physical, and hold no moral association. It is okay!
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i see a lot of posts around here like “reblog to hit ur ugw this month” and “reblog for no binge urges”
BUT i have never seen.. the one.
post that all of u, my fellow disordered eaters need..
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if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel its a train
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Hi guys. Whether you’re anti onision or pro onision I just want to say, leave Euginia Cooney alone.
I’m sure there’s many people, regardless of their opinion on Onision, who are genuinely happy to see her getting help. But I just want to say leave her alone. Even if what you have to say is “positive”.
Telling someone with anorexia they look better now that they have gained weight is actually a really shitty thing to do. and just because she’s getting help doesn’t mean that she’s going to be fine overnight. This could take years of ups and downs and we as an audience have no right to tell her that she’s a good or bad person depending on how well she’s doing on her recovery.
So yeah. Just if you honestly care about her, when ever she comes back, just remember she’s more than just “that anorexic girl”. Watch her for her content if that’s what you enjoy. But beyond that, just.. leave it be.
PS Greg is a piece of shit who has no idea what he’s talking about.
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Now that Eugenia is in recovery
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How to actually Lose Weight
These last few months I’ve been having between 900 on a low day, and 1400 on a big day, and y’know what ? I am still losing over 1 kg (2.2 lbs) every week. Im losing about 6 kgs (13.2 lbs) every month.
I haven’t exercised, or used any tricks other than 18 hour intermittent fasting between 6pm and 12pm. You will lose so much more weight and feel so much better if you’re eating a maintainable amount of calories. I can eat multiple meals and snacks in a day and still feel entirely fulfilled and not want to binge- the secret is to just eat under your maintenance but enough to not leave you starving, in the long term its so much better.
This isn’t a Pro Ana post, I don’t encourage eating below the minimum daily intake and nothing in this post suggests that you should either- by eating a sustainable amount my physical health and mental health have felt so much better. Yes I still have bad days, sometimes I struggle to reach 1200 and some days I want to cry because it feels so big. Im at my lowest weight and I still hate my body. Its not easy. But trust me- doing it this way is so much safer and healthier than non stop restriction/binge/purge cycles.
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how awful do i have to be when my own parents dont even like me
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Save The Bees
Friendly reminder that eating honey actually helps honeybees
A common misconception is that beekeepers abuse and “overwork” the bees to get a steady supply of honey and other “hive products”, but this is not true.
There is almost no evidence to suggest that human harvesting of honey, beewax, etc. is contributing to the decline of the bee population.
Supporting your local beekeepers actual helps bee populations, because if they can’t turn a profit on their goods they won’t be able to get the supplies necessary to keep their hives healthy.
Also, keep in mind that beekeepers do not starve their bees by taking honey off the comb. They take the excess that will go to waste if not harvested.
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(here is a pic of a bee, for your viewing pleasure)
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This is so sweet om-
I made a free store on wheels!! We (me, my fiance and a friend) went around handing out free food (apples, oranges and bagels with vegan butter), we helped feed 27 people today !
Sign says:
“vegan. Free store. No money! Just community! Take what you like. ❤😊❤”
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This needs to be promoted more
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Oh absolutely
Reblog if you would rather be a little underweight rather than a little overweight.
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