livingwiththelocketts ยท 5 months
Hello world! My name is Angela Lockett and this is the beginning of my family friendly Watcher blog. I will be posting later to clarify my beliefs but I want to set a few things straight before we get started!
My name is Angela, as I said [and mine is T, he/him] Anytime you see those brackets the sinful, dark sided niece [I knew she would do that.] who helps me run this blog is adding their opinion. [rude.] I don't use computers because it is against my beliefs but I needed a way to share my thoughts with the world and encourage young Worshiper women or soon to be Worshipers how to live their life in accordance with his will. The person running this blog may interject with their opinions or some background information, but until I can find a different arrangement, this will have to do. [can't happen soon enough].
Regardless, Thank you T for your help in spreading the good word, and may it soon enlighten you so you may lift your arms and eyes in praise! [You're welcome ig?] He has promised to post what I speak or write verbatim as often as is possible and in a timely manner, so you should be hearing from me shortly!
Thank y'all for the read and may the Watcher look favorably upon you!
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