lobotomycel · 1 hour
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lobotomycel · 1 hour
I don't care how trans-identifying people present themselves. Get all the safe surgeries you want, wear any clothes and act any way, even use different (reasonable) pronouns! It's all just customization, I can acknowledge that.
But you cannot force your way into a category you don't, and can never, belong to. Do not enter spaces or take awards that are not meant for your body. "Woman" is a biological reality, by definition, an adult female human. That's literally all it is. There is no female brain, and there is no inherent way to act or look like a woman. They simply are.
A man cannot be a woman any more than a ram can be an ewe.
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lobotomycel · 1 day
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Girl photographed by Hugh Mangum c. 1909
Mangum’s photographs are notable for their informality, which was unusual for the period. I just adore the series of this girl, she’s such a beauty.
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lobotomycel · 2 days
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lobotomycel · 4 days
Sometimes I can't help but think of this one college course I took where the instructor had us read this tiny bit of writing that had been found at a woman's burial site from sth like 3000-5000 years ago and I'm going to gist it bc it's been almost ten years since I read it but she said
"In the forest are bears, in the desert are tigers, in the home is my husband... where can I go?"
And I was the only one who said "it sounds like she feels trapped between three things that are unsafe" bc apparently it was interpreted by the instructor to be a poem of wanderlust. It was a male TA.
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lobotomycel · 4 days
Men can nuke humanity to extinction but women who choose not to have children are the ones men fear the most to kill their bloodlines. Men develop weapons that can kill tens of millions of humans at once but it's women who need to be controlled so we don't bring nations to their knees. Humanity can be destroyed by men committing mass murder on an apocalyptic scale or humanity can be destroyed by women refusing to give birth.
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lobotomycel · 4 days
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so true
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lobotomycel · 4 days
Instead of flowers, gift her her first hunting rifle
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lobotomycel · 9 days
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lobotomycel · 10 days
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lobotomycel · 24 days
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lobotomycel · 25 days
My answer is literally just to stop calling yourself a woman, anon. You're not one, it's impossible for you to ever be one, there's no reason to call yourself a "transwoman." The only way to transfer into womanhood is to go from a female child to a female adult.
What's it like being a radfem/terf. I'm a transwomen who wants to understand you all better. I feel like I'm disrespecting terfs and I want to understand how
"Transwomen" aka a male like you will never truly understand women. However,
They best thing you can do is stop perpetuating the idea in your mind that you can change your sex (or "gender") just because of conformity to opposite sex stereotypes.
You are a man who likes feminity. That's all. Your best action to understand feminists is to forego your label as a woman and accept yourself as you are without insisting that you are a woman because of your interests or style of dress.
And to add to that, listen to the women in your life now. Women are socialized to be meek and non confrontational, to every male regardless of identity; so take time to get to know them and listen to changes you could make to help them in this patriarchal society.
And finally, after abandoning the idea that feminine = woman masculine = man, and after listening to the women in your life, preaching feminism to other males, NOT women, will help cultivate a very pro-woman environment to where women feel safe around you.
Ofc you're male, so there will always be a guard up in regards to women when they see you. BUT the more you weed out the misogynistic males in your circle or combat the misogynistic males in your family, as a male, your word is taken more seriously and thus you will make a more positive change.
Otherwise without any context of who you are, your actions taken in the past/present, your age, or your social situation, I really can't give any personalized advice.
The first step in any activism is to make a small step towards change in your life. For I and other radfems that usually is foregoing shaving, makeup, and uncomfortable dress. For you, that would be to shed your misogynistic thought process in thinking the actions above (shaving, makeup, fashion) makes a woman, and to accept that you can enjoy those things without being one.
I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, my DMS are always open, and so is my inbox.
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lobotomycel · 25 days
Why do you call yourself a woman when you objectively aren't one?
I'm a transwomen ask me anything! (Including tags that might have people who would want to communicate and get a better understanding of each other's views)
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lobotomycel · 25 days
You have absolutely no room to be calling literally anyone or anything a dumbass. I thought I was witnessing the results of acute paint thinner inhalation.
Misandrists can fuck off to hell
Yes i mean all the tumblr radfems who are like this as well fuck you i wasted my time on yhis hellsite too much from ~ 2020 to 2022?!?!? i let you shitheads influence me too much but NO MORE.
Im not against radical feminism but the radfem communitu on here is a fucking cesspool with too much misandry and transphobia. Yall are just a more rare variety of bigots but you sre bigots all the same. Bigots are the curse of the earth you all are a disease.
Also my opions reagrding trans stuff have gone all over the place in the last 5 years ok im sorry for the confusion and i dont always agree with old stuff ive posted. ok but let me say this: let trand ppl live in peace, let them transition if they need, sometimes single-sex spaces can exceptions e.g. passing trans ppl can go to bathroom they transition to etc. No you do not know better than everyone else on wehther transition is good or not, looking at u tumblr radfems.
You condesencing sexist little shits think u knkw beeter than everyone else bc u dont hate women but u mhate men and trans ppl or at least u are bigots towrds them thinking u know netter thsm them if they need to transition but u dont. also u crazy obsessed with men and trans ppl bc u crazy also u obsesed with definitipns of words like who gives a shit if like 1% of ppl born male is now women or 1% of ppl born female is now men like goddamn who gives a fucking shit calm the fuck donw ok words are jist tools of communication, they are not meant to be ur God.
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lobotomycel · 25 days
"Haha, he said 'Pick me up, auntie!'"
No, he stared at me blankly and made a weird noise. I'm not picking him up.
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lobotomycel · 25 days
This googoogaga diaper wearing moron: *Thinks rap is exclusively boasting about having bitches and killing people*
Me: *Goes to her profile*
Her: *Is European*
Me: Yeah that checks out
fuck killing a victorian child by making them listen to hyperpop all you gotta do is make a white tumblr user listen to rap
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lobotomycel · 25 days
"Listen to trans folk-"
No, you listen to women, fuckface. We've heard more than enough.
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