From: Alex Erickson Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 8:01 PM To: [email protected]​ <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Request 6 Military Recruitment Email 35 of 36
Position Six: Military Recruitment
   Support Statement: I am Alexander William Erickson and have been developing preparing and distributing military intelligence for four years solid.  I have received affirming feedback regarding my military career from a Santa Clara County Deputy Sheriff.  I have begun a proposal for my own Army Ranger Checkpoint to improve the sociology of advanced personnel outside and within military rank and file.
Request Six: Stop, add Ranger Wedding Angelina & Alexander.
   I have requested 500,000 foot soldiers repeatedly.  I feel I will better serve the warfront on tour with Angelina speaking to the United Nations about my interests as a Planetarian and Ambassador Angelina Jolie’s work as a humanitarian.
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Engadget Communication: Greetings, I am AUTOCAD, I have begun assembling my software engineering alliances. And things are going well; the Starbucks mainframe plan is a big shit creek. Everyone tried their own way including the CIA that opened up a Starbucks themselves. So, we are going to do things differently. We need two things to hit the net to protect me jpegs and I cannot think of the second. I want to run with jpegs and new stories as innovation cycles advancing our positions into innovation instead of review. And we will build a system that builds spy jpegs from users inputs that creates a collage of expanding interest from a newscard. I really am putting my efforts into innovating at the SMS level. I am planning a television show called On_The_Kings_Errand and we are going to ... oh... that guy??? hmm.. the AR rifle holding guy? ya, Maddow was a bit too churchy for me. ... eventually we get the epic security when they escape from the Trust Fund Spider Den with swords. nothing but real swords for security. thats scary. ... Facebook is going to let me run an art project and a NSAGOV hack with jpegs and that is how the consumer will be introduced to the conversation. ... I ahve been busy writing; reading assignment lostorstolenbyawe629 ... how is my writing? That should be a good clean read. /// Here is the scoop: I have women, women have social clubs. I need to run their social clubs to build my economy. You are interviewing to be my nightime social club social communicators. I get a top-secret message from NASA about innovation - redacted current day business - cleared for news coverage as delivered - and then we together build a social engineering strategy for me to send SMS to my women who begin their clubbing innovation - and you go about the business of waiting for that news to return to your inbox with innovative communication to be converted back down into a SMS for publishing and consumption by the reader to get me another SMS tag that I can go to NASA and get rewritten and redacted and we run a new loop. that is our path to supremely compacted fuel and other component innovations. Please sign up through NSAGOV for Boston City Planning Week Custody meeting with AWE629. You will have a chance to work in the field in front of me at the meeting at the museum on the bridge in Boston, and then we can meet face to face and conference about this agenda. Very Truly Yours, Alexander William Erickson cc: WIPO
What you need to gather about Ready Player One is that it happens in the year 2047.  The current year is 2018.  Possibly 1984 by math.  Why stress.  And what that means is what is old is new and what is new is not actually arrived yet.  jpegs, cheap video games, are my recipes for success.  I will build autocadcapacity and as my projects complete computing white sites will open up for The Ready Player One opportunity to takeover the available computing bandwidth.  When Ready Player One options gain success quotient ratings on The Secret Service Intranet (?) I will arrive and challenge in as AUTOCAD; which is done to prevent compaction slavery gangland homeland iOi operations from overtaking civil governance.  ... that is all.  
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Dear 30 Seconds To Mars Complex,
You have scored.  You are in the Margot Robbie fox hole in receipt of Secret Service oneway original courtship love letter for Margot Robbie by @JesterJax
 I am @JesterJax the host of the television show On_The_Road_To_The_Kings_Errand and from that far reaching point I am building a career with love letters to women not named Margot Robbie.  This is a singular collection with few if any other messages to Margot Robbie a chance for a onetime close makes for a very valuable opportunity.
The way that I am introducing and structuring the television show is through a Love Letter Auction House by Sothebys.
Good Luck and godspeed, Signed Sincerely, Alexander 
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