lovelesswitxh 11 months
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So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.
AI art bros are big mad about it.
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lovelesswitxh 11 months
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So a free tool called GLAZE has been developed that allows artists to cloak their artwork so it can't be mimicked by AI art tools.
AI art bros are big mad about it.
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
The only ones who will see this are the bots
I鈥檓 overtired and I want a romance
With kisses
I鈥檓 not going to remember posting this
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
I鈥檓 overtired and I want a romance
With kisses
I鈥檓 not going to remember posting this
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
kisses prompts to give the readers butterflies:
(feel free to use! yk what to do babies, tag me when u writee !! importantly the 2nd, 6th and 10th prompt >\\<)
hands around your waist as they pull you closer, goosebumps swarming every part of your body that they touch
kisses where they peck you a thousand times and you just sit there giggling with your face squished in their palms while they kiss
the kiss that breaks apart for a second, a smile stretching and they kiss you back again, fingers gently sliding down the side of your face to your neck
"i like the taste of your lips on mine"
kisses where they push you against the cold wall, their hands tracing your curves as they nibble on your lower lip, hands teasing every edge as you moan into the kiss
gently tugging at their collar, out of breath, they ask, "do you want me to stop?" you hurriedly say, "just the opposite, please"
kisses where they pin their hand on either side of your head, body pressing down on yours, places touching on where it shouldn't
neck grabbing during kisses >\\<
meeting each other after a long time and running into each other's arms, hugs tighter than ever as they place a kiss on your head, relieved that it finally feels like home
kisses that turns into love bites, and you slightly moan, "you like that, princess?"
intimate back hugs where they slowly trail kisses from your collarbone to your jaw, making you shiver, and they mumble, "god you smell fucking good."
for more:
'angsty romance prompts'
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
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Check out my ongoing comic Crow Time. It has crows, and also neat pantheons of epic beasties.
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
I almost went to sleep, but then Hermes said this:
"Avoiding your gods because you feel unworthy is the beginning of a downward spiral. We improve what we touch, and make worthy those whom we love."
So, if you got there in your head, too, just an FYI.
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
Btw, i drew Thoth if anyone's interested
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I has ONE job with hieroglyphics, and even this went wrong, so ima go die now
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
Wait so dieties don't reach out at all? Because I've been really pondering this lately while thinking of getting into diety work with a specific diety.. and I've been wondering about the whole signs thing..
I suspect that a vast majority of people who believe they have been "reached out to" by deities were not reached out to at all.
Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.
I can't be that mad at people for propagating it. A lot of people get into this stuff because they want to feel special and powerful.
Nothing makes a person feel more special than being chosen by a god.
And if all your friends are doing it, and suddenly you realize you've seen a picture of a deer 3 times this year, boom - you're not a regular person who thinks Cernunnos is cool, you've been chosen by Cernunnos,
a god has chosen you,
and a need for specialness and personal care becomes validated.
And yeah I absolutely believe a lot of people who think they've been receiving messages or signs are just misinterpreting random stuff.
I mean, especially for witchcraft (because this is a witchcraft blog), how disempowering is it to think you're not allowed to talk to gods unless they piss on your leg and claim you first?
Witches and pagans aren't baby damsels locked up in ivory towers of mundanity waiting for a god-knight to rescue them and whisk them away to a special kingdom they were always meant for.
We're all literally just Dudes and its our own job to figure out who we want to be and what we want to do with ourselves.
And I think "chosen culture" has become a form of a cosmic facebook personality quiz that people rely on to learn more about themselves, because if a goddess of night and darkness chooses you then that must mean something about who you are.
When in reality, once again, you are just a Dude who romanticizes darkness and night and are for whatever reason unwilling to give yourself permission to contact an open deity unless you submit to these weird "looking for signs" mind games a lot of people decided are real and necessary, because if they are real and necessary,
that means some people get to be very special.
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
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Pantheon: Celtic (Irish)
Goddess of: War, death, battle, moon, beauty, rebirth
Other domains: Fae, shapeshifting, prophocy, land
Symbol: Triskele, triquetra, tripple moon
Items: Spear, sword, skull
Animals: Crows, scavanger birds, wolves, cows, horse
Plants: Black thorn, belladona, juniper berries, dragons blood, mugwort, yew
Crystals: Obsidian, ruby, jet, amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, clear quartz
Colours: Black, white, purple, dark blue
Offerings: Red meat, red wine, apples, mead, milk, dragons blood, whiskey
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Name meaning: Great queen, phantom queen
Festivals:聽 Jan 7-The Feast of Morr铆gan
According to Irish folklore, It is said that the Morr铆gan can predict death and the fate of war. Her prophetic and all-knowing gifts made her exceptionally powerful and she would divulge what she knew to those who were willing to part with it for a price.
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
I'm going to put my witch of color hat on again, but when did this whole "deities reaching out" thing even start?
Having been born into a living tradition, it's just never been a thing for me. Before, it never even occurred to me that deities would reach out to humans and ask to be worshipped. Because why would they feel the need to? They would have no reason to recruit followers. They would never lack followers. They're divine. Humans have always worshipped them, and always will.
Like, we simply worship the gods that have always been worshipped, and honor the divine beings that have always been honored in our native religions. We pick our favorites and keep up with the traditions. We choose the divine to follow, the divine exist and get followed, like they always have been.
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
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Leopard taking a stroll
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
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lovelesswitxh 1 year
Please do NOT keep moldy offerings on your altars! If it gets to the point where an offering is going bad like that, I'd honestly advise just throwing it away!
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