lovvey · 2 months
Imagine who you could be if only you had the audacity.
If you didn’t care about looking stupid. If you weren’t afraid of making mistakes. If you didn’t put other people’s judgements before your own. If you didn’t neglect your responsibilities. If you didn’t procrastinate. If you didn’t let the toxic voice win. If you didn’t overthink everything. If you didn’t fear your own power.
Imagine that you have the audacity.
That you take bold actions. That you take accountability for yourself. That you unapologetically show your creativity to the world. That you ignore the naysayers. That you remain unbothered. The you allow yourself to be seen. That you embrace all that you are. That you speak your truth. That you allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them, then become a winner. That you speak highly to yourself. That you begin your journey right now.
Don’t block yourself from being your greatest.
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lovvey · 2 months
I sit on my little skeptic throne of witchcraft and enjoy it all because either magic is real and I’m very in tune with myself and the world around me, or it’s not and I become a master of meditation and good mental attitude and I get a fuck ton of shiny little trinkets and nicknacks that bring me immense joy there is no losing here
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lovvey · 2 months
"Aphrodite loves terfs" do you really think a goddess of love formed from a literal penis and the mother of Hermaphroditus, an intersex god who was associated with androgyny and feminine men, fucks around with transphobia?
she is a literal trans icon and to deny that will get you smited by all the gods
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lovvey · 2 months
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lovvey · 10 months
Manifest your dream life over the holidays weekend
So, you want your dream reality but you want it…now? Don’t worry I got you! Literally, all you need to do is trust me.
PS: Obviously, I know manifesting is instantaneous and you don't even have to wait an hour, let alone two days, to get your desires. This is just for people trying to have fun; honestly, I always felt that those types of statements made me feel more discouraged about my results. So, just remember to have fun with it!!
There are many ways to manifest, and chances are you already know this. I'll be focusing more on saturation and mindsets or states. Like I said, just have fun with this. This WILL work for you and the only person who can tell you otherwise will be YOU.
The goal is that by the end of the weekend, you are in the ultimate manifesting mindset. You'll be affirming, vaunting and overall changing your state of mind to that of a manifestation master. I you don't like affirming, I've made a subliminal playlist that you can just put on a loop.
First off, saturate your mind. Use anything. Affirmations, tapes, vision boards, vaunts, journalling, idc just SATURATE YOUR MIND. Completely convince yourself that you hold all the power (which you do) and everything happens according to your thoughts. You can read this post to help you get into that thought space.
Next you can just listen to the subliminal playlist (or one of your own choosing) or repeat affirmations throughout the day. One thing you can practice is to vaunt. Vaunting is kind of like ranting except you're ranting about your perfect life.
"omg everything i want just appears out of thin air. its like I think things into existence! its so annoying because ill be thinking about croissants and all of a sudden, BOOM! a new bakery opens up out of nowhere on the street. i always get what I want, when I want it. everything I do is just so PERFECT. its like things are practically CHASINg me. forget law of attraction, I'm convinced my desires are running after me to find me."
Vaunt 4 or 6 times per day and affirm or listen to playlists consistently. Like I said, it's all about saturation. Completely fill your head with manifesting-master adjacent thoughts. Choose what you think. Something unfavourable happens? No it didn't. You are in control, there's no way that could happen. You think you can't do this? Now why the hell would you think that? Are you dumb? You're literally the creator of your reality babe, I don't understand what's not clicking.
YES, it's really that easy. NO, you don't need to do any fancy meditations or techniques. You could literally look at your vision board all day and you'll get results. You could literally just THINK about your dream life and you'll have it. Imagination is reality. Your imagination IS your reality.
Affirmations - I am the creator My imagination is reality I will things to happen instantly I am in control Regardless of everything, I have my desired life Regardless of everything, I am the creator
Anyways, hope you guys find this challenge fun. Please contact me when you get results, I would love to hear your routine and the amazing things you manifest. Remember to take it easy and just enjoy yourself. See you guys later!!
Love, tree.
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lovvey · 10 months
just thought: every single method is a coping mechanism
maybe I'll write more on this later lol
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lovvey · 10 months
Be Your Own Teacher
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Disclaimer: I know I follow the law of consciousness/nondualism but I need you to hear me out. I know I used to follow Neville Goddard's and Edward Art's teachings but I have evolved and changed even though I still hold a lot of respect for them.
Words are all an illusion: awareness, consciousness, imagination, etc....they are not real. We are something that is indescribable, nameless, and formless. We transcend beyond such concepts and words, even "nondualism, law of consciousness (aka law of assumption), law of attraction, etc." We are IT the ultimate wordless intelligence. Words such as "consciousness" and "nondualism" etc are the closest things that describe who and what we are in our core beings but not even these words can truly describe what we are. The main goal of my page is for every single one of you to transcend all "concepts," "teachers," "methods," and "teachings." So many of you put teachers such as Neville Goddard, Edward Art, Sammy Ingram, and even bloggers on a pedestal and that isn't good. It isn't good because you are giving your power away to other people, as the creators and ultimate operant powers of your own reality. This isn't Neville's, Sammy's, Edward's, or even my reality. IT IS YOUR REALITY! There is no such thing as an "ultimate truth" or "method" for manifesting/reality shifting, as the ultimate creator of your reality you decide every single aspect of your reality, not Neville, Sammy, Edward, etc...Stop listening to people to find an "ultimate truth" or "method" don't even listen to me or other bloggers on this community, find your own truth as the creator of your reality. There is literally no "objective truth" everything is subjective based on your beliefs and whatever you are conscious of. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to do anything, it all boils down to YOU and what you decide is "right" or "wrong" because you are the creator of your reality. You can listen to other teachers but don't solely rely on them, only take what you resonate with most and leave the rest. I will never tell you if you are doing anything "wrong" or "right" or what you can or can't manifest because it all boils down to you and whatever you decide. YOU ARE YOUR OWN TEACHER, CONCEPT, METHOD, ETC BECAUSE YOU ARE THE OPERANT CREATOR OF YOUR REALITY SO ONLY DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT TO YOU. DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYONE ELSE WHO TRIES TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR REALITY, NOT THERE'S! Everything is consciousness, and we are all One Consciousness, so whatever you create as consciousness is "right" no matter what, because everything comes from us as Consciousness and as Consciousness everything is possible. We are limitless and infinite, there are no such thing as "can't" or "impossible." For example: you want to affirm and persist to manifest? Script? Visualise? Believe in the 3D vs 4D (or not)? Do the raven method to reality shift? Want to snap your fingers and just reality shift on command like that? Guess what you can do all of those things because you are CONSCIOUS of the fact that you can do it since we are all Consciousness as our truest Being. Don't listen to anyone else, not me, Neville, Edward, Sammy, etc who tells you otherwise because this is your reality to decide everything and anything, not us. Be your own teacher, concept, method, etc.
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lovvey · 10 months
You got this! Be determined and you will get your desires! After all, they're already yours, you just need to accept that!
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lovvey · 10 months
a state is your garment.
people's view on states becomes a lot more plausible when you realise that a state is just the garment you wear. you can take it off at any given time and like any other piece of clothing, you can change it. some pieces you like more, some less. and the same goes for states.
you can always take it off.
you can choose to occupy a state, you can choose to wear it, but once you're no longer satisfied with it, you can (and should) always be able to remove it. you don't need to ask anyone for help, you don't need their opinion or their permission either. you don't wanna embody this state anymore? no problem, identify with a new one! remember, you're your i am, not your i am xyz. and " i am" is not a state, unless you define it.
you're not your state.
you need to keep in mind that if you don't like your current state — if you even despise it to its core — it's the state. it's not yourself who you need to hate on. it's not yourself who you need to beat up. when you're shopping and you put on a top that doesn't suit you at all, who do you blame? the top or yourself? what do you do? do you bully yourself for not looking good in that top or do you look for one that makes you happy + looks good on you? i think you know the answer.
give up on your state, not yourself.
knowing this, you can always abandon your state but never yourself. understand WHO or WHAT you are actually changing. you are just changing what to wear, so stop being mad at yourself. it's entirely up to you what you want to wear. you are in control of your wardrobe. and just like that, you are in control of yourself, your imagination and therefore your outer world.
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lovvey · 10 months
magic doesn’t have to be complicated. rub an essential oil on a candle and light it. that person who’s been annoying you? write their name on a piece of paper and freeze it. fill a bowl with saltwater to cleanse your room. find a rock, imagine that it’s whatever you want to banish from your life, and throw it really hard into the street (…don’t hit a car). make a wish on a dandelion or a birthday candle. drink some lemonade for cleansing and positivity. tie a colored ribbon around your bedpost or doorknob. put some flowers on your nightstand.
a spell isn’t more effective just because it involves a bunch of ingredients and incantations and details.
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lovvey · 11 months
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A 4th century CE statue of Aphroditos. Her cock wards off evil spirits. Reblog to rid your blog of evil spirits.
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lovvey · 11 months
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lovvey · 11 months
Manifestation is instant
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You’ve probably heard bloggers say this a million times, but I will say it a million times more. Manifestation is instant. The moment you desire something you have it that instant.
The 4d and 3d have zero separation this as soon as you imagine your desire you have it! All of this, every single thing in front of you is from your imagination. In this world it is just imagination protection imagination. It's all one, and that one is you. It is God. There is no seperation, not even if you think their is.
"So why do my desires not show up instantly?"
Well, here's the answer. You're not accepting that it is!! You are either "trying" to manifest something or you are assuming that there is this imaginary time lag that doesn't exist!! You are creating one.
Do you see your desires as something separate from you instead of being part of you? If so there is one of your problems!! You're desperately trying to get something instead of knowing it is done already.
"Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and continue feeling that it is fulfilled until that which you feel objectifies itself. If a physical fact can produce a psychological state, a psychological state can produce a physical fact. If the effect (a) can be produced by the cause (b), then inversely, the effect (b) can be produced by the cause (a). Therefore I say unto you, "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye have received them, and ye shall have them" - Neville Goddard
You seriously only need to accept that your desires are yours right now and persist in that notion! It instantly is done because it is in your imagination, and imagination is all there is.
"So how can I fix this problem?"
I believe people can work on this type of issue by working on self-concept, I know so many people think that self-concept is just how we perceive ourselves but it's so much more than that. Everything is SELF so we should work on how we perceive everything through self-concept, like removing our limiting beliefs, improving our self-belief, and fully transcending the ego through becoming aware of our self-concept. SELF is all there is, it is your physical body, your surrounding, the people around you, even the universe you're in. It is all imagination and that is SELF. That is consciousness, and when we rewire how we perceive that we will overcome all limitations.
“Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually. This reality may for the sake of clarity be likened unto a stream which is divided into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. In order to intelligently operate the law of consciousness it is necessary to understand the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious is personal and selective; the subconscious is impersonal and non-selective. The conscious is the realm of effect; the subconscious is the realm of cause. These two aspects are the male and female divisions of consciousness. The conscious is male; the subconscious is female. The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them. By this law-first conceiving an idea and then impressing the idea conceived on the subconscious-all things evolve out of consciousness;” - Neville Goddard
This is why everything and anything you could ever want is yours. It is in your imagination, and being that consciousness is the only reality it is done! Your failure to just accept that is the reason you are not seeing it right now! Manifestaion is always instant.
So be it now. Assume it now. Nothing is separate from you. BE it now!!!
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lovvey · 11 months
i'm a simple girl: i see sunlight on the water, i find god
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lovvey · 11 months
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lovvey · 11 months
The old traditional finnish worldview featured dividing everything into two halves, the "upside way" and "downside way" - in this dualism, all things that are good, normal and natural are 'the right way', and things that are wrong, abnormal and/or supernatural are 'backwards'. The afterlife/land of the dead, for an example, was considered to be underground - living people live above ground, so the dead live below, in reverse of the "upside" order.
Because of this, a lot of finnish folk magic featured doing things backwards and opposite, in a symbolic way to connect to the supernatural. People do their natural, normal daily tasks in the daytime, walking forwards, with their dominant hand, and with their clothes on the right way. And therefore the unnatural, paranormal deeds should be done at night, walking backwards, using your non-dominant hand, or with either wearing your clothes backwards or being completely naked.
In this way, the nudity serves as a way of doing things "the opposite way" from a natural way, and isn't inherently an element of magic. The witchcraft that does require exposing oneself to the thing being blessed/cursed is women's magic. A woman could, at will, either ward something of her own (such as cattle, her child, buildings or work tools) by having the thing either pass beneath her skirt, having her step over it, or by raising her skirt altogether. Similarly, she could curse things owned by others the same way.
In some regions, pyllyttäminen was an ordinary part of letting one's cattle loose in the spring, in order to ward the cows from bear attacks and being stolen by forest fae. And it didn't necessarily have to be the head woman of the house who does it, there were older women who would do it to neighbours and friends in exchange for payment, because the väki of an older woman who has given birth numerous times was especially powerful.
I forgot where I was going with this originally, but in conclusion, hiring a granny to moon your cows to ward them from evil isn't just valid, it's old folk magic.
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lovvey · 11 months
Normalize understanding that New Age is a distinct spiritual movement with actual political goals instead of calling every spiritual belief and practice you don't personally agree with "New Age."
New Age isn't some white gal buying crystals to cure her depression. New Age is a hate group whose beliefs strongly overlap with QAnon.
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