lucia-typology · 2 years
I'm attracted to the dark theme, however I'm sick of the serious emotions in it.
I like to enjoy watching it alone. I don't like to get out of my safety zone. I'm really sick of people who change dark themes to controversial problems.
I get really uncomfortable with blaming or criticism.
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lucia-typology · 2 years
Some people believe that, for introverts, you can correlate MBTI type directly into Socionics type by performing a "P/J switch". This means they think INFJ -> IEI (INFp) and INFP -> EII (INFj), automatically. The reasoning is that this allows people in MBTI and Socionics to share their four valued functions. However, this is a misconception based on the mindset that the functions in MBTI and Socionics are exactly the same. I wish to show that both IEI and EII have a lot of overlap with both INFJ and INFP.
INFPish traits of IEI
Poetic, offbeat, romantic, youthful, bubbly, rambunctious, positive, scattered, unstructured, novelty-seeking, flexible, head in the clouds, disorganized. Deeply committed to both ideologies and fun. Okay with dramatic emotional expression, chaos, and conflict, even instigating such situations. Able to weakly participate in noticing sensory details. Explorative and collaborative with ideas. Approaches socializing informally. Dislikes staying serious for long. Appreciates systems. Wants to become more decisive. Communicates via dialogue and interruption.
correlation with enneagram 4/9-core and 7-fix
correlation with pisces sun
INFJish traits of IEI
Mystical, harmonizing, openly emotional, group-minded. Looks to the future. Seeks truth and clarity. Wants to influence other people's moods positively. Desires for people to go along with the emotional atmosphere. Receptive to being pushed to live more in the present moment. Speaks in generalized terms ("that sucks" vs "I didn't like that"). Analyzes trends and predicts events. Uncaring about efficiency. Wants to become more adept at analyzing data. Receptive to being dominated and influenced by a strong, exciting personality (Se). Suffers psychosomatically when unaware of own feelings.
correlation with aries descendant (SeTi)
an INFJ IEI will seem “INFP-like”
IEI traits that can be either INF type
Esoteric. Leans toward relative morality and truth. Readily takes their place within hierarchy. See people as allies versus enemies (albeit less than Gammas). View self as a prize to be chased in romantic relationships. Prone to categorizing people. Gives up easily; prone to laziness; passive. Default state is energized (not for productivity!); relaxing is a process. Views life as a continuous sequence of events; interested in causes and effects. Deeply influenced by others' expectations. Enjoy making something good out of limiting and negative situations; view life as a struggle. Wants to become more influential and confrontational. Unaware and uncaring of bodily sensations. Loathes standard careers and "adulthood". Prefers group participation.
INFPish traits of EII
Understated, trusting, positive, perspective-taking. Deeply invested in morality. Greatly values individualism. Receptive to being instructed in and pushed to be productive, practical, and efficient (Te). Childlike in romantic relationships and seeks a caretaker. Explorative and collaborative with ideas. Gives others the benefit of the doubt. Fear of missing out. Speaks in self-referential "I" statements. Disinterest in cold logic. Generates possibilities. Uncaring about coming off as grouchy.
correlation with capricorn descendant (TeSi)
an INFP EII will seem “INFJ-like”
INFJish traits of EII
Serious, responsible, peaceful, structured, rigid, organized, perfectionistic, grounded. Looks to the future. Wants to actively minimize conflict between people. Discusses emotions matter-of-factly. Keen awareness of their relationships with others. Actively establishes positive connections with people. Able to weakly participate in logical analysis. Needs help to act differently than planned. Gets stuck in the same habits. Approaches socializing formally. Imposes their way of doing things on others. Always up to talking seriously. Greatly admires those who are well-researched. Psychologically analytical. Communicates via monologue, patience, and finding closure.
correlation with enneagram 6/9-core and 2-fix
correlation with cancer sun
EII traits that can be either INF type
Strongly domestic, seeking comfort and stability. More concerned with personal relationships than the wider social atmosphere. Leans toward objective morality and truth. Resents heirarchy. Receptive to being instructed in and encouraged to gain sensory awareness and pleasure. Prone to categorizing people. Gives up easily; prone to laziness; passive. Default state is relaxed; energizing is a process. Views life as a series of episodic phases; interested in describing reality as it presents. Conflict-avoidant; deeply influenced by others' emotions and general stress. Sees others' inner potential and how they can reach it. Wish to become more competent occupationally and in self-sufficiency. Prefers one-on-one interaction.
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lucia-typology · 2 years
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lucia-typology · 2 years
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Quote me next @infjoe heh. Check out his blog for more INFJ snapshots!
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lucia-typology · 2 years
Enneagram Type Nine Fixes
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9-2: Helps people in order to seek acceptance, promote peace and harmony. Will meet other people’s emotional needs in order to make sure of their own acceptance into the social order. Good mediator.
2-9: Self-erasing, kind, just an all out nice person. Receptive, helpful and caring. There is a sort of distant calmness which tamps down on the active, bustling caring nature of the 2. There can be a tug between the stubborn resistant nature that 9s are prone to show when they are put under pressure versus the 2 need to be compliant in order to people please.
9-3: Ambition is at odds with ambivalence pertaining to what they want. A more extroverted, focused and productive Nine. These Nines may take on projects and use the charisma of Three to fundraise and promote shared universal values of peace and harmony, conflict resolution. A more popularity seeking Nine who wants to be acknowledged publicly for their efforts.
3-9: Tweak themselves to adapt to others, mirroring an idealized self is possible because they seek acceptance. They shy away from conflict, and find it distasteful. A complete departure from self is possible the more they strive towards admiration and approval. Calms down the frenetic, glossy and shiny vibe of the Three.
9-4: Inner turmoil due to intense emotions that they do not allow themselves to express. Establish peace and calm in conflicted situations by honoring the individuality of each party involved. Calm, ambivalent and aesthetic. Weak sense of self. Struggle between self denial and self expression. Can be prone to slothful behavior induced by melancholy moods.
4-9: Withdrawn, compassionate, feeling invisible or insignificant, may feel comfortable in self erasure. Calmer, peace seeking Four. Not as melodramatic or intent on disrupting peace with intense emotional expression. Likely to veer towards Zen kind of art, minimalist designs and muted hues.
9-5: Cerebral and conceptual Nine. Self erasure and total detachment from feelings implies very poor awareness of emotional landscape. Knowledge gathering, peace seeker who strives to stay away from conflict. Nines focused on previous and accuracy. Observe from a distance and make intuitive conclusions that often turn out to be right can end up being too passive, ambivalent and cut-off from the rest of the world if not careful.
5-9: Withdrawn. They are comfortable making themselves invisible as they don’t wish to be overwhelmed with social/emotional commitments and attention. They are highly accommodating.
9-6: Nine focuses on harmony, but also Six is prodding others in low key ways to determine their trustworthiness. Six would emphasize the need for harmony with feeling safe. As much as Nines want to be accepted, Six will lend them an element of caution about who they mirror and seek belonging from. Nine’s calm, passive energy is affected by the heady, nervous energy Six carries. Likely to go into a state of inertia or total shut down because of the fear/ anxiety that fundamentally defines Six. When counterphobic, it may mean that underneath their calm persona, there is a simmering vortex of anger. More likely to be roused into action if the Six is counterphobic.
6-9: Frequent tracker of the people in their lives, because they fear abandonment and betrayal. They strive to be *normal* in order to gain acceptance. They can completely mirror the person or group whose acceptance they seek and want to belong to/with. Unsure and a more phobic Six. Sweet and can be endearing, a razor sharp mind is hidden beneath Nine like layers of humility and a mousy attitude. Kind of like Molly Hooper, from BBC’s Sherlock.
7-9: Lighthearted. Peace seeking and optimistic. Wholesome, there is a playfulness and innocence (depending on the wings) about them. Likely to relegate themselves to a land of idealized fantasy where everything is fine. Deny negative emotions in order to keep the peace. They have a very fluid concept of self identity. Under stress, can be reduced to a state of complete inertia and end up anxious, critical. 9-7:  Animated, joyful Nines. They erase all strong emotions except positive emotions. Calm, creative folk. Natural ambivalence and passivity of the Nine is reduced by the Seven which is action oriented by nature. They would like to preserve their autonomy so they can live out their lives in peace. Likely to be homebodies who fantasize about exploring places, might not actually drag their butts out of their house to do so.
Note: When a Nine approach fails, if they move to their counterphobic Six fix, they may act like 9w8/ can end up having their wings or fix mistyped.
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lucia-typology · 2 years
(Thank you for your message. I appreciated reading it, and wanted to quote you while concealing your identity for privacy. Hope you don’t mind.)
I’m the person who’s very passionate and intense in all of her relationships. Even back in primary school, I didn’t like it when my classmates sat in a huge circle at recess and ate and joked around. Not because it wasn’t fun .. it was. But what I truly wanted, even at that very young age, was to have a one on one ‘deep’ conversation with one classmate and get to know her and become her closest friend and have her be mine. A ‘us against the world’ kind of friendship. And when I say 'know her’, I mean literally everything about her.
Most girls saw me as weird and intimidating because of it. “why cant she just play hide and seek with us?”, “yesterday she asked me all these personal questions it was so odd!” .. lol. I didn’t understand them. why would they waste time with shallow interactions when they could build these strong, intimate, one of a kind friendships that last a lifetime? why aren’t they looking for their soulmates and as they describe it in Grey’s anatomy “their person”. It would take time, effort and vulnerability but it would be so worth it!
I thought I’d grow out of it when I grow up but damn I haven’t changed at all. I still treat all my friendships like they’re a passionate marriage, it’s so emotional and needy and messy and filled with jealousy and possessiveness.
I don’t love people, I fall in love with them.
I come off too strong to those who aren’t like me (most of the population, it seems). But when it’s someone similar, it’s so beautiful and special and I feel like I’m this endless energy of love and creativity and happiness.
I remember you making a post about your instinctual variant. You talked about friendship too and how you viewed it. I recall wishing I was the same because it was the complete opposite to me. I thought you were chill and cool :>
This is… very sx9. And I will clue you in in something.
I would LOVE to have the kind of deep, intense, raw emotional relationship you are talking about, but I don’t know how to make it happen. Being sx-blind, I try too hard to maintain friendships that are… just not working. That do not have a spark. I try and force intimacy by being more honest with them, in a desire to connect to someone and have them meet me in that place. But it feels like most people do not want an intimate friendship. They want superficial interactions. That is not and never will be enough for me, but it feels like I have no choice. I have a protective wall up that I want to let down, but I can’t unless I feel safe.
One time, my father told me, “What you are seeking is way beyond the depth of a platonic friendship. For some reason, you are treating every friendship like a romance, and they shouldn’t be a romance. Romance is about intense feelings and the sharing of your souls. If a romance is what you want, go out and get one! Stop trying to find it in platonic relationships!”
You, as an sx-dom, cannot help this. It’s your primary drive, to find someone who ignites you and creates a deep resonance in your soul. But… I can tell you that for sx-blinds… it does come across as quite strong. It can feel invasive and rather intimidating to have someone want you like that. I have had two different sx-doms (three, if you count one I went on a single date with) pursue me in my life and… it can be disconcerting to feel like they want you to rip open your deepest wounds and ooze them onto the table when you have only just met. As a 6w5, I want to open up to you but I need to trust you first. I need to know you are not going to betray me or expose my secrets. And I watch you, to see what kind of a person you are. If you push me, bully me, make me uncomfortable, I am never going to open up and be raw with you. Because I can’t trust you not to hurt me with that information. This is the frustration of an sx/so 9w8 in my life. She wants to crawl inside my skin and that’s the last place I want her to be, because her controlling wing 8 tactics make me uncomfortable. If I felt safe with her, I would easily open up to her. But I don’t. So I can’t. I won’t.
I had a close sx-friendship once in my life. We truly were kindred spirits. We could discuss anything. I was more open, honest and ‘raw’ with her than anyone before or since, but it has not happened a second time.
Maybe reserve the deep sx connections for your love partners and have lower expectations for your friends? And… hold back a little. Save some of the way more personal, probing questions for when you know each other better. Some of the sx-blinds out there are willing to open up to you in the way that you want, but they need time to get past their privacy (sp-first) or conventions (soc-first).
- ENFP Mod
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lucia-typology · 2 years
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INFP moodboard
Inspired by enneagrams:
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lucia-typology · 2 years
Reactivity Patterns or: What to watch for in order to avoid flying off the handle
Generally speaking, the reactive triad will have an immediate response to the original imput, the positive triad has a ‘layered’ response where they first try to resolve things agreeably but might respond more obviously if that fails, & with the competency triad the response modulated & situation dependent
Type 1
What sets them off:
unreliable ppl
bad manners
when things aren’t up to standards
being criticised
How they respond:
death glare / obvious non-verbal disapprovement
lecturing or criticising you
outright getting pissed off, if the offense is bad enough
conversely, if they inwardly judge themselves/ feel they shouldn’t be angry you, you might get a paradoxical reaction formation response where they get more polite & nice to compensate
or a lowkey irritability if its more of a 'disapproving but not worth getting angry over it’ situation
Type 2
What sets them off:
getting their feelings hurt
feeling unwelcome or unappreciated
anything remotely resembling rejection
How they respond:
The Silent Treatment*. Depending on the severity of the offence this can mean cutting the person off, going away for a bit or just not acting quite as friendly & energetic as normal/ not helping as much/ acting more subdued & less nice.
if the situation makes them feel insecure they might try even harder to please the person, of course suppressing anger in this manner can lead to a buildup of resentment, leading to an eventual outright angry outburst, which can be passionate cause it’s usually been a long time coming
guilt trips
“ok then I won’t help you with X anymore”
Type 3
What sets them off:
when others make them look bad or screw up their reputation or projects
one-sided criticism
when others create an obstacle to their goals
feeling like they failed at something
When they hoped to get praise & recognition & then didn’t get it
How they respond:
might inwardly feel impatient or anxious
usually don’t show irritation right away because their first response is to make up for it by working more so this can also build up over time
if confrontation occurs they’ll brag/ puff up their ehgo to make themselves feel better, deflect blame or justify their actions
if they get rly sad they might hit the line to 9 & lose motivation for a bit, though this isn’t something ppl typically get to see. They might just spend a weekend playing video games & then move on
Type 4
What sets them off:
not being listened to
not feeling heard
when others assume to totally get their situation
insensitivity or lack of passion in other people
being limited in their expression/ ability to put their own stamp on things
deadening routine
being judged
feeling abandoned
How they respond:
usually there is some sort of emotional display
though it might not always be super overt, they might just go to their room & sulk / retreat into the imagination
if they have the energy for it that day though they might cry and complain or lash out in harsh condemnation/ disgust
Type 5
What sets them off:
disappointment - usually when the other person didn’t conform to some unsaid expectation
real or perceived demands and/ or pushiness
others getting really in their face, maybe by venting & talking about their lives or trying to involve them
sometimes just being unexpectedly talked at
How they respond:
going quiet/ just not answering**
tamping down their responses - general level of animation goes down, word choice gets more formal
continuing the conversation over text or otherwise less direct means
checking out of the conversation & just maybe listening to a few bits here & there to still give a coherent answer if needed
avoiding you or making themselves tactically unavailable by looking busy/distracted. Plopping on headphones when a disliked person shows up etc.
if properly displeased they can actually keep grudges or nurse hurts a long time cause most other ppl would discharge it right away & thus get it out of their system
Here it was fascinating that in one of the sources the two panelists disagreed on how obvious the response is. One thought it’s actually pretty transparent since they don’t really filter themselves much or consider the presence of others, whereas the other lady thought it was pretty unobvious since it is more like a lack of response in her view, though she’s come to piece together than when her 5 friend gives no response to her talking about something she did this means they probably disapprove or didn’t like it
Type 6
What sets them off:
lack of transparency - when ppl are insincere or not telling them the full story
when their worries aren’t taken seriously / ppl don’t show appropiate concern***
when a scenario that they feared comes true
How they respond:
get nervous & ask questions
rebellion/ anger
fawn/placating response
the critical/rigid response - formal policing, critizising or threatening to call the authorities
disbelief ~ 'no point in explaining to these idiots’
snapping into action mode - paradoxically getting more calm & taking control
throwing multiple of these at the wall to see what sticks
Type 7
What sets them off:
taking their options away
boring routines
How they respond:
speech & thinking speeds up, in extreme cases can be frantic
but usually the first line is a mental/rational response, being resourceful, looking for a solution or way out
first approach will be charme and negotiation or trying to see the positive, find the humor
humor can also be used aggressively, as irreverent mockery, rebellion
but if that fails they can just get angry. (& often get over it quickly, but others might not.)
Type 8
What sets them off:
when something seems unfair or wrong to them
anything under the umbrella of bullshit, like indirectness, intransparency
seeing someone look weak or not acting like the person themselves would
when something hurts their feelings (the individual might not consciously realize this is happening)
How they respond:
usually directly jump into action to resolve the issue - say or do something right away, take care of it themselves etc.
if they see themselves opposed, they will respond with at least as much intensity as the perceived or real opponent
might take control of the situation & push / strongarm others into going along with their solution
Type 9
What sets them off:
imposition, being bossed around
conflict or the anticipation thereof
being overlooked or unvalued
rudeness, ppl uneccesarily confrontational
How they respond:
appealing to manners & proper tone
making some comment that’s like a subtle diss
listen to you complain but then just don’t do what you say
just zones out & nods noncommittally
forgetfulness & being scattered (not always as deliberate passive agression but just because they’re expending energy to not get mad)
* This might be behind the common scenario where a 2 may notice that some friend or relative is being quieter or more subdued than usual & they assume or worry that the person is mad at them, because for them that would be pissed off behavior. For a lot of introverts, acting a little more subdued might just mean they’re tired.
** UGH I do this all the time when I just decide not to say anything if the convo turns to something I don’t like or if I disagree. I didn’t realize this was a type-specific thing. It’s not always like silently judging the person but rather thinkin 'ok I disagree but this is not worth arguing about/ not important rn/ saying something would be unproductive’.
The one panelist who was a 2 IIRC, was like “Oh, what helpful info~” but honestly it horrified me a bit that ppl would pick up on that and conclude I must be miffed, it would defeat the point of deciding that it doesn’t make sense to get angry here. If I did decided that it was worth getting mad over you’d absolutely hear about it (though this might be different depending on a person’s gut fix. )
I sort of noticed the 'formal language’ thing recently as well when I was writing an email to someone, my first email was jokey & excited, & then the response wasn’t what I thought it would be and my next reply was all formal and understated.
*** My mom is a 7 so she would sometimes inadvertently hit this exact button with one of my sisters (6) by trying to give her pep talks, and then the sister would feel her problem isn’t taken seriously & do one of the response patterns - usually rigidity/criticism, rebellion, or just getting yet more panicky. That was sometimes a bit of a mismatch/ clash zone between the two
(So now I will hopefull stop researching human behavior & just go finish my darn novel or at least do the laundry…)
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lucia-typology · 2 years
You keep putting out distinctly unboring moodboards. I'd like me one.
INTP 5w4 548 sp/sx dark surrealism and/or voidcore
Yes (Sorry for the delay)
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INTP 5w4 548 sp/sx dark surrealism and/or voidcore
Ask for : @kendrixtermina
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lucia-typology · 2 years
Differences between INFP 9w1 and INFP 4w5?
9w1s are more amiable and more inclined to numb themselves to negative feelings, where 4s think it’s important to dwell in those feelings. 9s are also more amiable and willing to go along with things than 4s, who over-focus on how separate and different they are from other people (this isn’t a positive thing for them, it’s deeply painful and makes them feel broken).
Go here, scroll down to MBTI + Enneagram profiles, and you’ll see a paragraph description of both under the numbers.
There’s also this:
4 vs 9: Both withdrawn, both have capacity to be emotional or angry, 4’s like to be separate, 9’s innately feel like there’s no identity boundary between them and others, 4’s are constantly cultivating who they are and presenting it to others, 9’s feel like who they are can shift to different landscapes that are all “them” depending on who they’re with, 4’s are reactive and present their darkness, 9’s feel some need to be a positive face for others and suffer on the inside, 4’s are out of touch with their bodies and 9’s are stuck in their bodies; 4’s are more prone to hate, 9’s are more prone to anger, anger is less specifically targeted than hate, rather a reaction to send the message “I exist” where as 4 hatred sends the message “I’m not worthless”
Source: https://www.enneagrammer.com/type-4
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lucia-typology · 2 years
This is typology and vent account.
PerC: https://www.personalitycafe.com/members/lucico.565277/
Artworks (CW dark themes): https://www.instagram.com/lucicochan
About me
autism (prof-dx, 2006)
social fear
non-employment illustrator
Personality Types
MBTI: INFP, maybe.
Enneagram: 4w3 sp/sx or 9w1 sx/sp
Tritype: 469
Socionics: IEI-Ni H
Attitudinal Psyche: FLEV
Temperament: Melancholic
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
dark fairytale
lolita, gothic lolita, goth
racist, sexist, ableist, lgbtq+phobia, exclus
cringe culture supporter
callout blogs
English is not my native language. I'm sorry if I used words that ignored nuances.
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