luciamazzoni · 4 days
At the mention of Laure, Lucia sighs - that would be the best way to get information, she's sure of it. And so she makes a mental note to reach out to the vampire at the park later - rumors had, of course, flown about around her. Just as she had a finger on the pulse of things with Narcisse and Aoife - or attempted to.
"The Fellowship is what lingers on my mind, love." It's an admission she doesn't want to make. "I fear for my girls, most of all, but Port Leiry can't handle another all out war. Especially with ones so feral as they are. We barely know anything about them to counter them."
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"An unquestionable truth." She lets out with a soft hum, amusement lacing her voice despite the sincerity. She follows the movements with an almost lazy attention, not really caring for the activity itself. Her head tilting just a bit to the side at the raucous sounds coming from the outside, an amused smirk reaching her lips
"It fares just fine... nothing worth mentioning." Her voice airy as she looks around, refusing to give a deeper thought to whatever was happening with Aoife at the moment. Her mind kept reeling from the short visit she made to her shop. "But of course, although you surely must know I'm not one to mingle in politics that much, rather leave all the boring stuff to Laure." Shrugging, she looks at Lucia with a smile. "I do believe, of course, that something will be done... little bird told me fellowship hunters are around."
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luciamazzoni · 4 days
It wasn't often that she was able to make it to the mausoleum - not for lack of trying. More recently, she's been busy with the Cabaret - managing it takes time, and she always feels as though she needs to be there for her girls. In times of distress, especially.
She takes the sight of Marnie in, studies her for just a moment to make sure there's no sign of injury or disease from the attack. Satisfied, her returning smile is also soft, sincere.
"I imagine so." Lucia sighs the words out, running a thumb over the ring on her index finger. "Your coven, all the covens of Port Leiry are strong - but." She purses her lips. "I know some of mine are a bit leery, as well. Can't speak as much for the wolves, or if they know much."
Which is something she needs to fix, more than likely. She thinks through on if she knows any pack leaders, personally. Comes up with a blank.
"My worry is that it's a strike meant to set you on edge, a distraction while they work elsewhere. So if you're scheming -- I'd like to join."
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Beauty cut through stagnant silence in the form of a warm voice. One so intertwined with a sultry smile that it was near impossible not the pair it with the image of her and the expectation that, as she drew closer, she'd be rewarded with a little dusting of moonlight and a clearer view to admire.
"How thoughtful of you, honey," she mused, with a gratitude to her tone that suggested she was touched by the gesture. And she was, truly, to be visited by a friend. No matter the hour.
Marnie closed the distance between them, swinging keys around her fingers and catching them in her hand until she was stood before the brunette. A smile faint at the corners of her lips, the whites of round eyed ever-present as they drank in the woman in their silent admiration.
"We're rattled," she answered honestly. "I think most witches are. Even beyond Garnett." They weren't a particularly strong class when it came to a measurement of brute force, but Marnie was already scheming up ways to protect the grounds, and the coven she belonged to, should hunters dare to try again. Still, the lives taken were an unexpected loss that Marnie felt some responsibility for. Amplified still, since they'd spoken to her.
There was a shimmer to her gaze in the silence between. A fleeting sadness that vanished as quickly as it had come, suppressed by eyes that faltered from Lucia's for a moment.
"I'm okay," she reassured. "Scheming." Emphasised by the widened swell of eyes in play, and the pull of the corners of her lips into a haunting little smile. Though it softened again as she opted for sincerity. "Thank you. For checking on us."
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luciamazzoni · 4 days
"The only poison is the how inelegant it truly is." But it gets the job done, and makes her look like she belongs here - fits in. It's always the little things that help appearances, isn't it?
But she does laugh - and that might be the point she'd been making with her initial question. Elias, hunter, watching everyone and everything is fine. People she doesn't know, watching everyone and everything.. sets her teeth on edge.
"There are rumors of Fellowship arrival, since the Siltshore attack. I haven't seen the bodies myself, but.. I wouldn't be surprised if we caught a glimpse of their mark."
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Raising an eyebrow at the drink, Elias takes it, "If this is poisoned, I'm finding a way to haunt you for the rest of your life.", he remarks, before carelessly taking a sip through the straw. He then, too, pulls a face. Far from classy.
"I'm watching everything but the show, too.", he remarks, but follows her gaze, searching the crowd. "Maybe they're just very drunk.", he points out, but then figures that they do look quite strange, in between the mass of people. "Maybe a new set of hunters?", he wonders, looking for marks on their bodies, "Maybe food poisoning."
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luciamazzoni · 4 days
Lucia watches her retreat - all bravado, and nearly gives up the game. She almost laughs at it, and almost pushes forward to grab her. Instead, she purposefully makes all her movements slow. Uncrossing her legs and bringing them down to the floor, standing up. All slow, methodical.
"You play with fire, witchling." It comes out a drawl, no lick of accent to be traced. She'd worked out the heavy Italian sound from her tongue hundreds of years prior.
Only when she's fully standing and Nikko is near the door, that she uses the speed that comes with vampirism, suddenly standing in front of the witch with a hand pressed against her chest. Wordlessly, she pushes, directing her back towards the desk.
Lucia prides herself on her control, but being so close - she almost wants to simply give in. "You wish to be used." It's an accusation, not a question. "Take the letter opener and dig it into your palm." She doesn't use her charm, but she does command.
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"How ⸻ Erotic," she draws out, desire and raw lust seeping into her words unintentionally. Lucia's words don't discourage her ⸻ Rather, they embrace her in a velvet hold, giving her the courage to seek further. Poke a bear with hopefully a short stick. She would love to be devoured. 
"If?" She chuckles then, unbothered by the implication. A joyful sound darkened by the feelings burning at the pitch of her spine. "There are other things I'd rather be hearing, Miss Mazzoni." A gentle nail taps against the edge of the table. "Fortunately to the both of us, you don't want me and I'm not a girl to be kept. Can't disappoint my suitors, you see." She retreats, not enough to leave, watching the room around her. "Pity. I'm sure you could be a decent time. I'm sure one of the girls can show me a better time, then. I shouldn't be bothering you with such things, after all."
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luciamazzoni · 4 days
Obviously, she's not as put off as he is, considering the inaccessibility of it all - but she can commiserate with how uninteresting just sitting here is. "Good idea, my dear." Said with a laugh, "And I must say there are plenty of fried foods to choose from. We have your typical fried pickles on a stick, and the like."
She gestures to a giant cup someone's holding, "And huge frozen margaritas to wash it down with, if that's your poison."
She takes a step back, to allow him room to move and head towards the vendors, if he chooses, and nods at the introduction. "Lucia." A breath. "Lucia Mazzoni, I manage the Satin Cabaret." If he knows, then he's more than likely aware of the fact that it's owned and operated by vampires. If not, then maybe he just knows it as the strip club on the other end of town.
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In truth, he hasn't. Oz sort of just showed up and parked the wheelchair in the best spot- which isn't great. She mentions the shops and vendors and honestly, it sounds way more interesting... and accessible to roll the wheelchair.
"Sounds better than this." Put bluntly, as their hooded eyes take in the big crowd of uneven blankets and lawn chairs spread out with hardly any room between them all. "Maybe I'll have to go grab some fried foods from there and come back when it's not so much of a clusterfuck."
Oz glances at her, still trying to parse where he could've seen her before. A past hunt? Maybe a witch who knows the Phial? Or just an old face from some distant memory he doesn't remember? "I'm Oz."
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luciamazzoni · 7 days
Lucia leans against something not quite so expensive as the pianos they find themselves wedged between. It's a smart meeting place, this - and she understands the paranoia of having a neutral zone. His home is not something she desires to enter (though - if it comes to it, there will be ways. after all, hunters and vampires will be who they truly are when it comes down to it), and the Cabaret is not somewhere she'd invite a friend for a nice chat. Especially not right in the middle of vampire territory.
"Little scribbles here and there." She taps the purse by her side, which holds a small black notebook. She simply writes down what the girls bring her. But her head tilts at him with a soft smile. "I'm glad to hear you've been hard at work."
The offered information makes her eyebrows raise into her hairline, and she nearly lets out an amused bark of a laugh - but tames it into something a tad more demure.
"I do appreciate the warning, love." She moves to take out her black book, sliding it over to him. "Though, you must know I'll ask - Were you involved in the Siltshore attack?"
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( @luciamazzoni -- a small music store after sunset, late )
Elias pushes himself through the tight space in between two grand pianos -- the only ones in the store cramped with instruments, vinyls and more. It's his guilty pleasure, one he has shown Lucia quite often by now. (He's smart enough to know that she could find out where he lives in a second, but would he let her enter? No. There's enough verbena growing in his garden, enough verbena in his house. And for once, he doesn't want her dead. Slightly in his control, sounds much nicer, no matter if just an illusion or not.)
The owner of the store is old enough to not be suspicious. He knows who Elias is -- has a copy of some of his compositions stored somewhere in the back, who he loves dearly. They're signed, and Elias delivers more and more every time he comes around. Seeing as the topic of music is weaved into his conversations with Lucia, he's sure it will take a while longer for questions to arise. And even if they do -- there's always a good and well thought through lie he can offer. A fling. A lost love. A sister in law. A mistress. God knows the options are endless.
"Anything new in your collection of notes?", Elias asks, and dares to add: "My collection has grown since I last saw you, so I'd hope to hear the same of you." Collection as in, heads. Hm. But also -- "And: One of the new hunters seems to have set their goals quite high, shooting for the stars instead of simple prey. I'd stay they're dangerous based on their supposed insanity, and would advise you stay far away from their radar on Friday night, by staying home. I offered them my company just to be sure, but." His expression is almost a sulky frown; "They said no."
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luciamazzoni · 8 days
The boy in question was not someone she was familiar with. Ellis had mentioned someone, but first impressions were leaving much to be desired - she showed up to the meeting, expecting to talk down yet another entitled man, and so her smile was pinched - a slight, hidden fury just behind her eyes.
As she moves to sit across from him, though, her eyebrows raise at the use of her name.
Her smile turns into something a bit more predatory, instead. "You know my name, then? A very prepared irate customer, you are."
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Closed starter for Lucia Mazzoni ( @luciamazzoni ) Location: Satin Cabaret
Julian hadn't had much of a plan when he moved to Port Leiry. The location only had appeal to him because Ellis had spent time in the city and had connections there or so he'd always been told. The two of them were destined to make a stop in the city during in their travels before Ellis disappeared. Ellis's disappearance still hurt to think about. Julian didn't know whether to feel betrayed or distraught over the loss of the vampire he'd quite literally devoted his entire life to and it all depended on whether or not they'd meant to abandon him. Most days Julian wished they were dead at least that would've meant that Ellis hadn't gone back on their promises. Still Julian was in Port Leiry at the off chance they weren't and maybe just maybe he'd cross paths with them again and get some sort of answer.
Lucia was one of the few names Ellis had mentioned in passing as being a friend in Port Leiry. It'd been like searching for a needle in a haystack trying to track the woman down. Through quite a bit of snooping around he'd been able to track down a Lucia as the manager of the Satin Cabaret. He knew that the Satin Cabaret was a vampire establishment from Ellis so he could only guess that this might be the Lucia in question.
Only having her work to go off Julian knew that was the only he'd get to meet her. So he did the only thing he thought to do and that was ask for the manager. It took some lying on his part to actually get a meeting with the manager but after complaining enough about some overcharge on his card he managed to Karen his way up the chain of command. He was sat at a table as he waited for Lucia to show up. Eventually a woman began to approach and he was excited not only that he was meeting a potential contact of Ellis but also that he was meeting another vampire in the flesh.
"Lucia? Err are you the manager?" Julian fumbled out already blowing his cover by calling her by her name. He never claimed to be a very good stalker.
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luciamazzoni · 9 days
Late nights were never unusual for Lucia. She roamed when she had the free time - what was curious was the fact that she finally had a night away from the Cabaret for a chance to do the roaming she so liked to. Perhaps it was dangerous to, so soon after the Siltshore attack, but she did find comfort in the large stone walls, and a home within the crypts.
It reminded her of years gone past - of visiting grandchildren so far that she never knew them - in similar places and villas. Her fingertips brushed against the leaves of the flowers and plants approaching the gate to Siltshore, only to be greeted by the sound of a friend, inquiring as to who she might be.
A laugh bubbles up from her chest and she continues emerging from the shadow with a slight smile. "Only a friend, amore." She sucks in a large breath of air that's unneeded - if only to smell the death and lingering remnants of blood on the air.
"I've come to check on you and yours after the.. incident."
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open starter where: the siltshore mausoleum when: just about midnight.
It was well and truly past the time to close the door on lingering souls for one night, but she'd let the minutes tick on by with the distraction of a spell book. It wasn't the first time Marnie was late to close up and bid the eternal sleepers goodnight, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.
Marnie stopped herself in her stride a few steps shy of the final crypt's entrance, just as a hand reached to weave the enchanted padlock through an ornate metal bar. Instead, she clasped fingers around it tighter and peered, with squinted eyes, into darkness. They rarely deceived her the same way her ears did, and she swore she could see movement.
"Helloooo?" Her voice chimed to both break the silence and garner the attention of the lurker. "Friend or foe, honey?" She questioned — in a tone far more playful than it was curious. Almost as if she were expecting to speak with an old friend. The sound of her voice was punctuated by the jingle of keys on a keyring being spun around her index finger, silenced as they clasped abruptly around them to trap them in her palm. The sound bounced off the tiled floors and granite slabs lining the walls, all etched with names of ancestors long passed. Flowers lined each headstone and had been refreshed that morning by Marnie herself, since she had such a profound respect for the dead. Or, more likely, since they'd asked her to personally. Her free hand held the iron grate of a decadent gate that awaited the very keys and lock in her hands to be closed for the night. Dark eyes watched the wraith-like figure, waiting for eyes that would reveal themselves. Marnie knew her silhouette was outlined, stood with her back to the moonlight and a hip popped both lazily and far too casually for someone closing up the grounds of a mausoleum so close to the height of the night. "I'm going to guess... friend." Since they didn't seem like they'd passed on. Not to the trained eye, at least. "It's a little late to be looking for something. Or... someone, maybe?
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luciamazzoni · 9 days
Whatever the recognition is, she's sure she'll place it with more time with less people around. Right now, she's simply keen to enjoy the crowd, the smells (as awful as some of them are), and the music in the distance. Over the years, her tastes have grown and while she does enjoy what used to be popular - there's no way anyone modern could recreate those sounds without extensive research. Such a shame. It's always the arts, isn't it?
"A past encounter. I'd agree to something of the like." She grins and gestures out to the crowd of people. They've taken up as much space as possible, as they always tend to do. "Lovely time for watching others, though."
And then - "It is, yes, but there's much more to see. Food, sights, little shops that sell faux herbs and crystals. Even little crafts, and games to win prizes and raffles. So silly. Have you not checked the streets, my dear? It will clear out a bit here in an hour or so - As much as these parents like their children, they do tend to get ornery this late."
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It's odd... she does look familiar too, but they're not sure how. After the incident, things got pretty mixed up. Pretty close to death, ripped apart and put back together as best as possible. And... powerless. Things that might've helped with perception, with faces. Gone. "I've got a pretty distinct face... maybe we happened past each other sometime. But I haven't been in town long."
He sits in his wheelchair, in the most casual clothing Oz probably owns besides what he sleeps in. He'd assumed the place would be packed, and he'd get hot. He hadn't expected to not have any way of getting the chair closer to the music. "...I mean, the music's been... fine. And that's what the whole thing is right? Music? So. Better than nothing."
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luciamazzoni · 9 days
All of Nikko's natural response only serves to influence the hunger that Lucia tries to keep as dormant as possible. The blush on her cheeks is beautiful and smells even better. Such is the call of the witch blood, she supposes. "What a shame." Lucia responds with a soft pout, "Though.. maybe for the best. A witch as you surrounded by death and life - not a one of us would be able to resist leaving you drained, dry, and deteriorating."
She leans forward, though, as Nikko approaches - smile on her lips. "Oh, yes." A pause, to let it sink in, and then she leans back with a laugh. "Is that what you'd like to hear? Little witchling, my love, if I wanted you, you would be mine."
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Something dark tugs at the edges of her spine, hot and demanding, her neck bulging under the force of a single gulp. Perhaps her eyes darken, her breath becomes labored, her cheeks redden. Nothing matters at this moment but the sensation overtaking her body. Playing with vampires is a dangerous game, one that can cost her her life. But Nikko steps further in, closer to the desk, almost in a trance. “I've never been bitten before,” she says absent-mindedly, uncaring for the previous conversation of herbs and blood.
She knows nothing will come of it, but it's fun to play, isn't it? “Why?” Blue eyes take in the woman, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Is it working?”
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luciamazzoni · 10 days
closed: @oz--saffet where: outer edge of the pavilion
She doesn't recognize the man - not at first, but there's something about him that she can't quite shake. Perhaps a run in. Or simply someone from town when she leaves her own home in Waneoft. Lucia approaches when there's a lull in the music - one band switching to another. Music begins to play through speakers - some top forty song that she can't recognize - that tides over the crowd until the live performance begins again.
"Excuse me?" She begins, moving into his field of vision. "I can't seem to shake the feeling we've met before." Again, it's not saying much. Maybe he simply has one of those faces. "I'd also like to inquire if you're enjoying the show - It must be a bit frustrating all this way out, no?"
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luciamazzoni · 10 days
closed: @kingofthehunt where: off the beaten path, summerfest, after sunset
"Doll." She starts, hands clasped behind her back. Their relationship was an odd one - but odd felt more at ease and homey than anything that could be classified as 'normal'. Lucia was one for the twists and turns of life. The slowly cooling air and the humidity was making her long curls stick to her neck - amazing how much things stay the same over the years.
She holds out a drink towards the other man, something cheap in a cup with a straw. As one does. She has her own and makes a face after sipping it.
"Have you noticed the people walking slower than the others? Watching everything but the show?"
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luciamazzoni · 14 days
"Some enjoy it." She murmurs and listens, amused, as she picks up the slight racing heart as a result of her teasing. "And no, not entirely. Some of our girls enjoy the thrill of the feed." And while Lucia has never been a dancer herself, she makes sure to take care of what the rest of them need, when they need it.
"You can do that right now." She repeats the question back in an affirmative, moving to sit comfortable at her makeshift desk, covered in paperwork and scraps of cloth. And now herbs.
Lucia's eyes twinkle with something akin to amusement and she leans back, moving her heel-clad feet to rest easily on the desk. She's the very picture of leisure. "But I must ask if you're trying to make me jealous. All this talk of dates and dances."
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The jolt of pain traverses her body in an unexpected buzz, her skin breaking into goosebumps and the base of her neck burning with the knowledge the touch would bruise. She is pale like a corpse, after all. Her eyes blink, slowly, skin breaking into goosebumps as the woman's words embrace her like a tight hug. Huh. Interesting. She doesn't have time to think about the thrill filling her heart, however. “I would rather not be eaten at all.” Although she wouldn't mind being kept by Lucia. Nikko shakes her head. “Not like Soleil, huh?” It makes sense, she guesses. Not every business can thrive while killing their clientele.
The implications of precisely what occurs during said showing didn't deter the curiosity blooming in her chest, leaning forward as her heart hammered inside its flesh confines, throat suddenly dry. “I can do that? - Can I do that, right now?” Rationality isn't her strongest area of expertise, and the possibility of being so close to a gorgeous girl always made Nikko take steps that wouldn't treat her well. Her eyes still shine with the possibility. "My date fluked, anyway. I have nothing better to do."
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luciamazzoni · 15 days
"Interrupt? Goodness me, never." Lucia immediately responds, though she had been watching the woman dance through the crowd. There was a little something about her that intrigued her, for one - something aside from the beauty she exuded.
Instead of approaching as soon as the woman had caught her eye, though, she had waited around for the appropriate moment. Turning to the bartender, Lucia leans forward and motions for her to place whatever drinks Leena is ordering on her tab.
"But I don't mind using a little cash on someone as gorgeous as yourself." She relaxes against the counter, smile bright. "A night for revelry, is it? Or indulgence?"
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who: open where: any club that makes sense for you muse tbh
Music was loud — just the way she liked. A part of her (the one fueled by the voices of her aunties) was trying to tell her she was too old for environments like this, that she should be home, resting for the long day she would have starting early the following morning, but who was she kidding? This is what Leena enjoyed, being out, at night, prepared for any possibility.
Of course with Leena work and pleasure walked hand in hand; she danced with vervain in her purse and a silver dagger under her sleeve. This was Port Liery in the middle of the night, after all, it was only a matter of time before someone decided to go bump in the night. In the meantime, she was gonna enjoy herself.
Covered in sweat, Leena made her way to the bar for a drink and a deep breath or two when she noticed the presence of someone hovering her. "If you're going to interrupt my night, the least you can do is buy me a drink."
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luciamazzoni · 16 days
closed for @kieranrees
She often liked to pick the brains of academics, mostly to see what's different now as opposed to what it used to be. Lucia could see positive change, yes, but also - there were things she preferred ages ago.
Book in hand - an old thing that she simply had no use for - tucked under her arm, and a cup of one of the modern age's greatest treasures - a caramel frappe in the other hand, she made her way to Kieran's office. One knock with her knuckles before she moves in and sets it on his desk.
"I found something in my ex-husband's things, love." She sips the coffee drink with a bright smile. Though the taste is muted, she still enjoys it. The book's not even in English, but Italian, and the pages are much more yellowed and fragile than she'd expected. "The old hoot was a collector, so I'm sure I'll find much more if it strikes your fancy, dearest."
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luciamazzoni · 18 days
"As if I'd ever look anything but lovely, sweetest." She laughs, licks the edge of a paper and rolls it - setting it aside. That one is for her, once she's done. There's music playing signifying the start of a girl's dance, and she hears some whoops and yells as there is - no doubt - some removal of clothing. Dogs, all of them.
"Of course, you're always more than welcome here to see the girls. Though, I must ask - how fares the, ah.." She waves her hand as if trying to remember Aoife's name, leaving it to trail off without specifying. Narcisse will understand, she's certain. "And of course, I must know what Pretorius is up to these days. Politics and the like - I'm sure you all must be considering retaliation against these.. fellows."
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She hums in agreement. Lounging comfortably next to the other. She had been quite... a fan of the way Lucia liked to exploit the feminine power. Always in favor of using whatever means she had to get what she wanted herself. "Quite a while, but you look just as lovely." Offering a flirtatious smirk.
"I haven't, sadly... but I'm hoping, now that I'm here, that you'll be more than amenable to show them to me." Her smirk growing larger as she settles back into her chair. "Clever girls, of course, I wouldn't expect anything less when they're under your care." And men, really, for all they thought themselves superiors, were painfully easy to manipulate.
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luciamazzoni · 19 days
Lucia can only laugh before Nikkola follows her inside. "My dear, as if I were going to feed you to anyone." Shutting the door to the outside behind her, they walk in tandem the short distance to the 'dressing room' where she's set up her own office of sorts in the back. Reaching out, she pinches a bit of Nikko's cheek in between her thumb and forefinger - knowing it will hurt with the amount of strength being used, and not caring if it leaves a bruise on the skin. "I'd rather keep you all to myself."
She hums, and waits for the merchandise to be removed. "It would be, but it could also give them a taste for feeding during work. And while that would be welcomed in certain establishments in the city - unfortunately we do like to keep those urges curbed until they can book private showings. Increases the thrill, you see."
She pauses, and picks up a bit of the herbs, inspecting them in the light. "Have you booked a showing?"
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The odd jobs she would find her hands full with weren't particularly fun; the monsters lurking in the dark tended to have a short patience, and every night was a gamble between a successful delivery and losing her head. She should look into applying for the skating ring. At least there she wouldn't have to hurry so much. She couldn't even stop to enjoy the droplets falling on her head, white shirt drenched and shoes long discarded. Bick dick was back in town, but she wasn't having fun. Lucia wasn't the worst of the clients, and for that she was grateful, but the woman still terrified and thrilled her in equal amounts, and Nikko had a long day already. 
Still, she doesn't shiver at the woman's smile, nor her words, hand clasping her bag in a tight grip. "Yes, well, your dealer wouldn't stop talking about her knitting." Gulping, she feels her heart hammering against her ribcage. The girls were inside. Many girls. "I must warn you, I don't think I taste good, if you are planning on feeding me to your girls." Still, obedient as ever, she walks inside, fetching the package from her bag to hand it over. "Wouldn't it be easier to give them fresh blood? Not judging your methods, of course. But wouldn't they prefer that to-" she waves a hand around, clearly meaning the weed and herbs, and shrugs, -"this?" 
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