lucifersghuleh · 4 years
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
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The sabbats are holidays celebrated throughout the year on solstices, equinoxes, and the midpoints between them. These sabbats form the Wheel of the year.
There is a controversy surrounding the dates of these holidays, as people celebrate them all over the earth, not only in the northen hemisphere but in the southern too. 
One viewpoint is that the Sabbats should be celebrated as they were originally created to be… in other words, Samhain is October 31st, regardless of where you live. In the Southern Hemisphere, even though you are just gearing up to summer on October 31st, this perspective says that you celebrate the cleansing and releasing, the honouring of the dead just as you would if you lived in the Northern Hemisphere. The other viewpoint (the one I personally agree with) is that you should celebrate when you feel like the season corresponds with the holiday, in other words, your craft, your rules. So if you live in the southern hemisphere, you have the choice.
I’ll be writing the dates for each holiday starting with the northen hemisphere and then the dates that many people celebrate them in the southern hemisphere
{December 21st//June 21st}
Yule focuses on rebirth and renewal as the sun makes its way back to the earth. It’s all about new beginnings, reflection and embracing warmth. Much like Christmas, many celebrate with a feast, gift giving, being cosy and appreciating the good.
↟Nature: cedar, frankincense, myrrh, mistletoe, pine, birch, ivy.
↟Foods//flavours: ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, wintergreen, apple, dried fruit.
↟Stones: citrine, ruby, garnet, alexandrite, green tourmaline.
↟Activities: decorate your altar with incense associated with Yule, burn ash wood for prosperity, bake using Yule flavours like ginger or cinnamon, make wreathes to hang around the house, spend time with loved ones.
{February 1st//August 1st}
Imbolc focuses on celebrating the nature that is preparing to grow and renewal, also known as “candlemas” and the “Feast of Pan”.
↟Nature: basil, blackberry, heather, celandine, iris, wisteria, vanilla, bay, yellow and white flowers.
↟Foods//flavours: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, peppers, onions, spices, and herbal teas.
↟Stones: amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, onyx.
↟Activities: decorate with candles and sun decorations, go hiking, have a bonfire, bake foods with poppy seeds, and burn any leftover winter herbs.
{March 21st//September 21st}
Ostara focuses on manifesting creativity and love. As the days become longer, energy becomes stronger.
↟Nature: ash, alder, daffodil, honeysuckle, narcissus, primrose, violet, jasmine.
↟Foods//flavours: olives, maple syrup, honey, edible flowers, chocolate, pine nuts, nettle or lavender tea, local fruits and vegetables.
↟Stones: amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone.
↟Activities: gardening and planting seeds, bake breads with olives or honey for example, start new projects, talk to plants, do some painting, decorate with wildflowers.
{May 1st//November 1st}
Beltane focuses on fertility, love and abundance. Also known as “may day”, on this sabbat many celebrate with dancing, bonfires and many high energy activities, including enjoying themselves sexually with a partner or even conceiving children.
↟Nature: frankincense, lilac, ivy, marigold, woods, rose, thyme, mint, yarrow.
↟Foods//flavours: oats, leafy greens, fruits, breads, honey.
↟Stones: malachite, amber, fire opal, red jasper.
↟Activities: dance, decorate with florals and symbols of the sea, go to the beach, go hiking, have a bonfire, feast on fruits, vegetables and grains, laugh and let your hair down. And if you’re trying to conceive or simply would like to have sex, Beltane is a wonderful time to do so.
{June 21st//December 21st}
Litha focuses on growth and celebrating the longest day of the year and the sun, before the shorter days begin.
↟Nature: fern, yarrow, sage, rose, oak, mugwort, lavender, chamomile, myrrh, pine.
↟Foods//flavours: herbed bread, honey, sunflower seeds, iced herbal tea, lemon, vanilla.
↟Stones: lapis lazuli, amethyst, malachite, tiger’s eye.
↟Activities: make or buy a sun catcher, surround yourself with warm tones, watch the sunrise and sunset, make sun water, spend time outdoors, make use of herbs.
{August 2nd//February 2nd}
Lammas, or lughnasadh focuses on celebrating the first of the three harvesting sabbats and taking time to really feel the positivity in different aspects of life.
↟Nature: cornstalks, heather, acacia flowers, hollyhock, oak leaves, wheat, myrtle, spices.
↟Food//flavours: grainy bread, corn, potatoes, nuts, blackberries, wine.
↟Stones: amber, agate, citrine, clear quartz, obsidian, tiger’s eye.
↟Activities: bake bread, make corn dolls, visit a sunflower field, spend time in nature, acknowledged what you are grateful for, journal.
{September 21st//March 21st}
Mabon focuses on honouring the change of the seasons, balance and peace.
↟Nature: sage, pine, marigold, thistle, acorns, milkweed, oak leaves, myrrh.
↟Food//flavours: cinnamon, nuts, beans, dark fruits, pies, soup, butterscotch.
↟Stones: citrine, carnelian, clear quartz, sapphire, yellow agate.
↟Activities: collect pine cones, donate food and old clothes, meditate, dry herbs, spend time with loved ones, speak to the nature around you.
{October 31st-November 1st//April 30th-May 1st}
Samhain focuses on celebrating life, and honouring those who are no longer with us.
↟Nature: heather, sage, pumpkins, straw, flax, patchouli, myrrh.
↟Foods//flavours: apples, cider, pumpkin, pies, soups, stews, potatoes, ginger.
↟Stones: amber, black obsidian, fossils, onyx, sandstone, bloodstones.
↟Activities: honour the deceased, spend time with family, make a hearty comforting meal, make or buy a scarecrow, spend time practicing divination.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐭
↟Do a tarot reading relevant to that sabbat.
↟Spend time in the moonlight, charging your crystals and tarot cards, as well as meditating.
↟Bake something using at least one traditional food of that sabbat to share with others.
↟Sage cleanse your living space and any of your magickal items.
↟Write down how you’re feeling and how you’d like to feel in the weeks to come.
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
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Sweet Earl Grey Lavender Ice Cream with a Blackberry swirl
Witchy Tip: Hang a peach pit over your oven to repeal negative energy.
For the Ice Cream Base
3 bags of Earl grey tea
1 tsp dried lavender
14 oz sweetened condensed milk
2 cups whole milk
½ cup sugar
1 cup heavy cream
1 tbsp honey
1tsp vanilla extract
For the Blackberry swirl
12 oz fresh blackberries
½ cup sugar
A squeeze of lemon juice
2 pinches of cornstarch 
Squeeze of honey
Start by sticking a pound cake pan in the freezer overnight. The next day add blackberries, sugar, honey, cornstarch and lemon juice to a sauce pan. Simmer on medium low heat until the mixture has turned thick and syrupy.
Blend the mixture and transfer to cool. If you do not like seeds, you can feed the mixture through a sieve.
Combine your whole milk, heavy cream, sugar, condensed milk, honey, and vanilla extract. Let it boil but stir frequently. Boil for about 2 minutes before adding in your tea bags and lavender. Steep for 15 minutes before removing.
Soak your ice cream mixture, placed in a ziplock bag in an ice bath, for half an hour before putting it in an ice-cream maker for 15 minutes. 
Spread 1/3 of the ice cream mixture into a pound cake tin, then dollop some of the blackberry syrup and swirl it. Repeat until both of the mixtures are gone.
Freeze for at least 5 hours, but overnight is preferable.
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
a tip for witches with low energy, chronic pain, or really any witch who ever finds themselves in a pinch...
pre-prep your spells. have emergency spells ready on-the-go or in a pinch. here’s how:
Get a satchel, matchbox, or similar thing to carry. You’re making a lil spell pouch that you can throw in your purse or bookbag, keep in your pocket, or keep by your bed.
You will want to keep these for any intents you commonly use such as general protection, anti-anxiety, luck, etc.
Some things you may want to include:
pre-make sigils that you can tear, burn, wet, or otherwise destroy to activate when needed
pre-written incantations for general needs
charms or talismans that already have this intention
relevant stones or crystals that are small
a pinch or leaf of relevant herbs
a small tube or otherwise of any salts, waters, and oils you might want
string for binding
a match and something to strike on
This is fairly similar to a pocket altar, but it’s a bit more specific. For example, if you want a quick anti-stress spell for throughout the day to keep with you through a tough week of classes. Perhaps make a sigil on paper, select a bit of your chosen anti-stress herb, and write some words of affirmation down in your little container. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, you can go to the bathroom, say those words to yourself in a mirror, wad the herb up in your sigil paper and rub it through water while you do to activate it, and dispose of the paper in the trash and leave some of your stress with it.
I find that preparing these little things ahead of time means I don’t have to expend the energy when I don’t quite have it and allows me to be a little more prepared with the time comes.
I hope one of you finds this helpful. :) If you guys are interested, I can post some ideas for specific on-the-go sachets like this with pre-made sigils and potential ingredients.
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
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I hope you all are staying well, being safe, and staying spiritually charged. Much love and blessings to you all!
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
Besoms: How to Make Your Own
Buying a besom can not only be expensive, but also quite difficult to find one that you like. Making your own provides you with artistic liberties. It can be as fancy or simple as you want. 
Here’s an example of beautiful besoms!
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I haven’t had the chance to make a besom yet, but it’s something I’ll definitely be doing in the future! Show me how yours looks! (Whether you make one or already have one!)
- Wood for the handle. 4-5 feet in length, hefty girth. Can find outside or buy.
- Twigs for the bristles. Can be any length, but ideally 7-13 inches. Can find or buy.
- Sandpaper
- Twine or some strong string
- Wood Stain
- Paint (in any color) 
- Herbs like Lavender (can be used along with twigs for bristles)
- Decorative items
- Knife
1) After you’ve found the wood you want to use as your handle, you have two options. You can either carve the bark off or sand it down. Personally, I’d carve the bark off then sand it. This way you can either use a wood stain or paint the handle. (If you want to carve or burn any sigils or symbols into the handle, do it before you stain or paint. Recarve after if necessary.)
2) While your working on the wood handle, soak the bristles in water overnight. This makes the material pliable so it won’t break whenever you try to manipulate it. Let it dry for a couple hours before using it. 
3) Arrange a layer of twigs around the branch and use twine to secure it. Keep adding layers until you’re satisfied with the fullness and length of the besom. Once you get to the outer layers, you can begin to add the herbs if you want. The last layer should cover the broom handle and all other ties. 
4) Either fold over the tops of the bristles of the last layer and tie again to secure or clip them to create an even top. This step isn’t necessary, but it makes the besom look more complete. 
5) Add any decorative items you want.
Don’t forget to consecrate any witch items before use!
If you don’t want a large besom, you can adjust the size of the handle and bristles to suit your desires. The steps are still the same. :)
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
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The Seed. a tarot spread for ostara.
1. The Soil.
Where have you grown? While it most certainly is the dawn of a new day, keep in mind your roots are proof that you have already come a long way. The soil is your past. What lesson can you learn from days gone by?
2. The Weed.
You wish to flourish and grow strong, but there is undoubtedly something that is stunting your progress. What are your obstacles, what’s holding you back?
3. The Seed.
Within your immediate future, which area of your life will you first see signs of growth? Which seed has taken hold?
4. The Sun.
The love and support of others is helpful. But the will to grow comes from within. Let the sun be a reminder of what you need to keep in mind in order to help yourself grow.
5. The Rain.
A blessing in disguise. Understand that not all things are always as they seem. Grey skies can sometimes bring you down, but like the sun, rain too is necessary. Through struggle, you will find strength. What blessing in disguise is upon your horizon?
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
Ostara Horoscopes.
Aries: Hold tightly to that which is true and righteous. Protect those who can’t defend themselves.
Taurus: You cannot move a mountain by yourself. But nothing will stop you from trying.
Gemini: There is no need to prove yourself to anyone. Your accomplishments speak for themselves.
Cancer: Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed. You have the ability to complete the task ahead.
Leo: The next chapter of your life is ready to be written. Pick up the pen.
Virgo: Take back what is yours.
Libra: Solitude is peaceful. As is a mausoleum. Open your doors.
Scorpio: You are a siren for the masses. Do not wait another day. They’ve slept long enough.
Sagittarius: Beware of the animal within. Even the strongest cage will eventually break.
Capricorn: Your thoughts are a tree painted in gold leaf. Share them with the world.
Aquarius: Before there can be flowers in your garden, there must first be rain.
Pisces: Breathe.
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
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This took me fuckin ages and killed my hand but it looked cute so here you go bitches 🔮✨
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
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enjoy these two bats in love on the first day of spring!!
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
🔥 Forget & Heal Spell 🔥
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a spell for letting go, moving on, and healing in a healthy manner.
• persimmon seeds - change & transformation
• lavender sprigs - forgetting & moving on
• cinnamon - healing & self empowerment
• crystal options - blood stone, black onyx, obsidian, tigers eye, smokey quartz.
•tag lock for who you need to escape from
- combine herbs and tag look in a fire safe bowl. place crystals around said bowl. as you light the bowl contents, think of your memories, and experiences (that you need to let go of) melting away from you. do a quick cleanse afterwards.
🔥 this spell is used to aid in not focusing on those memories anymore 🔥
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
Diana, how are you so accurate/spot on in your readings? I would love to increase my accuracy!
How to Be the Best Tarot Reader You Can Be
Our practice involves a contradiction. On one hand, we have to always trust in ourselves, our deities and our cards. On the other, we have to remember that too much trust in our abilities can evolve into hubris.
So what do we do?
Tarot reading involves three things: the cards, our intuition, and the mysteries of the Universe.
The cards take time to master, but it is entirely possible. You can start here, for example.
The intuition takes less time to grasp, but it is tricker. Thankfully, there are exercises you can do. So this too is feasible.
As for the third, being mortals, it is simply something we can never fully command. Destiny and the Divine will always be more complex than us. The Universe may withhold certain truths because it is not yet time for us to learn them.
Of the three elements that make up the magic of tarot, we have complete control over two.
That is enough. That is all we need.
If you master the first two, then in times when the third evades you, you can move forward knowing you did nothing wrong.
That when you speak the wrong prophecy, it is not for lack of trying, but simply because at this point in time, the Universe is unwilling.
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
Hello Diana, I come to you for advice. 4 years ago, when I was 17, I was sexually assaulted by two men. I've since gone through therapy and been diagnosed with ptsd. This not a decision made in the heat of the moment, but I need some way to get revenge. I've been practicing witchcraft for a while now, as my family has a long history of the craft. I'm aware of some curses I might do, but I thought it was worth asking for your guidence nonetheless, what would you recommend?
The Perfect Revenge Against Rapists
This spell was created by the Chaldeans, renowned astrologers of Babylonia.
STEP 1: Find scratch paper.
The back of a receipt… some flyer on the floor… anything of no value.
STEP 2: Write these words.
Use a red pen or marker. The color of blood.
STEP 3: Plead your case.
Speak your grievances to whoever is listening. Whether they be demons, fairies or spirits, if your anger and agony are pure, they will hear you.
Speak the names of those who violated you. If you do not know their names, describe their faces. If you did not see their faces, recount their smell, the sound of their voices, whatever you can remember about them.
STEP 4: Destroy the paper.
Once you have expelled your every iota of shame, pain and fury, tear the paper into pieces.
Then get rid of them. Burn them. Step on them. Throw them in a puddle of mud. Flush them down the toilet. Whatever you think is harshest.
STEP 5: Thank the old ones.
You made them feel your anger. Now make them feel you are thankful.
If you are successful in expressing both your suffering and your gratitude, then your abusers will never ejaculate again.
And in time, they will not be able to urinate either.
Before their bladder even starts to atrophy, before it bursts… fear and frustration will destroy their mind. The madness could even drive them to suicide.
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
The Witchy Apps I Use:
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Seen a few of these posts so I figured I'd share as well! I use these for reference mostly, and personally prefer to do my practice irl. All are free!
Labyrinthos- this is a tarot app mostly, though it also has some astronomy info. I wouldn't recommend it if you're just starting with tarot, because the descriptions are over simplified and lacking. It does have a "learn" feature that can help you memorize/learn the basics though and for that it's pretty good! I use this to save tarot spread layouts that I use with my cards irl. It let's you create your own custom spreads and save them.
Co-Star- an astronomy/horoscope app. I love it because it does your birth chart for you in an easy to understand format and you can go back and reference it quick if you need it! But the descriptions of what everything in the chart means is also lacking and waay oversimplified here too, and none of the "aspects" are included. It'll do "daily horoscopes" but it won't have info on why/how it concluded that information based on your birth chart.
Moon phase calendar- a must for me! Always gotta know what the moon is doin. It has a lot of detail, including the percentage of visibility and rise/set times.
Make it rain- rain/thunderstorm sounds for meditation and practice
PictureThis- this is my favorite free plant identification app, and I'm pretty picky lol
Herbs dictionary- this is purely scientific information on an insane number of herbs, with medical uses as well. No magical uses listed. Again, this is for quick reference!!. If I'M personally using an herb for medicinal purposes it's because I'm familiar with it and know which are safe for me, don't just use whatever random herb some phone app says may help... Be safe.
Herbalist Grimoire- I think this one has about 70 herbs? And their magical correspondences. I love it for quick reference! It also explains how to use herbs (like making tinctures, oils, satchets, etc), a glossary of medical terms related to herbs, basics on how to grow herbs, and a brief history of herbs in witchcraft.
LunaDiary- a password protected night-mode diary with adjustable font and formatting and calming music. I use it for note taking, spells, ideas, some of which later goes into my grimoire. It has a back-up feature that uploads it to my Google drive. Plus the more notes you make, the more lunar phases and stars you get in the home page, so that's cute.
The occult library- exactly what it sounds like, it's got different witchcraft related books you can read for free.
Play Books- the basic Google play book app, I go to the android play store and download free books of interest related to my craft and philosophies I follow and read them here.
Improve intuition- this one has several choice-related activities that challenge your intuition skills! Big recommend.
Respire- a meditation app with different breathing exercises. I'm not a fan of hearing someone talk me through a guided meditation, so following a breathing exercise works much better for me. You can close your eyes and it'll make a ding sound to let you know when to breathe in, hold, and breathe out.
Down dog- an AMAZING free yoga app! It has restorative yoga, hatha, quick flow, and sun salutations in the free version. With different music genre to choose from that plays what seems like a genre radio. You can adjust the difficulty level, speed, and length. The instructors are great at guiding and the video to follow is aesthetically nice and it's all very easy to understand. Truly can't recommend this one enough.
I'm hoping to find an app that has a sheet to fill out for saving spells, like it would be great if it has the day/time, lunar phase, title, intent, tools, instructions, and outcomes to fill out. If you know of one, please let me know!
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lucifersghuleh · 4 years
Shadow Work
Origins, Meaning and Utility
The Structure of the Mind
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Carl Jung theorized the existence of three levels/spheres in the human psyche: the Ego, representing the conscious mind, the Personal Unconscious where memories are contained and the Collective Unconscious, where all knowledge and experiences of the species are shared.
Each Sphere has in it a certain number of Archetypes, used to better describe the components of those structures, and the Shadow is one of them.
What is the Shadow
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The shadow can be seen as a instinctual or primitive part of ourselves, it exists as part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, instincts, and shortcomings.
It is this archetype that contains all of the things that are unacceptable not only to society, but also to one's own personal morals and values, normally going against social norms and rules as well as what we personally consider right.
The Shadow is often described as the darker side of the psyche, representing wildness, chaos, and the unknown, and it is common for people to deny this element of their own psyche and instead project it on to others.
The Shadow in Witchcraft and Benefits of Shadow Work
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Art: Unknown
The Shadow, in witchcraft, can represent The Unknown, hidden depth of ourselves. Speaking in terms of energy, this is an area that can be a deep source of energetic issues, because it’s locked up in the dark and always striving to reach the light.
To not work with one’s Shadow is to make it greedy and aggressive, as well as denying a big part of oneself, making everything a half of a whole.
Through that brief explanation, we can already establish the importance and role of the Shadow in witchcraft, and with that in mind, comes the concept of Shadow Work.
Shadow Work can be seen in a number of practices, meditation, trances, inner journey’s, lucid dreaming, astral travels, spells and divination.
The method can change, but the principle is simple: Centering your intent to self discovery, self knowledge and self acceptance.
Working with one’s Shadow is not only beneficial to one’s craft, as it allows one to get in touch with their intuition as well as allows for easier connection with one’s guide/guides, but it also allows for healing and acceptance of one’s feelings and needs.
Think of all aspects of life as a wheel. If there is one part bent, the wheel can turn, but with more effort. If the owner spends time fixing that bent part, the wheel will turn in a much more smooth manner.
That is what happens when you take the time to do Shadow Work, you have to put in effort, and most of the time it’s not easy, but once done, all other components on the wheel of your life will be relieved to move on without that obstacle that makes their job harder.
The Shadow is not evil, as evil is just a moral compass invented by humans. It is a part of one’s nature, and to deny it is to supress a connection with yourself.
Take the time to know and accept your shadow, and you’ll see that life will be a little easier.
A Natureza da psique (Structure & Dynamics of the Psyche) by C.G. Jung
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious by C.G. Jung
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