ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Hello, today is the last day of the course and I am doing my best to fiinished up all the delivery tasks and have the script working as good as possible, i have managed to get the restriction that the player can hold a maximum of 5 cards on his hand, but now I am struggling to make the player being able to receive more than 5 cards. I decided to drop the combat system, as i was not able to make the sprites in the array list have different tags and that kind of ruined my plan on making the combat system, since i was not able to tell game engine which card beats what as they all have the same tag.
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Card deck
Stil working on the card deck, I looked at a tutorial made by Sloan Kelly to help me set up the Card deck. I have added an extra player so that we have 2 players that can draw cards from the randomized deck. What im aiming for next is to put on a restriction so that the player can hold a maximum of 5 cards on the hand.
Refrence to the Tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxH8FoddkVY&list=PLZo2FfoMkJeE6GXx8cEUeR9KzItTvaKlz
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Here is a short video that shows what i have done, as you can see in the video the deck is randomized.
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Update on my Board game Progress
I Started my Coding yesterday as i were away on work last week, my task for the coding was to make the combat system in the board game digital. I began yesterday to look into some tutorials on how to make a card deck. I used all of yesterday to make it, now i have a deck that gives me a card every time i hit a button, i can also click and drag the cards. what i need to do now is the make the draw card button only to work when the player have 5 or less then 5 cards on hes hand, i also need to fix the drag and drop function as you can drag every card in the scene :O After this i will have to make my cards do damage the a AI player and make the AI fight back, like when i drag and drop a card the AI also drops a card onto the table. As my experience in coding is very poor i find this tasks extremely complex as i have no clue how to make all of this work together.
As it is 6 days left until delivery should i keep going for this or should i try something that is simpler ?
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Here is how our Board game looks now after we have finished the design of it. Only part left is the print out the polar bear models. We havent got to do this yet as every time we try to use the 3d printer there is a 20+ hour print going.
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Play Test for fun
Challenges & goals
What aspirations does your game put within reach for its players? (what kind of challenges are at stake, reaction time, survival, memory and knowledge?) What fantasies does it fulfil?
It’s a survival game, you fight to be the last player alive on the north pole. Challenges is to choose your strategy and to spend your turns and resources wisely.
you need to keep up with enough fishes to keep your bears alive while other players that can attack you, memory about which card was used in the combat. You also have to move your bears into strategic positions to block off your opponents while avoiding falling into the ocean.
Does your game have one goal at the end or are there subgoals along the way? Are your goals too hard to reach? Too easy? Are they clearly defined? Or are they hidden from view?
The goal of the game is simply to be the last remaining player on the board. How you achieve this goal is to eliminate the other players by depleting the health of other players bears by mainly fighting. The main goal is straightforward, but depending on your opponents the difficulty of the goal may depend. It’s not impossible for a new player to win or have fun since the combat has some randomness in it which gives every player a chance to win. Yet the game has several sub goals that you set for yourself, for example I usually set my goals to get a certain amount of bears and then to have some of them upgraded before the last ice layer melts.
Many of us are competitive by nature, we like to see how we compare to others, whether it is in terms of skill, intelligence, strength, or just dumb luck. Are you giving players a chance to compete in your game?
We’re giving the players a chance to compete with intelligence and luck in this game. Where you place your bears and how you use them before a fight needs intelligence. The reason is that you need to plan to hunt for fishes, occupy territories to block off movement, choose which bears to attack or upgrade your bear. So you compete in management in the intellect part. While when you’re going to fight another player both luck and intelligence will come into play. The luck part is which card you get on your hand which is five or six, the intelligence part is to choose which three cards you’re going to play. Example on how it’s not fully luck based are you use only three cards so the two remaining will stay on your hand until the next round,You can choose to either waste high level cards on someone who has one health point to be sure he dies or spare it so that you can keep that card on the next fight in case of emergency. You can also memorise which cards has been most played since there’s a same amount of type of cards in the deck and calculate the possibility of your enemy having that type of card.
Are players able to set their own goals? Would they like to be able to set goals for themselves?
Players are able to set the goal on the strategy they want to use to win. Like attacking early, stockpiling fishes, blocking safe routes, etc. There’s one goal at the end of the game and that’s is to be the last remaining player on the board, you can do whatever you want within the rules of the game to achieve this and put a goal on how you want to achieve it. This gives them a feeling of freedom of choice even if all of them leads to the same end.
Are rules difficult to learn? At the end of the game players want to play again?
The rules are fairly easy to learn, all our testers have understood the rules very quickly, but as of now we don't have a finished rulebook, so we need to verbally formulate the rules which might make it easier to understand. Most players seems compelled by the game and would like to try it again later.
Do you have a compelling, imaginative premise? Do you have unique characters? Does your story line drive the gameplay or emerge from it? What is it about the story, the characters, etc. that is working or not working for them? Can they understand the story?
The story is based on the polar bears losing places to hunt caused by global warming and this is illustrated throughout the game as the ice melts and a lot of the good places to hunt goes under water. We only have one set of characters to keep the game simple, yet you can upgrade them with more HP to make each bear unique. The board is also textured to fit the theme and the environment.
Game world/ Aesthetics
What do players think about the aesthetics of your prototype?
The aesthetics of the game is too blue at the moment, but we are currently doing changes to it, also our event cards and fighting cards have the same background, this is also beeing changed. Other then that we have gotten good feedback, people like the designs of the cards.
We try to use cold colours to simulate the cold feeling of the north pole melting.
Social aspects
Are players able to communicate? In which ways?
The game is “free for all” meaning there are no set teams, so the main interaction in the game is through the fighting system, but we see that usually players plot together to take out the strongest players for mutual gain.
Uncertainty/ Surprise
Players feel positively surprised from time to time with some of the events? (for example rewards and punishments)
Every round we draw a “Event card” that may affect anyone, usually it affects all players but sometimes it targets the strongest or weakest player as well. These cards can be game changing in some situations! Example of an event card: “Pollution increase: An increase of CO2 has hastened the melting of the northpole. 1 round less to next ice removal.” This event card will hasten the melting of the ice by one round, meaning it may not give players time enough to move to safety before falling in the water and taking damage to their bears. Example of an event card: “Bountiful hunt: There’s an increased amount of fishes this season, every territory will get double amount of fishes this round” This event card is rewarding for everyone as they can farm lots of fishes this round.
Do you feel absorbed by the game? How would you describe this feeling?
We feel absorbed when we play, as the game unfolds you feel that every move you make is very important, you feel strategic, competitive, smart and bold. We forget the time when we play and we can easily play for a few hours without thinking about it.
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Today we have kept on play testing the game and did som tweeking to the game mechanics, we changed the combat system to make it more strategic and gave it a better flow, the one we had was taking to long and got kind of boring. We also had our first Playtester, he tought the game great and lots of fun, that was a good moral boost :D
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Polar bears
I grouped up with stian and phong to create a polar bear game, we have started to test out some different mechanics to look how it works in real.
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Yesterday we played a board game called bang!
It was a really fun and engaging game!
It recreates an old-fashioned spaghetti western shoot-out, with each player randomly receiving a Character card to determine special abilities, and a secret Role card to determine their goal.
Four different Roles are available, each with a unique victory condition:
Sheriff - Kill all Outlaws and the Renegade
Deputy - Protect the Sheriff and kill any Outlaws
Outlaw - Kill the Sheriff
Renegade - Be the last person standing
Everyone should try this, lots of fun :)
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
First board game idea
We started of the week by showing of the different Board game ideas we had here is the one i started one: 
Turn based Strategy Game:
The human World has evolved and the humans have created war robots, one day the USA marine war robots annihilated a whole village in the jungle in south America by an accident, one of the creators of the war robot didn’t like this at all, so he took on the task to shut down all the Robots during this process something went really wrong and the Robots felt threatened by the humans and went to attack on the Earth, they formed a defence around their main control panel.
The Game:
The game is a 2 player and a 4 player game.
You can choose between 2 different factions, Humans/robots Each faction will have their own Style of play. Robots will start of with troops around the control panel in the middle where he will have to set up a strategic defence to hold of the humans. And the humans will have to use their money to buy land and fight the robot back towards the control panel.
The Control panel might not by in the middle as you can make a randomized map as in settlers where the map out come changes every time you play, so you have to base your strategy different on how the map is formed each time.
Humans + economy
Robots + Defence
You start of by throwing dices to land on the specific landmark you want, then you get the opportunity to buy this landmark. After you bought your first landmark you will be able to start buying troops that you can use to expand your territory and move towards the control panel. The goal of the game is for the human player to reach the control panel of the robots. The robot’s way to win is by stopping the Humans from reaching the Middle. When the human player is out of money and have no chance to buy new landmarks his lost the game and the world is controlled by the robots.
Game Mechanics:
Each point you land on in the board game have different events:
One of them is the 50/50 there you can get a bonus or a set back
Humans bonus: xx amount of Money, set back: the robots have invaded another city so the human players lose xx troops.
Robot bonus: add xx amount of troops, set back: The humans have destroyed one of your stations so you have to pay xx money to fix it.
Cooperative card:
Humans: Choose to give your teammate xx amount of money/troops by sacrificing a whole village.
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Reflective Journal Ludic Studies
Here are three board games i like to play
Settlers Of Catan created and designed by Klaus Teuber:
Settlers is an strategy game where you start of by establishing your own settlement to gather resources around the map, you expand your settlement by building roads and upgrading your farms. The goal of the game is to build enough farms to get 10 points before your opponent. There is a bunch of expansion packs for this game so there is always some new game rules to learn.
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Risk is an strategy game produced by Parker Brothers:
Risk is an hard strategy game, you can really play around with a lot of different strategy’s to counter and crush your opponent. There is a ton of different edition of it, i personally prefer the classic one and the lord of the rings version. The reason for this is that i feel the classic one is well balanced and i love lord of the rings.
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Gruble is a Norwegian word game.
The players are drawing subject cards and rolling letter dice. The subjects could be Capitols, animals, artists, mountains and drinks, and the letters could be A, E, G, H and P. Then the players will write down answers that matches these subjects and letters, receiving points for the answers given. More points are scored for answers you are the only one having.
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ludicstudiospeter · 7 years
Reflective Journal Ludic Studies
Here are three board games i like to play
Settlers Of Catan created and designed by Klaus Teuber:
Settlers is an strategy game where you start of by establishing your own settlement to gather resources around the map, you expand your settlement by building roads and upgrading your farms. The goal of the game is to build enough farms to get 10 points before your opponent. There is a bunch of expansion packs for this game so there is always some new game rules to learn.
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Risk is an strategy game produced by Parker Brothers:
Risk is an hard strategy game, you can really play around with a lot of different strategy’s to counter and crush your opponent. There is a ton of different edition of it, i personally prefer the classic one and the lord of the rings version. The reason for this is that i feel the classic one is well balanced and i love lord of the rings.
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Gruble is a Norwegian word game.
The players are drawing subject cards and rolling letter dice. The subjects could be Capitols, animals, artists, mountains and drinks, and the letters could be A, E, G, H and P. Then the players will write down answers that matches these subjects and letters, receiving points for the answers given. More points are scored for answers you are the only one having.
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