lynn-queen1 · 7 months
Hey everyone haven’t posted a recording in awhile. Been very busy, so here’s a recording of my stomach digesting a burger, fries, two bags of chips and three packs of cookies plus to drink two juice boxes and a bottle of milk. It feels so good 😩. Enjoy
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lynn-queen1 · 8 months
Fuck the best thing about a nice huge meal to stuff you to the brim is the food coma after it like god the feeling of being so full is exhilarating and so nice like a drug. All I need is a nice warm hand to rub my gurgling full tummy. 😩
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lynn-queen1 · 9 months
the loud gurgle in someone’s stomach right before they burp reblog if you agree
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lynn-queen1 · 9 months
I have been so hungry lately like extremely hungry I think I haven’t been eating my fill and my appetite increased by 10x. I had some tea and bread in the morning and not a hour later it’s begging for some lunch like a starved lion it’s growling and groaning so long it feels so good 😩. I’m just teasing it with gum and it got really mad. Gosh I love hunger
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lynn-queen1 · 9 months
So I’m in my 5th period class just waiting for it to end so it can be lunch time because I had a small dinner and no breakfast and I’m sitting here chewing gum making my tummy all angry and it’s really hungry I’m starving. The groans are so long and loud I feel every vibration it’s amazing I’m trying so hard not to get aroused but god do these feel good. I might skip lunch and just keep chewing gum because it’s making the hunger worse. And more active 😩
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lynn-queen1 · 9 months
Nothing like waking up on your birthday with a empty, groaning stomach. Gosh the groans are so loud and so good! 😩 best first thing about my birthday. It’s craving some birthday breakfast I wonder what it’ll have and I wonder if I should stuff myself silly, or tease my starving belly 🤭.
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lynn-queen1 · 9 months
So today I skipped breakfast and lunch at school and I was beyond starving at 7th period my stomach was groaning so goddamn much. I am so hungry all I had was a piece of gum today and that made me way more hungry. I’m not sure if I should skip dinner or not but if I can I will. For now let’s see how empty I can last.
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lynn-queen1 · 9 months
So today I ate a small amount of oatmeal for breakfast and then I had a salad and some good grilled cheese and chips for lunch and now it’s past dinner time and I ate nothing and my poor gut is famished for some reason. Hasn’t it had enough already so greedy and yet so hungry the groans are not helping me to fall asleep. Looks like I have to deal with these groans and aches for the missed dinner it wants. Well it ain’t getting breakfast tomorrow so let’s see what happens.
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lynn-queen1 · 9 months
So today I had to clean out our messed up fucked up garage my parents just decided to dump shit in their and like it pisses me off that every time we clean a part of it it gets messy again like it’s a jungle in their we need like expert cleaners for that shit but anyways, so while I was cleaning I kept bending down to pick up stuff and I felt a huge ache in my stomach form so fast and it let out a loud flipping growl I was shook and excited at the same time I realized I skipped breakfast and lunch time is already here and my stomach is talking so much like I can’t believe how loud it howled at me for food I’m probably not gonna eat anything tbh but wow. I love my stomach 🤭
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lynn-queen1 · 9 months
Hey guys so my boyfriend left me and I have been taking some time off my phone but, I realized I lost my appetite like a lot I usually could stuff myself but now I can eat smaller portions and get full fast. I don’t know what happened and my stomach growls more when I’m hungry it feels so good but is new to me. I’m probably gonna be skipping breakfast tomorrow.
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lynn-queen1 · 10 months
Nothing like sitting in a quiet classroom knowing you skipped breakfast only to have your stanch rat you out just as you get seated in the class and dear gosh I’m starving the groans are so long and drawn out forever god it feels so damn good and I’m craving something sweet so bad.
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lynn-queen1 · 10 months
I’ve been empty for 15 hours now and I’m so hungry god it feels amazing I’m drooling for some wings god should I skip dinner and stay empty all night?
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lynn-queen1 · 10 months
Nothing like doing a intermittent fasting with no breakfast and lunch and a small salad dinner to wake up to your stomach starving and groaning for a filling breakfast it’s not gonna get 😏
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lynn-queen1 · 11 months
So today I haven’t eaten since dinner last night. I skipped breakfast and now it’s lunch time and my gut is growling louder than I ever heard but we are headed to Georgia so I can’t really grab a snack or anything so since it’s lunch my dad is grabbing Mc Donalds and I really didn’t feel like eating until we got to Georgia so I don’t really know how I’ll get out of this the groans and rumbles feel so good 😩
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lynn-queen1 · 11 months
Not gonna lie I still play Roblox as a adult and when I play I focus so much on it that I forget to eat and end up with a empty stomach through out half the day and the only time I notice I’m super hungry is when it’s too late to eat anything since it’s like 10 or 11pm and my stomach is growling and groaning at me angrily. Once I get up I have to go straight to work and forget breakfast so my stomach is a angry mess during lunch time 😅
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lynn-queen1 · 11 months
So I’m on my last day of my menstrual cycle and tomorrow I’m headed to Georgia for a family reunion so getting everything ready and packing is taking a lot out of me and I realised I missed breakfast when my stomach made me notice that I was hungry should I eat something or just keep packing on empty 😅
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lynn-queen1 · 11 months
Just woke up and technically missed breakfast and realized my damn period started also so now I’m starving like hell and lunch is approaching soon this greedy gut won’t stop begging for something 😅
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