lyriluscss · 11 days
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A bout of Arc-V nostalgia hit me :3 Ruri is my second favorite bracelet girl
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lyriluscss · 11 days
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noel vermillion from blazblue
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lyriluscss · 1 month
thinking of deleting my tumblr..
My main social right now is discord and twutter
twitter: @raenbowisms
discord: raenbowisms
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lyriluscss · 2 months
hi. did you know australia has a fairywren species called the superb fairywren
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and another species called the splendid fairywren
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...and one called the lovely fairywren
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lyriluscss · 2 months
i saw a cool bird today it was soo small
it’s me guys
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lyriluscss · 3 months
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Species - Races
Skin tones and colors,and variations within the Species
Distinct skin pigmentation: patterns, iridescence, or luminescence
(if so)Ability to change skin color , camouflage in response to the environment
Facial Features
Facial structures, including the shape of the eyes, nose, cheekbones, jawline
(If so) Additional organ variations (e.g., antennae, bioluminescent organs and features, etc.)
Facial markings, tattoos, and patterns that hold cultural significance
Body Structure:
Height and body proportions (limbs lengths, compact frames, muscular builds, etc.)
Additional limbs, unique skeleton and muscles suited to the environment
Hair Texture and Color:
Diverse hair types and textures (wavy, coily, scale hair, etc.)
Vibrant or unusual hair colors not found in humans, such as metallic hues or bioluminescent strands
Ability to change hair color and texture as a form of expression or adaptation
Hairstyles and its cultural “rules” (e.g. gender specific hairstyles, hair indicates love status, etc.)
Unique eye shapes, sizes, such as multiple pupils , compound eyes, etc.
Diverse eye colors, including unique shades (e.g., glowing, kaleidoscopic, hologram, etc.)
(if so) Enhanced visual capabilities, such as infrared vision, telescopic vision, or the ability to see in different spectra, as a way of adapting to the enviroment
Extras and Features
Extra, or unique limbs, such as multiple arms, wings, tentacles, or prehensile tails
Specialized features, like claws, scales, exoskeletons
Features that provide advantages in specific environments (gills, webbed feet, heat resistance)
Ability to regenerate limbs, change appendage functionality, shapeshift or be invisible
Biomechanical augmentations, Cyberware limbs, cybernetic enhancements, genetic modifications
Genetic diseases and conditions affecting this species/race
Life span
Natural Resistances against certain diseases, viruses or germs
Healing and metabolism rate variations
Allergies and sensitivities
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lyriluscss · 3 months
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[🔗Building a Diverse Culture] [🔗Elements of culture] [🔗Cultural Iceberg]
🗺️Geographic Distribution
Why knowing where your culture is important:
Enviroment ➡️ Materials from the enviroment ➡️ affect their clothes, food, weapons etc.
Enviroment ➡️ Certain resources are limited ➡️ plays into their values
Areas, planets where the culture is primarily found
Migration patterns throughout the world
Influence of the environment on their everyday lives
🍵 Values, Beliefs and Traditions
Values and Beliefs:
Core values and principles that guide the culture's behavior and decision-making
Moral and ethical codes that shape their interactions with other cultures and their environment.
Beliefs about the universe, spirituality, the afterlife, and the nature of existence.
Customs and Traditions:
Rituals, ceremonies, and traditions that are significant to the culture's culture
Celebrations, Festivals, holidays, or coming-of-age rituals.
Customs related to birth, marriage, death
Belief Systems and Religion:
Religious or spiritual beliefs practiced by the culture
Deities mythologies and legends
Rituals, ceremonies connected to their faith
sacred sites
👯Relationship and Communication
Social Structures:
Hierarchies and social classes within the culture
Systems of governance, including monarchies, democracies, councils, or communal decision-making. [see government template]
Gender roles, family structures
Interactions between different generations or age groups
Language and Communication:
Unique language(s) spoken by the culture
Dialects and variations within the language
Non-verbal communication, gestures
Written scripts, alphabets, or symbolic systems used for recording and transmitting knowledge.
Relationships and Interactions:
Protocols and etiquette for social interactions, greetings, and forms of address.
Values placed on community, cooperation, or individualism.
Attitudes towards outsiders, including hospitality, suspicion, or xenophobia.
Education, training, and knowledge transmission practices
🪐History and Origins
Mythology or creation stories related to the culture
Historical events that shaped their culture and identity
Moments of triumph, struggle, or transformation in their history.
Conflicts, wars, or alliances that influenced their development and interactions with other Cultures.
How do they prerve the past? (Art, oral traditions, written texts, artifacts, monuments ?)
Are there any guardians of historical knowledge? (historians, scholars?)
Historical Figures and Heroes:
Notable individuals who played pivotal roles in their history
Legendary figures of inspiration within their culture.
Stories and folklore surrounding these historical figures and their impact on the culture
Cultural Revivals (If there was any)
Periods of cultural revivalthat brought about significant artistic or intellectual growth
Factors that sparked these revivals, like social movements, political changes, natural disasters or technological advancements.
How much of these revivals are still affecting them today?
Where do they keep their cultural items?
Interactions with Other Ethnicities/Cultures:
Relations with other culture in the past (conflict, alliances, trade, etc.)
Cultural exchange, assimilation, or integration with other groups
Prejudices, stereotypes, or tensions between different culture bleeding from past events
Are they welcoming?
🎨Art and Architecture
Arts and Entertainment:
Describe their forms of artistic expressions: visual arts, music, dance, storytelling, theater, etc.
Cultural appreciation for literature, poetry, oral histories.
Clothing and Fashion:
Traditional clothing styles and attires specific to the culture, fashion trends
Materials, colors, or patterns commonly used in their garments
Dresscode, Clothing related to social status, ceremonies, events (symbolic accesories, wedding gown, mourning attires, etc.)
Symbolism or cultural significance of specific garments and accessories
Architecture and Built Environment:
Unique architectural styles, construction materials, design principles.
Landmarks, sacred sites, structures of cultural importance.
Adaptations to their homeworld's environment ,technological advancements in their architecture
🎙️ Economics and Technology
Economic Systems:
Modes of production, distribution, and trade
Economic practices (bartering, currency, communal sharing)
Attitudes (or even predujices) towards wealth, resources, material possessions.
Economic activities and industries prominent
Currency, barter systems
Technology and Advancements:
Technological prowess specific advancements
How their technology shapes their way of life and cultural practices
Interaction between traditional and advanced technologies
🍱 Food
Traditional dishes, cooking techniques, culinary customs
Staple foods, spices, ingredients
Rituals and etiquette associated with food preparation, sharing, and dining
Sacred abd holiday dishes.
Impact of environmental conditions on their culinary practices
🏦 Law and Leadership
Political systems or governing structures within the culture
Leadership roles, decision-making processes, and power dynamics
Forms of governance (monarchy, democracy, tribal council, etc.)
Conflict Resolution and Justice:
Methods of conflict resolution
legal systems
Cultural attitudes towards justice, punishment, and rehabilitation.
Traditional systems of governance, decision-making in matters of conflict
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lyriluscss · 3 months
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Government Worldbuilding
Type Of Government (What is the system of government? Democracy? Dictatorship? Something else? Is it a matriarchy or patriarchy?) 🔗[List of forms of government]
Power Source and Power Structure
(How can someone beccome powerful? What do they need? What do people value in a political leaded?)
Law Enforcement (Is there a form of police? Is there a formal army? Is there a military? What is it like?) [🔗Law Enforcements by country] [🔗Types of Military Forces]
Sociopolitical (Does the government provide social assistance? Is there any centralized healthcare? Are there publicly run communications systems?)
Socioeconomical (How big is the gap between rich and poor? Is there a class system? Different levels of citizenship? Is there slavery? Is social mobility easy or hard?)
Laws (Is there any formal education? At what age do children start school? Is education available to all or only certain groups? Are different groups of people educated separately? Are most people literate or illiterate? What are schools like? What are the different types of schools for?)
Taxes (What is the system or taxation? What is the monetary system?)
Privacy Ideologies
Political Parties
Electoral Process
Term Lengths
Criminal System (How are wrongdoers tried and punished? Are criminals common or rare?)
Populace (Do people trust the government? Do the majority of people approve of or disapprove of the government? Does the government spy on its enemies? Its people? )
Approval Ratings
International Relations
Civilian Life (What is a highly desirable job? What is a lowly job? What are some common jobs? Are relations with neighboring regions friendly or hostile? Is there any risk of civil war? Is there widespread conflict?)
Leaders ( What titles / formalities are used? Does the leader have special protection (Kingsguard, secret service?) [🔗Government types/titles name generator]
Groups (Are there professional guilds / institutes/ etc? How do you get into a professional guild? What benefits do you gain from being a member of a guild?)
Political figures
(How long has the system of government been in place?)
Founding Story
Flag/Symbol/Crest Design Story
Notable Wars (How long ago was the most recent war? How damaging was the most recent war? What was the cause of the most recent war?)
Holidays (Where does it come from? War event, political change, astral event -like a solstice-, survived a natural disaster, a notable event from the country's past)
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lyriluscss · 3 months
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Planet Worldbuilding
An "optimal" solar system contains 1 or 2 suns, and a big variety of planets. If you want to add diversity, add planets that are inhabitable, made of gas, earth like or dwarf planets. These are just tips, no rules.
Useful tools for this
[Donjon's planet creator] [Asgaar's map generator] [Inkarnate]
Current name (and its meaning)
Original name (and its meaning)
Short description
Type of planet (Gas Giant, Super-Earth, Neptune-Like, Terrestrial)
Role of the planet [more in depth here] -Mining Planet: extracting resources. -Archaeological Planet: studies and research -Post-Apocalypse Planet -Failed Colony Planet -Aesthetic Planet: Life is perfect, business is booming
Natural Disasters {Inspo}
Water Content
Continents (if any)
Natural Resources
Landmarks & Locations
Length of the day
Calendar system (if it’s inhabited)
Night Sky
Day Sky
Inhabitants (you can mention other finished sections from your world)
Religions & Deities
Groups & Organizations
Visible Constellations
Nearby Planets
Space trash
Planet History
Inhabitants History
Local name
Other names
Bodies of water
Regional advantages
Regional disadvantages
Landmarks and Locations
Natural disasters
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lyriluscss · 3 months
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I made a Room Building tutorial! Lemme know if it helps! 🧡
Tip me here| Commission info here!
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lyriluscss · 3 months
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hello there
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lyriluscss · 3 months
the old username has returned..
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lyriluscss · 3 months
ah great the evening kin dysphorua is kicking in this is so cool I love this <- liar
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lyriluscss · 3 months
I WILL GET YOU !!! You little gremlin I’m gonna spray you with water
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I see you there. Lurking around you little gremin.
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lyriluscss · 3 months
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I see you there. Lurking around you little gremin.
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lyriluscss · 3 months
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Why am I not surprised in the slightest..?
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lyriluscss · 3 months
fuck if I’m unkinfirming everyone and taking one (1) kin quiz. That’s gonna be my arc v kin. Doing the same for all my fandoms because it hurts my brain to kin multiple people
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