m0rr1g4n · 2 months
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m0rr1g4n · 3 months
Adult Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase are the most surreal power couple in the mortal world.
Annabeth Chase, world renowned architect who was entrusted with repairs and renovation on the Empire State Building…
…and her husband, this guy who was wanted by the FBI for blowing up the St Louis Arch seventeen years ago
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m0rr1g4n · 3 months
What is or isn’t a slur can be highly contextual, y'all.
“Jonny Sims bummed a fag off my ma” doesn’t contain a slur, but “What are you, some kind of fag?” does.
“Queer studies”, “the queer community” and “I’m queer”? Not a slur. Some bigot calling you a “dirty queer”? Slur.
“Be gay, do crimes” and “He’s gay” ≠ slur, but “Ew, that’s so gay” = slur.
In conclusion, stop buying into this fucking “q slur” bullshit. Queer people talking about the queer community aren’t using it as a slur any more than a gay man calling himself gay is using that term as a slur.
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m0rr1g4n · 3 months
Today my toddler INSISTED we open every sauce that came with our Chinese take out so she could sample every single one. She didn’t care for the spicy mustard, she LOVED the soy sauce, she said BLEH BLEH to duck sauce, and she said OH SO GOOD to sweet and sour
She then decided she needed to shove an ENTIRE crab Rangoon into her mouth which gave me a heart attack but she did in fact manage to eat the entire thing with minimal effort on her part. This was after she chanted “RANGOON RANGOON RANGOON!” at us until we gave her one.
Kids are fun and I am exhausted
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m0rr1g4n · 3 months
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m0rr1g4n · 4 months
the "i'm not pretty like the other girls because i'm pale and skinny" female protagonist trope is something i loathe more than almost anything else in the world but i'd be more willing to forgive it if the author was brave enough to commit to it. if your "unattractive" female protagonist is a snow-white waif then i'd better see you emphasising how nauseatingly corpselike she looks. how people shudder when her maggot-flesh fingers touch their bare skin because they're expecting her to be cold and damp. how her birdlike bones and dainty waist are contemptible rather than desirable. maybe even have her develop a degree of beauty by gaining some weight and colour for a change. put down the necromancer barbie template and show me a proper little freak.
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m0rr1g4n · 4 months
thinking about "canaries should stay above ground" and the very first statement being about a person investigating the magnus institute and how that ended horribly for them and then thinking about how sam is looking into the institute despite alice warning him to drop it. something something you are already doomed before you even begin.
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m0rr1g4n · 4 months
Israel has bombed—and completely demolished—the Great Omari Mosque in Gaza, which is the second oldest mosque in Palestine. There was no purpose to bombing it. There was no advantage to targeting it. Israel simply destroyed it to make a statement: that Palestinian religion and culture not only mean nothing to them, but are something they’re actively working on wiping out. This was one of Palestine’s most sacred cultural sites. Now it’ll forever serve as proof of the horrifying death and destruction the world has allowed to befall Palestine.
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m0rr1g4n · 4 months
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Noor Harazeen you are the world's hero. You're completely correct, this is not normal. This is evil and no human needs to make these decisions.
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m0rr1g4n · 5 months
The last woman... absolutely heartbreaking💔. Where is the outcry now, where is the UN now? Why is the world silent when something horrible like this happens to the muslim /arab world ? I will never forgive them for being silent. Now I at least know they are all full of shit and no one actually cares about human life.
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m0rr1g4n · 5 months
Bethlehem, Palestine.
Usually there is a festive parade to celebrate Christmas.
But today it is a silent march for the lives lost in Gaza.
20,000K+ dead. Countless under the rubble and so many more injured.
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m0rr1g4n · 5 months
A little girl died from hunger in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, despite being in the area where aid trucks are distributed. Another family in the north in Gaza city was forced to eat a donkey, which for many in Palestine is inconceivable culturally. Bisan says there isn't even water (clean OR dirty) for them to drink or wash with.
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m0rr1g4n · 5 months
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I thought they finally deserved to get that dance
Happy New Year everyone! It was a joy to spend 2023 with you all and I hope 2024 brings us so much more fun!
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m0rr1g4n · 5 months
When Percy looks at annabeth before singing the consensus song at Grover that was the first time he brought her in on a joke. He’s socially aligning himself with her rather than fighting and arguing with her. He wordlessly invites her in on ribbing Grover. THATS the start of something BEAUTIFUL
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m0rr1g4n · 5 months
you might be goth but you’ll never be fucking the grave of your unconsummated lover, who you poisoned to death (in the center of a hedge maze), in a rainstorm, on the grounds of his castle goth
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m0rr1g4n · 5 months
eventually, you get used to war. your heart doesn’t flutter when you hear yet another air raid alarm. you don’t even rush to the shelter anymore. you don’t flinch when your windows shake. you don’t feel shit when that gut-wrenching thing of a whistle hovers above your rooftop; nor do you feel frightened when it lands — loud, and horrific, and explosive, ruining homes, fates and lives.
and then, on a random day — it finally fucking strikes you.
your heart didn’t flutter the last time you heard yet another air raid alarm. you didn’t go to the shelter. you didn’t even flinch when a fucking missile landed less than a pitiful mile away from your house.
you got used to war.
a real one — exceptionally sick, and murderous, and twisted.
i haven’t felt safe in almost two years now and i’m used to it. i’m used to danger. i’m used to death. i’m used to seeing it. how incredibly fucked up is that?
anyway. my point is. russia is a terrorist state. please go look up what they did to ukraine in the last two days. yes, the new year’s eve didn’t stop them much. as didn’t easter. or christmas. or any other day, really.
for those concerned about me: i am safe (well, only technically, since you’re not actually safe anywhere in ukraine, but still).
i am simply tired, sad, and heartbroken. please spread some awareness. thank you for you attention.
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m0rr1g4n · 5 months
does anyone want to be in an obsessive borderline-codependent relationship. weird sex is a given.
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