marieclaw · 24 days
so you dated the wrong person and learned a hard lesson. you chose the wrong major and had to start over again. you cherished a friend who backstabbed you. it sucks, but it’s also going to work out. that’s life; you learn, hurt, love, cry, laugh, and keep going. you experience setbacks and you grow and it’s all okay.
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marieclaw · 24 days
the it girl’s spring cleaning
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phone reset
delete old contacts and messages
go through social media following
delete unused apps
go through photos
set a new wallpaper
add widgets for reminders, weather, battery, etc.
delete old songs and add new ones
environmental reset
clean your bedroom (vacuum, dust, put clothes away, etc.)
sort through and donate old clothes
organize your makeup, skincare, etc.
wash or change your bedsheets
rearrange your bedroom
open your windows and curtains to let fresh air in
get outdoors
clean your home with fresh scented products (lemon, lavender, etc.)
physical reset
try a new workout routine
get some new outfits
do a face mask
exfoliate and shave
oil your hair or do a hair mask
try a new hair color, cut, or style
do your nails or get your nails done
get some fresh makeup and try a new makeup routine
do a lip mask and scrub
mental reset
start journaling or try some new prompts
do a refreshing meditation
try a new yoga practice or workout
read instead of scrolling
put a time limit on your phone usage
reset your sleep schedule
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marieclaw · 24 days
how to build a routine 🎀
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#1 tip: be realistic! it isn’t realistic to go from not working out, not studying, and not taking care of yourself properly to working out for an hour a day and studying for 6 hours at a time overnight. think: what will you actually be able to do? don’t overdo it, failing an impossible routine immediately will just make you feel bad and you will be less likely to keep trying.
#2: similar to the first, don’t be afraid to start slow. don’t try to go from never working out to working out for an hour every day. it’s perfectly fine to start with 10 minutes a day, then 15, then 20, and so forth. same with things like studying. don’t expect yourself to be able to just jump into studying for hours without a break. start with a little at a time.
#3: goal setting. set specific goals day by day. for example, your goals today could be working out for half an hour, reading one chapter of a book, and finishing a class assignment. of course you may do more than this, but make a list of what you MUST get done today, and start with those things. also, set more than just physical goals. set mental ones as well. for example, you could say your goal for today is to incorporate something into your day that makes you feel fulfilled, whatever that means for you!
#4: as you’re starting out, try to incorporate small things into your routine that will boost your mood and keep you motivated for the rest of the day. for example, take time out of your day to do some yoga, bake, sit outside, pet your animals, whatever you may need to keep you going and finish what you need to get done!
#5: make a list of the things you want to get out of this routine. these things don’t need to have anything to do with the physical acts you want to do, like exercising or finishing a task. you could say things like “i want to learn to nourish my body more” or “i want to learn more about myself and my interests.” what do you want this new routine to do for you? what do you want to feel?
#6: don’t expect to feel motivated all the time. chances are, you will not. but know that discipline is much more valuable than motivation alone. once you make your new routine a habit, you will no longer need to feel “motivated” to get things done, because it will be second nature to you. consistency is key!
#7: realize that it’s okay to not always do as well as you would have liked to. there will be days where you’re not as productive or active as you had wanted to be or had planned to be that day. that is okay. understand that days like these will not ruin your progress, and definitely don’t give up on yourself or your routine because of them. pick yourself back up and come back better and stronger tomorrow.
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marieclaw · 3 months
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the memory changes
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marieclaw · 6 months
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♡ for @jeonsbwi, from your secret valentine 💌
cr. namuspromised, 0613data, @/jung-koook, x
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marieclaw · 7 months
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marieclaw · 10 months
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memories in the rain || everything but the rain
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marieclaw · 11 months
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You make me feel so secure when you’re around, Inosuke! 
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marieclaw · 11 months
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marieclaw · 11 months
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He lives on tanjirou bed
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marieclaw · 1 year
Things that take time & many tries to get right:
learning to be a good friend/partner
healing from depression, failures or heartbreak
becoming amazing at an art or skill
overcoming anxiety, insecurities and low body image
overcoming the need to isolate yourself
changing self-hating thoughts to kinder ones
making a real connection with someone
overcoming self-defeating and self-sabotaging thoughts
learning how to study effectively
finding a sense of stability and calmness at your core
quitting habits or addictions
leaving people and behaviours that turn you into the worst version of yourself
getting used to healthier coping mechanisms & mindsets that feel fake
treating yourself like you truly care about yourself
becoming the person you always wanted to be
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marieclaw · 1 year
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marieclaw · 1 year
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taekook being adorable at the white house
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marieclaw · 1 year
Escribí esto sobre la persona que me rompió el corazón un tiempo después. Aún sigo herida. 
Son las 10:30 de la noche. Estoy echada mirando el techo y sólo pienso en cosas sin sentido. De la nada, un escalofrío me recorre el cuerpo y me doy cuenta de lo fría e inmensamente vacía que se ve mi cama. Me pongo triste y trato de cobijarme con lo que puedo.
En estos momentos, quiero retroceder unas 12 horas. A esa hora, estaba echada contigo, en tu cama, abrigados con una manta marrón que parecía el pelaje de un oso. Tú detestas que alguien esté tan pegado a ti cuando duermes, por lo que me alejé un poco y me di la vuelta. Estaba abrigada, pero aún así sentía frío… tú eres todo el refugio que necesito. Ni la cama más confortable o el lugar más cálido del mundo se comparan a estar enterrada entre tus brazos. Deberías saberlo.
Hiciste un ruidito muy divertido. Pensé que dormías y eché una risita. Y fue ahí que encontré mi lugar otra vez. O, mejor dicho, mi lugar me encontró. Me abrazaste y te acomodaste entre mi cuello y mis hombros, inhalando el olor de mi cabello. Te pegaste más a mi, y lo único que podía pensar es en que quisiera vivir ahí siempre, quedarme ahí, morir ahí. Eres tan tan cálido. Tus manos, tus mejillas, tus clavículas. Todo siempre está caliente. Eres un sol. 
Sabes como me gusta dormir, así que dejas que me acomode a mi gusto una vez que rompes la barrera de tu propia comodidad por permitirme estar ahí por un rato. Siempre mi cabeza está contra tu pecho. Los latidos de tu corazón me arrullan. Me abrazas y me acaricias  de forma gentil. Dejas que me relaje y me quede dormida asi, poquito a poco. 
Es cursi, pero debo decirte que contigo siempre duermo sin pesadillas. La calidez que emanas me hace feliz, incluso cuando no estoy conciente. Mis sueños son alegres y divertidos cuando estoy ahí contigo. 
Pero ahora, son las 10:45, te extraño más que nunca y abrazo una de mis almohadas y pienso que eres tú. Pero eso dura poco: la calidez no está ahí para reemplazarte. 
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marieclaw · 1 year
@marieclaw asked for some fanfics recs, so here you go. By the way these are the fics I was talking about in my other post, they are all still currently ongoing.
Fame by sarabethloves
Needing any form of work she can get, up-and-coming journalist, Rukia Kuchiki, takes a job at a tabloid newspaper covering the hotshot movie star, Ichigo Kurosaki. In the process of getting dirt on the notoriously private celebrity, she ends up becoming entangled in his business and his life. When the media thinks you’re dating a movie star the best you can do is play along, right?
Rated: M          Words: 43,694
No vacancy by  withered
There are rumors about the tenant from 3B, and all of them involve him killing multiple people. Rukia isn’t going to let that little hiccup get in her way.
Rated: T           Words: 33,427
My little genie by FangirlIssues31
Kurosaki Ichigo was a successful young man with a normal life but everything changed after he found a magic lamp on the beach shore. “Well, if I could really ask for anything…” he said “I wish you could stay with me forever.”
Rated: M          Words: 44,845
The Eve Project by TheQueenInDisguise
Ichigo is just your average, smart, healthy, young, virile male college student. Besides having a part-time job & three horny friends who are always after their hot & sexy neighbours, all seems normal. Until the fateful night he decided to help a girl he found naked on a dumpster who insists that she was sent from the future to search for a healthy human male & save the human race.
Rated: M          Words: 89,884
For complete fics, I’ve made some recs awhile ago here, here and here
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marieclaw · 1 year
drew this for fun in 2019 while writing Obsidian
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marieclaw · 2 years
TaeKook Moans; Top!Taehyung/Bottom!Jungkook
Taehyung: “Ah, fuck..”
Taehyung: “You like it?”
Jungkook: “Yes..”
Taehyung: “How much do you like it?”
Jungkook: “I like it a lot..”
Taehyung: “You like it a lot?”
Jungkook: “Yeah-ah..”
Taehyung: “Ah, fuck..”
Jungkook: “ 주인님 * , I love you..”
Taehyung: “You love me?”
Jungkook: “Yes..”
Taehyung: “Fuck..” /starts thrusting into Jungkook faster/
* =  주인님 (ju-in-nim) means Master/Owner 
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