markagapito01-blog · 6 years
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My Personal InfoGraphics.
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markagapito01-blog · 6 years
The intellectual property protects the rights of the investors, scientist and artist by enforcing the law that if anyone would plagiarise someone’s work will be given reasonable punishment.
Using other’s intellectual property is prohibited since the investions and works of investors, scientist and artists are shielded or protected by intellectual property rights from being copied. We people tend to download movies from the internet and sometimes buy pirated cd’s, students sometimes have their books photocopied to lessen the expenses, and we people keeps on patronizing fake or imitated product because it offers lesser price.
1. Bereau of patent
2.bereau of trademarks
3.Bereau of legal affairs
4.documentation, information and technology transfer bereau
5. Management information system and EDP bereau
6. Administrative, financial and personnel services bereau
4. -Ideas, methods, or systems are not covered by copyright
-commonly known information
-choreographic works
-names, tittles, expression
5. original intellectual creations in the literary and artistic domain are copyrightable. These include books, pamphlets, articles and other writings; periodicals and newspapers; lectures, sermons, addresses, dissertations prepared for oral delivery; letters; dramatic or dramatico-musical compositions; choreographic works or entertainment in dumb shows; musical compositions; drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving, lithography; models or designs for works of art; original ornamental designs or models for articles of manufacture; illustrations, maps, plans, sketches, charts and three-dimensional works relative to geography, topography, architecture or science; drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical character; photographic works including works produced by a process analogous to photography; lantern slides; audiovisual works and cinematographic works and works produced by a process analogous to cinematography or any process for making audio-visual recordings; pictorial illustrations and advertisements and computer programs.
Original work is a work that comes from the creative mind of the artist and fresh new ideas reflecting their originality on the other hand, there is this derivative works that is based on one or more pre-existing creation or in other words it is derived from others ideas and thoughts.
Protecting intellectual property is vital and necessary. Put yourself in writers shoes and your work was used without giving credits, you’ll surely be mad and hurt.
As a student we surely need to know the importance and ethics on how to use media and information. That we still not just post and post we should be aware of our doings in media. That the information we are sharing should be 100% sure and fact.
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markagapito01-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Markslogan present: Just a GOOD USE not ABUSE.
Media is very important so we should take a GOOD USE of it and don’t ever ABUSE it’s worth because MEDIA can change people’s life.
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markagapito01-blog · 6 years
E- Learning activities
AUGUST 8,2018
**"AS A JOURNALIST, THE DETAILS ALWAYS TELL THE STORY. " Do you agree on this or not? Why? 
Every journalists aim to tell the true details of the story for us to be aware in everything, also we’re the one who benefits on their work that’s why i agree.
**“Imagine yourself as a journalist. You were tasked to write an article. What will be your guide questions?"
if i were the journalist, my guide questions are:
what? who? where? why? how? is? and when? 
because as a journalist, we tend to write, explain, listen, and  understand the story or everything before we share it to the public. also these questions are the considered as the common questions of the journalists.
**What do you think are the possible purpose of different articles?
to entertain, to inform and to persuade
AUGUST 15,2018
**"Change is coming" (in relation to Media) Do you believe so? Why?
yes, because our world change and our media is upgrading and the invention of the media is in it.
AUGUST 22,2018
**Let' try this: COMMENT: THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PERSON IN YOUR LIFE. Instructions: Interact with one other by replying/asking questions to your classmate's answer.
the most influential person in my life is my mom who made me realize that love in yourself and for the other people gives you everything and makes you feel better that’s why i gave love to many people because if i gave love to them, they will also give love to me and that’s awesome!!!
**Where do you search for information?
i usually search information through books, articles specially internet.
**How do you acquire and store information?
i acquire and store information by reading and taking notes of what I’ve read
**How will you determine the quality and accuracy of the information that you have?
i first check who’s the author or the company before i consider it as accurate and truth.
**How do you use the information that you have?
by sharing the information to the class or o
to other people.
** “You’re given an opportunity to interview your favorite celebrity." What will be your question/s?
who’s your inspiration 
why did you choose to be a celebrity?
when did you start?
what’s your greatest downfall
how to be you? (hahahhaha)
** LET'S DO THIS! Your school has no announcement of class suspension. However, your locality is experiencing heavy rainfall, while some parts in your province /region are already flooded. There are reported incidents of landslide, evacuation, stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student, what are you going to do? Answer the matrix attached. You can copy the table format or like a question and answer type.
information needed: 
suspension of classes of different schools
weather update
sources of information:
newspaper, television, social media (facebook, twitter)
evaluate information:
the time and date, and the author of the article and if it’s from the local brgy news.
organize information:
read and take note of the article that I’ve read
communication information:
i will share the information through posting on social media and share the information to my classmates and other people.
AUGUST 29, 2018
Media Convergence Matrix After reading, understanding and watching Media Convergence. Kindly accomplish the Media Convergence Matrix. Provide as many as examples a you please. Submit during the class hour.
Media convergence in             platform                                   specific example
communication                      cellphones                                         Facebook
education                              cellphones, laptops                           google
advertisement                        social media                                      YouTube
news                             news, television, cellphones            YouTube,Facebook    
entertainment                    cellphones, laptops                             social media
MEDIA INFLUENCEThis task will show the students the social and political influences of media. 1-Have them examine images and discuss their influence on a viewer’s thoughts and memories. 2-The students will write about how the presence or absence of specific people in the media may have lasting SOCIAL or POLITICAL consequences. 3-Express your thoughts using 3-5 sentences for each picture.
1. MIKE ENRIQUEZ- He is the hardworking reporter who aim for reporting the truth. We can see that they’re truly applying their motto "Walang kinikilingan, walang pinoprotektahan, walang kasinungalingan, serbisyong totoo lamang." becasue that’s what a true reporter does.
2. Mocha Uson-  i don’t know much about her but there are some issues regarding to her and for me, she didn’t deserve the position of  Assistant Secretary for Social Media of the Presidential Communications Group because of lack of respect for the government and also her blogs about sex in inappropriate. 
3. MRT- a fast transportation in the Philippines wherein many people use it but sometimes during rush hour a hassle moments can’t be avoided. i don’t really use mrt train much but I’ve already experienced it. 
4.  Trixie and Art-  The LGBTQ+ community is really starting to be accepted by filipino culture. a six years couple of a trans woman and his man was very interesting and i hope soon the LGBTQ+ community will be socially accepted!!
5.  War on Drugs- i thought of it as a good government project, but because of drugs many people died because of intentionally killing them by the order of the president. now i thought of it as a good government project and at some point i disagree of their “oplan tokang” many people said that every people life is important but why did they kill people? is it for money? because of the president’s million pesos prize? well this is now the true Philippines embarrassing and disgusting.
PONDER ON THIS: Every right has an equal responsibility. What are your thoughts?
- From the word “right and responsibility” i think because we have the rights or let’s say decision making, we must assume full responsibility from it.
In the news, the most talked about are different HUMAN RIGHTS violation. And we are aware if our human rights is being violated or abused. Does anyone of you know what is Intellectual Property rights and when it's being abused or violated? Honest answer. No need to Google it.
it’s like plagiarism, or copying someone’s work without giving credits for the author.
What does this symbol © stand for?
How about this ™ ?
® this one?
registered trademark
℗ and this?
sound recording copyright
What is the purpose of Intellectual Property?
it is a protection of someone’s work by the government or laws.
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markagapito01-blog · 6 years
The Importance of giving credit to the sources of one's work
giving credit to the sources of one’s work is very important not just to avoid plagiarism but also for acknowledgement of the real owner. also giving credit to the sources of one's work is very helpful for other researchers because they can find more articles related to their topic from the sources you’ve credited.
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markagapito01-blog · 6 years
Strategies in Avoiding Plagiarism
what is plagiarism?  According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means:
to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
to use (another's production) without crediting the source
to commit literary theft
to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
My Strategies in Avoiding Plagiarism are:
1. make sure to give credit to the real owner of the article, text, photos and song lyrics etc.
2. not only photos and text can be copy but also dance piece, paintings or any kinds of art. so the strategies you can do is just make your own art piece and the original art is your guide but also give credit to your guide.
3. originality is the key to avoid plagiarism
4. to avoid plagiarism when it comes to photos, as long as you can take the picture on your own then do it.
5. lastly don’t claim anything that is not yours, that’s the best way to avoid plagiarism.
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