marliketteann-blog · 8 years
Marli’s sadness and exhaustion seemed to be masked by the situation. She stared at his eyes as she swayed across the floor. She let him lead for a few minutes before she began to help. Dancing was never her forte. She started to sing along with the melody he was humming...
Flame you came to me
Fire meet gasoline Fire meet gasoline I'm burning alive I can barely breathe When you're here loving me.....” 
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A light, airy chuckle left Jax as he watched her twirl, before taking her hand in his own. Guiding Marli closer to his body, he slipped his free hand around the small of her back. He’d never been one for dancing, and was known for turning down anyone who had ever tried to get him on the dance floor in the past. Despite his usual reluctance, however, he still knew how to keep his feet moving. As he began to sway their bodies, he found that he didn’t care that there was no music, though he started to softly hum a melody shortly after.
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
Marli chewed on her lip as he continued to threaten her friends. They were few, and he was right, they were easy targets. “I don’t have friends.” She combated, though it was a blatant lie. “So I guess you’ll have to just be content with your sadistic humor with just me.” She said shrugging slightly. His laughter sent shivers down her spine and her body tense. Her eyes jerked from his face to his feet at his comment, her hands in fists at her sides. “I am not taking part in your sadistic game of “guess how I tortured your boyfriend”. Shit David.” She said turning and beginning to run away from him to find Jax. “What did you do?”
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Her obvious irritation was more than enough of an indication that she’d tired of his games, but instead of coaxing him into back off, it only goaded him into continuing it – he’d always loved misery, and as far as it went he’d definitely gotten a particular taste for hers. “You could be right; you didn’t exactly tell me anything I didn’t know already. You don’t seem to give a damn about your own well-being, but your friends…” He trailed off, waggling a finger almost playfully in her direction, “now there’re some easy targets.” Her continuation only caused him to lift his shoulders in an apathetic shrug, whether anyone did anything of no consequence to him – he attacked others based on his own pleasure, and very rarely did any sort of vengeance-based motivator enter the equation. His face split into a sharp-toothed grin as she shoved him backwards, the beginnings of a laugh bubbling from his throat. “My, my, you are bothered, aren’t you? I struck a nerve with that one, didn’t I?“ he jeered, wickedness seeming to emanate from his presence alone. “I’m sure you can guess, Marli – you’re a smart enough girl, I’d think. What I will tell you is that if you didn’t want him to be injured, well… perhaps it’s about time you invested in a leash.”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
Marli laughed at his motion before groaning and pulling herself off of the bed. Times like this were rare. Times where nothing else mattered and the world seemed to stop turning. Spinning once on her way over to him, she stopped extending her hand. “Of course.”
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He was eager to get up and running again, but he couldn’t resist some alone time with his girl either. Marli had a way about her that could make Jax weak in the knees, and he loved it every time she did whatever it was she did to him – even he didn’t know what to call it; all he knew was that he felt compelled to do whatever she wanted when she asked it of him. “Do one thing for me first?” He asked, standing a few feet to the side of their bed. “Dance with me?”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
“Um no actually. It’s not a book, its an old journal. My little brothers. I figured if I had walked around saying that it was just a book then people were less likely to take it.”
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“You’re welcome.” Genesis smiled at the girl. “Reading anything good?” 
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
“No I’ll show you around. Although, I’ll warn you. I’ve been here for weeks and I still don’t know half of it.”
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“Not sure. I’m still pretty new to these parts. Wanna show me around? Unless you can think of something to do?”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
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“Jax, I promise we will go explore more of the castle later, but for right now lets just rest. Im tired.”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
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✗ Seventeen ✗ DOB: January 18 ✗ DOD: N/A ✗ Patient at institution ✗
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[ abuse tw, self harm tw, homicide tw ]
Marli has always dealt with the stress of taking care of herself and her siblings. Marli’s father was a very abusive man who would beat the women in her family until they became unconscious. She was the only one who could withstand the cruel beatings from her father. Marli tried her best to keep her younger brother and sister calm while there was commotion upstairs. She didn’t want them to know how hurtful their father was being. She was caring, but that became twisted very quickly.
More often than not Marli would sneak into the garage after she put her siblings to bed. She would find blades in tool kits scattered around the shelves. Marli used the blades to rid herself of the stress of her everyday life. She had to stop going to school so that her family would stay alive. Her bubbly personality would fade for hours causing her to spiral into a depression. Then, hours later, it would be suddenly come back triggered but simple things like a funny commercial or her little brother’s laughter.  Marli didn’t have many friends due to the fact that she didn’t go to school and also her mood swings.
One day after listening to pleading screams, she decided it was enough. Marli went in the drawer that was supposed to be hidden, but that she had found while looking for blades. She pulled out the hand gun to do what she thought was right. To kill her family. Heart pounding hard in her ears she ran upstairs where everyone was asleep. She went into her father’s room first. Raising the gun she pulled the trigger twice. One bullet for her unconscious mother, one more for her cruel father. Hot tears streaming down her face for her mother, she could already hear the police in the distance. Once more she raised the gun and shot her two younger siblings in the closet. They had been hiding after the first two shots had been fired. Anger was coursing through her veins; this is what’s better for them. The gun fired and blood seeped outside the door.  After the police stormed in and saw her trying to kill herself, they immediately took the gun away from her. She was sent to away immediately.
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+ Caring, Focused, && Intelligent - Delusional, Stubborn, && Facetious
Faceclaim: Emily Browning
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
Marli stared at him with infuriated eyes. Shit she thought as his first words reached her ears. Biting her lip she shook her head, “No I don’t think it was the wrong thing for me to tell you. You took it how you wanted anyway.” She explained shrugging before crossing her arms over her chest. “Why? Why do you care? It’s not like they are going to do anything!” She whined, her chest tight from the anxiety the existed in his very presence. “Everyone hates you already, what difference would it make?” She asked.There was a small moment of relief when he told her that Jax hadn’t been killed. Only a moment though. Anger bubbled up and she lunged forward shoving him back, “Enough of your moronic game David, what did you do to him?” She snapped, regretting her action and stepping away in fear of the backlash. the petite girl couldn’t help it, she had learned to be physical from her childhood.
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A ghost of another smirk spread across his lips as she appeared to reconsider whatever phrase had rolled onto her tongue, a smug glint sparking in his eyes. She denied it vehemently, but he knew that she’d always fear him – he’d put her through more than enough trauma to secure a fear response due to his presence, though his reputation alone was often enough to give others anxiety. For the spitfire-y girl standing before him, though, he’d suspected that mere reputation hadn’t made enough of a mark, and that it’d been violence itself that’d created her terror – it wasn’t necessarily a problem with him. Those who lived in fear of him often complied with his demands, and in the rare case they refused, it took much less persuasion to bend them to his whims. “Might’ve been the wrong thing to tell me, Marli,” he replied, a sneer accompanying his words. “You know I’m not one to give out empty threats, and it’d be very easy to figure out these little pals of yours.” His sneer didn’t fade as she continued, smugness bleeding into his expression – and his tone. “What’re you going to do about it, sweetheart? And no, I didn’t… but I’ll bet he wishes I did.”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
“Oh shit! Thanks.” She said leaning down to pick it up. “It mustve fallen out of my bag.”
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Hey-uh…you dropped your book?
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
Marli opened her mouth to snap back at him but closed it again. She was actually afraid of him no matter how much she tried to deny the fact. “It wasn’t rambling. I meant to say your name. What kind of proud attacker can’t stand up to his actions?” She said crossing her arms and staring at him. She knew that he didn’t regret what he did at all, even if it hadnt been him. “Stop threatening me, David. I don’t care if you come after me, fine, but don’t go after my friends.” She snapped the normal explosive courage appearing in her words. 
Balling her fists it took every ounce of her being not to slap him. “Im not your sweetheart so don’t you call me that!” She said making her voice as hard as she could. Sighing, she looked away. How could she walk away not knowing? How could she stay knowing that he could be playing her. After putting her hands on her head and pacing in a circle the girl turned to face him. “D-did you kill him?”
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He barely managed to suppress his annoyance in order to further explain his line of reasoning, though it took significantly more effort than he’d hoped. “I don’t think you’re crazy; I think you’re misinformed. What attacked you wasn’t actually me, but it did happen to use my body to do its work. Now, if you’d kindly leave my name out of your anxious rambling, that’d be great. I’d hate to have to hurt someone else you care about, if they happened to listen in…” He trailed off, allowing the threat to hang in the air for several extra moments before he continued, crossing his arms tightly over his chest.
“That’s the point, sweetheart – I’m the only one who’s supposed to enjoy them. You’re supposed to be a good girl and suffer,” he snapped, though again he managed to reel himself in – he couldn’t say exactly when his irritability problems had re-arisen, but it’d come back infinitely stronger than he remembered. Then again, it’d been years since he’d had the issue itself, and in that time he’d become accustomed to his (previously) shallower version of the emotion. “If you don’t guess, you won’t know. Or, well… I suppose you’ll find out eventually… whenever you happen to find him.”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
“That sounds like a great idea. What would you like to do?”
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Adam only smiled before shrugging his shoulders. “Well, now that we’ve cleared up some deep philosophical talk, let’s do something fun instead, yeah?”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
Marli stared at him before pondering his statement for a moment. He had a valid argument; he never took shame in his actions. He took pride in them actually. So why would this instance be so different? “I- I can’t explain why youre not boasting about this crime like you normally would but I also cant just accept that it wasnt you. Do you think Im crazy David? Because im not.” She said shaking her head. 
“I don’t enjoy your little games. And im not going to guess on what you did to him! I know he probably came after you, despite me telling him not to, and I know that he was volatile. Which means he probably tried to fight you and you probably ended up hurting him so I ask again. What did you do?”
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He couldn’t keep a twisted smirk from stretched across his lips, the familiar scent of fear exciting him even after the fiasco his depravity had caused beforehand – then again, he’d never adequately been able to learn from his mistakes, a more troubling symptom of his insanity. “Lying doesn’t make it true, sweetheart. You reek of panic, and that’s more than enough to tell me how you’re feeling right now, even without your other little tells.” He resisted the urge to roll his eyes as she continued, reaching upwards to pinch briefly at the bridge of his nose; her disbelief, like with all others he’d mentioned his innocence to, proved to irritate him further. 
“No, I’m not fucking kidding you. I don’t expect you to understand, but it’s the truth – I didn’t do shit. You know I’m not opposed to admitting my crimes, so why would I stray from that now? It’s not exactly doing me much good. And no, darling, it wasn’t me. I’ve never been like that in my entire life – and I’d know!” That was, potentially, one of the largest lies he’d told, though its benefit wasn’t restricted to the present time. In the past, where he had seemingly lost himself to his illness, it’d ended in both his capture and the label of insanity being applied to him – for good reason. “Oh, but I enjoy my games; it’d be a shame to ruin the suspense. Come on, Marli, why don’t you chance a guess at your little boyfriend’s fate? I promise, if you manage to guess right, I’ll let you know.”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
Her hands shook with the underlying panic that still thrived in every breath. She stared at him as he spoke, glancing away for a second because he was right. Marli still was terrified of him, but he wasn’t the first person she was terrified of that she had to continue to face. “I am not afraid.” She whispered in a half broken voice. “You didn’t do anything?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Of course the archdemons took over your body, right, even if I did believe that David it was still you. The old you.” She rolled her eyes at his comment about how she was supposed to be dead. “Yeah well, I have a knack for continuing to live through things that were meant to kill me.” She snapped bitterly. Balling her quivering fists she growled, “Enough games, stop trying to toy with my head. What. Did. You. Do?!”
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The flicker of anger that’d mixed itself with her panic didn’t go unnoticed, though he’d admit he was slightly surprised when she’d decided to stand to face him – still, he wondered if he should’ve expected it by now, given her apparently unbreakable spirit. He’d – those demons had – tried and yet all it’d taken was a brief mention of her partner and it’d seemingly managed to piece itself together, just enough to coexist with her anxiety. “You know, you can say that all you like, doesn’t make it true. You’re afraid; I know you’re afraid,” he replied, staring almost lazily down at the wounded girl, though irritation quickly made its appearance as she continued. “I didn’t do anything to you, however unlikely that might sound – the archdemons did. They just used my body to do it. I’ll admit I’m slightly disappointed – thought one good thing might’ve come out of that fiasco… I was wrong, evidently. As for Jax, well, who knows? Maybe I killed him, maybe I threw him down into the dungeons to rot…” he trailed off, his lips curling upwards in a wicked smirk.
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
“Well she doesnt fit into my version of sanity, though you have a point.”
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“Well, we’re all insane one way or another, aren’t we?” Adam said with a small smile. “Who’s to say we’re the sane ones and she isn’t?”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
“No I wouldn’t call it Wonderland but there is a girl here who would. She thnks she’s alice, quite a sweetheart but really really insane.” She said cocking her eyebrows and smiling. 
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Adam smiled up at the girl, waving at her from the ground. “Limbo, huh? That bad? Must be a suitable nickname then… You wouldn’t call it like… Wonderland or something?”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
Marli remained tensed, looking at him with glazed over eyes hating the panic that had built up in her gut. Her tongue immediately wanted to refute him, but nothing in his statement could be refuted. He could do what he wanted and she couldn’t stop him. But the second Jax was brought into the scenario the fear in her eyes mixed with anger and she stood to face him, wincing as she did so. “Im not scared of you David, you cant hurt me anymore than you already have. Though Im sure your unhappy to see me breathing. None of that matters though, because what did you to Jax?”
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He’d detected her anxiety almost instantaneously, though he regarded her fear without concern – he didn’t give a damn that he’d ruthlessly tormented her, though he’d neglected to accept blame as well. “I can do what I want, Marli,” he said lightly, pausing for a moment before he continued. “Don’t namedrop, you hear? I’ve already dealt with your boyfriend; I don’t need anyone else on my ass.”
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marliketteann-blog · 8 years
“Where are we heading, if Im allowed to ask?”
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The young lady agreed, which he hadn’t expected. The surprise showed in the way his brows briefly rose. “No problem.” Continuing to his destination with the companion, he tucked his hands into his jean pockets.
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