marsintheeighth · 4 days
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but I always thought you were cool
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marsintheeighth · 13 days
Astro Observations 🌙
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Disclaimer, this will not resonate with everyone. These are observations I’ve made over time. ✨🌙⚡️ Do not repost, plagiarize, reword.
🌙⚡️I’ve noticed that the asteroid Juno actually tells way more than I thought! If you ever had an important connection with someone check their Juno and your Juno! Usually the sign there is significant in one of the people’s chart. For example; Person 1: Juno in Leo Person 2: Has Leo Venus. I’ve seen this a lot in very meaningful connections not always romantic. Let me know what you guys think of this! Also, this can manifest in the Juno sign being opposite of a sign in the other person’s chart.  
🌙⚡️ Most Water Risings are actually very slick, you can find a lot of water risings leaving troll comments or fighting in comments sections for the fun of it.
🌙⚡️ Every Scorpio Rising I’ve encountered always liked interesting music not usually mainstream. 
🌙⚡️Water Risings can feel very productive after a good shower/bath. This could go for water in big three, but I’ve noticed this especially in the rising. 
🌙⚡️ Saturn in 1st & Capricorn Moons & Capricorn Rising & Maybe even Capricorn Sun. I’ve noticed this a LOT they tend to complain a bunch about anything. 
🌙⚡️Scorpio Risings aren’t always very consistent is not that they don’t love you is just scorpio risings are hard people to figure out and like doing their own thing. Don’t ask them too many questions though, it shows you don’t trust them
🌙⚡️ Taurus in big three usually are very physically affectionate with loved ones they usually like hugging a lot as well. 
🌙⚡️ Every Pisces Rising I’ve met is usually into tarot and spirituality.
🌙⚡️To contrary to what a bunch of people think I’ve seen Pisces Rising usually have big feet.
🌙⚡️ Libra Risings are always very attractive and we always hear this but they don’t have to be PHYSICALLY attractive they just have this charm, it’s crazy.
🌙⚡️Air moon with dominant water in chart is probably a hard combination when it comes to mental state. Person can break down easily & overthink.
🌙⚡️Earth Dominants usually aren’t very stable to what I’ve seen. They love practical things like routine but when something is out of order they don’t know how to express it and this can cause chaos.
🌙⚡️Leo Rising/ Leo moon love love to tell you how much they love you and like you as a person, it’s such a blessing. But this comes with them also making fun of you. 
🌙⚡️ A lot of people that tend to stay in toxic relationships for very long time tend to be water or fire venuses. 
🌙⚡️Earth moons can struggle emotionally too, they want security in everything and when something doesn’t add up they find a way for it to add up and this can make them come to conclusions and be stubborn on the actual reality.
🌙⚡️If Lillith is in the same element of your moon/rising this can make you very defensive in your opinions. Can make you go very far aggresive lengths towards the other person verbally.
🌙⚡️Most Water Mercuries tend to like to express them in a creative way.  Singing, Drawing even if it’s bad, and poetry.  They can tend to be shy when it comes to their actual feelings, they tend to make it a little harder on purpose.
🌙⚡️Pisces placements tend to be very in-tune with their psychic side but Cancer placements tend to not realize this until later on. 
🌙⚡️If someone’s moon/ rising is the same as your venus this will make you guys very affectionate and loving towards each other. Constantly lifting each other up.
🌙⚡️A lot of Air Risings tend to post a lot on Social Media and they know this too even if it’s a private story or something they tend to always like to record their moments and share it. I’ve noticed this quite a lot. Especially for Aquarius/ Gemini rising.
🌙⚡️Sagittarius Placements can be inconsistent but they will reasurre their love for you and what adventure they’re up to. 
🌙⚡️If your big three is all different elements, this can make you always act a bit different and you can come off as secretive or people don’t really know what your next move will be. Not Two Faced Neccarisily but just unpredictable. 
🌙⚡️Libras major placements tend to always be able to find friends easily.
🌙⚡️ Air Dominants tend to be weirdos, they say the most random stuff. They are the type to not speak to you for a while and send you a meme out of nowhere. 
🌙⚡️ Earth Dominants when very comfortable with you tend to tell you very irrelevant details about their day.
🌙⚡️ Major Water Placements tend to be attracted the unknown, they would love to talk about this constantly.
🌙⚡️I noticed a lot of Taurus suns tend to like to clean and listen to music to feel productive. Their room is barely messy.
🌙⚡️Pisces Suns tend to be very popular in their youth & sociable. People can easily agree with them.
🌙⚡️Virgo Placements hate conflict more than Libras (Libras secretely love drama and can be corrupted for fun) they tend to run from it. 
🌙⚡️If someone’s Jupiter conjucts a placement in your big three or Venus the connection is usually long lasting. 
🌙⚡️Every Virgo I’ve met is secretely a nerd and has secret hobbies you could never guess. No matter how popular.
🌙⚡️Online Relationships / Long distance in synastry can have Uranus- Venus aspects. 
🌙⚡️Libras are very weird, most I’ve met are very strange (not in a bad way) but most people think Libras at first glance are very neutral. They’re usually very random and laugh at everything.
🌙⚡️Strong Mars Placement in chart can actually manifest in a lot of insecurity, especially in their sexuality & (insecure about feminity, masculinity)
🌙⚡️A lot of Aries Placements I’ve met are very argumentative and they don’t realize this but they can be very aggressive and stubborn in arguements yet they think they’re winning.
🌙⚡️A lot of Aries Placements tend to like to have a companion by their side and teach them their own ways. 
🌙⚡️Aries Placements are probably the parent a lot of kids want. They will want to motivate their kid to the best potentional even if this comes out aggresively. 
🌙⚡️Pisces Venus tend to have feet fetishes. I’ve noticed this quite a bit now..
🌙⚡️Cancer Venuses tend to be very attracted to the female figure & the breasts.
🌙⚡️Gemini Mercuries can easily find good logic to get themselves something out of a situation. They’re the type to finesse a store employee for a discount.
🌙⚡️If someone’s Mars is in the 4th it can indicate not wanting to be like the father. But it would depend on the rest of the chart as this can indicate the father is someone they looked up to greatly. Either way the father plays a role wether this is a bad or good the role is usually very effective on the person.
🌙⚡️Scorpio Mercuries / Pisces Mercuries can easily research a bunch and find what they were looking for & get hurt. Cancer Mercuries Can shy from anything that can hurt them.
🌙⚡️If your Saturn is in the 7th this can indicate karmic relationships/ your relationships could be people you knew from a past life.
🌙⚡️Earth Risings tend to be very brutally honest & this can make other people think they’re careless. ‘
🌙⚡️Air Risings love to stay in touch with people they really like and don’t like growing apart. This can manifest as them sending you a gift, etc. Even if it’s just a random joke at a random time.
🌙⚡️Aquarius Placements tend to be very talented at a hobby a lot of people may not know about. Aquarius sign can manifest as what is hidden. A lot of people truly don’t know an Aquarius major placement.
🌙⚡️Cancer Moons are good friends, they tend to be very optimistic about problems of their friends. I’ve noticed a lot Cancer Moons always look in the bright side of problems to help people. They don’t dwell. Also incredibly loyal to their friends.
🌙⚡️Male Earth Risings can be very desired on the media for their body figure & their structure. While Water Risings females tend to be very desired for their feminine body figure & eyes & face.
🌙⚡️Fire Risings on Media can be seen as untouchable and very desired and intimidating. Someone that doesn’t tolerate with bullshit. 
 🌙⚡️ Earth Mercuries won’t easily express their feelings if they don’t see good outcome/ possibility. Example they can love someone but know it probably won’t work out. They need to find a logical reason to express them.
🌙⚡️Whatever sign is in the 6th can manifest as seeing this sign a lot in work, school & neccarisy events & you may find your work radiates this sign or you feel like this sign at your work or whatever place is like a routine for you. You may find a lot of people with this sign at work/ or whatever place. 
🌙⚡️ Gemini major placements especially the moon tend to like talking to themselves.
🌙⚡️Pisces placements are usually very intuitive but since they’re very emotional they’re emotions can block their intuition and this can lead to mental disaster
🌙⚡️ Capricorn Placements seem to be very stable, but Capricorn placements are very prone to falling into bad mentalities and low- self worth mindsets.
🌙⚡️Cancer Women (Major Placements) Are usually very kind and supportive. They radiate mother energy. 
🌙⚡️Cancer Major Placements (women) tend to be very desired by men. 
🌙⚡️Cancer Moon Men tend to be more open to their feminine side. 
🌙⚡️ A lot of Aries Placements tend to have very controversial opinions.
  🌙⚡️Earth & Water In big three indicates someone very distant with their emotions and finds it hard to express them. They can find themselves needing therapy but neglecting it since they do not like to talk about how they feel & run away from it       
🌙⚡️ Scorpios & Leos tend to be attracted to one another, but this usually ends up toxic.
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marsintheeighth · 28 days
Pluto archetype through the astral houses 🦂
Pluto archetype:
Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house. It's called that way because of the Roman God of the Underworld. In Greek mythology is known as Hades.
In astrology Pluto is a transpersonal planet, this means that deals in a soul level for a trascendent way to face life. It's a destructive force of old structures that no longer serve to our purpose in this lifetime, the changes that Pluto impose are drastic and emotionally intense, sometimes it can be very hard to deal with.
Represents the most raw and honest reality about ourselves, mostly the parts we try to hide to the rest of the world. This planet prefers to move in the shadows, like Pluto's mythology.
Pluto's obstacles are hard to face but involve positive changes and a most trascendent understanding of the situations or life itself. Those tests can transform us for our best wellbeing and are made to aling us with our soul mission in this incarnation.
Pluto's placement shows us where and how we can get very passionate about the things we love but get obsesive with them as well. It deals with our basic instincts and the darkest parts of our personalities.
Represents the death of the ego and the awakening of the soul. Like alchemy, it transforms what's old into something new and brighter.
Pluto face us with what makes us uncomfortable about ourselves to make something beautiful of it, like the chrysalis evolves into the butterfly or the snake shedding their old skin.
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Pluto through the houses:
Pluto in the 1st: The natives have tendencies to self destructive behaviors, they are also highly competitive when it comes to recognition and they prefer to keep their bussiness to themselves so nobody can use it against them. If they experience difficulties to face their dark side or Pluto is bad aspected on their chart, they can be very manipulative to sabotage the situations they don't want to face, thia is not because they are scared to face the situation, they are mostly scared of getting angry and can't control their angee. They can be very destructive and ruthless when they feel cornered or threatened by other people but if they channel thia energy they can be the inspiration even of their bosses because of their passionate spirit. These natives have an strong survival instinct, they are passionate and determinated with their goals, they also have an strong willpower when they want to achieve something specific, when they want something they finally get it no matter how much it costs to them, sometimes they make stops in their journey to recover the motivation to keep going. They are not afraid of drastic changes even when it comes to their physical appearence or their style. Their first years of life could be traumatic, stressful or emotionally hard to deal with. They don't like to trust in the Universe and prefer to believe in their hard work, they could have some trust and control issues that comes from their childhood. If Pluto is too close to Ascendant they could have problems in their birth or were born in extreme conditions, they are survivors from the very first moment.
Pluto in the 2nd: These natives can get very obsessed about their resources, money or material elements that reforce their sense of stability, for them those are the elements that makes them feel like thay are important people. They can be perceived as materialistic people or too attached to money or the security in themselves that money gives them, they might feel that money, resources and luxury are the major indicators of personal power, even they might feel that their sex appeal is closely related to the amount of money they have. They have very stablished values and moral and hardly change their mind about what they believe is true, that's when Pluto appears to make them more open to other people's perspective, to help them see that there are more options and theirs is not the major truth of things. These natives distrust anyone who has a higher level of incomes or the authority figures, it makes them feel threatened and become passive agressive, even ruthless if they are feeling that someone is putting in danger their resources. Pluto forces them, through some tests, to stop and think about the way they manage themselves and their bussiness, to realize that material resources are important but not fundamental for their inner peace and personal satisfaction. The attachment to money can come from the chilhood, where they could feel less than other people or humilliated for their economical situation, that's why in their adulthood they try as hard as possibe to never feel that way again. Through their life they can experience both extremes of poverty and wealth to help them value themselves if a softer way being more empathetic with their self value. These natives have an special talent to get the most out of the most little things to transform it into something great, they also are good with money managment and investing. People usually feel very comfortable by their side or asking them for guidance or advice, they are great watching things with a cold mindset on difficult moments, that's what makes them amazing counselors.
Pluto in the 3rd: These natives hace an extraodinary intelligence to dig into the depths of any situation, they are very hard to cheat because they can see other people's bad intentions from afar. They enjoy open minded people who they can talk and share about things that society use to see as taboo, like sex or death. Theae natives are natural detectives but can use their knowledge to earn power over other people, they also have a sharp tongue, they know what to say to cause the most damage. This placement have the tendency to focus on intrusive thoughts or obsessive ideas, making the natives see things worse than they really are, because of this they prefer to don't talk to much what they think to avoid being misunderstood. They have a powerful mind, great for visualization but they can be scared of it, if they train this aspect they can become great manifestators for attracting the things they desire into their life. In their childhood they could feel their enviroment as threathening, where they had to keep their eyes wide open to prevent other people's intentions torwards them. In their adult life they keep this alert sense, sometimes overwhelming their nervous system because of that child wound. The relationship with siblings or cousins use to be complicated and with a lot of hidden competition between them, as well as their first years of school they felt like nobody was worthy of trust. They must be careful with their neighbours and when they make short trips (trips on the country they live in).
Pluto in the 4th: The source of the emotional complexes of these natives use to come from their family roots or their transgenerational tree, there could be some traumas related to their experience with the father figure or the part of the family related to the father, maybe because of an early death or abandonment. As a water house, these natives tend to hide and repress their feelings deep down to avoid getting their heart hurt, deep inside they are very sensitive and emotional but they prefer not showing this part of themselves, this is one of the most intense and deep of Pluto's placements. They can read people like books, their intuition is extraodinary, if they don't like someone after a while they find out the intentions of that person weren't good. The wounds of their past use to manifest mostly in their domestic life, through their life they use to experience some crisis that impose a chage in the familiar structure to evolve for a most positive stage. They heal very fast from illness and sorrows, very resiatant people but aftaid of being vulnerable, if they find a way to channel their sensibility they can heal even their ancestor's wounds, as well as improve their intuition and psychic abillities. Learning how to dive into the subconcicious can make them find hidden treasures. Their way of ending situations can be very drastic and dramatic, they cut from the roots and hardly gives a second chance.
Pluto in the 5th: These natives have the inner need of express themselves openly, they usually move between feeling like kings looking for power and authority and feeling like they can't recognize in themselves the things that makes them unique. They like to win and can be a little obsessive about it, they are competitive to extremes, the aproval of other people is very important to them, making them feel powerless if people don't admire what they do. The relationship with children can become problematic, they will be the mirror of the dark parts of the native that haven't recognize in themselves, some may feel that having children can take their freedom away. For women is important to take a lot of care for themselves when it comes to pregnacy or giving birth. These natives can be very posessive over their children overprotecting them or trying to control what they do. Romance is another place where emotions turn into a rollercoaster, they are prone to validate themselves through the sexual conquer and the power games, sometimes their relationships are too dramatic. Pluto asks to these natives to value their worth in a different light, learning the importance of humility and reciprocity, understanding that othe people's light doesn't turn of the inner light of this natives, they have an strong willpower and knows how to motivate people when they are feeling low, a good way for channel their energy is through creative activities
Pluto in the 6th: This placement is a little difficult to deal with, the major conflicts in the subconcisious mind manifest through the physical body. A negative mindset or emotional state can drive them to suffer the consecuences by a physical illness, even if it is in a unconcious level, their mindset is aligned to the good functioning of their body. Understand how their mind, body and feelings are connected can help them to improve their daily life and make them feel healthier in every level. They have an strong connection with nature, mostly with animals, if they have a pet they should analize if they are projecting over the pet any unsolved wound they have, these placement has the tendency to take care of the pets but not taking care with the same affection to themselves. Routines and daily tasks are very important to their emotional balance, they must be careful of become too obsessive about it, feeling like their day is ruined if something gets out of their control. These natives are great workers with a big sense of responsability, they also have an extraordinary capacity of concentration. The relationship between coworkers can become complicated due to power games, an excesive criticism or sexual tensions in the workplace. Pluto in every earth house doesn't get along with authority figures, in the workplace there can be conflicts with the boss. Is veey important for them to feel really passionate about the work they make, they need to feel like thwy are doing something useful for other people's lives, if they don't resonate with their work they can try to sabotage the situation and escape.
Pluto in the 7th: Pluto is the planet for extremes and the 7th house is all about balance and harmony, it can be a hard placement to deal with but can become a beautiful source of transformation. For these natives, is really difficult to trust in other people, this distrust is bigger with their romantic partners. They can be possisive, jealous and demanding in their relationships but if they don't recognize this dark side of themselves they will project them over other people, sometimes they attract romantix interest with those characteristics. Their distrust in their partner use to lead to distance from people they really love, making them swing between pide and sadness for the lost chance, if they don't feel well with their couple they tend to sabotage the relationship to be the other part the one who takes the step, sometimes they live relationships so intensely that they end up burning it. In some cases the decease of the partner can lead to a personal transformation in the way they face relationships. They are prone to power games in the shadows with their romantic partner, Pluto's energy leads them to balance this aspect giving the same power to both parts of the relationship. These natives are great for help and guide people that are going through hard periods of their lives.
Pluto in the 8th: These placement makes people with intense impulsive tendencies but with a powerful self control of their emotional world. Sometimes their passions gets so intense that become overwhelming, they need to recognize if they are angry or excited, these natives are the kind of people that starts with a discussion and solve it in the sheets. They have strong defense mechanism to avoid getting their feelings hurt, they hardly show vulnerability to others but they are deeply emotional, the pressure they feel because of repressing their feelings can lead to explossive argument or a fit of rage. The best way to avoid this situations that brings more conflicts is looking for a way to channel those energies, high-performance sports or activities with a little dose of risk, like martial arts, parachuting... These natives are passionate with a high libido, sometimes they use sex as a way to escape from their reality. They crave for a significant intimate bound but can be scared to commitment and reject chances of conections that could be very fullfilment, in some cases they end up in tragic relationships with a lot of emotional draining, that's why they prefer to keep their guard up. These placement offers a great intuition if they take the courage to listen to it, they can feel very attracted to occultism/mysticism, sex and what happens after death, they have the abillity to to catch the energies from a place and predict what is going to happen, they have an strong inner power to reborn from their ashes. In some cases I've seen this placement in people who had near-death experiences and somehow something inside thems asks them to understand in a deeper level the meaning of life and death.
Pluto in the 9th: This planet on the 8th looks for a meaning, in the 9th Pluto looks for a major purpose for their lives. They usually gets dissapointed with religions or gurus, feeling like they don't get to really see the image of god clearly with those religious doctrines. Their image of god is usually like the old bearded man seated on the clouds waiting for them to make a mistake and punish them for that, that feeling can lead to an unnecesary feel of guilt for little things that they think god won't approve, they sometimes blame god for the bad things in their lives. Pluto leads them to open their perspective and look for a more compassive, forgiving and indulgent image of the Divinity, if they get distance from what society says is correct they can find answers in holistic ways of life and take the hard moments of life as a learning with a meaning behind to get a higher level of consciousness. They can have a very nihilistic perception of life, becoming apathic people, they are passionate people with strong charisma and willpower, they have great ideas but they can sabotage themselves thinking about all the negative possibilities. University years can be transformative, they can switch the career they want to follow from one moment to the next. Traveling and getting in touch with other cultures helps them to reach a better understanding of themselves and get them close of the things that motivates them and makes them feel happy and alive.
Pluto in the 10th: This is another placement of Pluto that can be hard to deal with. They usually had a difficult relationship with the Mother figure, sometimes seeing her like someone dark or with negative intentions torwards the native. In other cases, when Pluto is well aspected, the Mother could be seen as someone brave and inspiring, with the abillity to turn negative things into something wondeful, in other cases, the early decease of the Mother could be very transformative. This native's first experience with the Mother figure will project over their public life and career, they can become obsessive about being important and their reputation to feel powerful. They don't get along to well with authority figures, they usually feel intimidated by them but refuse to show it. They must be careful with their hidden intentions torwards their succed or fame, sometimes, even if it's subconsciously the motivations behind are more related to the power and control they could have. Pluto leads them to focus in succed by doing something they really feel passionate about, they can be very admired and recognized by doing something they love, instead of looking for being an authority for the rest of the world. These natives have very high standards for themselves, they are ambitious and brave to achieve what they want no matter how much time it takes to get their goal. They must be careful with their reputation through their life becaude they could experience drastic transformations in the way the introduce themselves to the world, sometimes they shift their career as well and work in something completely different feom what they were doing before. Their biggest lesson is to feel grateful and satisfied with what they have while what they want is on their way, also is very important to find the career that really fullfils them. These natives have an special eye to see the structures from institutions that are no longer useful and find new ways to improve them, like the fuctioning of schools, prisions, hospitals or things related to laws.
Pluto in the 11th: These natives tend to move between self imposed isolation to avoid feeling misunderstood or feeling so related to a higher cause that they loose themselves in their own revolution. They deeply feel the need to find a movement that inspires them and can be a legacy of wisdom to future generations, they need intelectual stimulation or will scape the situation before it become too boring. They use to feel both attracted and intimidated to groups situations, mostly related to the improvement of social structures that are no longer useful and the evolution of society. They must be very careful about getting involve with radical ideals or jumping compulsively from a social cause to another to avoid their responsabilities with themselves or avoid their reality. These natives born with the need of finding their soul tribe or soul family, the people they can open up with and be themselves, they are also very talented with themes related to personal and psychological growth. Pluto here makes the natives focus first in the negative things in their enviroment, they are also great imagining the worst possible scenario for any situation, Pluto forces them to realize the power of their mind and use it to throw light over the positive thing or the learning behind the negative. These people usually have hard dissapointments with their friends because of lies or betrayals, but they can also make deep bounds with friends that last a whole life. Through their life they can completely shift their goals and hopes.
Pluto in the 12: Pluto in all water signs have a bad time expressing their emotional world, in the 12th this tendency becomes more intense. They are usually scared of their own instincts and impulses, feeling them so powerful that they think if they open up the door a little bit they can become uncontrollable. They don't get along with drastic changes if they mean they have to renounce to something they feel related to, feeling like they are loosing a part of thwir identity. They tend to be scared of death and what happens after that, also there are some doors in their subconscious mind that intimidates them and prefer to keep them hidden. These natives are deeply emotional and a natural conection with higher realms (I've seen this placement in charts of people that transformed their fears and developed their psychic habilities, one of them is dedicating his life to channeling from the akashic records), they are talented to swim in the depths of the mind to see the lights and and shadows in the same way, Pluto helps them to reach a better understanding of the Universe and themselves and how they are interconnected to each other. The hardest part of this is that they come to heal and transform not just their subcouncious but to heal the colective, sometimes they get so overwhelmed by other's negativity that they isolate from society a while to recover and recharge batteries. These natives use to have some problems with institutions or spend times of imprisonment on them. They are highly sensitive with the natural talent of healing, they can shift their perceptions of things and make aomething great from small places, even if their living conditions are hard they can turn the situation into something useful and beneficial that will help others in the future. Holistic therapies, astrology, meditation and the interpretation of dreams are careers where they become relevant figures, as well they can channel their eneegy through creative activities like drawing, music or poetry.
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marsintheeighth · 2 months
Astro tip
The planet that rules (real) love is Moon, not Venus
Moon = feelings, what you really CARE for
Venus = kindness, likeness, respect, appreciation, chemistry
You can be respectful, understanding and appreciative to people you don't necessarily have feelings for, that's what creates harmony (Venus). When emotional intimacy enters the picture (Moon) that's when love blooms.
Venus is more universal while Moon is more personal.
Of course this does not invalidate Venus' role in love matters. She's in charge of keeping the relationship going cause after all you can't really have real love without respect and a relationship dies down if you care for someone but there's poor chemistry, connection or attraction
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marsintheeighth · 3 months
If you have Uranus as your dominant planet/chart ruler or Aquarius in your big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising)/Uranus aspecting Sun, Ascendant or Midheaven, never be afraid but NEVER to show your true side/true - self to people, everything about you is authentic, different and unique and if people can't handle that, well that's their problem. The thing is to never hide your true self from the world ⚡⚡⚡⚡
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Revolutionary, Uranian Babies
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marsintheeighth · 3 months
AstroObservations: How to make people feel special?
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🌟 The 5th House indicates how we make others feel special:
• 5th House Aries: Aries makes others feel special by pampering them. They encourage and energize their loved ones with their leadership and enthusiasm.
• 5th House Taurus: Taurus makes others feel special by giving them the value they deserve. They provide patience, trust, and material security to their loved ones.
• 5th House Gemini: Gemini makes others feel special through communication. They interact with their loved ones in a witty and intelligent manner, seeking to understand them.
• 5th House Cancer: Cancer makes others feel special through emotional approaches. They offer emotional support to their loved ones and create a warm and protective home atmosphere.
• 5th House Leo: Leo makes others feel special by acting as if they are the only person in the world. They prioritize their loved ones, offering attention and prideful environments.
• 5th House Virgo: Virgo makes others feel special by using thoughtful words. They pay attention to details, assist their loved ones, and provide practical solutions.
• 5th House Libra: Libra makes others feel special by behaving harmoniously. They strive for harmony with their loved ones, emphasizing justice and beauty.
• 5th House Scorpio: Scorpio makes others feel special by sharing everything. They build deep emotional connections with their loved ones, providing emotional depth and trust.
• 5th House Sagittarius: Sagittarius makes others feel special by including them in their dreams. They embark on adventures with their loved ones, introducing them to new experiences.
• 5th House Capricorn: Capricorn makes others feel special by finding solutions. They are responsible and help their loved ones achieve their goals.
• 5th House Aquarius: Aquarius makes others feel special by including them in their social circle. They involve their loved ones in the community, encouraging innovative and free thinking.
• 5th House Pisces: Pisces makes others feel special through sacrifice. They offer emotional support and share their imaginative world with their loved ones.
•.¸♡ 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑨 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ♡¸.•
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marsintheeighth · 3 months
Astro obs part 9
🐌 The planets in your 12th house indicate your sleeping style:
Sun in 12th house - their sleep schedule is extremely messed up; for them, daylight hours = nighttime hours and vice versa, so they have trouble being themselves during the day; their true self comes out at night
Moon in 12th house - goes to sleep very late; full moons have a special effect on these people; their intuition is more clear at night; as kids, they probably slept a lot with their mother
Mercury in 12th house - loves texting/calling people late at night; they might journal their thoughts before sleep because they overthink a lot and it helps to clear their mind or maybe they just like to relax by reading a book at night
Venus in 12th house - cares a lot about getting their "beauty sleep"; sleeps with sleep masks on, buys expensive bed lingerie, skincare night routine might be very important; loves sleeping in general lmao
Mars in 12th house - enjoys working out before going to sleep, can go to sleep angry because they tend to get into conflict more at night than during the day
I have Uranus in 12th house and i can be both a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper, depending on where i am. For example, when i'm traveling, during the first night i wake up several times, but from the second night on i sleep like a baby lmao. Another thing would be that i can't sleep in a quiet car but i don't have any problem sleeping during a thunderstorm
🐌 Mars in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sag) and Mars in 3rd house individuals love riding motorbikess
🐌 While Mars in 9th house peeps would probably love to go on a world tour on their motorbike. The sign ruling their 9th house represents the countries they would love to visit (i'm aware that some of these can only be visited by plane, take it with a grain of salt): 
♈ in 9th house: Ireland, Poland, Japan, Zimbabwe
♉ in 9th house: Israel, Cuba, Paraguay, South Africa, East Timor
♊ in 9th house: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Montenegro
♋ in 9th house: Canada, USA, Bahamas, Argentina, Slovenia, Madagascar
♌ in 9th house: Hawaii, France, Italy, The Netherlands, India, South Korea, Peru, Bolivia
♍ in 9th house: Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Vietnam
♎ in 9th house: Belgium, Portugal, China, Equatorial Guinea, Lesotho
♏ in 9th house: Panama, Spain, Turkey, Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE), Lebanon
♐ in 9th house: Finland, Lithuania, Romania, Tanzania, Thailand
♑ in 9th house: UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, Camerun
♒ in 9th house: Greece, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka
♓ in 9th house: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Mauritius, Saint Lucia
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🐌 I have a feeling Pisces Suns like to spend their time in a garage lmao. Mostly because their opposing sign, Virgo, would hate to spend time in a garage due to how dirty it can get.
🐌As a 7th house Sun who's been in love for almost a year now (haha, are we surprised, ofcours not; i'm not even in a relationship with him but ugh we're so perfect for each other), i realised that Sun in 7th house people tend to behave differently with their partner when they're in a healthy relationship vs when they're in a toxic one
Sun in 7th house in:
♈ Aries in a healthy relationship: empowers their partner, knows how to balance me time vs us time in a healthy manner, encourages their partner to take safe risks
♈ Aries in an unhealthy relationship: impulsive, impatient, selfish, dismisses their partner's feelings, often controlled by rage, prone to abusing their partner
♉ Taurus in a healthy relationship: veryyy generous (their love language is gift giving), accommodating to their partner's wants and needs, cooks for their partner
♉ Taurus in an unhealthy relationship: stubborn af, hard to please, focused more on the material gain from their partner rather than the love they share
♊ Gemini in a healthy relationship: curious, always lightens the mood of their partner by cracking up tons of jokes or telling them funny stories, knows that communication is key to everything so they're not afraid to discuss serious topics, teaches their partner a lot of random stuff
♊ Gemini in an unhealthy relationship: superficial, doesn't have a problem moving on from their partner to another person in a matter of seconds, if they're still in school/college, then they prioritize studying over their partner
♋ Cancer in a healthy relationship: nurturing, knows how to balance babying their partner vs being babied by their partner, emotionally vulnerable, feels safe enough to present their partner to their family early on in the relationship
♋ Cancer in a unhealthy relationship: if they don't trust their partner, they tend to become emotionally closed off to hide their deep sadness; defensive, but if their partner attackes them, then they'll hide, worries excessively, avoids presenting their partner to their family
♌ Leo in a healthy relationship: treats their partner like the king/queen they are, keeps their ego in check so it doesn't interfere with the relationship, if they've got artistic talents (music, acting, art etc.), they'll show their love for their partner by performing in front of them
♌ Leo in an unhealthy relationship: egocentric, shows off their partner/relationship too much out of pride, often feels entitled in the relationship and wants to be put on a pedestal by their partner
♍ Virgo in a healthy relationship: selfless to a healthy degree, remembers every lil detail from every casual conversations with their partner just to please them, remembers every important date and plans ahead for it, takes care of their partner when they're sick
♍ Virgo in a unhealthy relationship: critical, overfixates on past hurts and mistakes that their partner made in the relationship (often times their partner doesn't even remember those things because they're usually not that serious), loves their pets more than their partner
♎ Libra in a healthy relationship: romantic, charismatic, truly values their partner and the relationship with them, acts fair in the relationship, teaches their partner lovingly about the importance of honesty, truth and a healthy give and take dynamic in a relationship
♎ Libra in an unhealthy relationship: doesn't prioritize the relationship; instead, they flirt with others despite being in a relationship, emotionally detached, cold and calculated in their current relationship
♏ Scorpio in a healthy relationship: loyal, loves their partner deeply and intensely, but without suffocating them, keeps their partner's secrets like they're a locked safe box with no public access
♏ Scorpio in an unhealthy relationship: obsessive, manipulative, seeks to dominate their partner, displays stalkish behaviour in the relationship, liar
♐ Sagittarius in a healthy relationship: exposes their partner to various cultures, belief systems and philosophies to expand their mind and form their own opinion on certain topics, loves freely but is still able to maintain a long-term relationship, improves their partner's mood, usually brings an element of surprise and excitement to the relationship
♐ Sagittarius in an unhealthy relationship: travels in order to avoid dealing with their partner, parties a bit too much, doesn't take the relationship seriously
♑ Capricorn in a healthy relationship: loves their partner in a mature, serious and secure manner, doesn't shy away from improving their partner's social status and/or career if they can, discusses plans for the future (getting married, having kids, adopting pets, buying a house) with their partner early on in the relationship, they make time for their partner, despite the fact that they're busy most of the time
♑ Capricorn in an unhealthy relationship: displays no emotions or physical affection in the relationship, has a hard time communicating their thoughts with their partner, settles in a relationship for the wrong reasons (money/kids/safety/"i'm getting old and i need to have my life established"), prioritizes work/career over their partner
♒ Aquarius in a healthy relationship: flexible, makes their partner's dreams and aspirations come true (whether they're related to the relationship or not), has got a very open-minded attitude towards their partner's opinions, lifestyle and identity, takes the time to become friends firsts with their future partner because they value a relationship built on solid foundation (often times their partner is also their best friend), knows how to balance couple time vs time with friends
♒ Aquarius in an unhealthy relationship: displays wishy-washy behaviour, emotionally detached, prioritizes their friends over their partner, seeks online validation from strangers and acquaintances to fulfill their needs
♓ Pisces in a healthy relationship: sensitive to their partner's emotions, knows how to balance wearing their heart on their sleeve vs hiding their emotions in unfavourable circumstances, always honest with their partner
♓ Pisces in an unhealthy relationship: prone to drown their relationship problems and sorrows in alcohol, drugs and meds for mental health issues, runs away from problems instead of dealing with them with their partner, displays dishonesty to a fault, prone to self-sabotage
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marsintheeighth · 3 months
Where you can grow through your Jupiter ♐️🍀
(Jupiter is the planet of luck , expansion , knowledge and growth it is ruler why is Sagittarius/Pisces)
Jupiter 1st house
these people can see things and experience it from every angle and point of view , these people can grown a lot through being expressive and understanding along with sharing knowledge/teaching/experience about similar things they’ve been through. That can help them grow a stronger connection with everyone and themselves as well these people have a great sense of idealism , wisdom and dignity because they are all about being themselves and just living life
Jupiter 2nd house
these people can spend money really fast and lavishly , but they can also attract money/finances and self esteem very easily and fast so they want to help others expand and share their self worth and gain with others but also being humbled while doing it , they can handle money really good and smart and can have a good idea of how finances and money works.
Jupiter 3rd house
These people will love to talk , learn and research anything that piques their curiosity or interests these can grow through initiating conversations and asking questions learning more about something or someone and they are can be really clever and good at analyzing and understanding people and overall how things work these people are or can be blunt , slick and super manipulative if negatively aspected maybe.
Jupiter 4th house
These people love or can experience challenges with families, mom or having stable home but they can grow from making their own family and living in their own home they can freely decorate and express themselves with maybe even moving outside of their hometown to feel comfortable and free. And they have a big heart , empathetic spirit and don’t hesitate helping others or comforting them even giving someone there all and not expecting nothing in return.
Jupiter 5th house
These people can be very helpful and generous with sharing their creative talents and ideas , expression and love can come very easily to them because they want other people to feel loved and heard as well but mainly themselves and how they look while doing it.
Jupiter 6th house
These people can grow through having a good and enthusiastic work ethic and they are very passionate about details , problem solving and helping others who need guidance or direction, they can be people who multitask and are willing to take the time to learn from their peers and experiences. Their daily routine can be just spontaneous or spur of the moment activities that they really need to do to feel good and motivated people
Jupiter 7th house
These people can have a very active and fast love-life , they can have a very outgoing and diverse relationship history with multiple people who they have been with in the past , they could marry someone different from their own and can grow through being outgoing and witty in relationships and or even a wise view on relationships and overall love.
Jupiter 8th house
These people can grow through trusting people and expressing their vulnerabilities with others regardless of what the past did to them , these people are all about expressing and experimenting when it comes to intimacy and possessions.
Jupiter 9th house
These people are the definition of they saying “JUST DO IT” and not caring what others say or think , they like to try everything at least once and can have a very challenging time finding what they want to learn or focus on next in life , they will most likely grow and expand through traveling , teach and being philosophical about things and being very open-minded
Jupiter 10th house
These people can be very monotone with their career , relationships with the father and or having doubt in their public image and how other people see them but they can be seen as someone who is fun , loud and honest with others. These people can have a very positive but realistic view and outlook on their own work and goals they will not stop until they are satisfied with their results and hard work that paid off for it
Jupiter 11th house
These can have a big friend group of multiple people and backgrounds they are helpful and outgoing with friends and likes having fun with them, these people deeply care about humanity and will try everything in their power to help others as well as their friends, they aren’t really focused on themselves as much.
Jupiter 12th house
These people have a good sense of intuition , intelligence and wisdom about everyone and everything they love helping other people in need or whenever they can and have some trust issues, these can having trouble understanding or finding what they believe in or being able to express their opinion openly
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marsintheeighth · 3 months
♀Venus Signs and Seduction♀
Aries Venus - The Burning Flame
how they seduce: When they feel a strong pull towards you, they must have you, so they will immediately try to get your attention. They are normally very open and blunt and they will tell you what they want and how they want it. They are very likely to take the lead and show you how they like it by guiding your hands or just straight-off telling you. They will take your breath away with their tremendous passion and intensity and they know how to touch and kiss you until you are begging for more.
how to seduce them: They love the thrill of the chase, so make them conquer you because they want to earn your affection. They probably like little fights under the sheets with a lot of body touching.They possess an incredible amount of energy and passion, so give them all you have and more. Heat is very important, hold them, trace your fingertips over their skin, they want to feel your warmth. Playing with their hair, running your finger through it or even pulling it a little and touching their face is a big turn-on since Aries is the ruler of the head area.
Taurus Venus - The Sensualist
how they seduce: They will make you feel so adored. They will enjoy touching you, hearing you breathe, tasting your lips and skin. They take their time because they need to capture every inch of you and every moment you have together. They just generally like to have you around them which is why they are great cuddlers and will hold you very tighly to make you feel safe. They looove spending every free minute in bed where it is warm and they are alone with you .
how to seduce them: Let them see and know you completely.They will love to know every inch of you because they are best with the things they know. Give them a lot of physical affection, they want to really feel that they are loved. They probably like some good and alluring lingerine or a nice wine since they appreciate everything that intensifies the pleasures of love. They might also enjoy kisses on the neck or dirty talk since they are the ruler of the throat.
Gemini Venus - The Siren
how they seduce: They will bewitch you with great stories and words of kindness that will make you want to know more about them. They are very charming and know exactly what to say according to the situation you are in. You will feel like their best friend because they want to tell their loved one everything they feel and all that has importance for them. They are unbelievably stormy lovers who love to spice it up, take you on adventures and try something new and they know damn well how to kiss.
how to seduce them: Whisper sweet nothings in their ear and do not be too shy to talk about what you want and how you want it. Open communication is very important for this placement. They need fun in a relationship which is why they love playing games. Tease them, try new things, role-play and kiss them in every way possible because they love this shit. Intellectual and deep conversations are extremely arousing for them, so take your time, listen to them and discuss things with them before you take it to the next level.
Cancer Venus -  The Rose
how they seduce: This sign is especially known for seducing their lovers through caring for them or protecting them. But most of all they want you to be theirs entirely, they want to be able to touch and kiss you as often as possible. Venusian Cancers can sense your feelings and are able to adapt to them. Suprisingly, they know every trick there is to win the affection of their crush: they can use every feminine/masculine wile theres is, from mother/father to beauty queen/king and sex symbol. They will not only love but admire you for the beauty you possess inside out. Once they feel comfortable around you they will want to explore the adventures of love with you but they will most likely enjoy staying in because there they will not have to share you and are not afraid to be themselves.
how to seduce them: They looooove cuddling and touching you. Hugs and every other act of physical affection means security for them and therefore is a way to show them that they are safe. Their ideal men/women are typically masculine/feminine, at least in their fantasies and they are the sign most attracted to breasts. Not only physically but also mentally they search for a deep connection, so do not be afraid to show how you feel and what you want. Feeling is immensely important to them and you have to give them time to sort out what kind of emotion they sense when they are around you. But when they know what they feel around you, they open up to the point where everything is just natural, warm and suprisingly passionate.
Leo Venus - The Femme/Homme Fatale
how they seduce: This sign knows damn well how to seduce the subject of their desire. They enjoy looking good and getting the attention of those around them. They will dress, walk and talk to impress you and their facial as well as physical expressions sparkle with sex appeal. Probably most of all, they are persistent to the core and if they want you, they will hunt you like a lion(ess). They are very energetic and wild and most likely intoxicate you with their honesty and straightforwardness. While they want sex to first and foremost be a pleasure for them, they can not stand to be anything less but the best lover you had, which is why they will want to indulge you until you are completely satisfied just to see the gleam in your eyes or the smile on your face. They like to know that you want to be exclusively with them and desire to possess you.
how to seduce them: People with Venus in Leo want to be treated like royalty, showered with affection and romantic gestures. They can only feel good in your surrounding when they are comfortable with who they are around you which is why they want to look good for you. This placement wants to experience love with burning passion and just a hint of drama which is why they usually enjoy trying out new things in the bedroom or other locations. You need to stand out from the crowd to catch the attention of this sign (speak with passion, show your unique talents,..). It’s hard for them to separate love and sex which is why they need to sense a deep-reaching understanding between you two before they take it to the next level.
Virgo Venus - The Good Girl Gone Wild
how they seduce: This sign is fiercely devoted to you and enjoys handling the trouble in your life. They are very intelligent and reliable which is why you will feel safe in their surrounding. While they may come off as shy, sweet and polite, Virgos in Venus have serious potential to be aroused by kinks and everything unusual. They pay close attention to your body language and therefore know exactly what turns you on, determined to use that knowledge to your benefit. Most of all, this sign  is always good for a suprise, they are spontaneous and curious in bed and love to learn new things and show you new sides of themselves.
how to seduce them: Although they seldom ever tell you, those born with Venus in Virgo have some very dirty or unique fantasies and love experiencing something new in their bedroom. If you take the lead and express your ideas and desires in an open manner, those fantasies can turn into reality and bring some real passion under the sheets. They might feel a little insecure about their looks but they will give you all the love they have when you show them that they are the most beautiful person on earth for you. They generally expect you to be thoughtful and to see the details. They can not be with someone who is not able to read their body or face or think of something to make them feel better when they are sad.
Libra Venus -  The Enchanter/Enchantress
how they seduce: They carry an aura of aristocracy and elegance others admire and long for from afar. They are sweet and caring and love to spoil you with kisses, flowers and other affections in any form. Their smiles are usually disarming and they are polite from their head to their feet. They want pretty much everything to be beautiful which is why they will set the mood before having sex, lighting candles or arranging the sheets. Being beautiful themselves is also very important since sensual lingerine or red lips can get them exactly what they want. They are gentle lovers who enjoy being touched softly and with meaning but can definitely roughen up when they feel a strong connection to you.
how to seduce them: Since Libras in Venus worship harmony, they can not stand people who constantly need confrontation or drama. A surrounding of peace and understanding is more than arousing for their sexual appetite and they will want to spend some time in bed with you when they feel comfortable and loved around you. Romance is what keeps them lively and happy in a relationship and they will care for you if you fulfill their fantasies fuelled by movies and books now and then.
Scorpio Venus  - The Enigma
how they seduce: Their gaze conveys power and it seems like it is looking right into your soul. They can be very intimidating and mysterious but you long to uncover and know them although they may seem cold and reserved when you first meet them. They seem to promise intensity and commitment and are deeply sensual when it comes to sexual pleasures. They want to feel everything and combine deep physical and mental understanding to a sort of ecstatic experience. A Scorpio in Venus partner makes you feel understood and desired and sweeps you off your feet with their overwhelming passion which can be sensed in a very high sex drive.
how to seduce them: Lay your soul and heart bare at their feet and show them who you really are because they have no interest in people that barely ever express their feelings or true self. They love warmth and fire and people that sparkle with energy and life and passion is one of the essential things they need for an exciting sex life. Intimacy is also very important for them and they will not like it if you are someone who kisses and tells or drags your private life into the public. Honestly, there is not much you can actually do when the connection between you two is lacking. A Scorpio Venus will always love deeply and unconditionally when they sense a certain depth, loyalty and chemistry.
Sagittarius Venus  - The Adventure
how they seduce: They come across as optimistic, idealistic and lively and they just take your breath away with their love for life and all it has to offer. They can easily slip into excessive behaviour and you start to wonder where all those life inside them comes from. They are not bound by restrictions or rules and everything is just so easy and exciting with them, no secrets or taboos or pudency. They have a certain innocence about them and in bed they just charm you with endless giggles because they love to laugh. They are very direct in their approach to love and sex, so do not expect them to play with ambiguity, it is more likely that they will straight away tell you when they want to have sex.
how to seduce them: In a relationship honesty is essential to them, they do not like to hide their feelings and thoughts and they do not want to have a romance which is based on misunderstandings. So you should better tell them what you want straight away and they will surely appreciate that. Be open-minded and adventurous because they enjoy giving their love and sex life a new direction. They are easily  bored when sex or romance get too predictable, so try new things, change locations or positions or just generally soften or roughen up. Also make them feel alive, take them to beautiful places or challenge them with a different opinion/point of view, be everything but ordinary. They want love to feel like it is light and pure joy instead of serious business.
Capricorn Venus  - The Lady/ The Gentleman
how they seduce: They provide an alomst unreal amount of stability and warmth and you just have to feel at ease in their company. They might charm you with some very traditional flirting rules, like holding the door for you or taking your jacket. They can be real charmers, because they seem aloof and considerate at the same time. Alpha-males/females is one term especially accurate when it comes to Venus in Capricorn because they just naturally like to take the lead and show you that they can care for you. Their sexuality is deep and powerful but not a thing they want to be dragged out in public. What they do in the bedroom is a silent secret between the two of you and they would never hurt your intimate connection by kissing and telling.
how to seduce them: They generally fall for people that convey power, confidence and stability as they search for comittment and long-lasting relationships. Their approach to love is very mature, so they probably will not connect with persons that are volatile or unreliable. In bed they trust in experience and consistency because they probably know how they like it best and how it feels perfect for the both of you. If you want them to do something for you or to try something new, you have to challenge them because they are eager to prove their love for you every day. In fact, Capricorn Venus is a placement that feels very deeply but may never tell you about their emotions but you can show them that you understand this by holding them or just being there for them.
Aquarius Venus  - The Rebel
how they seduce: Those born with their Venus in Aquarius may seem unapproachable and a little cold which is not necessarily less magnetic than the burning heat of an Aries or a Scorpio. They just generally are not that good with commitment and like freedom, which is why some of them may not like the idea of a relationship at all. They are, however, very experimental when it comes to their sex-life and they love to try new things, although they might be too shy to turn their fantasies into reality.
how to seduce them: They need someone who is not only able to satisfy their physical but also intellectual needs. Talking about your ideals, philosophies or mantras is very interesting to them and also kind of arousing. They like intelligent people who look behind the nature of things. They can be quite turned on by situations that are unusual, like a love-affair with a married man/woman or cyber and phone sex (any situation where no direct commitment is needed is attractive). This placement is one that has no problem separating love and sex and might has a “friends with benefit”-relationship. They need their freedom under all circumstances. If you can show them that you will not try to change them or restrict them in any way and make them feel like they are in the company of a good friend, you stand good chances of receiving their undivided love.
Pisces Venus  - The Dream
how they seduce: Venus in Pisces is gentle and soft with a dreamy gleam in their eyes and an indescribable patience and acceptance. People with this placement will love you for who you truly are and they would give up themselves to please you. Nothing gives them more joy than to give and receive love and being their partner leaves you fulfilled and strangely complete. Their fantasies often mix with reality and they often seem more like a desired dream of yours. They pay attention to the details and love physical affection, so it is not unusual that a little touch from your fingertips leaves them with a racing heart. They want physical and mental intensity and search for purity and immense feelings in bed.
how to seduce them: They love romance and fantasy and sometimes they may search for their knight on a horse or their princess in the tower. Not only a connection to reality but also a strong contact to dreams and fantasy is required if you want to understand them. They search for someone tender-hearted who holds them when they are sad but is also able to turn their romantic ideals into reality. You should not be too straight-forward but gentle, also in bed. Although they enjoy caring for you and fulfilling your pleasures, you should definitely show them that you adore and admire them for who they are. They actually enjoy to try out new things and passionate people really turn them on.
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marsintheeighth · 4 months
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marsintheeighth · 4 months
Luck in 2024 🧡✨
Jupiter moves in to Gemini in 2024.
🌟Starting the first post of 2024, with some good news.🌟
On 25th May 2024, Jupiter moves into the sign of Gemini and this will bring much luck to the areas where Gemini is in your chart.
🧡 Read for Western charts, Whole signs.
🌟Aries rising, Gemini in 3rd house:
You can be lucky if you are in school or pursuing any education, good grades, good school I have noticed even if it doesn't go your way now, in long term it will be beneficial, meet new friends and peers, luck in learning and gaining skills, gain through friends, increased travelling, luck from traveling, education little far from home, new learning through experiences, income from hobbies, honing your talent, winning awards, achieve something significant
🌟Taurus rising, Gemini in 2nd house:
Lucky in matters of money, gain money, good time to start a business, dual income, multiple jobs, attract attention from others, family may expand, lucky time to start a family or expand family, smooth time with things you are self teaching, may eat a lot, gain luxury items, someone in family completes their education, family business thrives, luck through possessions, good time to work on self worth
🌟Gemini rising, Gemini in 1st house:
Lucky in general, anything you do will present itself with long term implications that will be beneficial, attract attention, lucky in education and learning, lucky in partnerships and making good impressions, good time to work on self worth, healing period, luck through new experiences, prosperity in career or anything new that you will start, meeting someone significant or even a long term romantic partner, new projects will be successful, gainful year
🌟Cancer rising, Gemini in 12th house:
Lucky in spiritual matters, meditation, self reflection will prove extremely beneficial, foreign travel, luck may not be evident but will be working, lucky in the company of high energy people, choose people wisely, good time to work on those dreams and make them reality, starting meditation will be beneficial, protection from higher energy, be humble and practice gratitude, meeting soulmate, spritual mentor will prove beneficial if you have any, good year to improve intuition
🌟Leo rising, Gemini in 11th house:
Lucky in friendships and networking, meeting people you will gain from, luck in group activities and charitable deeds, good time to start working on that bag and your dreams, putting efforts towards careers, dreams and aspirations will pay off, if not now in the long run, gain income, dual income, two jobs, profit from friends and peers, victory over jealous people, gain from luck siblings, better relationship with siblings, learn something from siblings or peers
🌟Virgo rising, Gemini in 10th house:
Lucky in matters of career, good promotion, getting Desired job, higher pay, good reputation, lucky through your job, might meet people you gain from, a good mentor, beneficial learning through your job, taking on more responsibility, happiness through your job, attract attention, someone will look up to you, luck in changing jobs, working on your dreams, and efforts towards your career will pay off, lucky with bosses and salary increments
🌟Libra rising, Gemini in 9th house:
You will be lucky in education, good grades, good school, lucky while travelling, lucky in foreign land, gains through foreign people, learn something beneficial through foreigners, starting education can be beneficial, starting spiritual practices will be beneficial, protection from above, have faith, gains and money from grandparents, meeting soulmate in foreign land, gains from mentors, meeting a great mentor
🌟Scorpio rising, Gemini in 8th house:
You will gain through others, businesses may earn well if you employ other people, getting loan will get approved, lucky with intimacy, luck meeting good lovers and having good s*x, introspection and solitude will bring benefits, may spend time alone, a major good change possible, lucky with relocation, money and debt, success in finding out a secret or discover something big, meeting your future spouse, good time for marriage, healing period, protection from jealousy people
🌟Sagittarius rising, Gemini in 7th house:
You will have luck with people in general, partnerships and relationships, good time to get married, start a business, start anything, success in impressing people, attracting attention and many lovers, meeting new people will be lucky and bring gains, meeting someone influential, meeting future spouse or significant partner, gain from partners, earning well from business, success at forming long lasting relationship, meeting someone you will have long term connection with
🌟Capricorn rising, Gemini in 6th house:
You will be lucky if you have a job, with your colleagues, you will see success for projects yoy will take on, success in health matters if you start something new, success in recovery from injuries, good healing period for both mental and physical health, good time to get a pet or expand your living situation, if you get a roomate they can be lucky or long term beneficial, you will be lucky from jealousy peers, success in noble acts, lucky in daily day to day activities, promotions can happen, extra income, gains from job or peers, meeting colleagues you will benefit from,
🌟Aquarius rising, Gemini in 5th house:
You will be lucky if you are in University or starting education, learning period will be beneficial, will meet some new people and make long lasting friendships, can get a part time job, joining clubs or societies will prove to be successful, gain money and income, travel for vacations, focus on leisure activities and doing things you love, focus on happiness will be major theme, creative endeavours will be successful, romance will fly, meet someone significant, may meet soulmate, can take up gambling, adopting new hobbies will prove beneficial
🌟Pisces rising, Gemini in 4th house:
You can get a car, a house or land, income may improve, family may expand, success for someone in the family, family business can prosper, feminine energy will prove to be lucky for you, you may be lucky in getting things done in your home town, doing things that will bring happiness, meeting love in home town, big gatherings or even marriage in family, good time to get married as well, matters of heart will bring you happiness, learning from someone feminine, a feminine mentor will provide their guidance, new projects related to your comforts and housing will prove successful
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🌟🌟In sidereal the transit will happen on 1st May where Jupiter will enter Taurus, if you believe in Sidereal more, check which house Taurus is in and read for that house. 🌟🌟
© notanastrologer 2024, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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marsintheeighth · 4 months
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marsintheeighth · 5 months
This is your sign that your financial situation is improving drastically. You will now experience money flowing into your life easily and effortlessly. Attracting money will no longer feel like a struggle to you. You will now see yourself as financially abundant. Pass this along.
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marsintheeighth · 5 months
Manifesting Using Astrology <3
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so, the planet venus gets its reputation as the planet of romance, beauty and love, and it is all of those things! but venus also represents the planet of how we attract things in life (situations, opportunities, people, etc lol)
what i want you to do is look at the sign that your venus is in. that sign is the energy that you use to attract things in your life.
🔥 fire venus people (aries, leo, sagittarius) will attract things by being actionable/operative.
aries venus will attract things by being a leader/taking action in situations
sagittarius venus will attract things by traveling long distance/being curious. really getting out of your comfort zone too.
leo venus will attract things by being creative/putting their creativity to good use.
🌍 earth venus people (taurus, capricorn, virgo) are going to attract things by dedicating themselves to something.
capricorn venus will attract things by dedicating themselves to a singular task. being stable/structured & trusting yourself.
my taurus venus people, you guys are naturally powerful at manifesting the things you want whether you notice it or not lol, your thing is just deciding what you want and sticking with it. specifically planting/being grounded can benefit you as well
virgo venus people tend to be overthinkers a lot of times. really thinking/visualizing positive outcomes can help attract the things you want.
💧 water venus people (cancer, scorpio, pisces) will attract things by really getting in touch with their emotions
cancer venus will attract things by literally just feeling safe/putting themselves in opportunities that make them feel safe
pisces venus will attract things by really diving into their dream state/meditating or indulging in higher thinking. tapping into their spiritual side.
scorpio venus will attract things in life by transforming themselves and keeping their desires secret.
🌪️ air venus people (gemini, libra, aquarius) will attract things by using their assumptions
libra venus will attract things by really connecting with their beauty/pleasures & aesthetically pleasing things overall. making pretty vision boards full of your desires can be very beneficial for you.
aquarius venus will attract things by doing your own thing and breaking any rules that don’t benefit them positively. basically just releasing limiting beliefs overall.
my gemini venus people, just like taurus venus people, you attract things very easily & this is because you have the gift of gab. you’re able to attract things by just speaking it into existence. constantly talk about your desires and watch them sprout into fruition. (im a gemini venus and affirming for my desires NEVER fail)
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© slut4astro ✭ tips are highly appreciated! (in bio)
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marsintheeighth · 5 months
Your venus sign & your love language
(dark mode recommend)
“What are Venus signs & what do they mean?”
Your Venus sign can represent your love language, what you’re attracted to, how you love, your beauty, how you express your desires, passions, and what you value, and how you relate to and experience pleasure. It can also tell you about your personal traits and aesthetics, as well as your relationship with finances and material possessions.
Energy: Feminine.
Sign: Libra/Taurus.
House: 7th/2nd house.
Venus changes signs every 20 days.
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Venus in Aries:
People with their Venus in Aries tend to fall for people quickly. They like the passion they feel while crushing on people, & love when their partner acts possessive or obsessive with them. They themselves can also be obsessed if they decide that the person they like is “the one” for them. They love really passionately and hard, but they may choose bad partners because they’re attracted to the more intense relationships. Even though they fall easily, their passion burns quickly. Even if they are obsessed, if the passion they feel isn’t on going, they’ll drop the crush or loose interest and move on to another person. They may like a lot of arguments or just verbally/physically aggressive partners or just tend to fall for them more. They can be impulsive when it comes to love because it’s like a rush of excitement for them and they may not treat it as serious. They can be people who love to chase, but I think they should go for someone who is actually invested in the relationship but still keeps the excitement there. They like people who are independent & have their own stuff/business going on because they are attracted to people who are ambitious and powerful. But in the relationship, they wanna be the one who’s powerful, it’s kind of like they want to show off their partners. So it’s kinda like a little bit of balancing. These individuals can also one very bold.. they’re like the type of people to walk up to their crush and tell them they like them. Even though they do care for people, they care about themselves way more. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, but sometimes it can be since it created problems in relationships. They may fear that by being with someone they will loose their power & independence.
Celebrities with their Venus in Aries: Shakira, Marilyn Monroe, Christina Ricci, and Tyler The Creator.
Venus in Taurus:
People with their Venus in Taurus are very wise when it comes to relationships, even if they haven’t been in any. They like to remember certain things that their partner would like, and then perform those actions for them. They’re not really interested in a lot of love type verbal communication, but instead they will perform actions because they know that sometimes words can’t be trusted. They’re going to do things for the people they love just because they love them and therefore the people they care about deserve it because in their eyes it’s very special if they actually love you, which means that you’re worth everything to them. They really know how to make the other person feel appreciated and happy, and they themselves feel happy when they see this. When they see someone they like, they may not do anything about it because they know that the person is going to come to them one way or another. Their energy and time is valuable, which makes other people attracted to them. They’re probably very physically attractive, and they like their partners to be attractive as well because they just love things that look good. They don’t mind waiting for a good, dependable partner who has their life together to enter their life because they’re just patient when it comes to love. They may stay in bad relationships or jobs for the wrong reasons though, like money or other forms of security. They can have some boundaries when it comes to love because they’re a little afraid of what might happen because if they get hurt then it’ll make them feel unsafe in future relationships. When people who like them try to move forward in the relationship, the native will be cautious of them… but even so, they do still tend to invest a lot in their relationships. They love people who are ambitious, and that have money.
Celebrities with their Venus in Taurus: Johnny Depp, Ariana Grande, Kanye West, and Lana Del Rey.
Venus in Gemini:
Natives with their Venus is Gemini are attracted to people who are good at speaking or people who are just good at putting words together, they like people who know how to act in social situations and people who are intelligent and well-liked too. They can be a little blinded though because they tend to follow and listen more to peoples words instead of actions, and this can cause misunderstandings and struggles. They can commit if they really want to but it’s kind of like they’re afraid of the intensity of the emotion, and they don’t want to feel trapped. They can be very cool and suave when showing interest in the people they like, and remember the little things. They want someone whom they can connect to on an intellectual level, not just an emotional one which is why they may seem cold. They like people that can keep up with them in many situations, & are interested in learning about different types of beauty, art, and love styles. They can get a lot of their love from different places like friends, family, themselves, etc. They don’t really need a partner, and having a significant other isn’t always on their mind either. It may even be the last thing they think about. They can be very on and off in love though because they may think they like you one day and then the next you’re not even on their mind. I do have to admit, they are very charming though which makes people drawn to them, or they can just be on the friendlier side. When they spend money, they may be very reckless and naive about it. These people may not have a “type” just because they tend to fall more often peoples minds rather than looks as much. However, they are harder to get to commit because the person they’re dating really has to meet what they need.
Celebrities with their Venus in Gemini: Megan Fox, Jennifer Lopez, Tom Holland, and Margot Robbie.
Venus in Cancer:
People with their Venus in Cancer are very loving. When they fall, they fall hard and are immediately infatuated. In some relationships, they need security and reassurance or else they’ll feel like their partner doesn’t love them. When they feel like they’re secure and their significant other loves them, they are very sweet and wonderful. They’ll remember everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. However, they can get overly obsessed with people they like which can make them dangerous. They’re the type to fall more in love with people that are serious, dominating, protective & just people who make them comfortable. They get very obsessed because sometimes the other person doesn’t like them back, and it’s like they feel very intensely about the other person so they’ll go to great lengths to make them theirs. Their love is so empowering when given to the right people, and they have such angelic and innocent-like beauty. They’re genuinely the best lovers that you can get. They’ll help you heal, nurture you, etc. They want deep emotional connections and bonds with others. It’s tricky for them to tell others how they actually feel because they’re used to having their emotions invalidated or ignored. They will do anything and everything for the people they truly love. They may often find themselves thinking about past relationships which can make they cry tears of joy or sadness depending on the emotion it carries. They can like taking care of people, or are just really good at taking care of people without noticing. They can also have a more motherly energy to them, which might attract kids to like them. If they get married, they want to make sure they have a secure & stable lifestyle. Even if they do get obsessed sometimes, they’re not gonna fall for just anybody & do have some sort of standards people have to meet. When they like you, they will act clingy, caring, and vulnerable. They’re genuinely the type to fall in love at first sight.
Celebrities with their Venus in Cancer: Devon Aoki, Angelina Jolie, Adriana Lima, and Lily-Rose Depp.
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Venus in Leo:
It’s harder to get people with their Venus in Leo to commit to a relationship because they need to know your worth and what makes you beneficial for them. They want the best experience when it comes to love & if they think you’re not going to give that to them, they will most likely disappear. But, they can be gullible to love bombing because when they see that someone is giving them what they need, they’ll get so excited and then ignore the red flags. They can be described as elegant and charming when it comes to their beauty. They really do want to be worshiped and adored. They like people who show them off and people who really take pride in being their partner. They like being won over & having people compete over them because it gives them the sense of power that they need. However, they can be difficult to win over in romantic settings but they are definitely very generous and lovely when it comes to friendships. They can sometimes be very cocky when trying to impress people they’re interested, which can sometimes drive the other people away. They’re really great at planning dates and special days for their significant others though. They really do love themselves though so sometimes they may get a bit egoistical. They really enjoy receiving compliments. They can flirt with other people they don’t really like just for the attention which may mislead some people. But when they genuinely do love you, they’ll be so loyal and will have the biggest heart. They can be so generous in relationships too to the point where they give too much of themselves away. They need people who have that same big, fun loving energy as them to really feel loved. These individuals are really set when it comes to people they like. They don’t have to worry about it because they’ve already made up their mind, so you’re going to know whether they like you or not. They’re also very magnetic and can easily become popular.
Celebrities with their Venus in Leo: Selena Gomez, Monica Bellucci, Lindsay Lohan, and Coco Chanel.
Venus in Virgo:
People with their Venus in Virgo tend to really over analyze their relationships a lot, which then leads to them creating “flaws.” They want partners who are really interested in them, and partners who can see small things and details about themselves that they can’t. They really like their partners remembering small details about them and then bringing it up later. People with this placement really want to provide for their significant other. They want to provide stability and order in any relationship they have. It can take them longer to fall in love because they just don’t really need a relationship. They’re fine on their own however, this doesn’t mean they don’t want a relationship - but it could. They may not get into a relationship unless they think it’s worth their time, and they’re not going to be with anyone unless they will benefit or get something out of that person that they can’t find in themselves. They like to study the people they like to understand why it is that they feel this type of way towards you. They would literally want to learn everything about you, like what you love, what you hate, etc. So, they may not be the most romantic or sensual Venus sign, but they study you so that they can give you the type of love that’s perfect for you. They’re very smart when it comes to love, relationship, and money. They can be extremely selective with who they decide to like. And they usually have a type or just like high standards. They really just need to be seen and need to feel like they’re special with their partner. They can attract a lot of people, but they have trouble when it comes to attracting the person they actually love. They’re really funny and they like more simple, elegant and traditional aesthetics.
Celebrities with their Venus in Virgo: Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Bella Hadid, and Blake Lively.
Venus in Libra:
So starting off, they are very romantic and just great at talking. They are very beautiful, however they may get scared of showing that side of themselves because they may be afraid to seem weak or vulnerable. They can act really clueless in love when they actually know a lot. When I say they are good at loving people, I really do mean it. They know how to love each person they care about in their life just perfectly. They probably like romance or romantic movies & they truly do want to be treated like a queen or king. They just want to feel that their partner really does love them. They will of course give the same affection back and take care of you too. Honestly speaking, they are like hopeless romantics. They can be really big flirts, but once they find someone who really captures their attention, they will devote themselves and give all their time to that person. They can be motivated by love & relationships. They want things to be fair, especially in their relationships and they know how to make other people feel seen. But they often do need some form of validation (or a lot of it) for them themselves to feel seen. So, this may create neediness or just a clingy character. They have to start finding out who they truly are & they have to start getting validation from themselves in order for them to have healthy relationships and to find good people. They have very eye catching and elegant styles or aesthetic. And even if they don’t, they can still pull off any style. Although, they can sometimes be people pleasers & be taken advantage of just because they want everyone to be happy. They like people who know how to flirt like they do, people who have a good fashion sense, and people who know what they want. They also really like friends or just relationships where the person is down to do anything with them.
Celebrities with their Venus in Libra: Grace Kelly, Beyoncé, Jeon Jungkook, and Emma Stone.
Venus in Scorpio:
People with this placement tend to go for bad people or just people who are not good for them because they’re insecure. Of course, they might also get attached easily & may just become really obsessive very quickly but in a secret kind of way. While they do fall very hardly, they don’t fall easily. It takes them a longer time to decide if they want to be with someone, but when they do decide, they’ll most likely want to really stay with that person forever and they’ll be loyal. They have a very mysterious, seductive, alluring type of beauty that everyone wishes they had. This often draws others to them too. They’re intense and passionate when in relationships, they’re looking for someone who can give them everything. They also just unconsciously manifest romantic attention without even realizing it. There is some jealousy and possessiveness when it comes to these people though because it’s like they’ve already claimed their territory, but it’s honestly because they just feel really connected to their partner or crush to like a soul-level point & it angers them to have other people try and take that away. They love when their partners try to rely on them for something because it makes them feel needed and they like that. They’re sometimes attracted to more open people, or people that aren’t judgmental for them to feel comfortable (so that they can share their feelings) because Scorpio Venus’s don’t like to expose their emotions too much. OR, they can like people like themselves who are more mysterious & seductive. They need loyal friends who are trust worthy. A Scorpio Venus may also like more darker colors like black. They don’t really like open relationships or their relationships being out in the public, and they have a strong sex appeal.
Celebrities with their Venus in Scorpio: Leonardo DiCaprio, Drake, Avril Lavigne, and Kris Jenner.
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Venus in Sagittarius:
These people are definitely humorous and funny when trying to attract a partner, however they can be too unsure about their feelings for someone. They can be attracted to more obsessive people, however they also like people who show little to no interest in them just to see how charming they actually are. They’re kinda also just looking for that one person that really catches their attention. To be honest, they can be really cocky and full of themselves especially when it comes to relationships and love. This is also somewhat part of their “charm.” They’re also very fun and adventurous when in love. They can be big on commitment, but they’re just wary of who they give it to. However, this isn’t always the case. They need a partner that’s fun just like them otherwise they will get bored. The excitement of love is very important to them, so they may just be more impulsive when in love or in relationships. They don’t like being tied down in relationships either. They like to feel free because they know they don’t truly belong to anyone but themselves. They also don’t really like emotions or emotional people and even though they do want passionate love, they don’t want the commitment that comes with it OR they just want to feel free while in the commitment. They don’t like people who pressure them into restrictions but they do like people who are independent and fun and people who have some type of influence or power. Their emotions really come and go easily. At times, they may even be sensitive to rejection. They’d rather be surrounded by their friends rather than lovers because they find it easier to deal with friends because friends give you more freedom. They can show they truly love you by exaggerating the things they feel are important.
Celebrities with their Venus in Sagittarius: Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Kendall Jenner, and Nina Dobrev.
Venus in Capricorn:
Individuals with a Capricorn Venus can find it hard to express their emotional feelings in relationships. They’re the type to not want to show public displays or acts of affection but instead they would invest into the relationship. They’ll think long-term about the relationship. They like to feel needed, and their expression of love is really practical. They kinda just wanna provide and make their partner feel secure and stable. They’re extremely loyal, but they can be scared of love if it’s not secure. If they don’t feel secure in themselves or if they just feel like the relationship is not steady, this will bother them and worry them. They’ll try to be more intellectual when it comes to love, but they do want to be cared for in a nurturing type of way - they just don’t know how to tell this to people. They are extremely dedicated and determined when they find the person they want to be with forever though. They can be very blunt in their words, and sometimes people can kind of just misunderstand their energy. They like to look classy and proper. Professional clothing really suits them as well. They can also be SUPER sexual but people just don’t see this. At times, they can be controlling and VERY protective. When they like people, they can be quiet and shy but they’ll be very polite. They’re also not the type to tell everyone their crush, but instead will keep it secret or only tell their closest friends. They’ll only be secure when they’re actually in love too. They don’t care about people they don’t like, it’s not in a rude way either. They just don’t care. They’re the type to show their love behind closed doors. When they’re rejected, they can also just turn cold & vile just because they put their trust into these feelings and let themselves feel this emotion. They might also attract a lot of friends who have romantic feelings for them.
Celebrities with their Venus in Capricorn: Megan Thee Stallion, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, and The Weeknd.
Venus in Aquarius:
These people can be very unique when it comes to love. They are attracted to eccentric and “weird” or unique people. But that may also be their preference, so if you’re not at least a bit “weird,” they will not be attracted to you much in a romantic way. They can also be very straight up.. like they will tell you how they feel. They can also be the type to be a bit afraid of love of the idea of loving someone, but they actually do want to love someone. They’re more logical then emotional too when it comes to love because there’s sort of that “detached” emotion to them which makes them more logical. And this trait helps with them actually seeing the truth, and it helps them realize which relationships are toxic, and which relationships are actually good for them. They can explain and say what they want to say without being too emotional. They’re attracted to people who not only like their looks, but who like their personality as well because the Aquarius Venus native wants to know that this person will accept them for who they truly are, not just for what other people see them as. They like people who are genuinely interested in them & their hobbies. They like people who can flirt by asking questions which is stimulating to the native. They’re generally more attracted to having friends than lovers, and may even be prone to falling in love with their friends more often but they just really like the idea of having friends & that sort of relationship. They don’t like people who take their individuality away because they absolutely adore the freedom they have to be themselves. They might also be a little bit of an attention whore, but once they find the right person to get attention from, they are good. They look SO amazing in platform boots & oversized shirts.
Celebrities with their Venus in Aquarius: Paris Hilton, Jared Leto, Harry Styles, and Kate Moss.
Venus in Pisces:
These individuals kind of have an idea of what the person they love should be like, how they should act, etc.. basically like a whole script. But when the person doesn’t play into their fantasies.. they can stop being interested. So they tend to over romanticize things. They like sensitive, stable & creative people who like to take and receive love. They also like people who can hold a relationship but they have to have a certain chaotic aspect of themselves too. They love really deeply and it’s like they overtaken with love to the point of self-sacrifice, but they tend to choose the wrong people to give this love to. They’re usually used to attracting people who don’t give them the love that they need so then they project that onto others because they think it’s normal when in reality they do deserve to love & to be loved even though they may not realize it. They also love spiritual things like crystals, incense, etc. They also do genuinely crave love & can sometimes become child like when in love. However, they’re not really logical when it comes to love. They often miss red flags because they’re only looking for specific traits so they’ll be blinded by the other ones to even notice. They also really like spending money on family or people they love because of their generosity even though they may not have the funds to. They will really be empathetic to their loved ones’ problems, and they’ll really listen and just be there. Pisces Venus’s will honestly just have a crush on someone they don’t know just because they are attractive or fit their ideal type. So overall.. yeah, they can be really romantic but they can move on quickly & act cold as soon as the person doesn’t fit their fantasy.
Celebrities with their Venus in Pisces: Michelle Obama, Kurt Cobain, Kourtney Kardashian, and Kristen Stewart.
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marsintheeighth · 5 months
if one more person tries to talk to me so help me god im about to sprint backworts
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4K notes · View notes
marsintheeighth · 5 months
💗Jupiter & Your Luck💗
🌸Jupiter in the 1st house means that you are lucky with your appearance. You always have plenty of clothes and everything you want. Your style really changes a lot and you are always confident about everything you put on. For everything related to your appearance and energy, Jupiter brings you happiness. You know how to be you without listening to other people. You mostly have your own opinion that you stick to and don't let others knock you down. You're really confident about your body and everything you do. Every place you enter, people notice you. You also have optimistic and positive outlook on life. Jupiter here usually indicates good general health. You are also very attractive person. This placement makes you a magnet for other people. You are an inspiring person to many, and people with this placement. Also u can have luck with money and all the things in life.
🌙Jupiter in 2nd house- happiness regarding money, values ​​of things, material things. You can have luck with food, drink, music. You enjoy things to the fullest. You are charming, good talker, and knowledgeable in life. You have the proper mental strength and intelligence in your life. People with this placement can make anything profitable. They often become financially successful at a relatively young age. You are a person who has your own values ​​and you don't let anyone take that value away from you.
🦋Jupiter in 3rd house- happiness with relatives, brothers and sisters- you can have a very good relationship with them and you can understand each other well. You can also be lucky with cars and get your dream car, you can also do the exam quickly. You have the gift of speech and everything you say comes across well. You can also be lucky in that you can express yourself quickly with words. People may find your words inspirational and positive.
🛼Jupiter in the 4th house - happiness with family - you can grow up in a rich family or a family in which you feel accepted and connected. You have a good relationship with your mother, and she can buy or enable you a lot. In general, you can have a really good relationship with your mother and you can feel better around her and she gives you good energy. You can live in your dream house. Happiness with space. You can be lucky with where you live and always make some profit wherever you are. It can also mean that you will live in another country (or somewhere you always wanted to).
🎨Jupiter in the 5th house - you are lucky in that people quickly notice you and your talents. You have a talent for many sports or things. You can meet a lot of people that you have a really great time with. Your dates are often fun and usually the people you go on a date with are people that you like. You have good luck with dates, in general. You can also have a lot of fans or opportunities. You can win many times in gambling. People were born to enjoy life with jupiter here. They are warm, friendly, open to new people and new experiences. This placement of Jupiter indicates high self-confidence. You are optimistic and courageous about the outcomes of a new venture, and you are willing to take risks.
🩵Jupiter in 6th house - you are lucky with health and body. Many times you can have a routine that you follow. Your lifestyle is usually fun and interesting. You are also lucky with work. You can quickly find a job and have good colleagues with whom you get along well, but you can also have something of your own. You often find that financial abundance comes to you through your day job. New opportunities frequently come into your life through your job or coworkers.
🧚🏼‍♀️Jupiter in the 7th house - you are lucky with relationships, you can have the partner you always wanted. You can have a huge wedding and a really beautiful one. You can gain a lot in co-courts. This placement is a predisposition for popularity. You are well-known in your community and people like you. You are often turned to for advice. You can also have many connections, or sometimes you enter high society. This is a good position of Jupiter for lawyers, attorneys, judges.
🎧Jupiter in the 8th house - you are lucky with inheritance (many times you can get something that someone leaves you), you are lucky with finances and you can also get a lot from others. Many times you get from it when you invest money. Jupiter also protects you from misfortune, which means that anything can happen to you and she is happy on your side. If you get close to dying, Jupiter in the eighth house usually saves you. You can get away with a lot of dark stuff. You can also have happiness with deeper relationships and intimacy. When someone breaks your heart, you get over it quickly. You can meet someone who is rich.
🫧Jupiter in the 9th house - of course you are lucky in everything. This is the best position for Jupiter because it rules this house. These people are really very lucky in life and they don't even need to do much for it, happiness comes by itself. Many times you are lucky to see a lot of countries and the world. You can meet people who help you a lot in life and give you a new perspective on things, people who bring meaning to your life. Sometimes moving to a different country helps you improve your finances. This placement makes you enthusiastic and curious about the world. Adventure is what makes you feel alive.
🍬Jupiter in 10th house- you are lucky with your career and success. These people always succeed in life, no matter how. Since this is also the house of parents (especially father, grandfather...) you can get a lot of money from your father or grandfather, or they can help you a lot in building your career. Also with this placement you can often become a leader or a well-known person. Jupiter places you high up in your professional journey, makes you hardworking & prosperous. You like to travel and gain knowledge about different cultures and people.
☂️Jupiter in the 11th house - you are lucky with your dreams, you can realize everything you want. You can have many friends who are loyal to you and do a lot for you. In the group, people see you as a very smart and wise person. Your circle is usually well-educated, intelligent, and speak foreign languages well. Jupiter suggests that you are a generous person who has moral values. You often have a network of influential people who help you advance in life. Na socialnih omrežjih si hitro prepoznaven. People with this placement easily make new friends.
🧜🏼‍♀️Jupiter in the 12th house - many times you are lucky when others are not. Also u are very spiritual person. You have higher moral standards than most people, and you want to live up to them under any circumstance. You want to be good even if there is nothing in it for you. This placement suggests an old soul. You have an innate wisdom, and you are usually more mature. You love to spend time alone, and wonder about life. You often notice more than other people do, and you are easily overwhelmed by all those things going on around you. Lahko sam potuješ na kraje, katere si želiš videti in so ti blizu. You should always follow your gut feelings. Intuition is how your higher self communicates you. Sometimes even you don’t understand why you feel about something the way you do, but most often it turns out that you were right.
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